Will you vote for anyone who doesn't support the president's gun safety proposals?


  • ImpeachW - 11 years ago

    I proudly voted for this fine President both times, not that self-serving, lying gun hugger LaPierre and the lunatic fringe he runs around with. Ted Nugent, Grover Norquist, Sean Hannity, and Drugged Lamebaugh....delusional much?!

    We have a choice to make. Real simple, are we gonna let a minority of mentally deranged extremists write the gun laws so we keep on letting the next 20 or 30 Adam Lanza's blow away as many people they can at will!? -OR- are the adults gonna have a serious discussion about banning easy access to war weapons that are only designed for ONE purpose!

    We also ought to get serious and put a new ammo tax on each round, the funds of which will be used as restitution to victims of gun violence. Why should everyone else not using guns pick up the tab for all those bullet riddled corpses funerals and expensive hospital bills of surviving casualties of the continuous urban war on American streets?!!!

    It's LONG past time to renew the expired assault weapons and crack down on buyers. Stringent background checks, INCLUDING for ammo buyers, and a strict federal ban on ammo clips holding over 10 rounds. If you wanna play w war weapons, then sign up w Uncle Sam!

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I wont vote for anyone that supports gun control...Read and learn.

    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
    Thomas Jefferson

  • John Davidson - 11 years ago

    I must say, the left in this country is just a hop skip and a jump from endorsing the virtues of full blown communism--It makes me sick to see them destroying what so many fought and died for--The left and all their ISMS---Communism, socialism, progressivism--liberalism, It's disgusting--They are against every principal this country was founded upon, just as Obama is...Enjoy the revolution folks---It's coming, I see the signs everywhere---The left has become so radical, there is no other way to repair the damage being done by their agenda, and despite what your liberal friends think, not everyone finds it amusing...

    I got to get off this MSNBC site, it rots your brain!

  • doug - 11 years ago

    never saw a mag kill anyone. have seen the gov kill shit load though. where are all these bs stats from?

  • Richard C - 11 years ago

    I am a Democrat and a NRA member and do not support a AWB. I do not agree that the battle is with a gun "lobby" but we the gun owners who are the NRA.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Ed "Libturd" Schultz,

    You are a very typical wimpy, scared, gullible, little libturd sheep. You idoit libturds eat any and all of Hussein Obammy's bullsh*t! What idiots, you clowns are!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dr. Guy Gray - 11 years ago

    Of ocurse I will, and will (not do the same) for anyone who doesn't stand up for 2nd admend-
    ment rights.

  • Jeff - 11 years ago

    i felt very sad for all those children that were horribly killed by this madman and shed tears at all the pictures that were all over the news, but that doesn't mean that the law abiding citizens should have to pay for actions of a madman by losing our second amendment. This is America not Russia the last i checked and the right to bear arms and defend yourself is a right of life not just the constitution. How is a limit on magazines going to save lives when anyone could just have 4 guns instead of one with a large magazine. Piers Morgan keeps saying that an AR15 shoots 100 rounds a minute which is untrue as the amount of bullets shot depend on how fast your trigger finger is which would be very impressive if a human can pull a trigger 100 times in a minute. While i can agree with background checks as my state has had them forever, but these background checks are so unorganized that it makes the process difficult and lengthy causing gun purchasers to have to wait months for a permit. How is that fair. If a background check is implemented it needs to ensure swift process to ensure quick turnaround so the public is more in support for this law. Assault weapons definitions are so vague that the difference between an assault rifle and not is as simple as having a pistol grip on a semi auto rifle. One is an assault weapon and the other isn't. That will never pass. Although i can care less about the NRA but they aren't the only representatives of gun rights, there is also half of this country that agrees with them and everyone keeps forgetting this. I can agree with any of obamas proposals except assualt weapons ban and magazine limits, as magazine limits is just a stupid solution. I am so glad i don't live in NY those poor law abiding gun owners. I also keep hearing a notion of having background checks for ammo. How is that going to work. So one day i decide to go to the range and want to target practice with my handgun, but i need a background check to buy ammo, well how am i suppose to target practice that day if i have to wait a month for a background check for the ammo purchase. So that law is going to have me require to plan ahead a month whenever i decide to go target practice or hunt with my legal gun. It is crazy and useless. Criminals are criminals and they aren't buying guns at a gun store legally.

  • elaine stenzel - 11 years ago

    Impeach CONGRESS,that is were the true weakness of our government is!

  • Jerry - 11 years ago

    Love your show. Your views are sensible and are in line with the majority of americans opinion. The NRA is a very unpatriotic self promoting organization, whose goals are self enrichment & job security for the leadership.

  • Terri Spurr - 11 years ago

    I think and wish all those who are NRA members who don't agree with what the NRA is spewing should resign!

  • Julie Fisk - 11 years ago

    Definitely will only vote for those who support the President's legislation. My Dem. reps had BETTER vote for it!

  • Robert - 11 years ago

    8,583 people in the U.S. were murdered by guns in 2011. Less than 1% of those were from mass shootings and 6,009 of those murders were from handguns! In 2011 1,694 people were killed by knives---more deaths than all of the mass shootings of the last 25 years combined in the U.S. Source: FBI
    If we want to protect our children, and I have 5, put a police officer in every school, or let one or two teachers carry concealed (their option).
    What happens when another wacko goes into a school with a handgun with ONLY 10 rounds and kills 10 innocent children!!! The problem is not guns in America, it is the lack of protecting ourselves! President Obama, his wife and two children have ARMED guards around them 24-7....even the kids when they are in school! Banning assault weapons or number of rounds in a clip is never going to stop the bad guys from killing people.
    Wake up people!

  • gunman stlye - 11 years ago

    The NRA & the GOP keep bringing up the 2nd amenment that was written in 1776 maybe we should only allow 1776 weapons in this country would they be happy then? this is 2013 & we even have rocket launchers today, the gun laws must change with the times. Those who want to fire automatic weapons should join the military, they have some great big guns that make a lot of noise & can do a lot of damage but some of these people wouldn't think of serving there country. They want the freedom to do what they want but won't wear the uniform of our military service. I can own a gun without belonging to the NRA or any orginization , the NRA dosen't help pay my medical insurance, proct my pension, social security, or banking investments or anything that I use to get by in everyday life. The GOP is becoming the party of the machine gun Kelly's & the prettyboy Flouds, babyface Nelson's. They don't care who buys the guns, what kind of guns they buy or who is doing the shooting all they care about is the billions of dollars that they are making from the guns & ammo sales & laughing all the way to the bank & probably not USA banks , thats why nothing ever gets done, we will see.

  • deb - 11 years ago

    All these idiots who think they need these war weapons to protect themselves against the US Government......GET A GRIP! If the government wanted to turn on us, we wouldn't have a chance. We have the biggest, best, and most heavily armed military in the world!

    Our military has biological weapons, chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons. How in the world can your semi-automatic compare with all that? It Can't! This reasoning is meaningless.
    It's an excuse for gun manufactures and gun sellers to keep their sales and profits! And the worst thing is that the extremeists buy it.

    Obama does not want your rifles, or hand guns, or shot guns. He wants to do something meaningful to protect our children. He wants to do something so we can go to shopping malls, movie theaters, and school without being mowed down by some moron with a war weapon in their hand.

  • Rick - 11 years ago

    People seem to forget not to long ago a gun running operation of our government that has allowed many innocent people to get killed. If you want to make laws our government will take more than liberties. Your sworn oaths to office is to protect our founding documents! Major fail!

  • Don - 11 years ago

    He did not have a automatic weapon he had a semi-automatic weapon.

    An assault rifle is a military rifle that utilizes an intermediate-power cartridge, and that generally is capable of full-automatic fire, where multiple rounds are fired continuously when the trigger is pulled one time — that is, a machine gun — or burst capable, where a burst of several rounds is fired when the trigger is pulled one time. In the United States, full-automatic firearms are heavily restricted, and regulated by federal laws such as the National Firearms Act of 1934, as well as some state and local laws.

  • Marilyn - 11 years ago

    Having witnessed a mass shooting when I was 18 (a freshman at Kent State on May 4, 1970), I know how shocking and traumatic it is to witness another person dying, as our President said this morning, "at the end of a gun." I'm 61 now, but I'm still shaken when I hear a car backfire, or a firecracker that I'm not expecting to hear. I still see the bloody, dead bodies, and I suppose I always will. When I heard of the Sandy Hook shooting, I immediately thought of my own little granddaughters who went to their elementary schools that morning, giggling and fresh faced, just like the little children who were so brutally murdered, mostly because their killer had an automatic weapon and high capacity ammunition clips. I've sent emails to my senators and my congressman, I've called their offices, and tomorrow I'll send letters to them as well. I'm encouraging my friends and relatives to call or send emails to their representatives and to spread the word to their friends and neighbors, too. I'll write a letter to the editor of our local newspaper and will not shrink from engagement with any "gun-lover" who has forgotten how to think for him/herself. No more automatic weapons, no high-capacity ammunition clips, universal background checks for all purchases or transfer of gun ownership, for starters. I'm so thankful to have a president who has followed through for those of us - a majority of the country - who, like "Saint Ronald Reagan," are in favor of a ban on assault weapons (and high capacity clips, and universal background checks).

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Did Wayne Lapierre and his gangs see the pictures of the victims of Newtown? Do these men and women who oppose gun control have children?

  • john cox - 11 years ago

    Republicans still don't get the fact the USA is changing; in 2012 the "big money guys" tried to buy the presidency THAT FAILED BADLY - in the upcoming 2014 election many of those currently in office will wake up to the fact that the NRA could not give enough money to get them re-elected; not only on guns, but on everything they were not putting country above those interest groups... I CAN HARDLY WAIT FOR THE 2014 ELECTIONS....John1957

  • Pama J. Gibson - 11 years ago

    NO !!!!!!! I could never vote for any one who doesn't support gun control ,Republican or Democratic? I also don't understand why Republicans and the NRA are trying to say President Obama is trying to take your guns away, when this is about weapons no sylvan should have. And extensive background checks for weapons that are allowed for Americans to own.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Not only those people who use guns to kill innocent people are mental ills, but also those who oppose Gun Control have Mental problems!

  • Elvis Payne - 11 years ago

    remember when Obama said guns and religion is what these people who hold true to....is he a liar now folks

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - There many people who are harming to our democracy! They do not care about us, if you are conservatives, liberals or independents. They just worry for their pockets at any cost!

  • robert stockett - 11 years ago

    Ed I just wanted you to know, that not all West Virginia Residents think like Joe Manchin. I felt that your comment was unfair. I have been a hunter for many years and I do believe in gun control, background checks. I also believe that high fines and long prison terms should be given to those who would break the law.

  • Elvis Payne - 11 years ago

    you people knew the republicans were this way... blind or never gave an ear to them what there agenda is all about..church and state

  • Lynda Longfield - 11 years ago

    I am at a loss for words., just dumb founded. I just can't believe that any human being could put the love of their guns aheads of these precious children making their lives more important then guns. Unbelievable, this must break the hearts of all that have lost someone through gun violence. I am so sorry for your lost and I pray that this gun law goes through.

  • YessirreeBobby - 11 years ago

    If the gun violence were turned on these purveyors of death, the GOP and the NRA, instead of innocent children and citizens, would they still hold their extreme nutball views?

  • George Shanks - 11 years ago

    I'm a demacrat and a lifelong gun owner who is against6 any more gun laws, society is the problem not guns wake up ed

  • John B of Fort Walton Beach, FL - 11 years ago

    Ed, today, just 20 minutes ago, I was in an elevator in our condo, when a small boy (about 9) struck up a conversation. He said, "Obama is trying to kill us!" I was shocked to hear this come from a 9 year old boy who, I believe only was parroting his parents, blurted this statement out! I suppose his parents are NRA members. Even if they were, the future of America, through this boy for example, is being polluted with bad information from mis informed parents! If one speaks of freedoms, think of freedom of TRUE information!
    I will NOT vote for any polotician who votes this bill down.

  • marianne - 11 years ago

    i agree with obama 100 percent.get the guns off the streets.assault weapons are of no need. protect our children enough of damage had been done and its still going on the killings.people are ignorant they dont need these semi automatic weapons. ed if i had my way i would ban all the guns.my heart goes out to those innocent children whom were brutally murdered. its sickening.yes brutally murdered by that very sick man.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Republican Party is being hijacked by profiteers, obstructionists and liars! Take back your party!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - These bastards do not care if your children, your friends, your neighbors, get hurts! They are worrying about their pockets!

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not!! We MUST defeat EVERYONE who hides behind the fallacious that the President is taking away our freedom and liberty by taking these initial steps to protect our children. Up till now, life has been dirt cheap and the Constitutional right to bear arms has been the rallying cry of shooters and killers who just want to shoot and kill with no restrictions. That must stop--NOW!!!!

  • Jane Stevens Segal - 11 years ago

    They would have to pry a "Yes" vote from my "cold, dead hands". The NRA has lost its mind and should be subject to a background check for mental and emotional instability.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Members of the NRA should kick all of the NRA officers out of their offices!

  • Cathy McSherry - 11 years ago

    Now is the time. We have put up with the NRA's posturing for too long. This President is the man to get it done and we must stand up for him and for sensible gun control...NOW!

  • NAPILIRON - 11 years ago


  • Ibti - 11 years ago

    I do not vote for any thing that is related to politics, but I am against all kind of violent and I believe in the scripture of the bible:.....for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - The Republicans politicians are totally lost their minds!

  • NAPILIRON - 11 years ago


  • KIKI - 11 years ago

    I am high school student; I will be able to vote next election. I personally think that fewer guns on the street is a great idea, but kids did not have to die for people or the Presidentto see that they neeed to have gun control in the U.S.A

  • Linda Neely - 11 years ago

    Don't forget that each of these children had grandparents. Not only will I not vote for anyone who opposes the President's initiatives, if the AARP doesn't support them, I'll resign my membership.

  • Jackson - 11 years ago

    It is time to impeach the Republican Party and the Tea Party extremists!

  • margo westerlund - 11 years ago

    Ed please supply us with the names of any democrat that will not support the gun bill Obama is proposing. We need to vote them out not to mention all the republicans that love NRA and their money more than protecting our children. Also take all the negative Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'reilly should be taken off the air with their propaganda and lies. Help take those idiots off the air.

  • Ellen Rudolph - 11 years ago

    What planet are you from Dick Dickel? You are an example of the irrationally ignorant right wing wingnuts who value politics over people. But this goes much deeper than that. I can't fathom anyone not being for comprehensive, effective, responsible changes to gun ownership laws. How much mass destruction do we need to endure before you will wrap your ignorant heads around the fact that loss of life costs so much more than loss of NRA funding? How much more of a reality check do you all need before you come to your senses?

  • barbara custer - 11 years ago

    keep up the good work. These guys that don't think we are paying attention,need to think again.

  • Laura D. - 11 years ago

    I wonder how slow to react if it was one of their own children/grandchildren that had been killed???

  • GEORGE BRYANT - 11 years ago


  • Vita - 11 years ago

    How can anyone with a clear consience vote no against comprehensive gun reforms? I think you have to be a simple minded person if you do vote against it.

  • D. Ian Fries - 11 years ago

    N.R.A. = Not Really Armed
    Arm Yourself With KNOWLEDGE!

  • Sue - 11 years ago

    NEVER would I vote for someone who didn't support gun control. NRA & it's cult followers all have blood on their hands.

  • Melanie Ervin - 11 years ago

    Michelle Obama should hold her own press conference and let the a$$ have it!!!!

  • Dick Dickle - 11 years ago

    This poll obviously has no statistical significance. The question is flawed in so many ways. Fuck off you socialist assholes!

  • Lori - 11 years ago

    No, I won't vote for anyone who doesn't have the guts to vote to stop these kid killing guns
    off the streets.
    I can't imagine a son of a bitch like Limbaugh who speaks for the GOP party can get on the air and make a sick scene as he did today.
    Rush Limbaugh should to be taken off the air as soon as possible, he is a sick, sick slug who should be ran out of this country for his ugly, ugly statements.
    I hope every decent American will start crying out to get this sick man off the air for good , this guy is as dangerous as the gun lobbiest be speaks for..

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    I vote only for smart people.

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