Who is today - one day after the election - the leader of the Republican party?


  • kcf - 12 years ago

    No one on that list. The GOP needs a fresh face. Certainly not the likes of polarizing divisive figures like Sarah Palin or Donald Trump. In fact, I think it would be best if the GOP split into two parties: Center-right and Far-right. Let the people decide which party best reflects their own interests. Wouldn't hurt if the Dems did the same; Center-left and Far-left. This two-party system is too restrictive.

    Also: impose limits on campaign spending. This year's election was ridiculously over-funded, by all parties.

  • JRG - 12 years ago

    It's irrelevant, the national media is controlled by the left and no matter who leads the right, the national media will not fairly report the facts. But love to read the Monday morning quarterbacking comments from the right and the Crowing from the left like their guy was superior. Only in the MSNBC world is a guy with no experience as a leader and a 4 year track record as a failure in his first attempt to lead consider superior to anyone.

  • Fly girl - 12 years ago

    Donald Trump, or maybe! Clint Eastwood!.. Either one of those helpful " clowns would be Great! Maybe, just maybe if the Republican Party would have picked a Real qualified, stand up, truthful Man.. One that dosnt flip flop on Everything he says you may have has a slim chance of winning!
    Face it Fox News! The best Man Won!...oh and maybe if you change the channel once in awhile you can open up your minds to what's Really going on in the country...news flash Rush,Akin,Beck,Palin and Limbaugh are not exactly "helpful" to your party! Oh and let's not forget Donald! Lol.....

  • Martha Casey - 12 years ago

    Sheldon Adelson runs the Republican party

  • Pastor John - 12 years ago

    Eight years 2 major losses, the status quo maintained, no new ideas, nothing that resonates with the other 47 percent. Immigration reform: we missed the boat there! The true arguement is securing our boarders, NOT what to do with 25 mllion sojourners to our great nation. What we do is make honest tax payers out of them. They DO NOT need citizenship to pay taxes (since they work ayway). The Govenor didn't connect with the people in the west. It was not enough to say go to my web site to see what I will do about tax reform. He NEEDED to SAY it out Loud! New leadership is needed, NOW. Oh and last Marco Rubio would have been a much better choice than Ryan (the lightening rod).

  • TotallyDisgusted - 12 years ago

    No one. But HLN's Ana Navaro would be a good start.

  • mowcow - 12 years ago

    Rush Limbaugh is the boss

  • Disappointed - 12 years ago

    No one is leading the Republican party... The GOP needs to stop pandering to evangelicals...
    There is not enough time to transform the GOP and there isn't any evidence that they're willing to change when Karl Rove and Jeb Bush still get air time.

    The Libertarian party is looking excellent for 2016...

  • Tina - 12 years ago

    No One

  • John - 12 years ago

    Whoever the GOP chooses in 2016 is should definitely include Marco Rubio... I'd like to see them pair him with either Gov Chris Christie or Speaker John Boehner... Boehner might be valuable since Ohio continues to be a requirement to be elected. Governor Christie is very charismatic and relatively moderate. To say a true conservative will ever again be president while sad is not realistic, people are increasingly more liberal in their thought process which in turn translate into their politics. I've already changed to independent.

  • TeaPartyRises2014 - 12 years ago

    One thing is clear, the "Old White Guy" Republican Party is dead in a ditch somewhere near the beltway.

    Paul Ryan is now a national leader in not just the Party, not just the TEA movement, but the entire Fiscal Debate.

    With the minority block firmly in the political spotlight after the narrow defeat in Florida and Nevada, this makes Republicans with an eye toward immigration reform, like Marco Rubio, even more important in moving the party forward.

    My personal hope is that in 2016 Republicans will forgo the more traditional candidates and go for a younger, bolder ticket. A ticket like Ryan-Rubio.

  • Dee, - 12 years ago

    We can BUILD a NEW AND better Republican party. Let Mitt Romney start the drive. Let him be our George Soros. He has the experience. He doesn't need money, he can donate his time. I believe, that he truly loves America and wants to serve.
    Let's concentrate on youth, great speakers, women, Gov's. Start today, vetting and grooming senators, govenors, etc. Even Dem have talked about our great bench. We need the old crew out!
    Get to the media...STOP BUYING THE PRODUCTS! PEOPLE! Start watching the 6pm news and write down the sponsors names. E-mail the companies with the reason that you will no longer purchase their products/services.
    Daily, a Repub should be in the media with the "talking point of the day."

  • Ninja - 12 years ago

    Republicans have no leader and our country has no leader. We will wonder aimless for another four years. There HAS to be good people out there!! Come on!! Republicans have their head up their a$$. Our vetting process sucks. We need to be building ONE candidate earlier in the "game". I think Romney had integrity and leadership potential but he had an uphill battle against his own party, the media, and the self-inflected choice of half of the american people to remain uninformed. By the time I discovered Mitt Romney, he was so beat up by his own party and his own party was so busy licking their own wounds to help the guy out-for love of country. I don't care that Romney was a moderate. Moderates have a tendency to work together with people of both parties. This country NEEDS bipartisanship. Too left or too right leaves too many people out of the picture. Pick anyone above and BUILD THEM!! Any relationship requires compromise, and our democracy does too! I think the Republicans presenting a moderate wasn't a bad idea and shows willingness to compromise - why did he not get more moderate votes? Too afraid he would lose republican votes if he was more vocal on certain issues? Conservative-Fiscal Responsibility-Minimal Government-Constitution! Redefine and Reenergize!! Discover why these radicals are voted in and re-elected (Obama, Reid, Palosi, etc. . . they don't compromise either)=Polarized Nation . . .We lost this one but we have the blessing of a Democracy and are still the greatest nation on earth!

  • Terrie - 12 years ago

    Time for a coaching change. The "leaders" of today's Republican party obviously have no idea of how to lead OR win a presidential election. As much as I dislike him, Axelrod ran circles around the Romney "plan." Hummmm - maybe Libertarian for me.

  • Happy Harriet - 12 years ago

    The Republican Party is finished, and it was finished as of 9/11/01, when Bush became a freak liberal progressive overnight, walking in his father's footsteps in the creation of "The New World Order". With no term limits on these fake and phoney "Republicans" in Congress, they are ALL progressive liberal airheads pandering for votes rather than getting a REAL job.

    No Leader, no Party, no Republicans - put a replica in the Museum of Modern History, please - someone - anyone.

  • FLB - 12 years ago

    Agree with you - I will also become an Independent

  • Selia - 12 years ago

    There is no "leader."

  • Tripmom92 - 12 years ago

    The Republican party is leaderless. Most likely I will leave the Republican party..... well, actually they left me. I am looking for a true conservative, (Romney was an moderate)
    a person of integrity, honor, courage, and a servant's heart ( one must be willing to serve their country to be political leader) and someone with some backbone, someone willing to fight for what is right. Does anyone like that exist anymore ? not sure, haven't seen anyone like that in decades.

  • D.D.Smith - 12 years ago

    There is no longer a Republican Party. I said a long time ago if they can't unseat the worst president in our Nations's history there will be a third party. I will change my affiliation to Independent.

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