Will Republicans block common sense gun laws?


  • Denny Burton - 11 years ago

    I think all liberal blow-hards like all of you on this channel should be banned instead of the guns!

  • Jim B. - 11 years ago

    People keep missing the point on best reactive defense against sudden 'crazed' gunmen
    It's NOT more guns in lay person's hands. Since virtually all attacks on society are pre-planned AMBUSH attacks - no time to go to the locked gun safe, or fumble with a concealed
    holster, or find the armed guard who is not in the attack area. Then there is increased
    probability with the NRA's knee jurk "More Guns" answer, of an array of mishaps,
    [misuse, theft, etc.] adding to gun related tragedy.
    No - You don't need to fight [gun] fire with [more gun] fire.
    You need to have available, a LESS DEADLY response: "magnum strength" pepper spray!
    Misuse does not lead to more deaths.
    It can be made more readily available.
    It can more easily and effectively neutralize a perpetrator.

  • ed - 11 years ago

    I will not give up my guns. my heart goes out to the little angels that were killed in conn. but I own 25 guns, 6 of them ar15s. I have them locked in a safe and I am a fire arm instructor. and know proper gun safety. I do not think we need any more gun laws except for the gun show loop hole that needs to be closed. oh and by the way I am a proud democrat and voted for president Obama both times and would again if I could.

  • Carneal T Washington - 11 years ago

    By now we should all know that when it comes to the last gasp bathers you can't fix stupid.As long as they continue to brown nose the BRA we'll be incapable of protecting our children. We are at the fine line between politics and treason. It's time to hold them responsible and right this ship of state

  • trudy rose tizya - 11 years ago

    what else is new? this is a sad day for the whole world for the loss of families because of mentally disturbed person who had access to high powered weapon. I really question the repugs when their financial situation is in ruins and yet behnor (whatever his name is) can play games with the country. bythe way, he should be reminded time again that the populace spoke when the votes were counted...last we heard, President Obama won and won a good portion which gives him the power he holds. the repugs can forget about their useless party and start working for the American people (in spite of some who voted for them). This is no time for politics. the repugs might as well realize they ruined the usa, thanks to bush, chaney and their stupid administration.

  • Ray - 11 years ago

    They'll block all that has common sense attached, especially gun laws, they're afraid of the "Big money!" Gutless wonders!

  • Brad - 11 years ago

    What a slanted question. Is that journalism these days?

  • Mamma Griz - 11 years ago

    The republican'ts will do everything in their power to let all kinds of rifles-- automatic, semi-automatic, blunderbusses-- get into the hands of everyone, looneytune or sane. That's what the NRA wants. The Texas governor wants guns allowed in schools, churches, hospitals-- as if guns don't get into those places now. But no kid needs to take a gun to school-- and looney parents shouldn't allow it.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Boehner's plans on fiscal solution:
    - Plan 1: Karl Rowe's technique - LIE
    - Plan 2 or B: Grover Norquist's technique - LIE & CHEAT!

  • D Branski - 11 years ago

    I think Republicans might ultimately give in on this because it is a distraction, and they want to focus on the budget (i.e., upward wealth redistribution). This generation has brought some surprising changes. In the past, whenever the very rich gained too much power, to the harm of the country, the "98%" pushed back. With the advent of the Reagan Revolution, it was understood that the way for the elite to win, preventing a populist push-back, would be to "divide and conquer" the masses. This, of course, was achieved by deeply dividing the poor and middle classes. (Even the Occupy movement was shot down fairly fast, in spite of its initial strong support, by media that effectively redefined it as strictly a middle class movement.) I don't know how much of the population is still in the middle class; we have lost a massive number of jobs in recent decades, and existing jobs have seen plunging wages. The exclusive focus on those still doing alright, ignoring the post-middle class, has sharply divided the people. I think Republicans are compelled to work to ensure that this deep divide remains intact as they continue to chip away at what's left of the middle class.

  • Fred A. Partsch - 11 years ago

    Is Amendent II obsolete-ANACHRONISM--in face of our Modern Day weaponry? Did our Forefathers---no women!.....envision this while grasping their muskets--- one shot!.....then reload in 1-2minutes, if you were proficient in handling the 'gun' of that day & time? Then....hope you hit the...target--close enough!
    If so.....do we review relevance of Amendent II?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    The obstructionists use the same old rhetorics!
    - The obstrutionists do not see anything but $$$$$!
    - They have long list of blames for everybody from mentalhealth to "gun don't kill people" while they try to sell as much guns as they can so the profits could be 2 to 3 digits, that all they care about! They are HEARTLESS, with all of their malarkeys which made people wonder that are they humans?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Mr. President, WE WILL NOT GO BACK to the FAILED POLICY!
    - Not 12 days of Christmas, but 12 days of December 2012 will be remember in the history!

  • betty ham - 11 years ago

    I think it is time for us to do something about the amount we are paying them to do something more than being the do nothing reps. They are stealing our money and time.

  • L.McKenzie - 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, frighteningly yes I think they will try any and everything to stall any meaningful changes. Why? Because they can. They do not truly care about anyone in this country no matter the age, sex, race, religion, or socio-economic condition. There is something that happens shortly after arriving in Washington that numbs all brain activity and moral integrity. I have heard precious few Republicans come out and demand change to stop the insanity. Of course it could be because they are and ever will be in the pockets of the gun lobbyist.

  • Fred A. Partsch - 11 years ago

    Is Amendent II obsolete in face of our Modern Day weaponry? Did our Forefathers---no women!.....envision this while grasping their muskets--- one shot!.....then reload in 1-2minutes, if you were proficient in handling the 'gun' of that day & time? Then....hope you hit the...target--close enough!
    If so.....do we review relevance of Amendent II?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Come on! Are our votes count? or the elction was history? We urge all Democrats make sure that the Obstructionists responsible for their actions! We will kick them out of Washington in 2014! Give them their own medecine! Take it or leave it!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Where is our MANDATE?
    - What good is to have the elction with OUR VISIONS, OUR MANDATES, and then the LOSERS TAKE ALL!

  • Dorothy Reil - 11 years ago

    Of course Republicans will stall on gun control. They are controlled by the NRA money. I say gather every automatic, semi automatic and assault rifle, melt them down, and build shrines at the sites of the mass murders. Hunters do not need the above.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - The obtructionists Plan B is go back to 2010!
    - Hold THE AMERICAN PEOPLE GROUND Mr. President!

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    The Re-thug-licans are cowards and bullies to the core. I have no doubt they will do everything in their power to block critically need gun control legislation. I hope they will NOT succeed. The time to take assault weapons and high quantity ammunition magazines out of the hands of civilians is long overdue. These changes are a matter of life and death. Too many people of all ages have died because our country is trapped in a culture of blood lust and greed. The cowards and billies who want more guns in the hands of Americans don't care who gets caught in the crossfire. The gun manufacturers don't care about anything or anyone as long as they make their obscene profits from the guns responsible for the carnage. That MUST stop. Now is the time.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    I hope it willnot be a repeat of 2010 as the POTUS ahd promissed us!

  • Jacob Ramirez - 11 years ago

    Richpublicans still have Romnesia.

  • Simi - 11 years ago

    Future spilled blood will be on the GOP's hands.

  • Neil B Swanson - 11 years ago

    Any individual that insists they need a Weapon with a high volume assault capacity is not going to use it for Hunting purposes .A qualified hunter takes pride engaging in a sport that gives both he and his prey a challenge .

  • Mary Peck - 11 years ago

    I am so disappointed in BO.....Soc.Sec. Stands alone...We seniors have it hard enough....I trusted he would save our very small...hard earned retirement!

  • Mary Peck - 11 years ago

    Ed......The GOP are all AH's...no way they'll give up their guns!

  • Contessa46 - 11 years ago

    Did you hear that parents in Utah gave their 6th grader a gun to bring to school? Insane parents who should be brought up on charges! Yahoos!

  • Mary Peck - 11 years ago

    Ed......The GOP are all AH's...no way they'll give up their guns!

  • Contessa46 - 11 years ago

    I saw the poll and I too think the Republicans will block legislation. Hard to believe but they ARE digging their graves deeper and deeper. They are so out-of-touch with the public. You can see who is greasing their palms, so obvious. They are cowards and we have to put up with this nonsense. Legislation will pass the senate but not in the house (with a lower case "h" as they are as low as one can get!! Can't wait for the 2014 elections to vote these bastards out!!

  • Bill - 11 years ago

    I want to hear the people who want to ban assault weapons establish what they are. True assault weapons have been banned for 80 years. That want to ban weapons based on appearance rather then function. The majority of weapons sold in the last 40 years are semi automatic. I'll bet most of the people trying to write these laws couldn't identify what they are trying to ban as opposed to not ban.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    The Republicans want everyone to have automatic rifles so we can all go shoot anyone we want to. These people are all nuts. I say ban all automatic rifles, no one but military personnel needs those kinds of weapons. Also there should be a mandatory background check on anyone who wants to buy any kind of a gun especially those purchased at gun shows. What do you suppose those Republicans would do if those children killed were theirs? Do you suppose they would want stricter laws? Probably not, they don't care about anyone but themselves, to heck with anyone else.

  • Janet Strain - 11 years ago

    Where are the republicans who pursued Susan Rice re Benghazi? Four public servants died and yes there should be an enquiry. But what about their outrage at the slaughter of 20 little children in Newtown? Amazing silence.

  • Vern Lobaugh - 11 years ago

    The Republicans have know common sense because they think it is a tax! They don't want any part of it.

  • Karen - 11 years ago

    When is the media going to ask "where was Adam Lanza's father"?

  • Mary Lobaugh - 11 years ago

    They will not go along with anything our president wants or our country needs.

  • chestnut55 - 11 years ago

    the republicans work for the gun lobby.

  • Don - 11 years ago

    I voted no because I thought their was no way they would hold this bill up could not believe they would not pass it.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Where is the choice, "mu"?
    Ed posts all-or-nothing questions. Boxing people into intellectual boxes is something that cults do.

    And btw, just saw the prez on tv. He "hasn't been on vacation"....lol. Maybe he has been considering past gun events while he has been out golfing.

    MSNBC is dangerous.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    They are in the pockets of the gun manufacturers and will do whatever they want.

    Human lives means nothing to them.

  • Carl - 11 years ago

    I'm thinking that the handwriting is on the wall, and they get it.

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