Did Republicans who questioned Hillary Clinton embarrass themselves today?


  • julia - 11 years ago

    why? what was purpose of this operation

  • CarolO - 11 years ago

    I voted NO simply because it's a requirement to have a brain in order to embarrass yourself. Obviously a brain was clearly missing in a few of these Republicans. Lack of respect is rampart in this Party. They have no respect for any Office held under this Administration........... like we were just thrilled to have Bush for 8 years????????

    We shut our mouth and took it. We didn't threaten to Sequester from our country, didn't talk about starting a Civil War, didn't talk about "taking people down", didn't call them Communists, Socialists, Non-American, etc.

    We were dragged into Iraq on lies of mass destruction, have two wars on our credit card, was taken into a global recession, illegal wire-taps, tax breaks for the rich and big co0perations, Medicare Part D with not ONE DIME to pay for it, water-boarding .............and the Republicans have the audacity to complain about THIS PRESIDENT? If THIS PRESIDENT had done even 1/5th of the crap the LAST PRESIDENT has done then I wouldn't have even voted for him.

  • James Holstein - 11 years ago

    Once again a member of this administration is able to escape accountability and is able to perpetuate a lie in front of the American people. The failure of the Secretary of State to provide for the safety of her people and the security of our embassy warranted immediate dismissal. The President's failure to demand accountability once again demonstrates a dedication to an agenda rather than addressing the threat that terrorists pose.

    The only thing worse than the diplomatic malpractice exhibited was the arrogance demonstrated by the remark of the Secretary- "What difference does it make?' That is an insult to anyone who has ever served this country and demonstrates the true indifference of this administration.

    I surely hope and pray that the President will soon become aware of the ongoing failures of his administration and demand accountability.

  • Charlene Britten - 11 years ago

    I love Hillary, she did good ! I knew she would . The republicans , couldn't hurt her because she knows how to do her job and is a real American to be proud of and so is Obama ! Quit asking for his birth certificate !! We love him ! We respect him ! We have been watching all along. Suzanne Rice was right when she said we have too much to get done to waste time like this.

  • Charlene Britten - 11 years ago

    Republicans are an embarrassment to the American public. They should be ashamed of themselves,nasty, and they don't even make sense. I don't know how anyone could ever believe any of their none sense let alone vote on their behalf. They have shown to be racist non human unloving jurkes that cause a lot of trouble and wast a lot of time.

  • ghraydon wallick - 11 years ago

    The testy little terrier with a foppish top of curlies lifted his leg to make his mark, but lost his balls to the warrior.

  • Atamba B. Enoth, Kampala, Uganda. - 11 years ago

    These guys embarrassed themselves indeed. Now if they were doing this for themselves it will be understandable. However if they represented the GOP, then a manifestation of 'cheap politics' was exhibited at this time but using an unfortunate situation. It also happens a lot here in my country, Uganda. And it's unpleasant.

  • Rocky Mafia - 11 years ago

    No matter what the republican fool are thinking?...I got five words for them (Hillary Clinton for President 2016)

  • Diane - 11 years ago

    The Republicans will all go back to their constituents, chest thrust out and strutting like roosters. They will make the rounds of their very special news programs (i.e. FOX News) and crow about how very, very tough they were on Hilary Clinton and how she was astonished it at how very smart and incisive were their questions. There will be bobbing grinning heads all round.

    However, in the real world, they will be seen as the posturing, impotent fools that they are. Not all of them would I characterize this way, mind you, but enough for it to make not much of a difference. One of the strangest questions asked was why Hilary Clinton did not make use of the "monitor" that would have allowed her to watch, in"real time", what was actually going on in Benghazi. Looking confused for a moment, Hilary Clinton asked "Monitor? What monitor?" When she finally realized what he was trying to say, she was quite exasperated. There is no monitor! There is no "real time"! Now watching the Ed Show, I realize that this was a piece of foolishness that this questioner picked up from Hannity on FOX News. If Republicans are doing their research by watching FOX News, I don't even know what there is left to say.

  • Kevin Simmons - 11 years ago

    My fault. I did fail to mention the other pro-Obama shows on MSNBC. Al Sharpton, Rachel Madcow and the "LAST WORD" guy. None of these idiots can call themselves journalist with a straight face. Every night they push their own agenda. Sharpton: government exspansion, welfare state and continued race division. Maddow: Gay rights, government expansion. Matthews: Progressive Socialism. They think the government is the answer for all problems. I think they all should be drug tested! I hope the people that voted for Obama likes their payroll tax increase!

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    C'mon Kevin...you forgot to mention Rachel and the cheap entertainment they provide :)

  • Kevin Simmons - 11 years ago

    Surprise, surprise... Hillary gets away clean as a whistle with yet another scandle. If she were a conservative republican, the librials would tear her apart. You would never let a republican get away with what she has done. Obama could spit on the american flag and you, "ED" would defend him while Chris Matthews has another televised orgasm! Why is it that Democrats get a pass on MSNBC no matter how reckless they are? Your 20 or 30 nightly viewers are dumber for having tuned in. Thanks for nothing.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    Hey Ed, you're not only an idiot, you're an embarrassment! I can't even imagine how many folks around the world are laughing at you. Wait, people around the world are probably too smart to watch your pathetic excuse of a show :) You can only get 3,000 people to vote on your poll??? You make fun of Hannity and can't even hold his jock strap, you jerk. Pull your head out or move to a Country that has the same ridiculous views as you have. I'm sure if they had a chance, the founding fathers would kick your a** or take you out back and shoot you for treason. I wish there was a way for you to have them on your show, I'm sure they'd absolutely LOVE you!

  • Lee - 11 years ago

    Rand Paul taking advantage of being on tv.
    Uncalled for, for sure.
    There are restricted things she couldn't talk about, and they took advantage of that.
    She held in there like a trooper.

    Another slimy one to watch for is Paul Ryan.

  • Lee - 11 years ago

    To Denise Craig ,
    You failed to mention that in a speech he made as president he said " Americans need to learn to lower their standard of living".
    I almost fell out of my chair.
    They went on to remodel the White House, Chia and Silverware as well.
    And the deby ceiling was also raised 16 times.

    But to some his is somehow a hero.
    Ask those without a job what they think.

  • Mark Lanzarotta - 11 years ago

    Yes, they clearly embarrased themselves. They are a bunch of fools. This is a clearly fake manufactured issue designed to derail Clinton's presidential bid in four years. In this they failed miserably, because Clinton is clearly in the right and they are clearly in the wrong. Rand Paul, in particular, showed himself to be an even bigger ass than his fringie father, if such a thing is possible.

  • Mona - 11 years ago

    I was totally blown away by the disrespect of some repubs towards S.of State Clinton....she is
    such a classy woman, these fellows don't know what hit them after her responses to their
    stupid questions! But then again I thought about it....what struck me was, they're such
    "IDIOTS" .......but it will never get better, oh yes it will after they are voted out of office!

  • Emily - 11 years ago

    Sorry to say, but there are a lot of people out here that still believe she would be a masterful President.

  • ron schmidt - 11 years ago

    There is no correct answer to your poll question. They should be ambbarassed, but I don't think they are. I think that they think they were great and really got to the point. The GOP has no idea what they want.

  • Emily - 11 years ago

    At quarter after 10 PM, 96% agree the republicans were misguided. Not a tough question!

  • Shauna Snyder - 11 years ago

    Wow, this is embarrassing for ALL Republicans. I cannot get a job in this country but these guys are qualified to run it? UNBELIEVABLE.

  • Shauna Snyder - 11 years ago

    Wow, this is embarrassing for ALL Republicans. I cannot get a job in this country but these guys are qualified to run it? UNBELIEVABLE.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    No wonder why the US Congress could not get anything done in the last 4 years! The Republicans members don't even know their responsibilities except vote NO! Their knowledge are so limited! Let get them to the TV show "Are you smarter than the 5th grader?"

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Marco Rubio and Adam Kinzinger needs to take diplomatic, foreign relations, ... 101! He thinks that Secretary Clinton can order a pilot like him to fly air planes from our military base to the US embassy in Benghazi? Where are these Republicans come from?

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    Today Hillary drew the line of difference between this administration and republicans very clearly! She held her ground and did so beautifully and professionally. They on the other hand managed to look like a car full of circus clowns, out of control! The fact that this was in large part, an attempt by republicans to diminish her has been obvious. She might be a threat to them for a possible run for the Presidency in 2016. Well, they failed and just diminished themselves instead. This was no fact check grilling and she knew what it's real purpose was!
    Hillary has repeated over and over that she just wants to kick back and take a frigging break after leaving her post! She's not going to make any decisions until she has to. She is a woman who knows her mind and, at the right time will make her decision regarding 2016. I couldn't be more proud of her!!!

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    Today Hillary drew the line of difference between this administration and republicans very clearly! She held her ground and did so beautifully and professionally. They on the other hand managed to look like a car full of circus clowns, out of control! The fact that this was in large part, an attempt by republicans to diminish her has been obvious. She might be a threat to them for a possible run for the Presidency in 2016. Well, they failed and just diminished themselves instead. This was no fact check grilling and she knew what it's real purpose was!
    Hillary has repeated over and over that she just wants to kick back and take a frigging break after leaving her post! She's not going to make any decisions until she has to. She is a woman who knows her mind and, at the right time will make her decision regarding 2016. I couldn't be more proud of her!!!

  • Consuelo Moore - 11 years ago

    The Republicans are an extreme embarrassment to the party of Lincoln. They stand for nothing that he stood for. With malice towards everyone, (forget charity), they have not even tried to bind up the nation's wounds. (With apologies to Lincoln's magnificent words). What gets me, is that the Republicans seem to ignore the ultimate sacrifice that over 4,000 brave men and women have made in 2 wars started under false pretenses. (This is not to denigrate the deaths of those 4 brave men in any way.) (and forget the loss of the lives of the many innocent men, women and children in these countries.) For some reason, I feel their outrage is rather misguided and disingenuous.

  • Consuelo Moore - 11 years ago

    The Republicans are an extreme embarrassment to the party of Lincoln. They stand for nothing that he stood for. With malice towards everyone, (forget charity), they have not even tried to bind up the nation's wounds. (With apologies to Lincoln's magnificent words). What gets me, is that the Republicans seem to ignore the ultimate sacrifice that over 4,000 brave men and women have made in 2 wars started under false pretenses. (This is not to denigrate the deaths of those 4 brave men in any way.) (and forget the loss of the lives of the many innocent men, women and children in these countries.) For some reason, I feel their outrage is rather misguided and disingenuous.

  • Depree - 11 years ago

    I am tired about hearing about this issue.. How about the thousands of Military personal Bush killed with is damn WMD's... And how about the fix there work times.. 106 days working this year..and still making a full time job.. they need to be working 5days a week. I am in the military and I work 5 days aweek for my pay why cant they.

  • William Moore - 11 years ago

    All this did was let the American people know in this Country that the GOP is out on a Witch hunt and is using Ms. Clinton as another way to bring President Obama down because they have not been able to in other ways they tried.

    I have to give it to Ms. Clinton she stood her ground and the GOP should hope and pray that she don't win because they will have their hands full because she will be a force to reckon with.

  • Denise Craig - 11 years ago

    The real economic issue is the fact that the United States' GDP has become Corporate Profiteering at the expense of Common Good. Sociologists have already proven that politicians in this country have systematically deconstructed our governing bodies from the Federal Level down to the State and Community Levels. Voters failed to look at Ronald Reagan's Governorship in California where he deconstructed everything that predecessors Earl Warren (Republican) and Edmund G. Brown, Sr. (Democrat) worked so hard to build in the name of restricting access to higher education and Mental Health. It was Reagan who created the homeless problem in California by closing State Mental Health facilities (Sonoma State Psychiatric Hospital & Napa State Hospital) to those except the severely Mentally Ill who cannot function. This yielded the pharmaceutical development of medications that kept symptoms of Schizophrenia under control but depressed the immune system in those patients as well as other blood disorders. The age of Reagan is over. Paul Ryan is deluded into thinking that Ayn Rand created an actual economic tehory when in fact he writing was Fiction not based in fact. I would like to see the names of Economic Scholars Paul Ryan references for "His Budget" to account for his assertions. Voters need to get educated and hopefully Organizing For Action will become the tool for educating voters through community action to turn our experiment in the direction where humanity needs to once again flourish. While Republicans and some Democrats seem to want to go back in time and live in History, they fail to look at the mistakes throughout History and learn from them.

  • r f - 11 years ago

    The GOP showed such anger at Secretary of State Clinton today, where was their anger a few weeks ago at the loss of 20 innocent children? Fear of the NRA and maybe the loss of support in the next election?

  • Kelly L - 11 years ago

    I seriously think they were hoping Sec. Clinton would mot return to testify. They should have gotten some serious questions together. They were caught with their pants down. But not a lot going on down there. That's embarrassing!! Lol

  • Terry V - 11 years ago

    These clueless scum proved they don't know a thing about how national security work, especially the do-nothing teahads who were there to attack our SOS who had to school them on what her job all entails and if they had to do it for one day, would f--k it up it so bad, ALL our embassies would probably be attacked and the occupants in them dead!!! These fascists and their taxpayer waste of a witch hunt need to be flushed!!!!

  • Stanley Wright - 11 years ago

    The repubs gave up their party to the total idiots that call themselves teaparty . The crazy so called religious group. So Sick!!

  • Joeanne Gaunt Pellini - 11 years ago

    The Republicans did not seem to "feel embarrassed". In order to feel embarrassed one must have a modicum of decency and respect, of which they sorely lack! However, I was embarrassed as a American Citizen and even more so as a Woman! Guess they forgot to take that class on, "how to talk to Women!"

  • paul brown - 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, the repugnantans were not embarrassed because they have no shame. As Ed made clear, their questions were based on lies perpetrated by FoxNoise and on the repugnant far right's unsubstantiated belief that fair and balanced discourse means to throw falsities and logical fallacies in the face of truth, fairness and, I'd like to hope, the American Way. But the more I think about the "American Way," the more I fear that the "American Way" now means the Rule of the Moneyed Elite.

  • Frank DeMarco - 11 years ago

    A total embarrassment by the Republican party We have progressed to street and gutter warfare Not a comment of respect by these elected members of Congress Hillary Clinton hit a home run

  • Stanley Wright - 11 years ago

    The teapubs, not only embarrased themselves, they showed their insanity!

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Does "Totalism Ed" ever realize how much he has in common with fascism?

    There is NEVER so much as 1 thing that a repub does right, nor
    is there EVER so much as 1 thing that a dem does wrong.

    Stop this before its too late.

  • pam - 11 years ago

    I don't understand why MSNBC is so concerned about this. That station along with NBC, and CBS never were concerned back in Sept when it took place. Don't remember seeing any reporting on Benghazi back then, oh maybe because it would be bad press for the Obama campaign especially when he was out touting how Al Q had been eliminated. So now in Jan. everyone is so concerned how Hillary is getting grilled. Too bad, we should have been getting info back in Sept., what do they have to hide. I want answers, not because of party affiliation but because 4 Americans were killed. Hillary can hold her own, she puts on her big girl pants, she is at the top so must provide us with whatever info she has. Don't blast Repubs for asking the questions, this is not new, they have been trying to get info since mid Sept. Blame whoever is in charge for not releasing the information in a timely fashion. And please for those out there who didn't give a damn about these guys in Sept, pretend you care about them now

  • Patty - 11 years ago

    Why do the Republicans begin by saying the American people want to know? I don't want to know or need to know. Just find out what happened and make sure we do everything to not let it happen again. I don't Need To Know.

  • jane-3304616 - 11 years ago

    The republicans are the worst ever menm I have ever ever seen. Rand Paul is just as much of an ass as his father. Rand paul is a no body want to be somebody and will remail a nobody the rest of his life. This man has no moral values and thinks he's real tough. CAN you imagine these dam idiots running this country???.......O dear God we would be in one great big mess.
    The tea party republicans have got to go..........even chris christie I do not trust. I feel that he is just a big act and used the president to get what he wanted. President obama would have done it for New jersy any way. Never trust a tea party republican............ther eis always a reason or something they want and will do anything to get it. he doesn't fool me.

  • MMB - 11 years ago

    "Congressional Obama and Clinton Haters" brought a knife to Sec. of State Clinton's Gun Fight!!! Guess they don't have as many WMD's as they thought.

  • silverius - 11 years ago

    Those fools showed how ignorant they are. So glad that some of the Dems brought up their lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. What liars! vote them out in 2016..Please. I am soooo sick of them.

  • bill - 11 years ago

    You go Virginia girl; your comment was right on and expresses my sentiments exactly. Hillary showed them up.

  • Iona - 11 years ago

    Today the republicans continued to display their lack of intelligence much less lack of respect for this administration. My question is when are they going to learn that they are ignorant and despictable-probably never, so it is time for them to leave their congressional seat.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Well, Paul Ryan, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance! What is new? He was lucky that he only got booed in the inauguration, next time he is out to the public he might get egged!

  • LInda - 11 years ago

    The commitment of Hilary Clinton as a public servant should be unquestionable. Respect is something she has earned. Those challenging her would do well to tread softly and put their egos in check. With that said, she held her own powerfully, and those opposing her should walk away in shame. Thank you for reading.

  • Uncle Mike - 11 years ago

    Both parties were an embarrassment. The Republicans failed to ask specific questions & the
    Democrats attempted to canonize her.

  • Rosemary - 11 years ago

    Hilary was right to be heated. Johnson and McCain were POSTURING and trying to Embarrass the Obama Administration through her. McCain never met a Camera he did not want to continue his SORE LOSER TALKING POINTS and Challenge someone's Intelligence, from the Obama Administration. McCain telling Sec. Clinton, the Public needs to hear the Classified Info, knows better than anyone that is not Protocol. What Jerks!

    Rand Paul was really INSULTING. Somebody needs to take that Boy to the Woodshed . I am wating for the Good People of Kentucy to RELIEVE HIM from PRENTENDING to be a U. S. Senator. What a Jerk!

    Why didn't any of these Righteous Republicans call anybody from the Bush Administration on all of the INEPTNESS AND CARNAGE of the Handling of the Iraq War from the day "Mission Accomplished" throughout 2003 - 2006 and longer? not to mention a Decade of War on False Pretenses. I guess that is Ok when a Republican President Does it.

    The Big Debt the Republicans are TRYING TO PUT on the Obama Administration was Bush NOT putting the Wars on the Books, PLUS A BIG TAX CUT in the time of War.

    So when will the press call them out and People look at this OVER ZEALOUS HYPOCRISY by Republicans WITH THESE INVESTIGATION?”

  • Joy Rodriguez - 11 years ago

    I'm an embarrassed Republican and outraged American on how these IGNORANT WHITE MEN treated Hillary today. Shame, shame, shame!!! Rand Paul, you just guaranteed that you will NEVER be president of these United States!

  • Jay Gurowicz - 11 years ago

    The GOP must get there info from the enquier aka FOX news.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Well, when the Dow Jones was down to 10K, I was telling people that after President Obama got re-elected it will be up to 14K! It is coming people! Let stand behind the POTUS and move our country FORWARD!

  • Joyce Witt - 11 years ago

    I have had about enough of the erogance from these republicans.buy them a one way ticket back to the rock the one they crawled out from under

  • Carol Dearnaley - 11 years ago

    Was there ever any question about the Repulsivecans, given the opportunity, would of, course embarrass themselves?

  • Bernie White-Morton - 11 years ago

    With delight, I watched as the obstructionist, divisive Republicans consistently made themselves look like uninformed novices! Initially, they were after President Obama, but with his reelection, Hillary becomes their greatest threat for 2016! Americans love and appreciate what she has done for us and we will vote for her in 2016! Lucky for us, GOP doesn't get that America has changed and they will be left behind, just like in the movie!

  • Kevin - 11 years ago

    There is nothing like Grandstanding at a bootleg Dog and Pony Show!

  • Linda Kingman - 11 years ago

    I only voted no because these morons are not bright enough to realize how stupid and idiotic they sound. They are wrapped up in their own self-righteousness and surety of their importance and place in history. Hopefully, these people won't even be a footnote in history. I wish the GPO was embarrassed by these people, they might (if any of them can grow a pair) rein them in and put duct tape over the big mouths. Those who can do, those who can't (to change this saying slightly) just shoot off inanities from the mouths.

  • Robert Mayer - 11 years ago

    What a complete hack, and an embarrassment Rand Paul is. "If he was President?" Maybe President of his Cub Scout pack. Sorry, that was insulting to the Cub Scouts.

  • Deb Mc - 11 years ago

    When Rand Paul made that comment about to Hillary if her were President, I thought about the daily briefing read to GW about the threat of bin Laden's attack on America. Dick Durbin's response about WMDs was outstanding.

  • flc - 11 years ago

    they have stepped to the lowest of lows. To me they have become a form of life lower than an ameba

  • delphia - 11 years ago

    The GOP made me feel embarrased today. Do they know our media is shown around the world? They would have made a larger impression if someone had given them all a mop to clean the floor. Oh wait, maybe that's what Hillary did?

  • Sylvermoon - 11 years ago

    Rand Paul will only be President in his dreams. So continuing with his dream theme, I would fire him from Congress.

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    Republicans love being on TV. They love the attention where they misquote every detail, especially today. They believe that scoling Hillary Clinton like a child and disrespect her will get her to confess. Totally wrong!!! They look like jackasses and need to wash their mouth with soap for disrespect Hillary.

    Hillary know more than then those idoits of Republicans. They keep up with their rudness, in return, they will be slammed down with no questions asked.

  • Mike McMahon - 11 years ago

    It's frightening that members of Congress rely on FOX News as their source of information. The Republican Party really has been taken over by under informed morons.

  • robflash - 11 years ago

    I like Sen. Durbin's comment about lieing. Who was calling the kettle black? And McCain had the temerity to laugh!?! He doesn't know what else to do. And Rand? This was about Benghazi, not Turkey. What a fool!

  • Constance Forcey - 11 years ago

    GOP. They're armed, and shooting themselves in the foot.

  • Big Cuff - 11 years ago

    Every time a republiCON opens their mouth, they embarrass the whole country ! ! ! ! LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • portia - 11 years ago

    Our Senator, Ron Johnson, not only embarrassed himself but our whole state. It's nothing new though. He does it everytime he opens his mouth. I can't wait for 2016.

  • Virginia Cowgirl - 11 years ago

    Rand Paul - That cockroach needs to go back to Kentucky and practice Opthamology! He will never be President of this country or any other! The guy is an idiot, just like "the professional Sunday Talk Show Guest Turd" John McCain! What a bunch of idiots! Paul is certainly a wife beater by watching his actions today! Pathetic pieces of shit!

  • Bob - 11 years ago

    The GOP rubes are so pathetic that they wouldn't know the real truth it it bit them in the butt! If they did, they'd acknowledge their impotence in office and resign!

  • Judith Hirt - 11 years ago

    I was especially ashamed of our senator from Wisconsin. I certainly never voted for him. But Ed, you know how things get here.

  • Margaret Caulfield - 11 years ago

    Our Secretary of State proved her worthiness to become our next President of the United States in 2016 today. What a woman! Keep after those Republicans Ed.

  • ArtieS. - 11 years ago

    It's clear why the GOP lost to the Democrats in Novemeber. How could they possibly expect to win if they can't even beat one old lady? Way to Go Hillary!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Rand Paul is OUT OF LINE! and disrespected the OFFICE OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT!

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    And the arrogance of Rand Paul to think he would ever be elected President, to think the Secretary of State would want to serve under him if he was and in philosophy he wouldn't appoint a Secretary of State because he as an isolationist believes America should not be involved in the international community.

  • Mack1967 - 11 years ago

    The republicans in congress are an embarrassment to this nation! So sick of the nonsense. Pure idiots!

  • Charles Gustafson - 11 years ago

    Reublicans have been embarassing themselves since they lost the 2008 elections. John McCain is still a bitter old man.

  • Bob Scott - 11 years ago

    They not only embarrassed themselves they showed the entire country exactly what they are made of, a party with no respect for the current leadership of this country.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Before background check of the future gun owners can be validated, the government must scan Wayne Lapierre's brain! He cited gun control is to make the gun owner pay tax or take it away! Well, he promote people to cheat sales tax! I wonder how much tax did he pay?
    - Lapierre goes again 74% of the memberships and spreads fears and lies! Why can memberships vote him and his gangs out! You are members of a law abiding organization, why let some bad people hijack your organization?

  • carrie - 11 years ago

    Rand Paul and all the rest of them made complete fools out of themselves. In my company we send the fools to do the work the next time we have a complex (or even simple) problem to grapple with. When they come back they appear to be humbled by the complexity of the adult world. When is John Mccain going to grow up?

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    Not all made fools of themselves but most did. Offhand I can think of one whose questions were reasoned. He is a former military pilot. I wondered why one of his questions concerned "leading from behind", the right-wing characterization of wisely achieving a military goal without loss of American lives and a minimal financial expenditure but he was respectful, reasoned and non-partisan during his 5 minutes of floor time.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - The Republicans cut 300 million dollars from the State Department is an analogy of a family whom did not want to buy car insurance by saying to the family drivers that "Just drive carefully!" Well when they have an accident, they starting to pointing fingers at each other!
    - I am sure Secretary Clinton would have valuable recommendations to the POTUS for improving not only safety of the U.S. Embassy around the world, but also for protecting the U.S. State Department employees abroad! "One can make glue with water only!"

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    All they are doing is showing the country how idiotic they really are.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    All they are doing is showing the country how idiotic fools they are.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Secretary Clinton is one of the best Secretary of Sate since beginning of the 21st century (2001). The world shows more respect to the U.S. today, we have more friends around the world then 4 years ago! Just ask those who often travel abroad!
    - She did an excellent jobs to explain to many Ignorant Republicans not only about Benghazi, but the important of the U.S. State Department without telling many classified info! It is one of the most important office after the POTUS! Anyone who really associates with or working for the State Department knows that. This office is more than the diplomatic office … Duncan, Johnson, Paul and other big mouths would not know how the foreign countries looking at the U.S. Sate Department today compare to 4 years ago!

  • Mac Mehta - 11 years ago

    NO! I say no because they have NO SHAME! That Rand Paul better stick to his Medical( quake) policy and business! HE SHOULD RESIGN FROM SENATE! The man is totally ignorant about world affairs, and Hillary (Next President) showed him and other right wingers whoknows more about state department.Hateful Hannity always starts having baby when he knows he is wrong. He changes subject, asks different question to his callers, and when he can not corner them he stops conversation and goes to commercial or next caller (Right winger, of course)! I always listen on radio these right wing hosts and I know what talking point is going to be on one, it will be on all of them. If you heard on one show, you heard all!

  • Linksmasgrybas - 11 years ago

    They showed how completely ignorant they are and Hillary socked it to them, Bravo, Hillary

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