Do you think most Senators and Members of Congress work hard?


  • Darlene Houck - 11 years ago

    no. i believe most of them do not care about the people so in a way they are on entitlement so why work. we, the people are between a rock and a hard spot. our representative do not voice the needs of we, the people. we, the people are stuck paying any taxes the president wants and our representatives allow to pass. try not paying taxes. you can't. the taxes are taken away before we get the balance. and if we owe more than your income tax, the irs can take away everything you have. take them not addressing the food stamp program. in the job i have, i watch people with food stamps come in and use their stamps to buy all the foods, i as a working person, can't afford. they have their hair professionally done, and their nails, etc. etc. the welfare here has two sides. one supposedly used for food. the pizza joints around here take ebt. the other is cash to be used for utilities, etc. no. lots of them take the cash side and buy alcohol, and gambling. there was a problem of, those receiving monies from the program, were found to be taking the cash to the casios. one couple comes in an buys food to use in their private day care center. they are just about to receive their business license. we talk - that is how i know. we, the people look at this federal program, and look to our representatives to revamp the program. but not one of them wants to take on that issue because it will lose them votes. where is my representative, when the president leans hard on employers to unionize. the recent strike at walmart is a good example. the union had to bus in non-walmart employees to make a showing. the nlrb stood by and let it happen. if unionized (more than one union in a business), there is a good possibility of becoming a "twinkie" if one union refuses to bargain. we, the people have heard very little about the one union costing so many jobs. where is the representative standing up for us when obama wants to pay back his union buddies. where are our representatives when the us has to borrow money so we can give it away overseas when this country needs it so desparately. do they work too hard? lets ask them, when they agree to anything, when it is time for them to go home for the holidays. if those of us in retail have to work holidays to keep our jobs, then so should they. oh yes, also when they all go home for their holidays - isn't that the time when the president pushes his nominations, etc into the offices, our representatives would have questioned, etc. they should stay and make sure this doesn't happen. if they cared about we, the people, they would be there serving the interest of their people. when i was in the military, i worked in the psyop community so i understand the minuplation (sp) of people when you want to herd them in an election. where are our representatives when these type a tactics are used. then let the media write it off as the ignorance of the voters. where are my representatives when i voice my opinion against the claims that obama is the savior/godlike of the country. i guess a comedian gets more attention than in individual tax payer. remember the saying "love it or leave it"? now it is "love it but i have to leave it". NO! most representatives do not work hard for the people they represent. they work for themselves. ps - what are the representatives going to do when obama brings the troops home and discharges them. where are jobs going to come from then? many of these soldiers were reservists and left their jobs and business behind. they deserve better than what they are going to get. oh yes. this move was also after the election!

  • S. Buckley - 11 years ago

    There are a few, avery few in Congress who remember that they are supposed to be working for the American people! The Republicans who came into Congress in 2010 are most of those, the rest are part of the corrupt system championed by Pelosi, Reid and Obama, who see themselves as above the will of the people and above the law!
    The probelem is that from what I see, the same electors vote in the same corrupt bunch of cretins, over and over again! They complain that congress doesn't work but they keep sending the same self-serving hacks back to congress at each election!
    The worst part is the blatant vote buying of the Democrats under Obama, the most corrupt and arrogant crooks this country has ever seen!
    The only thing the Democrats work hard at is grabbing more money and power to buy more votes from the people who have allowed themselves to become totally dependent on government hand outs! Those people are pathetic!

  • C I C O - 11 years ago

    I see a large majority (91%) think Congress does not work hard, yet the majority of Americans are dumb enough to keep voting them back in. Yet the fluckers complain to no end. Duhhhhh.

  • erichardson - 11 years ago

    Nov 14, 2012 Presidental Directive 20 US Gov cyber security legalized, no FOIA because info bet Pres/advisors. USA Rule of Law gone at the stroke of a pen. private citisens investigated on the net. Under Sequela Hugo Chaves voting equipment push button voting 100% Dem calculated. 3rd term office is expected, if Transforming our country works, & Income Redisribution, Millions out of work, Billions on Food Stamps, Foreign Policy? Biggots-Birther-Raciest-Radicals- All Conversations stoppers & this is called Political Correct. When USA Citizens are afraid of their own Government, Treason & Tryanny Takes over, Anarchy- Did your vote count, do you even know? Our Reps-Sen-House of Congress Dems-Liberals-Rep- Socialists Pelosi-Reed vs Boehner vs Oval office, USA now a 3rd world country & the shinning light on the hill has been turned off. Where is Osoma, not one witness from the USS Vinson speaks, why? No Transparency in operations "WH" like Bengazi ? What has USA done to it self or let happen to our country .Fool us once, but twice, UNFORGIVEABLE To Watch Our Country Go In The Wrong Direction Under Illegal Laws of the Land. When is the next shoe going to drop?

  • tkret - 11 years ago

    I think most Senators and Representatives initially go into politics because they see something wrong with the 'system' and want to fox it. Shortly after being elected, they start feeling the power bestowed upon them, and feeling the pressure of special interest groups building. Due to these and other reasons (special interest groups, other Senators and Representatives urging them to vote a 'certain way') Congressmen find it very easy to be lulled into the 'do this for me, and I'll do that for you syndrome'. Sometimes that is unavoidable, as like it or not, this is the way Washington politics works.
    Eventually, many politicians fall into the 'do what I have to do to get things done' philosophy and forget why they were elected in the first place.
    As for do they work hard? They don't have time to do so because of all of their other duties, responsibilities, meetings and social gatherings.

  • Candice Roy - 11 years ago

    There hasn't been a budget passed since 2008. We are stuck at every turn and there is only a handful of men/women willing to do what they were hired to do and that is to take care of America via their voters. Tom Coburn is my representative and he listens. James Lankford is another man that listens. Jim Inhofe, too.

    But the Senate is lazy and ruled by Harry Reid with an iron fist and a lazy soul. He gave up being a man for the people, a long time ago. 1305 DAYS without a budget. Tell me what gives them the right to brush Americans' aside.

    Term limits might not solve the corruption but it won't let it get a foot hold for any length of time.

  • Andrea Beausoleil (Pronounced as Beau so Lay) - 11 years ago

    From what I have seen in the last 35+ years of voting. No one, but a couple of people CARE about what they were elected to do, they only CARE about the next election which will GET them BACK into office. LOOK AT OSAMA.

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