Should Victoria’s Secret have pulled the Native American-inspired outfit from its show?


  • john whitehead - 11 years ago

    I dont understand how people can lower themselves to racist comment in the year 2012. Its about respect nothing else. The items she is wearing are not things to be displayed like a costume. I am the father of a model and a beautiful one. This is a negative aspect that cannot be hidden from her. If you want to create native inspired clothing or items, do a little homework first and make sure your not trashing a huge culture.

  • Martin - 11 years ago

    First. Victoria`s secret showed respect and it honors them. But for the persons here showing no understanding and/or what this means and disrespects the heart of spirit. You are in my prayers....If not for you to "grow" a better understanding and some kind of insight to why this matters, at least for you to have brain enough to close your ignorant mouths....Toksa ake

  • Eddie N - 11 years ago

    you people that say suck it it up, you have no understanding what a head dress represents to us! That head dress does not represent any thanksgiving, most of us native find that day to be a we don't consider it a Honor and we don't want to see what we consider sacred on a half naked white women. what if we Natives took your white jesus and dressed him up in our feathers parade your jesus or your women in muslim garments? Those feathers are not just a costume but our religion, our belief system, only warriors earn those eagle feathers, not some money hungry tramp! you dishonor our ways of life by doing this, it is disgusting to us to see people that have no respect and common descents for our way of life only to see us as some dumb indian from a western that seen years ago. we are not your mascots, not all dress they way you portray us, we are not honored by this, we are not going to suck anything up, we did that for over 500yrs and we wont stand for it any longer! we are not impressed that your grandmother was a Cherokee princess, we laugh at you when you tell us these things because your ignorant. respect our culture and religion, those are the ways of our ancestors! they fought to almost to extinction to keep those things for us, million of our ancestors were murdered, raped, land stolen, colonized by boarding schools, mouth washed out by soap when they spoke their language, beat and molested by priest and nuns, and you people still want to take what we have left, you want us to sit back while you rape and make money off our culture, you still want us to suck it up! Well a big F**K NO!!!!! we are not! I am Sicangu Lakota and Mexica, Please my Native Relationsits time to stand up and be proud to be Native! Mitakuye Oyasin!

  • Dondi Pantano - 11 years ago

    If Native Americans found it offensive, yes pull the picture. I find the outfit which looks like the American flag offensive. This also, should be pulled.

  • Howard L - 11 years ago

    I was raised to understand that a person (or company or government) can't please everybody. So don't waste any energy and time worrying about it! And certainly don't be a cry baby about it. This applies to all ethnic groups and races. Suck it up and face reality.!

  • Earlene Moss - 11 years ago

    Victoria Secret is showing integrity when they realized that the Native American has a right to protect the value of their culture. Thank you, VS for showing respect for others. This makes me want to support your store more.

  • Judy - 11 years ago

    There was nothing offensive about the outfit or the model. If anything it is a compliment to Native Americans. Do we not wear Asian and African inspired outfits? They need to chill.

  • Bill - 11 years ago

    In today's society we have taken PC to the point of ridiculousness.

  • Judy - 11 years ago

    Forgot to mention, i'm part Choctaw Indian.

  • Eileen - 11 years ago

    The Native Americans are part of our American Heritage. Please, give us a break. Where oh where is our American FREEDOM ?

  • Carol Duncan - 11 years ago

    If Elizabeth Warren had worn it they would have been fine.

  • Ann Kenyon - 11 years ago

    Political correctness will be the death of our Freedoms.

  • Kiel Blake - 11 years ago

    What if a woman said she was offended by exploiting a womans body to show off undergarmets for profit on national television? I don't want my daughter to think that's acceptable. Do you? Huh...pretty soon we won't be able to speak or express ourselves at all. Come On Everybody.

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