Is it ever OK to physically discipline your children?


  • Marsha - 11 years ago

    Some children need the rod of discipline or even the threat of it. Boundaries should be visible. You cant behave just any ole way. The Father Spirit ( Disciplinary) left the schools when corporal punishment was removed. Granted there were some who took things to a level that even made me say Look don't YOU hit my kid. But the fear of you would get paddled kept a lot of kids on the straight and narrow. Including myself.
    Woop dat @#s!!!If little Johnny or Suzie is actin up , tear it up. Time out is crazy, you parents who use time out, need a time out your self.
    Spare the rod.....spoil the child. Its your choice.......

  • lacey - 11 years ago

    That is what's wrong with children these days no discipline what so ever, growing up my mother had a wooden paddle and when it broke it got duct taped back together lol I guarantee when kids asked you want to do this or that I said hell no my mom will spank me and put me in the corner with a penny on my nose. My child will respect me more for keeping her in line when she's older, I won't beat her but she will know who is boss. Adults make rules children break them. whats better letting them think the consequence is an easy thing to deal with so they end up in prison because they didn't think they'd get in trouble.. No get real people its the real world, with real people, real consequences, real crimes. My grandparents made my dad go pick his own switch from the tree that was normal back then. now every one helps raise your kids with there opinions and what society thinks is okay to do. I will raise my daughter, discipline my daughter my way she's mine.

  • blondie - 11 years ago

    there is real child abuse out here, she didnt brake bones, nose, blacking eyes, thats why kids out there, killing each other, doing what they want, because the parents cant correct their kids, standing them in corners dont work on all children, time out, like i was told this story years ago, two kids standing in front of this house, one says lets brake the window and rob them, the other kid says, NO, my mom will kick my ass, the other kid said, i do it, because all my mother will do is send me to time out in my bed room, so the kid robbed the house, i rather have the child, that know they be in trouble, than the child,oneday, end up in jail, because they think they can do what they want and get time out, dont get me wrong there is abuse out there, but there is correcting your kid, that kid will think twice next time,not to do that, or anything stupid,

  • Melanie - 11 years ago

    There's a diffrence between a spanking and a beatting. Most people don't no the diffrence.I wish one of mines would call on me; They would be going home with the police or who ever came and nocked on my door.

  • Trish - 11 years ago

    I think that there are times that it is ok. There is a difference between spanking your child and beating your children. I have 3 boys and they will one day be bigger then I am. I am not spanking them to scare them but if that is the only way they will listen then so be it. I would rather spank my children then have them grow up disrespecting me or any other adult.

  • Andre - 11 years ago

    If "big brother" kept their noses out of family matters, we would have better kids growing up........not the brats and drugies ya got now!

  • Kristen - 11 years ago

    It is NOT okay to hit your kid. Because when their older, and if you continue to hit them, you better be careful. If their with the wrong crowd, and your still physically hitting them, I wouldn't want to be you. You dont know what goes through kids minds. And your child will eventually become afraid of you because they think any wrong move they make you will hit them physically. Ridiculous. Whats wrong with putting them in the corner? It is not fun for them. Thats easier then hitting them with a BELT, or smacking them on the behind. But this is just my opinion. I know I would NEVER EVER hit my child. I want my child to actually LIKE me when their older.

  • Rudy Woods II - 11 years ago

    I remember as a child and throughout grade school, jr. High school and senior high school not only did my mother, father, grandparents, and neighbors, but the teachers also cracked us on the rear, hands and thighs when we were out of line.We were taught to obey the rules, and laws of society. Time out out was when we had to figure how many times we would be out of luck for either talking back or acting out of proper conduct. Now it seems that everyone has a say in how we raise our children and with that knowledge the children know they don't have to listen to their parent because they know that a simple phone call will bring "Johnny Law" and the child services people to their rescue. If I have to work like a dog and sweat, worry and provide for my chidren I will darn well spank their butts when needed. Our society needs to step back a bit and allow parents to be parents!!! No we should never "beat or abuse" our children, but when duty calls," crack that spot" and let the children know who is in charge!!!! And for the record, one or two craks is not always enough to bring about corrective behavior. Let parents be parents again!!!!!! We grew up just fine!!!!!

  • April - 11 years ago

    It not ok to spank child. Best to take privilege away from child or put him or her into corner time out.

  • joanna - 11 years ago

    yes i fully agree that their is times when you have to spank your child every child is different some have to be spanked and some dont i had the police called on me to some called when we were at the store saying i was punching my child well the police showed up and they found out i never did that i smacked her arm cause she was arguing with me and fighting with her brother and child services was called to everything is good now no charges was filled either they told me county that it is okay to spank your child on the butt, good luck

  • There Are Limits With Everything - 11 years ago

    I agree that there is a fine line between discipline and abuse as I have first hand knowledge of both. I would not allow anyone else ever hit my kids to teach them right from wrong, however if needed I am more than willing to spank my own kids when warranted. Depending on the kid and his or her own mindset, a simple time out and lecture may or may not work. Sometimes it may be as simple as letting the kid know you are disappointed in his or her actions (not in the kid itself).

    As long as the parent knows the limitations and does not try to discipline while they are still angry things should turn out OK and later in life the kid will understand.

  • Sarah - 11 years ago

    There is a HUGE difference in physically correcting (spanking) your child and physically beating your child. I had my butt spanked when I was a child and I grew up just fine. Have a great job, I have a house, cars, a loving husband and two wonderful children. Never been in trouble with the law or any of that. I also agree that if parents were allowed to spank their child (again BIG difference between spanking and beating) along with other disciplinary actions, we would not have the problems that we have today, or as much as we do.

  • Yvonne - 11 years ago

    I agree with spanking. It was done to me as a child and I believe it to be affective. There is a fine line between discipline and abuse. A belt to me is risky and old fasion. The only control parents and teachers have over their children is to call the cops and get them involved. I think THAT is wrong when a good old spanking will get most of these kids back in line.

  • Nicerbee - 11 years ago

    If more parents spanked (or were allowed to spank) the world might just be a better place. What, should we not spank them and have them beat the crap out of parents or some other innocent victim(s)? The SYSTEM doesn't want us (parents) to do it so they can be imprisoned or sometimes killed before they even make it there. I see nothing wrong with reasonable spankings. By the way mother, he wouldn't have access to a phone for a while if he were my son.

  • Jennifer Langford - 11 years ago

    Spare the rod, spoil the child. I feel if more parents used physical punishment we'd have less craziness going on.

  • Fran - 11 years ago

    No, it is not ok to strike a child. You are the adult who is bigger and stronger and supposedly smarter. What are you teaching? That it's ok to use physical violence to get others to obey? Get some parenting skills!

  • Shannon Robinson - 11 years ago

    I think there is nothing wrong with spanking a child to correct misbehaving. And when it effects another person they need to be taught there are consequences for his actions. Yelling at your children isnt the answer for discipline.

  • colleen - 11 years ago

    I think children need a spanking on the butt with the hand only that is what is wrong with children today they don't get a butt whoopin when needed

  • Donna - 11 years ago

    Occasional spanking is appropriate. That's what's wrong with kids today. No respect for people. They know they can get away with it and get the parents in trouble if the parents spank them.

  • Erica - 11 years ago

    A spanking is completely different from a beating. A spanking is done on the butt of a child and is only a few licks. A beating takes place all over the child's body and is done when the parent is extremely angry and unable to control themselves. As a child who grew up with spankings I believe it is necessary sometimes. I'm sorry but the corner technique doesn't always work. I was spanked as a kid and have never been in to any trouble, done any drugs, and I don't even drink alcohol. I remember those spankings and I can tell you first hand they work. I think if more parents spanked their children we wouldn't have some of the issues we have with these kids today. I see nothing wrong with a few smacks to a child's bottom used as discipline to correct bad behavior. If you start the discipline which ever from spanking to putting in time out early on in a child's life you prevent a whole lot bad behavior later.

  • Jocelyne Gibson - 11 years ago

    What is the world coming to when you as an responsible adult can't discipline your own child without being repremanded!!

  • Nana - 11 years ago

    On rare occasions, a mild physical spanking is appropriate. 1 or 2 spanks is enough to bring back corrected behavior. Constant yelling or cutting down a child's behavior can sometimes damage a child for life.

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