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Will you limit violent content for your kids? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 510

  • K - 11 years ago

    To suggest movies and video games are what caused this horrific act you must include all other media including any and all religious texts, comic books, music, dungeons and dragons and even your neighbor talking to you as well. Need I remind you of freedom speech and expression? We have a free thinking mind that ultimately is responsible for it's actions with one exception, those that are mental insane. In this case, this is not some one who just got off a bender of Call of Duty and decided to play for real. No, this was a mentally insane animal that went on for years untreated living in a house full of automatic weapon and tons of ammo. Combine that with paranoia and what ever else was going on in that house hold and you have an ticking time bomb. We need to stop this witch hunt on "media" and look at the facts. This was the result of multiple automatic weapons easily accessible in the house, dooms day prepping paranoia, and a mentally insane animal. Based on these facts, removing automatic & semi weapons from the public lowers or eliminates the chances of these events ever happening. I support the right to bare arms but after this horrific event I think the public should have access to only single shot small clip weapons. So if you want to point out your witch in the hunt it isn't media it's auto/semi-automatic weapons. There's your witch.

  • T. Ricciardi - 11 years ago

    Violent video games or movies don't influence more violence. The violence comes from individuals with violent tendencies. I believe if we are more attentive to these sort of individuals, caring for their needs, we can stop the violence. My children have played such games and they are well adjusted because I was attentive to them and taught them right from wrong. We should not take away our Constitutional right to bear arms because that only hurts the law abiding citizens and doesn't keep the criminals or "crazies" from carrying guns. It also makes the law abiding citizens unable to protect themselves from the criminals and such. I think we should all be able to protect our families and our homes.

  • Susan King - 11 years ago

    It is impossible to believe that the violence of videos, movies & television shows does not influence more violence. Life has become inundated with violent actions & images - desensitizing people to the images & actions & in some rare, disturbing cares - creates a model of action to be duplicated by disturbed people - often these young men. Please reconsider your vote & the use of violent "entertainment" in your life & the lives of your children .

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