How'd Metro Do?


  • Tia - 12 years ago

    I had a great trip from Branch Avenue to Federal Center SW. I had a Gold ticket so that was the stop to go to for us. It flowed and the crowds and trains seemed to move great.

    NOW once the inauguration was over the problem arose. You had people with Green & Gold tickets all trying to get into the Federal Center SW, they closed the station and let people in about 20 at a time. Then you had 1000's of people crossing D Street to get to L'enfant Plaza. We ended up walking to the Nationals Stadium and catching a cab home. They did their best.

  • Rebecca - 12 years ago

    I rode from Van Dorn to Pentagon at 11ish, then home around 7, so I missed most of the mayhem. I was expecting more of a crush post-parade, but it wasn't there.

    Following twitter all day I can see that there were some issues. But I saw enough about good service and friendly staff to make me believe that WMATA had told people to be on their best behavior for the big day. I expect zero of that to continue.

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