Will Democrats stand up for the middle class in fiscal cliff negotiations?


  • Cassandra - 11 years ago

    What congress house republicans need to know that the president doesn’t have balanced the budget; not required; but the republicans needs to know they are violating the CODE of Ethic; let me explain; any official that hold a public office cannot use it for personal gain, or for one individual or group. I see a violation.
    Mr. Holder needs to hold them accountable for using their office as personal gain, treason trying to over throw the government.
    Cassandra is speaking out.

  • carolyn thomas - 11 years ago

    they better stand tall, we have agonized over the course of this election, we have the ball in our park, LETS GO!

  • James Wald - 11 years ago

    They had better, the people have spoken and I think the president heard them correctly. We are tired of carrying these rich bast---- and putting more money into their coffers. If it takes running off the cliff so be it, put the blame on the republicians, they have had 4yrs. to do something, and all they do is blame the president, and the democrats. FULL SPEED ADHEAD.

  • Joe Bet - 11 years ago

    Take them over the “cliff” if they refuse to negotiate or demand cuts to social security and Medicare benefits. Democrats stand together or loose the next election, you have been elected to office by the middle and poor of the US.

  • Ray Lee - 11 years ago

    Democrates have some backbone don't cave in to the Repulicans. President Obama won the election, Now put his policies in to play.

  • X-JerseyGuy - 11 years ago

    All I Got To Say Is..........THEY BETTER!

  • Rooki - 11 years ago

    The Prez & the Dems don't have choice. Prez Obama knows he won on what he said he would do, and because I believe he is Amanda of his word, we are going off the cliff. Hold on to your hats!

  • julie - 11 years ago

    We voted for President Obama because he would fight for the middle class. President Obama should stick to his word and not cave into the Republicans. Come on let us be proud of you President Obama and stand for the middle class. We spoke loud and clear on November 7 and we deserve for you to do what's right for the people that re-elected you. The middle class deserve a chance to succeed.

  • julie - 11 years ago

    We voted for President Obama because he would fight for the middle class. President Obama should stick to his word and not cave into the Republicans. Come on let us be proud of you President Obama and stand for the middle class. We spoke loud and clear on November 7 and we deserve for you to do what's right for the people that re-elected you. The middle class deserve a chance to succeed.

  • SJerZGirl - 11 years ago

    Although I fully supported President Obama's re-election (he is the only politician I have EVER donated money to) and desperately wanted the GOP to lose far more than they did, I just don't trust the Dems in general to maintain enough unity to stand up to the Congressional GOP. When they GOP says we need compromise, they mean "you need to agree with us". Our problem is that our representatives far too often give in. Does the GOP? Hell no!! They're even doubling down on voter suppression laws where the laws they established failed to keep Obama from winning. They stick together. They stay on task. I wish I could say that about Dems. I really do. I just hope they prove me wrong because we cannot CANNOT play dead on these issues and allow the GOP to come out on top yet again!! They are willing to destroy our country. It's time we stood together (or rather, our representatives in Congress) and told them ENOUGH!!

  • Kim - 11 years ago

    It looks like the democrats are reaching a deal negotiating tremendous cuts in medicaid and medicare over the next few years. Why is this? Here we go again, allowing the republicans and very rich to get over and put the poor out on the streets. These people only care about their own pockets, have their own agenda, and never intended to work with the democrats. They talk about being for ALL of the people, but show everyday how they care less about no one but themselves. Sorry! They continue to want to show the world "who really is in control." America spoke, but they did not hear us. The are continuing with their agenda, for the wealthy, by the wealthy and of the wealthy.

  • Abel P. Ochoa - 11 years ago

    We just had an election and the Democrats won. What did we win? Well, we have a tremendous economic wealth/wages gap that's between the top 1%Super Rich and the 99% Middle Class American working families that we need to do something about. We do not want a deal that'll allow the Republicans to forget about fixing this huge economic wealth/wages gap. We won the election and we expect the Democrats and President Obama to work to solve and diminish this gap problem. It took over 30 years for this gap to develop and we need to make sure that it's "narrowed" as soon as possible. We don't want our children and children to inherit a Third World Country, do we?

  • Ann Marie - 11 years ago

    They "should" stand up for the middle class. But, it sounds as if they are already dancing backwards. Iraq, Afghanistan, lowered tax rates on the most fortunate ... isn't that the greatest drain on our economy. The middle class is awake and paying attention. Take care of what you were elected to do, or go home.

  • Angela - 11 years ago

    I voted no because I've seen time and again how the republicans start off negotiations far, far right and the weak dems start negotiations in the middle and move further right. Grow a spine DEMS and lets go over the fiscal cliff.... We have your backs... If you cave you'll be giving us nothing to vote for next time around.....

  • Lloyd Stephenson - 11 years ago

    WHY....can't democrats in congress and our president take a big dose of "IRON TONIC" and give them "ELEPHANTS AND TEA BAGGERS" ....HELL.... stick up for us "Donkeys" we are SMARTER and smaller than those "clumsey, bumbleing, clogging "elephants"...elephants work best in the "circus", (I know, congress IS a circus, but look who in charge of the "House" ?.....) we donkeys know what hard work is ....and want results for our work to keep the donkeys in control of the senate. Donkeys....kick up your heels and let them elephants know you have NOT left town...

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Mr. Blankfein, don't be so sure! GS might need tax payers help again in the near future!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • Joyce Crowley - 11 years ago

    Mr. President, I say GO OVER THE CLIFF. . . Call their bluff. . . It's not the end of the world.

  • Seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Voters, contact your congressman/congresswoman and asking them to leave entitlement programs alone. The programs must be OFF THE TABLE!

  • Claire Dobie - 11 years ago

    I think we're going to see a big turnaround in this second term. America is starting to get the 411 on these con artists REPUGNATES.

  • Seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • Nina - 11 years ago

    The Democrats have had their eye on cutting Medicare and Medicaid at least since the time of the Simpson-Bowles Deficit Commission Report. Simpson was even on MSNBC ostensibly to register his support for marriage equality when in fact his real agenda was to soften the audience up for Medicare reduction. Furthermore, about a year ago, John Kerry was on "Meet the Press" talking about the need to "restructure" Medicare. I think a "grand bargain" is in the works, and the middle class will end up bearing the brunt of "shared sacrifice."

  • ScotIrishGem - 11 years ago

    It's interesting that about 1 of 4 voters of this poll flat out said "NO" to the question, and just about every comment from those who said "YES" have no confidence in their vote. All the "YES" voters are writing, "Dems BETTER stand up for the middle class!" and such notes as that. The Reps are going back on their word even today. Will the Dems chase them like adults running after little babies? What place does American honor, morality, good character take in the make-up of our politicians? It will be a new day for the Dems if they let Boehner bawl and not wipe his tears.

  • Seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • SImone Kosuda - 11 years ago

    I sure hope so. This why I voted for. Regarding the CEO's they are plain discusting.

  • Seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • Gerald - 11 years ago

    This guy shot FOX NEWS the bird. That dose it his name is removed from fox news Christmas list for ever.

  • Dushka - 11 years ago

    First you need another choice in your poll for UNSURE. Do we need another election? Who didn't understand what the people wanted? Was is our President? Why on earth is he talking the same mantra: "I am ready for compromise"? I can't believe he is planning to cave in again. There is a simple choice for him. We are the only ones whom he owes the responsibilty to for winning this election. He owes it to us to return the favor (which happens to be our right too).

    It is as simple as that. This is not 2010 all over again. This is re-election of our President whom we trust(ed). The only possibility should be 80 - 20 in favor of the People. Rich have had it great long enough. It is a mattter of commonest of senses. Now it's our turn, we have waited too long already. We don't have anywhere else to go to pharaphrase Obama's favorite Abraham Lincoln.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • Dushka - 11 years ago

    First you need another choice in your poll for UNSURE. Do we need another election? Who didn't understand what the people wanted? Was is our President? Why on earth is he talking the same mantra: "I am ready for compromise"? I can't believe he is planning to cave in again. There is a simple choice for him. We are the only ones whom he owes the responsibilty to for winning this election. He owes it to us to return the favor (which happens to be our right too).

    It is as simple as that. This is not 2010 all over again. This is re-election of our President whom we trust(ed). The only possibility should be 80 - 20 in favor of the People. Rich have had it great long enough. It is a mattter of commonest of senses. Now it's our turn, we have waited too long already. We don't have anywhere else to go to pharaphrase Obama's favorite Abraham Lincoln.

  • Seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Remember, those who put entitlement programs on a negotiation is NOT SUPPORTING of the vision of the POTUS "MOVING THE CONTRY FORWARD"! Hold your ground DEMOCRATS!

  • LawrenceRaines Jr - 11 years ago

    Ed: President Obama will lie to us now that he has won re election.He needs to feel between his legs and see if he is a MAN or Mouse. If he sells us out, my voting days are over,I refuse to vote Republican, and most people in office are for them selves and tell us to vote for change and you know what they tell us after we do.? Get_ _ _ _ _ _.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago


  • Angel Izquierdo - 11 years ago

    I voted NO because I think after being an Independent Registered Voter and voted for all Democrats on my ballot this last election and the 2010 too I don't get over the idea that Democrats are not fighting hard enough to defend the entitle programs for the sake of "Compromising" with the vicious Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the House and his shadow of Cantor. I call for Mr. President Barack Obama to stand for the promise of protecting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security "OUT" of any discussion and OFF the table in any conversation. I am 40 years old and have no faith that there will be funds for me the day I retire in those programs but still it is immoral to touch what The People contributed to all their lives to benefit rich people and it is more immoral even for Republicans to sign a pledge not to raise taxes to preserve the growth of the rich bank accounts. It is time for Democrats to stop the BS of compromising specially the President I supported on his campaign and with my VOTE twice.

  • Catherine Majors - 11 years ago

    I believe in our President & he will get the job done to lead. I do not believe the White House spokesman, David Plouff's statement about placing Medicare & Medicaid on the table. We the People of the USA have spoken loud & clear the wealthy needs to be held accountable to spread the wealth.

  • Cassandra Fountain - 11 years ago

    I voted democratic, however, the democrats and this administration have no cajones and to my dismay, I believe that they are going to cave to the republicans.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Blankfein you are a liar, no labor worker got the full retirement after 25 years of work in their profession!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Blankfein is another Romney!

  • Michael Parker - 11 years ago

    If President Obama and his administration don't stand up for the middle class, then we(Democracts) should all change our party to Independent and go with Senator Berni Sanders and run him for our next President.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    The Dems will and better stand up to the Republicans. We won the election on the grounds that entitlements and Social Security would not be touched. It's those oil companies that get tax breaks and the rich that don't pay any or little income taxes that should be the focus of reducing the debt on their backs, not those of us who have nothing or the backs of the middle class. I depend on Social Security and Medicare and I cannot have anymore taken away from me. Let those who have the most pay down this deficit, and Democrats stand your ground against these Republicans. Go off the cliff, then we can come back and pass a law to give a tax break to the 98% not the 2% who don't need it. How many corporations pay no taxes? Go after them to pay their fair share, go after Mitt Romney with his hidden money in foreign accounts, they are the ones that should pay more taxes to reduce the deficit!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Mr. Blankfein you are dishonest man! We bailed you out and now you are stabbed us in our back!

  • john gerben jr - 11 years ago

    We the people voted and don't let gop bargain we have the hammer ,go over the cliff and let it be

  • loraine - 11 years ago

    The Dems better stand their ground on this budget deal(fiscal cliff) or they will find the results in 2014. David Plouffe has a lose screw when he says cut that much from medicare,medicade,What hospital or docter does he think the people will get to care for them?

  • vanessa - 11 years ago

    The people have spoken. The President said he would not cut those programs at all., so he better not.

  • Beverly Hughes - 11 years ago

    They better. After fighting for them, we need them to hold strong on this winning hand. It's about jobs. Austerity motions will not provide jobs. If they have to, go over the cliff and vote back in a tax cut for 98%. Bargain when we're less strong. If the President caves on this, he can't expect us to support him on his other measures. He'll be back to having a weak hand with the Republican's running the show. Deal with a grand bargain after unemployment is 6%.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Everyone must contacts your DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN with the following phrase:

  • Bob Thompson - 11 years ago

    If you think the dems are going to back the middle class, you are mistaken. The dems are just as bad as the republicans. Its time to have a progressive party in this country. The dems today are no different that Saint Reagan's republicans. This country need to be more progressive, not more conservative and we keep moving further and further to the right.

  • vanessa - 11 years ago

    I really think that we may have won the election but there are too many stupid people out there willing to give it all away. The Dems need to stand their ground. why are we having this conversation now?

  • Robert Smith - 11 years ago

    Over the cliff!

  • Dakota - 11 years ago

    Sadly, NO. The Democrats don't have the "brass" to stand up to the repugs.

  • Janet - 11 years ago

    After all the promises Obama made re not cutting Medicare and Social Security, I think he is going to have ONE huge problem if he does. I for one will be ready to march on Washington. This is ridiculous. Dems need to grow not only a spine but a brain.

  • Lah - 11 years ago

    The Republicans have bullied the American people way too long. STAND UP, STAND YOUR GROUND DEMS! Lets happily jump off the cliff, I mean the curb.

  • Charles - 11 years ago

    You can never trust any politician. They lie, cheat and steal. Obama has already lost his back-
    bone. Biden said that the man has a spine of steel, It's just not that thick, and that makes it bend
    pretty easy. A slinky is made of steel and you see how easy it bend.

  • Carla D - 11 years ago

    Sadly, dems will bend and cave again forgetting everything that they stand for....

  • Ron Sampson - 11 years ago

    We keep asking the Dems to stand up for us and they keep being Republican lite.
    Please please do it this time.

  • Robert Smith - 11 years ago

    They caved in before when they did not to. Will they serve the people?

  • Tariq Saeed - 11 years ago

    sadly NO....!!
    I voted all my life for Democratic Party. Sorry to say, the Democrats have NO spine!

  • Jerome Baker - 11 years ago

    If the Republicans do not want to move on revenue than lets go over the cliff

  • Trini Biera - 11 years ago

    POTUS and Democrats had better stand up for us and what they ran on this election we won.....tax hikes for the wealthiest period!!!

  • Judith Lane - 11 years ago

    If they want to remain in Office they'd best stand up for us. And, no one should touch Medicare. That's the Safety Net for Seniors.

  • Brad Day - 11 years ago

    I hope so, but judging from the behavior of the past four years, I regretfully doubt it.

  • Alice Hill - 11 years ago

    Mr. President don't give in stand up for us (the middle class)!!!!!

  • Carla Cipollone - 11 years ago

    Based on previous actions by the Dem's (or the basic lack thereof), I have yet to see any definitive actions by them that would suggest that they are going to get up their back bones and stand up to the Republicans. And by the way, that's exactly what the people need to see them do in order to begin to restore any faith in the party. It's time democrats - it's past due!

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    You know good and well Republicans ain't.

  • Robert Moshcatel - 11 years ago

    We re-elected the president to stand up for the middleclass. Do not give in to the republicans this time. Stand Your Ground!!!! Time to help the ones who have been hurt the worst.

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