Who has a better plan for immigration reform?


  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Mark L could be intellectually retarded, the jury is still out on that.

    The glory coverage of OblamerCare vastly outweighed the Senate recess decision.

    Jimmy Williams did indeed cover the "Victory for Republicans"...er, how about the victory for the Constitution? No....us vs. them....those TRAITORS....those EVIL REPUBLICANS...those [insert seeds of us vs. them totalism words here] that was the focal point. And don't forget the closing argument by Jimmy: "this wouldn't have happened if the republicans weren't filibustering". A straw man argument if any intelligent man has ever heard it.

    Once this totalism is out of the bag it takes on a life of its own and it always ends ugly.

    As for Caesar, that is my term of endearment for Oblamer. No, we elected a president, we did not elect a mandate, which is the catchword cliche that the MSNBC crowd is now using simply because they parrot the tele in 1984 type fashion.....just like cult followers do.

    This is dangerous. Stop treating it nonchalantly.

  • julia - 11 years ago

    why? what is the rule of law?

  • Justkickin - 11 years ago

    Ed, I know it is hard to report the facts, might want to try again

  • Justkickin - 11 years ago


    Personal responsibility is really that hard to understand?



  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    I have to wonder what Winston Smith is talking about. I learned about the court decision over Obama's recess appointments from MSNBC.

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    In general what we need is to get lobbyists removed from Washington so Congress can represent the only lobbyists they should be representing, voters. Oddly enough the republican party would be more highly regarded if they weren't beholden to the NRA, Grover Norquist, etc. The majority of Americans want the common sense gun legislation item by item proposed by The President but republicans and some democrats in Congress fear for their jobs should they go against the NRA and do the peoples' will. Anyone old enough remembers Joe Camel and the Marlboro man and the tobacco industry's claim, "Cigarettes don't kill people". Sounds familiar yes?

    All this lobbying is tantamount to blackmailing not only legislators but ultimately the voting public and thus it's no wonder, as long as it goes on, Congress has a lower approval rating than cockroaches, literally. America is screaming for action and movement forward on many fronts and Congress ignores the cries for fear of losing special interest funding and therefore their cushy two and a half days a week jobs.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    Since when do the Republicans have a good idea for anything?? I would never trust them on anything. And as for John Boehner saying President Obama needs to get to work, if all the people in the country were as lazy as Boehner and the Republicans, there would be no one working. How many days off does the Congress need?? Most ordinary people only get a few weeks, these yahoos are vacationing way more than they work. And President Obama is working way harder than Boehner. Oh yah, it doesn't take much work to get a tan!!

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    The seeds of totalism may be seen in the reactions to the judicial branch. To wit:

    When Oblamercare won in the SCOTUS, the coverage was abundant.

    Where was MSNBC & Totalism Ed's coverage of Oblamer's loss on Senate "recess" appointments?

    I have seen less indoctrination in bible cults. By the way, what is a "mandate" and why is that synonymous with the election of our new Ceasar?

  • Dixon Rochet - 11 years ago

    Republican, Rubio,are plaing games, and will play the public with immagration, Republicans will stop anything Obama puts out????

  • JoAnne Bruno - 11 years ago

    President Obama has compassion for immigrants and wants to make their lives better. GOP wants to win elections by giving the illusion that they care about immigrants.

  • chestnut55 - 11 years ago

    the republican think they can get there votes and if they don,t they will try to deport them.

  • science major - 11 years ago

    Obama just has sense and compassion for others.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    Obama's idea is actually reform, not self-deportation.

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