Can Republicans reinvent themselves with minority voters?


  • Al Pascua - 12 years ago

    Of course not, the GOP became the Tea Party and they don't want to be like normal American Citizens.

  • Al Pascua - 12 years ago

    Of course not, the GOP became the Tea Party and they don't want to be like normal American Citizens.

  • Equality - 12 years ago

    Hateful & Vicious People/Group Never's a Fact! Bye Bye Republicans(-:

  • rakko - 12 years ago

    To the dismay of every forward thinking American, racism is still alive in America. Nowhere is it more evident than in the numbers cast by white Southerners in favor of Romney. The rural, votes for Republicans, IMHO, are due to the insular nature of those voting venues. A lot could be remedied if many of those Americans just tuned out of Fox News once in a while. President Obama's victory is PROOFf that the Right-Wing propaganda machine is flawed and untruthful.

  • Tina - 12 years ago

    No. Not until more Republicans begin to lead by example - not follow the lead. Balance of Power not Power of extreme. Unt

  • Luis E Alvarado - 12 years ago

    Never going to happen, they only hear about minorities while elections are about.

  • Anthony - 12 years ago

    For Republicains, money no longer changes everything. The government NOW belongs to the people!

  • Ruth - 12 years ago

    There is no way a Republican will ever get my Latino vote.

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    Our local newspaper ran an editorial writen by Krauthammer. He reflects the republican mentality when he wrote that the republicans should change, make the border fence more secure first, and then give the latinos now here amnesty, yes amnesty he said. Even an intelect like Krauthammer doesn't understand latinos don't want amnesty, they want equality.

  • YBIRDIE - 12 years ago

    I believe that the repubs are just a bunch of old, arrogant, racist, non-inclusive party. How can they reinvent themselves when they think they are superior to anyone else. You see they think that if they dress up their words we the minorities will believe them. Well guess what we finally got thru & we wil not stand still, be ignored, or not taken seriously anymore! We have found our voices and now have power, yes our VOTES; have made us strong & we will not be taken for granted anymore! Republicans will now have all the time they need to figure out how they will represent All the Citrizens of this Nation. We are growing in numbers & we will use our Vote & make our needs be heard.

  • Riverwheeler - 12 years ago

    NO!!!!!!!!! We will never be fooled by them again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    I think it id timer for Senator McCain to retire from the U.S. Senate!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    Base on Senator behavior on Public Media in the last couple of days, I regret to withdrawn my respect for a US War Hero to Senator McCain!

  • james watson - 12 years ago

    No. They have crossed the point of recovery.

  • Jodie Middleton - 12 years ago

    Up-date!!! I look at this election not only for 4 more years, but 12 more years. I feel now the doors have swung open for our new first Woman President 2016 will be Mrs. Clinton, an she most certainly will be re-elected for another term, this mean the door will open for another Democrat in 2024. GOD Bless these smart Democrats. Thanks again Romney for opening our eyes.

  • Winston Smith - 12 years ago

    Another mu poll by Totalism Ed!

    Dear Ed,
    Still waiting for the 1 good comment about a Repub OR 1 bad comment about a dem. Not holding my breath here. I rest easy knowing that The Ed Show is, fundamentally, at its core, just like Limbaugh, the Moonies, the Branch Davidians, JWs, Scientology - ie, there is only Ed's view and ANY comment or opninion outside of his ideology is subject to his persecution. Additionally, ANY statistic may be altered to fit his dogma, which is Lifton's theme of doctrine over person.

    Have a nice night, cult worshippers!

  • Gar - 12 years ago

    It's lamentably sad that they view Hispanics as one-dimensional! Hispanic folks care about jobs, education, politics, the arts, climate change, conservation, etc.
    I have spoken to approximately 150 Latinos that are acquaintances, people I know. They are all in agreement... absolutely NOT (would they change their vote for a Republican)!
    I watched Fox last night (I could only endure 1 1/2 hours)... I was not only sick, I was disgusted with the people they refer to as journalists. Sadly, the "Democrats" they have on their panels aren't the aggressive or 'quick on their feet' people. They were like stooges who just listened to the anchors rip apart our President and other Democratic politicians.
    But on many occasions it is our own fault. We are not equipped with the facts when the liars of the Republican party throw something at us. For example, all I heard today was McCain slamming Susan Rice and saying that her nomination was completely different than Condie Rice's nomination because C. Rice circumstances didn't have 4 people die. But I haven't heard one Democrat retort (emphatically)... NO, idiots 4 people didn't die... thousands DID! (We went to war because of her false information on WMD)!!! Not one Democratic pundit has brought this up. So... it is our own fault in many instances.
    Genuinely, I have NEVER heard so many lies as I did during this last election cycle. Why aren't we inculcating to people that what Romney said on his last conference call that he did exactly what he did when he was in the room with his wealthy friends (referring to giving "gifts to minorities")... THIS IS WHO THE REAL ROMNEY IS!!! We do not inculcate this (over and over again) so people truly understand who is prevaricating!!!

  • Andre & Pamela White - 12 years ago

    Yes, when they are replaced.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    We do not think that people who voted for Romney are all millionaires, I think they realize that it is time to take back their party now and kick the spoilers out!

  • Pam Williams - 12 years ago

    Re-invent themselves? How about just "being themselves"? Well then there is the problem!

  • Jodie Middleton - 12 years ago

    I now can see why our children are doing the things that they do (like stealing, telling lies, lack of education, having guns and killing people. They think it is OK. They are being trained by the GOP.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    My political and economic professor once said "One way to change the stubborn, stupid , obsolete leaders of an organization is - VOTE THEM OUT, and if it is not soon enough, then recall them!" It is up to the Republican memberships to update their party's platform!

  • Cecilia - 12 years ago

    What amazes me the most is that folk that think they are superior believe they can feed other people a bunch of garbage and they will believe it...smh!

  • Paula - 12 years ago

    GOP r sore losers the people have spoken with their vote by voting 4 POTUS also love Bernie Sanders

  • Jodie Middleton - 12 years ago

    If these guys (McConnel, Boehner, Canter, Rowe, Norquist) don't hurry and find some other type of employment we will find ourselves with a war right here in our own country. These are the most dangerous people in the United States. Oh!! by the way don't leave McCain out. He is the type that will hit you from the back door.

  • Sandy Hood - 12 years ago

    They have made themselves clear on how they feel. How can anybody trust them? Flip flopping is what they are good at. Say what people want to hear but not really mean it.

  • Roberta - 12 years ago

    You can change the cover of a book, but it does not change the contents and the republicans have showed what they represent. That wont change

  • Cecilia - 12 years ago

    Some Republicans have made it very clear how they feel about minorities - they are so out of touch that they don't even filter what they say which is a direct reflection of how they truly feel - it's time out for prejudice and racism...get on board with the rest of America!

  • Barbara - 12 years ago

    MJLW is absolutely correct here - as long as there are sound and video recordings , we will not forget the reprehensible comments made by Republicans prior to President Obama's successful reelection. NO, the Republicans cannot and will not change their beliefs, nor will they evolve to 21st century thinking, even when presented with mountains of facts about the soundness of our President's plans. It may take a generation - or longer - before Republicans as a political party come around to caring for the most vulnerable in our society.

  • Debby Torbenson - 12 years ago

    No. If they could, they would have to become Democrats, as they wouldn't be welcome in the Republican party of old white men and religious bigots.

  • Paula - 12 years ago

    GOP will never b 4 working class despite their window dressing of reaching out

  • Sonia Cardoso - 12 years ago

    They are too stuck in their ways....don't see it happening any time soon

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    Senator Bernie Sanders was 100% correct! Republican house of Representatives must know that!

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 12 years ago

    No. I have no doubt that Reps will try to reinvent themselves, but, will fail. Their response to the results of the 2012 election is to try to code their racist, sexist, hateful, abusive language so that the American people won't know what they are saying. In other words, Reps will double down on the crap that lost the election for them. But, they will again pretend that they value and respect women, people of color, the elderly and young people for the sole purpose of trying to get their votes in 2014. Make no mistake about it: Most Reps will continue to try to make the rich richer at the expense of the members of the same groups for whom they hold nothing but contempt.

  • jane derosier - 12 years ago

    No way! Not as long as the likes of Romney, Ryan, Akin, Reid & Boehner represent the party's mentality. Clueless, out of touch, obstructive and totally unable to relate to the 'average' American. Hopefully they will all join the ranks of the extinct. One can only hope.

  • Jeannie Peterson - 12 years ago

    I don't believe the republicen have learned any thing, they act like kids in a sandbox. maybe they all need to go home to there mother. maybe they need to understand there seat comes up for vote in 2013. send a choice few home and start with McChain, and work down to the speaker.

  • Monica Studer - 12 years ago

    Not a chance. They subscribe to Cesar Millan's definition of denial: don't even notice I am lying.

  • LaVina - 12 years ago

    Republicans don't know the definition "revinent" if they know about it, but they are stupid to accept it. They are so delusional into thinking they are the superior group and everyone is stupid. By using the race card in the last election, they believe they can win off that nonsense.

    They haven't offer no type of communication nor respect with minorities, especially women. It's too late to tried it, because they had the opportunity, but now it's gone forever.

    Republicans have shown their true colors, and people have open their eyes to see the ugly truth.

    This is the party of selfish, irresponsible, color-blind, pity and dumb who are branded by their ugly words and action. They can cried and use words "conspiracy" "free gifts" all they want, but no one is listening.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Rep politicians in Washington! We all know that your party memberships are raising hell with you guys, they don't want you guys to play the "stupid game anymore"! They want you to cooperate with the POPTUS to move the country FORWARD. At the same time get ride of Rowe and Norquist and UPDATE the party's platform! May be some of you should volunteer to step down so the young blood can MODERNIZE the party's platform to be competitive for the 2020 is the earliest, otherwise the Dem will be keeping the White House for the next 20 years!

  • zenlady10 - 12 years ago


    You have to be kidding! The Republicans don't believe that there is anything wrong with them. It's the Dems that HAVE to change! I doubt 1 in 10 would even talk to a Dem about changing. I know......I have some R's in my family, and they are so arrogant that politics can't be mentioned without a fight. I say let them lose and lose and lose until they have to build the party from the ground up, then maybe they will see the error of their ways. Better yet, let them go the way of the Whigs. A new party will emerge.

  • k - 12 years ago

    Hell no. These guys only say they will look at changing their philosopy, reality, never happen. So sad they never realize who they are supposed to be supporting in the house and senate. One move for them is to keep on keeping on. Never learn only spout untruths and hope more of the ill informed continue to listen. Two more years and half these guys will fade away and blame any body but themselves for what happened.

  • T Clark - 12 years ago

    Not no, But HELL NO! They think they are better then us.I wish they would get off there high
    horse and stop crying like little babies and do a job that I now belive some are well over paid.All they are doing is crying, get over it and do right for the rest of the people and Not just worry about your taxes.

  • Mrs. B - 12 years ago

    It is so refreshing to see that finally at long last; the Republicans have awoken the sleeping Tiger. May she never sleep again.

  • elaine43 - 12 years ago

    I don't see the republicans going anywhere for a long long time.they have a lot of rebuilding to do,they have to get rid of Boehner,Mcconnell, Cantor and the rest of the teabaggers and stop reporting back to Norquist.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Republican should be ashamed of Condi Rice, she even confused between WMD and the nuclear bomb when she testified in the congress! We... remember a member of the hearing committee could not get Condi to answer the question asked. He then told Condi that "Dr. Rice, just answer the question, don't try to filibuster us!" and her reply was that she was trying to answer the question! In reality, she was no better than Palin! What did Chenny wrote about her on 9/11? stand at his office door and cried?
    and then when she met the press, she said "my husband"!… Did she ever get married?
    - Senator McCain and Graham that was your party talking about your head of the National Security Team, that why we are still paying for the war which the Republican started and let the President Obama finished! It is dirty laundry? We have to mention that here because you guys are SHORE LOSERS!

  • Gloria Renkas - 12 years ago

    They can't re-invent themselves until all the "angry old white men" die off, and the Tea Partiers are banished by sane people. Maybe by 2032!

  • Bill Spencer - 12 years ago

    Until they give up their "Southern Personality", it will not happen. If it does, it will take a minium of 3 Presidential Cycles.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - Voters know that Romney is Romney! So far since the election day, Romney version1 was his concession speech the the POTUS, Romney was just released his version2 Post Election speech was the conference call to his "Election Investors"!
    Now we all know the rest of the story!

  • Joanne Adams - 12 years ago

    GOP is the obstructionist party. Old, angry,white guys full of hate for the electorate.

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    There is no help for those idiots,racist is ingrained in fiber of being. They really think they entitled, superior and supreme and that everyone else is below them.

  • SUSAN DOMINOWSKI - 12 years ago

    Republican's and the foolish Tea Party have an arrogant attitude, thinking they are more superior to Democrat's and fighting them on every issue. I believe the middle class spoke a clear message to the Republican party...get an attitude adjustment and stop listening to the likes of Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor and John Boehner. I have worked 28 years and paid my fair share of I'd like to see the rich pay their fair share of taxes too and stop riding on our backs.

  • Doreen Dates - 12 years ago

    No. They'd loose there base and have to sound like a lefty, which of course they won't do.

  • don - 12 years ago

    i would like to say that the republican party has many moral issues that have affected our nation. these individuals believe in showing their personal ego's that are personal against our president because of who he is . the speaker of the house is an republican that is also a big problem as well. we need a government that can work together as one and to stop holding grudges against others who are in charge.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    - We all know that Romney and Ryan gave out FREE Sub sandwiches to their "base" in Wisconsin!

  • Daniel - 12 years ago

    No republican cares about minority. They are nothing but selfish shits... They are not "gift people" to reinvent themselves with minority

  • Carmen Vaughn - 12 years ago

    You can't change your spots. Republicans have proven how they feel about minorites. We have no place in thier America.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 12 years ago

    The reason I voted NO because the Republican needs a new leaderships, and the current obsolete leaderships (McConnel, Boehner, Canter, Rowe, Norquist) do not want to give up their position for the good of their party.

  • Robert A. Moore - 12 years ago

    There is no help for those idiots,racist is ingrained in fiber of being. They really think they

  • tbiera - 12 years ago

    It will be really hard for GOP party to change or even accept change. World is changing and GOP does not like it.

  • Aseem - 12 years ago

    They are going to take themselves further away from the minorities. As long tea party is there, more moderate republicans will vote for the democrats.

  • MJLW - 12 years ago

    The republicans cannot reinvent themselves to anyone because all of America has seen/heard what they are about and it's not about the majority of Americans...Just the one percent. Elected officials no matter what party are supposed to be for the PEOPLE that elect them...not for big business or special interest. That is why President Obama won the election AGAIN!

  • Charles Nelson - 12 years ago

    I don't believe so, the minorities feel continued hatered from the white men that have run this country for centuries. They have become smarter and wiser overtime. This is the beginning of something bad for the republicans. If they try, it won't ever be taken sincerely.

  • Linda Inness - 12 years ago

    Reinvent implies that there is real desire for change. They only want to fool people in supporting policies which are not in the average voter's best interests - a leopard can't change it's spots!

  • Patricia Cullen - 12 years ago

    Only when the Wizard gives them a new brain, a heart, and courage.

  • Steve Janeway - 12 years ago

    I don't want the RNC to reboot. I prefer they stay just the way they are, stupid, defeated, and OUT of a job.

  • IPhillips - 12 years ago

    No, they cannot. Out of the heart the mouth speaks.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    The Republicans should dissolve as a party and join with the Democrats to form a one party system with one ideology.

  • Melinda - 12 years ago

    They're new swing to tea party left, embracing what they feel and appealing to our lowest demonentors - angry white people. GOP are lost on what they are or want to be. Sadly, their ldrshp is rooted in dark, non-inclusive, racially/gender base decision making. Their "birth of a nation" mentally historically correct.

  • Aviva Dolgenas Scully - 12 years ago

    I don't think it's possible for the Republicans to reinvent themselves, at all! They keep saying that minority voters and all democrats, for that matter are just asking for a handout. They actually don't believe that as US citizens we should help anyone, at all...not even children!!

  • Susan Williams - 12 years ago

    We may Forgive them, but we will never Forget....

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 12 years ago

    Too many are racists and cater to racist that their true selves will always come out.

    Minorities are not stupid. They know phony when they see it.

  • Nancy Shear - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not!!! But, they certainly will try.

  • James Lewis - 12 years ago

    No!! Plain and simple! These clowns have disrespected us for too long.

  • Bryan Pryor - 12 years ago

    They can't repair the damage anytime soon. It's going to take a while.

  • Larry Hilliard - 12 years ago

    I am not even sure they can reinvent themselves with rank and file non-minority voters.

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