Should the president give in to Republican demands?


  • Terry Simpson - 12 years ago

    No, the president should not give in. What he should do is tax capital gains the same way other income is taxed. AND increase the tax rate on the wealthiest Americans to 50%. Increase the inheritance tax to 90% after expenses. Don't let people like Mitt Romney live off his father's labor - make him work for his money himself. Penalize employers who are making over 10 billion dollars a year and fire employees rather than give them health benefits. Make the rich play by the same rules everyone else plays by.

  • chevnly white - 12 years ago

    I think PRES.OBAMA should cut their pay if they dont want to work with him .REPUBLICANS are not running this white house or country so get to work send them packing ...........

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    Losers will all ways have EXCUSES!!!! What pathetic Losers you all are (repugs) Pres. Obama WON!!

  • F Jones - 12 years ago

    I think the republicans should just give everything to Obama. Then watch the country fall alot quicker then if they would block the so called president.

  • Monica - 12 years ago

    To all the nimrods, brainwashed, republican zombies all your crying & bitching isn't going to change reality. You dimwits lost & the Majority Spoke. Even with all the vote suppression and fear tactics that you republicans tried didn't work. Oh & NO our President will not be impeached, your woes on Bengazi is getting really pathetic. Pres. Obama do not bow to those impudent, rich tyrants theie time has finally come let the bush taxes run out!

  • John Brinckman - 12 years ago

    This poll needs to be refined. "Give in" is very ambiguous. At minimum, "compromise" should be an alternative.

  • James Wald - 12 years ago

    This body of congress (the senate) has rejected the president in every way possible to vote against 90% of his bills to better the country, and it's population, in steady they sign with Norquist for no taxes, which shows where their real feeling lie. They were voted in by their fellow man but elected to serve only one (Norqiest). So Mr. President put the pressure on them and give them some of their own medicine.

  • other opinion - 12 years ago

    How can so many brain washed people show up at one web site? What a bunch of nemrods. Stupidity abounds here!!

  • Anne Alfano - 12 years ago

    Every member of Congress swears an oath to "well & faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter." therefore, it should be illegal to sign any pledge such as Norquist's Blood Oath to never to raise taxes. Congress serves those who elected them - not some Washington lobbyist who has never held public office, never been elected or politically appointed to anything. Every Republican who signed to serve Norquist, instead of the Constitution, the American people and the United States government, has violated their Oath of Office and should be impeached.

  • Daniel - 12 years ago

    That will be crazily stupendous. It will take a foolish infant to do that. Why was he elected?
    What did he campaign for?
    He is wiser than that, that's why he said my quest stands and will be pursued but am open to logical thinking americans to make their inputs through sensible approach to "walk that path"

  • Peggy Du7ffey - 12 years ago

    This should be a time of demand and compromise. The tax rate for the wealthy, over $250,000.00, MUST be increased. I pay double the tax rate per dollar that Romney and Trump pay. Average Americans should not pay for all those millionaires who loophole their way to low percentage taxes.

  • tim rutter - 12 years ago

    President should not give in, If the bill cannot be passed now as the American public wants, then two years from now a full democratic controlled house can be accomplished. Roadblock removed, and bill passed, no problem. Voters will not forget.

    It is time for the Republican party to get the hint. I am a Reagan era republican, the country came first in that time, that is not the republican party now, just ask the voters.

    On a second note, the Republican party would be better served by conducting an "After action review" of the election to determine why they really lost the election instead of arrogantly thinking that they already know. (Hint..... A poll with three likes and dislikes). They are very out of touch. Reset and maybe I will vote Republican again in the future.

  • genie sims - 12 years ago

    not just no, but hell no!

  • Sandra - 12 years ago

    The president should not give into the republicans. They are only for the wealthiest americans. no deal mr. President no no no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • Teena - 12 years ago

    No. President Obama just did moderate Republicans a favor and gave them the opportunity to take back their party by getting this issue resolved.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    To the people who want to march on Washington ,there is about half the population who might march on Washington to protect the house and there rights.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    You people are mentally touched .You could take every penny the wealthy have and you would not put a dent in this financial mess created by last two administrations.Obama promised welfare to Hispanics to get there votes. Blacks voted 90% for him because of race.His media witheld information to protect him.Fair tax is only way to fix this crappy economy.Taxing job creators is not gonna fix anything .

  • Dubious - 12 years ago

    Not one that has to do with jobs / the economy or health care...We need to finish writing the rest of Dodd-Frank into law...and initiate investigative policing of the large banks that are somehow still getting away with absolute atrocities, and their executives who HAVE TO KNOW what's going on, need to get marched on out the door on the 6:00 news in cuffs because most are preying on their customers in hard times. Those demands are very unpopular right now to the ones that are paying attention and paying our bills. Now's the time to keep the public aware of who's holding up proven recovery methods and vote more of em out in 2 years.

  • Scott - 12 years ago

    It doesn't matter its just a matter of time before his chain of lies about bengazi breaks and he is Impeached Ref:Petraiuses resignation just another smaal piece of his story fixing to unravel.

  • SJGTWITIEG - 12 years ago

    The People Voted & Spoke Loud & Clear! The people made their Mandate clear when they re-elected Pres. Obama, he should NOT give in to republicans. The republican's only mandate was to make Pres. Obama a one term Pres. You failed republicans get over it!! Get to work and get the job done, show responsibility, wisdom & respect. Obama Won he is our leader & President. Get to work rebulicans or we'll see you in two years!!

  • Rhonda T - 12 years ago

    We voted to raise taxes on the rich.......period, and if we have to we will march in Washington, no way can they get away with this again, our right to vote will have been compromised

  • Trish - 12 years ago

    I am torn on whether I want the GOP to compromise or not because if they don't compromise, maybe we will see the end of the destructive tea party, and an end to their obstructionism. Executive orders are in order!!!

  • Truthful Mom - 12 years ago

    Never, never -- President Obama was re-elected, the Republicans better learn to live with it or they will be their own undoing. If they want to live by the sword they will die by their own sword. Mitch McConnell should wipe that stupid grin off his face, he failed in his "one term President job" -- failed! Boehner should "man up" and stop being led around by the Tbaggers -- grow a pair John! Take Cantor, Rove, and Ryan with you. Don't forget Rushbull!!

    God Bless President and God Bless the UNITED States of America.

  • Shay - 12 years ago

    NO, for four years the Republicans obstructed progress. Instead of working for the American people they were elected to represent, the pledged to make sure President Obama failed. Well, President Obama did not fail and he actually accomplished quite a lot in spite of their obstruction. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE KNOW IT AND THAT IS WHY THEY LOST THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. The people are disgusted with their efforts to sabotage the President at every opportunity. It’s time for the Republicans to start working WITH the President for the benefit of the American people. If not, they will ALL be voted out next election!!!

  • Clara Lawrence - 12 years ago

    I think, WE ALL need to bombard Boehner with Letters from the American People. Flood his office daily with mail. He obviously does not hear! America screamed with Obama's reelection that we are all behind Obama's plan NOT ROMNEY,BUSH or Boehner's PLAN! Stop the GRIDLOCK! I am so sick of paying people that set on their duff's and do nothing! If Boehner worked for me I would have fired him years ago! We need to get the obstructionist OUT of Capitol Hill!!!!!!!!! I want to know WHO is behind BOEHner! Who is PAYING this Monster to do the crap he is doing! I wish I had 5 minutes with Boehner in a room with no doors and windows. Just 5 minutes to let this ???? Know what I think of HIM! He loves holding that Gavel! I want to see it ripped from his GREEDY hands!!!

  • kimberly brown - 12 years ago

    absolutley not! its time for the house to get on board with what the people have voted for and want or get voted out. The only reason we don't have the majority in the house right now is mostly due to redistricting in republican held states. I'm sick and tired of the corporations and insurance compies running our country. the people have spoken and the reason we are not further ahead right now is all because of the bush tax breaks and obstruction in the house and senate, well I have news for the Senante and old mitch he did not make the President a one term president so get over it and do some work. get rid of the fillabuster right now. We also have voted in alot more women who are not going to stand for 4 more years of trying to take our rights away. The President tried the first 3 years of his first term to compromise with these idiots and they had their marching orders because they can't think for themselves the tea party and big companies run them. They better find a new leader the President isn't going to fall for their shit anylonger let the taxes go up it helps this country just like when Clinton did it we will prosper, i'm ready for walking off the cliff if thats what it takes to get rid of once and for all the Bush tax cuts and deregulation of wall street i'm all in. EVERYONE should pay their far share of taxes and take the country back from the greedy bastards. They don't create jobs because they don't want to not because they pay less in taxes. I'm tired of trying to make them feel good so they can keep sending our jobs overseas.

  • kimberly brown - 12 years ago

    absolutley not! its time for the house to get on board with what the people have voted for and want or get voted out. The only reason we don't have the majority in the house right now is mostly due to redistricting in republican held states. I'm sick and tired of the corporations and insurance compies running our country. the people have spoken and the reason we are not further ahead right now is all because of the bush tax breaks and obstruction in the house and senate, well I have news for the Senante and old mitch he did not make the President a one term president so get over it and do some work. get rid of the fillabuster right now. We also have voted in alot more women who are not going to stand for 4 more years of trying to take our rights away. The President tried the first 3 years of his first term to compromise with these idiots and they had their marching orders because they can't think for themselves the tea party and big companies run them. They better find a new leader the President isn't going to fall for their shit anylonger let the taxes go up it helps this country just like when Clinton did it we will prosper, i'm ready for walking off the cliff if thats what it takes to get rid of once and for all the Bush tax cuts and deregulation of wall street i'm all in. EVERYONE should pay their far share of taxes and take the country back from the greedy bastards. They don't create jobs because they don't want to not because they pay less in taxes. I'm tired of trying to make them feel good so they can keep sending our jobs overseas.

  • Lori - 12 years ago

    Hell no, president Obama should start kicking some big time asses when it comes to those hard nosed, stinking white bastar*'s. I'm a white person who can't stand my own kind any morem ,meaning white racist pigs. The white ass O's have had the stage way to long this is why we are in this mess, I pray a white man never wins another election again, I will never support them ever again unless they are a good liberal..

  • stanley Hassell - 12 years ago

    I think The Republican should grow up It about that time. Be about business for the america people do your job.While your still in the house or before you lose it.

  • Sheila - 12 years ago

    No, do not give in! Mr. President, stand your ground for the people, "the people you represent". We voted you in to represent us, do that please, the people (the country) have spoken and can only count on you for our resolve.

    Mr. John Boehner, You are another serious blemish for your Republican Party. I was a Black single female Republican, but not since 2008. You and this party are now shameful. This country is about the people, and you and the republicans are about to find this out... Your party is "self destructing"......... We're all watching.

  • stanley Hassell - 12 years ago

    I think The Republican should grow It about that time. Be about business for the america people do your job.While your still in house or before lose it,

  • Char - 12 years ago

    No Way!!! This time Obama has to stand up to these Republicans in Congress and do what he promised all of us that voted for him! The Rich have to pay their share, no more deductions for all the things that normal people cannot deduct from their taxes! Approve the Senate Bill and absolutely do not change Medicare and Social Security! If the Republicans know in 2014 they may be out of Congres and the Senate if they don't start helping the Middle Class that sent them there. We democrates should start right now working on getting all of them out Washington DC!!!

  • M. Gonzalez - 12 years ago

    Not only should he not give in to any of the Republican's demands, he should investigate the 1% for tax evasion and go after all the money they've got stashed in their off shore tax haven accounts. You'd see how fast they'll be begging for the Clinton tax rates.

  • Lillian Phillips - 12 years ago

    Hell No from Dallas, TX and I am not a crazy or uneducated person.


  • Clara Lawrence - 12 years ago

    When John Casic tried to destroy the Unions in OHIO, People march in Columbus,Ohio until they where shoulder to shoulder against the union breaking! People I am ready to March! If anyone out there gets anything set up Please notify me. I am so sick and tired of being pushed around and put down for working all my life to earn a retirement check, Then these Fat Cats that have sat on their Butts and we have lost our credit rating and pay these Big GUYS pay check... I am sooooo Angry!!!!!!. Obama, YOU STAND and FIGHT. That is why AMERICA yelled so loudly at the POLLS. We voted for what you offered as a Plan. NOT BOEHNERS plan!!!!!! Let me know people I am READY and Waiting to hear there is a MARCH on Capitol Hill! I will walk to Washington if I have too! I am outraged!!!!!!!! Boehner is an Embarrassment to OHIO> That crying .......! If I said all I want too I will have to Repent!

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    In response to Susan Bs comment:

    There are 8 themes in Dr. Lifton's thought reform identity model. #6 is doctrine over person, in which past events or one's version of past events are so sacredly held that it is always appropriate for members of the group to alter, rewrite, or ignore evidence in order to be consistent with the logic of the group. The group members believe in their ideology so much that the manifestation of the ideology has now become physiological and - much like a drug addict - the individual seeks relief rather than a solution founded in righteousness.

    I would also posit that the totalism channel's doctrine is so sacred that it also fits #7, Sacred Science, in which there is no questioning of the Word, or originators of the Word vis a vis the absence of an alternative point of view on important political matters. Chris Matthews regularly mocks anyone that goes against the Word. People find comfort & security in the Word and in a circular psychological indoctrinating process the Word merges with the individual and soon either produces guilt or prohibits altogether alternative points of view.

    Question much Chris, Al, Ed, or Rachel, Susan? These polls are regularly 98-99% in favor; one would think that alarming...if one was thinking for oneself, that is, but it is more of a state in the brain of non-thinking or non-thought and agreeing, yet unable to comprehensively hold a discussion marginally off topic. So you Ed watchers have that in common with Rush Limbaugh listers - YOU'VE GOT THAT GOING FOR YA!

    Proles, all of you.

  • Norma Lopez - 12 years ago

    NO! It is time for Congress to get to work for the good of the nation. They were on vacation for the last 2 years!
    We, the voters need to be vigilant which Congressmen are not doing the work they were elected to do and let's fire them when they come up for re-election.

  • Samuel Tzu - 12 years ago

    Never!! The Right has been pitching hissy fits for the last thirty years..... it's time for them to stop, and this is the President to stop them. This is the electorate to stop them. If they refuse to compromise, so do the people of the United States of America... their bosses.....

  • Dorothy Carlos - 12 years ago

    As usual these rich B's all think they are above the law and can do and treat people and run this country the way they want. Wake Up and smell yourselves, you stink, The American people have spoken and have said want they want and expect from the Republicans.

  • Bonita Henderson - 12 years ago

    The President should never cave in to the Republicans! If they don't want to hear him give them to the American People, because we the People are not interested in their personal thoughts but what we need as a Nation!

  • Lotus - 12 years ago

    I am a Canadian who live in British Columbia and have always been taking an interest in America because I went to college there and now our neighbor .
    Congradulations to you , America , on having such a truly remarkable person as your president , and now his 2nd term !!! President Obama is an exceptional human being and the Americans know it ....
    Including those who constantly trying to obstruct him all along . I truly believe that now with the victory
    For a 2nd term , the meaning of it is even a whole lot deeper and heavier than the 1st term , your
    President knows that he is carrying a lot , a lot of his fellow countrymen on his back and these folks
    Are now trusting their everything in the hands of their president .
    May God bless President Obama and God bless the United States of America !

  • Keith Romeyn - 12 years ago

    WE THER PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! No More of Being BULLIED! No more special treatment! No more afraid of hurting the wealthy's feelings! It's time WE ALL PAY OUR FAIR SHARE! DO OUR FAIR SHARE! THIS! IS THE GREATIEST NATION IN THE WORLD! UNITED WE STAND? DEVIDED WE FALL! Either get in the BOAT,And Help PADDLE? OR? DROWN! IT''S YOU'RE CHOICE REPUBLICANS!

  • TA Douglas - 12 years ago

    We tried compromise with them before and they burned us. They need to realise that, despite what was said before by Winston, they lost this election. They lost the Presidency again, they lost seats in the Senate and they lost seats in the House. THEY LOST! What that means is the people, as expressed by exit polls, want the top 1-2% to pay more. The voting populace has spoken!

  • Clara Lawrence - 12 years ago

    I would love to see an INVESTIGATION on BOEHNER. Someone is paying big money to keep this IDIOT in Office. I would like to see him charged with TREASON to Our Country! This man has no concern for the American People. It is obvious to me that He is protecting someone! Is it the KOCK Bros or some rich Pac? I don't want our President to Cower down to this Evil BUNCH! Obama STAND STRONG! The American people have spoken and Spoken QUITE LOUDLY in my opinion. Let the Fiscal Cliff Stand. We can take it as a people. Then everyone will know what is going on. I personally think BOEHNER should be impeached and Thrown out of this Country on his EAR! Our economy is on the Brink here and these RICH unhuman selfserving BEINGS do not give a HOOT about America! Just their own pocket Books. I as an American demand an investigation of Boehner and the Rich boys out there that are supporting the ruination of OUR Country! We must stand strong American's We have already lost our Credit Rating. What else does These people want? OBAMA> We have your back! FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sandy D. - 12 years ago

    As John Boehner famously said, hell no we won't. We should NEVER give into the Republicans and not compromise with them on anything. They have stalled enough and have not done their jobs the last 4 years. They need to get with it and start working for the American people who put them in their jobs, the republicans need to stop bowing to Grover Norquist and all the other nut jobs who think they can run this country. The millionaires and billionaires need to pay more in taxes, not seniors, poor people or the middle class. Seems as though the wealthy have made enough money the last 4 years, they need to cough up more in taxes instead of hiding their money in the Caymen Islands and Swiss bank accounts. Again the President needs to hold his ground on NO compromises.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    Mr. President, we are behind you 100%! Let us move the country FORWARD!

  • Ade - 12 years ago

    When the president agreed to kick the can down the road in Dec. 2011, I said that he is willing to take his chance on this debate and let the electorate decide which way is best. Both the President and Mitt along with the Republicans presented their case, the electorate heard both sides and WE have decided that WE prefer the President's approach.
    This is clear, we understand it, The President understands it and WE have made a decision. So, what is it Boehner does NOT understand? He needs to let US know and we will SCREEEAAAM..!!! the details in his ear, SO he can get the message....


    Got the message NOOOOOW????

    Your Truly,
    Citizen USA

  • Darius Martinez - 12 years ago

    Hell no, the President has a mandate and should stand his ground.

  • Susan B - 12 years ago

    In responce to Winston's commit....The only reason that the Congress is still in GOP hands is because of the redistricting

  • seseniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - First, I was offended by the mumble Mitch McConnell's twit on the election night!
    This guys thinks that he can say anything he wants! Voters who voted for President Obama do not need the conspirator to speak for us! We not only approved but praised the President for his achievment in his first term regardless of Mitch McConnell and the tea party conspiracy acts!
    - We relected President Obama for the second term so he can sent Mitch mcConnell and his clouts who put their politics above the country and its people, those are not US politicians, they are unAmericans try to distroy the United States!
    - Karl Rove showed his true face the last couple of days, he further proved that the professional crook just lost his mind! People's Power (US Voters) just eneded his carrer for him!
    - We should have "Middle Class March in DC to Support President Obama!". The house should pass the President Job Bill!
    - Retire Mitch McConnell, Boehner, Canter and those who prevented the country progress!
    - We want to work with better and True Republicans, not those status quo politicinas!

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    Not no but h--- no! republicans need to do the right thing finally or get voted out in the midterms.America, let republicans know they are on notice.

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    Not no but h--- no! republicans need to do the right thing finally or get voted out in the midterms.America, let republicans know they are on notice.

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    Not no but h--- no! republicans need to do the right thing finally or get voted out in the midterms.America, let republicans know they are on notice.

  • Denny Ray - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not, no way, no how. Cut Federal funding to the South for everything except Education and programs for children.

  • Barney - 12 years ago

    The President needs to stand firm on the Bush Tax Cuts expiring, and tax breaks being given to the middle class Americans. It's time for the 1% to pay their fair share. Social Security, and Medicare should be off the table. The Republicans have made a mess of their party by being the party of "no" the past four years, and causing great harm to the economy of this country. Americas infrastructure needs repairing. Millions of Americans can be back to work repairing our country's roads, bridges, and schools. Let's hope the Republicans do the math and bring common sense to the negotiating table. Americans will vote them out of office in order to bring this great nation forward.

  • Susan B - 12 years ago

    Like I told one wealthy individual....If you can't live on 20,000 a month your living way beyond your means. I wish the tax rates would go up to 50% on those making more than a million a year, 75% on 5 million or more. Put back the Luxury Tax, increase the Estate tax. Just think what a great country we would have. No debt, great roads and bridges, and most important a well educated citizenry.

  • Joe Bet - 12 years ago

    Let's all go over the cliff; reintroduce a bill to give the middle class the required tax reduction, if they refuse to pass this bill, go to the people and relentlessly show the electorate that the GOP is an obstructionist radical party.

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    Once again the totalism channel has a poll 98%+ as some sort of "faux" proof. Don't be fooled by all-or-nothing thinking. Destructive cults have this in common with Ed.

    Ed presents illogical fallacies, just like destructive cults do. For example, "this election shows the direction of the American people want". This is circular reasoning, for it begs the question of "didn't the American people ALSO elect a Republican Congress"? The answer is yes. Thus, Ed counts on the inability of one to think critically for him/herself, become confused by difficult and complex matters, and when in a moment of stress one relieves one's stress by the first answer that 'makes sense to the indoctrinated member of that idology', rather than seek out a holistic answer of truth.

    Ask yourselves this question, how long can one preach that the democrats can do no wrong and at the same time a republican can do not one thing right before I question if the television program I am watching is nothing but pure indoctrinating propaganda? One week? One month? One year? It matters not and is idiosyncratic - set that timetable for yourselves and hold yourself to that timetable and when it passes, and it surely will, do yourself a favor and listen to Rush Limbaugh and experience a similar phenomenon. The time is now to begin thinking for oneself. Some will arrive there sooner than others, however.

  • Valerie - 12 years ago

    It's a new century, day, and time. The Senate has already approved prevention of the Fiscal Cliff. Now, the Republican Party must immediately cooperate to achieve positive goals and objectives for the good of all Americans with the deficit, immigration, voters rights, etc.

  • Willers - 12 years ago

    Absolutely no.
    But don't forget what happened to rational people in the 2010 mid-term election due to Democratic complacency and turnout. It's not too early to get revved up for the 2014 mid-term to hold the Senate and gain more in the House. "Two-thousand ten, never again!"

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    No, No, No!!! Boehner caved to the Tea Party zealots starting in 2010, and led a DO-NOTHING Assembly that is has been the root of most complaints about Washinton over the past 2 years. Romney/Ryan LOST the election - yet today Boehner sounds like those candidates speaking from behind a Boehner mask. Speaker Boehner - you are horribly overdue in listening to what the MAJORITY of American citizens expect from Congress!

  • Nanette - 12 years ago

    Absolutely NOT!

  • the a**hole - 12 years ago

    Hell NO!!! AMERICA HAS SPOKEN!!! WE WILL NEVER COMPRIMISE TO REPUBLICANS ANYMORE!!! They need to self deport if they dont like it! They need to get out of the way and let the democrats do what needs to be done! I personally say tax ALL REPUBLICANS 50% untile the debt they created is gone!!!

  • Kim D - 12 years ago

    No more giving in and "compromising." Now is the time to act. Tax the wealthy, stop the corporate giveaways, prosecute the Wall Street criminals and Banksters, and invest in our people in order to have a better future for all of us.

  • Karen Visoky - 12 years ago

    Don't Cave But..

    Do Compromise To Reward REAl Job Creators by doing this:

    1. Extend the Bush tax cuts now on all income under $250k/yr. This immediately gives a great amount of economic certainty to 98%+ of Americans and to the markets. As the economy improves, this issue can always be revisited to determine if taxes should go up, down or remain the same in this income category.

    2. No blanket extension of the Bush tax cuts on income over $250k/yr. Instead...

    3. Reward true job creators in $250k+/yr income bracket in this way: For each good paying proven (to the IRS) job created, attach a corresponding tax cut. This would truly separate the "job creators" from the "non-job creators" in this income bracket. (We all know that there are many people in this income bracket who have never created a job...and never intend to.)

  • Peter A - 12 years ago

    As John Boehner would say, HELL NO! And if the House GOP refuses to budge, tjey do so at their own peril. Good luck with that.

  • scott - 12 years ago

    I agree with above: NO! NO! NO!

  • JiveMthombela - 12 years ago

    The Republicans are behaving as if they won tghe election!!!!!

  • Sheila Montgomery - 12 years ago

    Haven't the Republicans had their way long enough? They say they care about the country and economy yet are not willing to help even a little bit. The president said the tax increase which everyone knew about before the election includes him. That is proof he cares bc he is backing what he says up.

  • timothy olinghouse - 12 years ago

    dom't worry about the cliff either . Once the deadline passes people will find that they are doing just fine ..everyone should help out some

  • Sammie - 12 years ago

    He has done ENOUGH of giving in to the Republicans over his first four years. It's time now for the Republicans to SUCK IT UP and get people back to work and stop padding the pockets of their rich friends!

  • Andrew Kearney - 12 years ago

    He needs to take a stronger stance with the Republicans. He tried in his last term to work with them and they had only one agenda and that was to get him out of office this year. They failed because the people don't want what they are selling. Give the people want they want and stop being so nice to the Republicans. Clinton would not have taken their crap.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    NO! NO! NO!

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    He won, they lost.

    He should tell the house republicans to get it together, or go to hell.

  • Christopher Hausen - 12 years ago

    The moneyed aristocracy have the resources to continue to accumulate wealth, despite the particular Gov't policies that are in place. This nation must increase revenues, so that we can invest in this country, and invest in those that truly create wealth-the laboring class. The laboring class has footed the bill and made the sacrifices for the last 30 years. It is time for the moneyed aristocracy to pony up!

  • Carol - 12 years ago

    I think if the Republican continue to play this game...we the people needs to let it be known through the polls that they will be voted out if they refuse to compromise with our President.

  • Sandra Mena - 12 years ago

    No, the Republicans need to know that the American People has spoken not the 1%.. We need the 1% to pay their fair share. They need to stop making money off the middle and poor people backs. They need to stop talking about entitlements, I paid cash for my social security and medicare. Think about their Congressinal Benefits that our taxes pay for, their Premium federal healthcare, outrageous retirement packages, 67 paid holidays, three weeks paid vacations and unlimited paid sick days. NOW THAT ENTITLEMENTS!!!!

  • Jo Ann - 12 years ago

    Heck to the NO! Been there, done that - use that pen President Obama - you have the power. You may have to move this all the way to the end by yourself - and the teabaggers will lose in 2016. MOVE US FORWARD - AS BEST YOU CAN.

  • KC Kennedy - 12 years ago

    Let the Bush Tax Breaks for millionaires and billionaires expire. Make the republicans stand in front of the entire country and state they will not renew the tax break for the middle class. Time to get tough. Stand tall and proud to be a patriot American. A patriotic American who does not bow down to the corporations and greedy 3% who have raped this country for 12 years. They did not PAY their fair share of taxes. Stand tall and don't let them get away with their bull.

  • Kelly L - 12 years ago

    That's hard to answer. This should be a time of demand and compromise. Pres. Obama needs to demand the house to finally start earning their pay and compromise to come to an agreement. But in no way should we forget the needs of the majority of American people. I truly believe the house has no choice but to cut a deal.

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