Do job seekers need to color their gray hair to get hired?


  • Daidra - 8 years ago

    Here's the ironic thing about coloring hair for a job interview: it doesn't guarantee a person a job. I can definitely testify to this. I was unemployed for 9 months, looking hard for work, had interviews, etc. Then, I finally got an interview with a company I've always wanted to work for a couple of weeks ago. I'm 50 years old. I dressed the part just like for many other interviews, except this time, I didn't color my hair. It's short and curly and it looks attractive and I've been trying to get all the color out of it and let it go natural. I like their way it looks frosted and such--different colorings to it. I thought to myself, hey, lots of people even color their hair gray or whatever. I'm going to risk it. I went on the interview knowing that I'm competing against people younger than me. What I told myself is that I had experience in my favor and I wouldn't color my hair but show my "experience" through it. I did the best I could. The Lord knows I did the best I could with other jobs. Well, the great news is, I got the long-term contracting job and I start in a couple of weeks. I was/am very happy. I thought to myself, it's also a matter of being at the right place at the right time and hair color really has nothing to do with it. I say that a person, especially a woman, can look very attractive with silver hair if she takes care of it. Plus, act young too. ;-)

  • Marilyn - 11 years ago

    I personally think that you should do what ever you wish. Color or not color God loves you just the way you are. May God Bless all of you and have a Great Day

  • Keith - 12 years ago

    Seems like an issue of "want to'" versus "have to". "Have to" seems like potential violation of the ADEA. I wonder if the drafters of the legislation colored their hair? If so, never forget blondes have more for and therefore must be more productive in the workforce! lol

  • Kevin Epley - 12 years ago

    Shallow! Not an adjective I would want associated with a company who's hiring professionals use such measures in evaluating a candidate. I'm both greying and balding. So, it's more the bald spot I wonder if some interviewers are focusing in on? And...while I do believe "age" is a factor in many of my attempts to find a management position, I hold out hope that skilled professional hiring will prevail.

    Of course, it's all moot! Shave your head guys. So many have done so and I see them all over the professional landscape.

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