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Vote for the Next Edelweiss Pattern! (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 243
1 Comment

  • WendyBee - 11 years ago

    What a lovely idea - to invite us in on selecting your next project. I voted for Liesl's Edelweiss dress, but really I adore all of them.
    Something that intrigues me about movie costuming is analyzing which elements of the fashions represent the era in which the story is set, and which elements are influenced by the era when the movie was made. The Sound of Music costumes overall have the lines of late'50's/early'60's, but with detailing heavily influenced by the '30's. In that respect, they don't accurately represent the 1930's. But I'm not criticizing that, in fact, I believe the appeal of the costuming lies in the fact that the best of both eras is combined! There is a sleekness and crispness of lines which is the legacy of New Look "engineering". We can also credit NL influence for the nipped-in waists. (I loooove a nipped-in waist, but can't find one on my "apple" figure, sigh....) Liesl's dress shows us some lovely stitchery detailing with embroidered embellishment and scalloped edging on the ruffled collar. So much emphasis in the 1930's was placed at the neckline, drawing attention to and flattering the face. This was a time when hairstyles were evolving to take advantage of the bob, which fashionistas had adopted in the '20's, and as it grew out, there were new possibilities. There was less piling and pinning of long tresses, and more waving and curling of shorter locks, and a variety of ways to flatter each individual face. Never before had the pursuit of beauty relied so much on making the most of one's face and hair and less on the sumptuousness of the wardrobe. Good thing too, since these were Depression years. Oh dear, I seem to be going on and on. It's because you and your blog inspire me so!
    I'll follow along to see what the poll shows. Keep up the good work, Sweetie!

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