Do you agree with the policy of targeted killing of American citizens?


  • David - 11 years ago

    75% agree? WTF is wrong with America. READ THE CONSTITUTION PEOPLE!!

  • Dan - 11 years ago

    Remember due process? Anyone?

  • Kevin - 11 years ago

    In single word descriptions, will those who voted "yes", please leave a comment naming specific groups which are acceptable to target? Thank you

  • Randy Watson - 11 years ago

    What is the definition of a terrorist and who gets to define it?

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    Ed; The Drones are our best weapons again Terrorist. They will no know what hit them, till it is to late. If you are an American, working for or with terrorist, you are on our shit list. Just because you are born american, doesn't give you any extra rights over others. Once a terrorist, always a terrorist, maybe a dead terrorist. Keep looking over your shoulder, now look up!!! BOOM! you dead. 2-11-2013.

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    Ed; The republican party hasn't balance a budget in many many years, I believe the last one was back when Eisenhower was President. If they continue with their policies, the republicans will take our nation back into recession, this time higher interest rates, lack of jobs, loss of our credit rating on world market. Stock market will collapse, and all hell will brake out. Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, McCarthy, McConnell all should be removed from office, new elections held and we start over with New Congress. I thought all the clowns left town with Romney, but I missed quite a few still in DC. What the hell is it going to take, A Revolt, to take back this country from the most corrupt party ever in History of this Country. Someone needs to go to jail so the rest get the message, we are not going to take this anymore, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. 2-11-2013.

  • Marty - 11 years ago

    People some of the comments on here. These drones can be used if suspected of terror activities. You do know what suspected means right? They don't know if you are guilty or not, just that they suspect you might be. And some of you think it is okay to kill because you think someone is guilty of something? Really!!!! I think anyone who thinks preemptive killing is okay must be a terrorist. How can you kill someone without knowing for sure they are guilty? Unless you are a terrorist.

  • George - 11 years ago

    What the hell are some of you smoking and how the hell could 26% of the people here vote for bombing there fellow americans or anyone else for that matter , my guess is the 26% people are payed to vote on poles that favor the military industrial complex and israel , idiots , traiter's f u . il be there to cheer you 26% when your walking up the steps of the gallows , you better hope my fellow americans have more compassion then you did .

  • michael - 11 years ago

    If the results of this poll are honest and not manipulated, I'm truly worried about this country. People are wasting their time jumping to the defense of these politicians' actions(yes, even Obama). These aren't Democrat vs Republican issues, they are People vs Government issues. We're going to continue to lose that battle until we at least WAKE UP and realize we're in it.

  • JULIA - 11 years ago

    why?is the constution not the law of the land?

  • The truth will set us free - 11 years ago

    This poll is being manipulated! Its possible to vote multiple times. This Poll accepts multiple Yes votes, but doesn't accept No votes. The yes votes are registrated after a minute or 2... Beware and wake up, tv and polls are used to manipulate the people!

  • Mike - 11 years ago

    At what point in time did it become acceptable to kill anyone? Isn't that what the enemies of our western nations wish upon us? And now we the people are trying to make it acceptable to kill each other? (This coming from a 12 year US Army attack pilot)

  • Heather Holocher - 11 years ago

    To those who said YES:

    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin.

  • END the DRONE STRIKES - 11 years ago


    US 5th Amendment in full:

    "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."


    If these Americans really are terrorists, then they need to be arrested and put on trial in accordance to the United States Constitution!!!!!

  • oton tisch - 11 years ago

    I repeat here:

    You intentionally have put a misleading question by the words "KILLING AMRICANS"

    Nobody is proposing to use drones or other ways to kill people without due process as punishment for past crimes. (Americans or not)

    But they shall be killed if they are preparing the means to kill REALLY innocent Americans, as EL AFLAKI was doing, if there is no other way to stop them!

    Shame on you for above and the manipulating of the poll result!!

  • Lindsey - 11 years ago

    This show is a joke. Why is Ed Schultz still even on the air? No intelligent person would watch him! He just cries and whines about those mean old republicans hurting his wittle feelings! NOTHING that comes out of this man's mouth holds any truth. You would have to be such a fool to believe a word he says.

  • oton tisch - 11 years ago

    You obviously have corrected the results

    After 4 hours, the result was 60% Yes but one hour later, when the time was already 1.00 AM
    and few viewers, it was 50/50. really...Ask your self that, only as an example, if the "American " EL AFLAKI, which by sheer look was not successful with the Underwear bomber flying a jumbojet in Houston Air terminal, would not have been killed (with regretfully a few bystanders, innocent or not) and he repeated something similar killing 1,000 or many more. And if his killing was not done due to the actions of "progressives", these would now be accomplices!!

    And this, whee 90% of viewers were Democrats and the qustion (intentionally?) misleading, as
    "killing Americans" was understanding by many AS PUNISHMENT FOR PAST actions. INSTEAD AS PREVENTION OF THE KILLING OTHER AMRICANS!!!!

    This typical far left procedure is perfect to push independents (and DEM leaning independents as I) away and to the GOP, as soon they get rid of the TEA PARTY

    The same as the disproportionate flattery of gays and more so gay marriage, unrestricted abortion rights.
    And to compensate the very justified campaign again the voting blockage procedures by the GOP by plainly moronic campaign against a timely issued photo-identity card, arguing that it is sooo difficult for the poor and old to get one, when at least in all Europe and Latin America
    ANYBODY adult has one

  • J. E. Neighbors - 11 years ago

    What's next, Obama targets people who voted against him?

    Who decides who needs to be targeted? Obama? He's already proven himself to be a traitor.

    Whatever happened to Due Process?

  • Josh - 11 years ago


  • Josh - 11 years ago

    Anyone voting yes is a TRAITOR to this country and clearly fucking retarded.

  • Joyce M - 11 years ago

    The real hypocrisy is: enhanced interrogation bad, drone killing good.

    You people are disgusting.

  • Julie Monroe - 11 years ago

    This is shameful... Anyone who is in support of this should be ashamed of themselves.

    Due process... how many people has the government said was guilty that during the course of a trial they were proven innocent?! You are willing to throw that all away?!

    And think about this... maybe Obama never kills anyone who doesn't deserve it, but then who's to say that the president after him won't kill innocent people? Or what about the president after that? Or after that?

    What is wrong with you people?!

  • Chris M - 11 years ago

    I do not like these public polls for public trolls that want to scare the public.
    No life to really live, they look to inflict their pain.
    To find the truth you must ask yourself that one most important thing.
    Trust your republic? Then spread love! not pain!
    For misery loves company,twisted and insane.

    God Bless America and All people of the world.

    Some food for thought...

  • youguyswouldvelovedhitler - 11 years ago

    Lets just see how the nutless liberals react when the hellfire missles are raining down on one of their little green towns. When DHS and UN goons are patrolling their streets with ......REAL.....fully automatic.....REAL....assault rifles while drones capable of reading street signs from 20,000ft are buzzing around like hornets. IN AMERICA! Go ahead, say it won't happen here. Go ahead and laugh and label people as conspiracy loons because they can see what this machine is about to unleash on this distracted loathsome mass of idiots we call US citizens. Keep your heads glued to Sportscenter or the Food network or what ever it is liberal trendies watch these days. Be sure to get all of your world news from CNN and all of the other mainstream presstitutes that tell you what your opinion is without even an attempt to do your own unbiased research. But when it becomes clear, when it is no longer a luxury to deny what we as a country face at the hands of these murderous creatures in Washington, when they announce the implementation of martial law on your 110" HD screens, YOU are the ones that will have to explain to your terrified children why you were so supportive of this administration just because it was "popular". I foresee it being a difficult thing to explain while they will clearly be able to see that you are standing in a puddle of your own piss. Thanks for destroying the country liberals. At least you were popular in doing so.

  • db - 11 years ago

    Where am I right now??? Are you really that ignorant people? You are innocent until proven guilty. What is happening to the America I love? You better wake up people, this is unconstitutional.

  • BB - 11 years ago

    I'm seriously scared for all of us seeing these results. Do you asshats realize how cavalierly you are throwing away your Constitutional rights? Innocent until proven guilty is becoming a thing of the past. So sad. Obviously you all have never known anyone wrongly accused of a crime. Or you just choose to be ignorant.

  • Matt Williams - 11 years ago

    Who decides, who is the enemy? Enemy of what, who(m)??? God forbid you stand up for anything other than what you are told to think, YOU ARE AMERICANS.. ACT LIKE IT!!!! This is Treason and a sham!

  • Rudy - 11 years ago

    71% !?! You people are sick!

  • JA - 11 years ago

    Anyone who joins a terrorist organization has voluntarily given up their American rights to any due process.
    No one gave the Americans who died in the twin towers in 911 any to due process.

    Criminals have more rights than Victims - only in America. Yet we still shamefully, allow thousands of fellow, law-abiding Americans to die daily while Health Insurance Corporations make Billions of Dollars in profit by denying care. We pay the most and get the least - only in America.
    Who cares about Americans who knowingly and voluntarily chose to join terrorists organizations dead set to bringing down the United States Constitution - If they make that choice, the drones are there to take them out.

    I think some progressives should get off their high-horse that is headed for self-destruction!!!

    We like to point out to Republicans that if the voice of reason is "Sarah Palin", they need to wake up. How about Senator Graham telling MSNBC that the Obama administration is on solid legal ground using drones to strike at the heart of terrorists?
    Terrorists have the right to be afraid, very afraid and in deed very afraid when they consider taking on America.

    If Pakistan was such a friendly country, why did we find Osama Bin Laden in Abottabad, Pakistan. There made themselves a fair game for the collateral damage, just like any regrettable war. Do you rather that we have boots on the ground?

    POTUS and Mr Brennan have done nothing but use drones to protect Americans.

    We have more problems that we still need to solve.

  • Polly - 11 years ago

    If a murderer, even a mass murderer, is operating in the USA, we make every effort to arrest them, try them, and punish them according to our laws. This is the due process that is afforded to Americans here. Sometimes suspects are killed in the process of their arrest. Cop killers seem to be killed more often, for some reason. Americans working with Al Qaeda are working for an organization whose goal is disruption of our society and killing as many Americans as possible. We cannot just saunter into Afganistan or Pakistan to arrest them and bring them to the US. I do not think it is unreasonable to kill traitors. When we dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima, it was not because we wanted to kill as many Japanese citizens as possible, it was because we wanted to force surrender, and avoid any more lives among our military. Troups on the ground get killed, and they are our loyal citizens.

  • john hessler - 11 years ago

    I can't believe that ed is talking against this. join the tea partiers. when a person who is an american citizen turns coat and deals with the enemy they loose all rights and if you want to be bleeding heart then look back at 9/11. If you plot to kill americans then you are no longer an american. that is why we are where are their are to many crybabies forthe rights of others until it knocks on their door then it is a different story. ED YOU ARE WRONG ON THIS ONE. THE JOB OF THE PRESIDENT AND ALL HIS FORCES IS TO PROTECT THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. wHAT WOULD YOU DO IF A GUNMAN BROKE INTO YOUR HOME AND KILLED YOUR FAMILY AND YOU FOUND OUT THAT GUNMAN WAS A TERRORIST. WOULD STILL TURN THE OTHER CHEEK?

  • Joann - 11 years ago

    I agree with those that say once you join one of our enemies against this country you give up your rights in this country. Adults make a decision and consequences should be expected. We hear about children but what war/fighting eliminates the killing of kids. These people take their children into a war zone take them along with them when they know they are being hunted how do you justify putting your own children in that position and then cry when they are killed/hurt while in the targeted area. I am not a terroist fanatic I just feel we are at war and we need to know that and keep our people safe. I'd prefer a drone being sent than an american soldier for these cowards who use the Koran and religion in a corrupted way to justify their own agendas.

  • Ben Shields - 11 years ago

    I am sick of being told in this country that killing people is necessary for our safety. That has been a lie since Truman and it is a lie now. This outrage over American citizen killings is misplaced and egocentric. What horrifies me is the slaughtering of innocent people; the fear instilled in entire villages by looming drones hovering in he sky for weeks at a time. Who do we think we are? Someday the US will pay for this kind of behavior. I thought Barack Obama would help deter that, but prospects look worse every single day.

  • Valerian - 11 years ago

    It strikes me as disingenuous that Sen. Wyden and Senate republicans are trying to score cheap political points by over-blowing the drones issue. This is a covert operation that should not even be discussed in public. I think Congress is inadvertently jeopardizing the lives of operatives who are on the frontlines and by so doing squandering international goodwill in the over 50 countries that have joined the US war on terror. This is utterly irresponsible for Congress to be seen to be acting against the supreme interest of the United States. A terrorist is a terrorist and once you declare war on the values of civilized behavior by joining a faceless group that conspires to kill innocent people, then you have no respect for human life and consequently your own life as well. It is that simple. I will refer Sen. Wyden and all those who share his parochialism to a billboard in Massachusetts which amended the declaration of the founding fathers. "...We hold these truths to be evident; that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights amongst which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness AND ALL THOSE WHO THREATEN IT"

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    This is another way for the republicans to cause trouble for the President and take the focus off of them, not having any plans for moving this country forward. They have their backs against the wall, trying to save face, no plans for JOBS for america, no plans for Rebuilding america. No plans for regulations for Wall Street CEO's and Big Banks who almost took this nation down, Our Bailout of them, and No Thanks in return for saving their butts. We the taxpayers are still paying for it for their screw ups, Not ONE has been put in Jail??? Were is our Justice Dept. Almost 6 millions jobs produced under Obama, economy coming back slowly but it is coming back. Republicans all they want is to Privatize everything, including the USPS. Three things that work in this Country; USPS, Social Security and Medicare, all paid by working public. Republicans were are your Plans for rebuilding this Nation, Were!!! Mr Boehner is asleep at the wheel again. Paul Ryan has that new math, 1 plus 1 equal 5. Cantor can't see over the steering wheel, McCarthy playing follow the leader, but who is the leader, remember Romney Lost. Tea Party is out to Lunch.

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    If the person in question is working with the enemy, even if they were born here in US, does not give them the right to go out and kill americans for their cause. A terrorist is a terrorist, weather he is American, Chinese, English, French, or who ever they are, enemy to kill US citizens, they are a terrorist and we have the right to take them out where ever they are, by what ever means we have. Our Drones are being targeted because they are that good, we need more of them to patrol our border states. Drones are a cheap weapon system, we need to build more of them than putting troops on the ground to fight a war. The answer is HELL YES!!!

  • john y - 11 years ago

    this has been going on for decades. do you think that during the cold war with russia that an american citizen that was working as a double agent and there was hard evidence that this person was helping the kgb got due process before orders were given to eliminate? lets get real. we just didn't hear about it. its a shame we have to use drones because bullets are cheaper to eliminate a traitor in a time of war and we are at war . i think i am in the mood for a james bond movie.

  • Grant Shewchuk - 11 years ago

    This process of the drone killing of American or other citizens, is a logical extension of the same situation faced by a local policeman who comes upon a crime in process and is "forced" to use lethal force to protect themselves or other citizens. The real problem is how to completely and legally define, in a detailed way, the parameters under which lethal force is required and authorized. In the situation of the local law enforcement officer, this is somewhat determined after the fact by an internal or external investigation.

  • Helene Smiley - 11 years ago

    If they are commiting treason and are a threat to our country ~ so be it. Does our enemy have a right to know when ,where, and how we're coming after them ?

  • Ernestina Elizalde - 11 years ago

    I believe if an American living outside the US and is known to be with any Al Qaeda group should not be considered an American and should be dealt like a terrorist. We should not
    considered them the same rights every decent American has.

  • Chuck Swaim - 11 years ago

    'm very liberal and I watch Rachel and Ed. If any American pulls a Benedict Arnold to kill Americans from overseas hideouts, then they deserve to die by a drone for the protection of our country. It's war and just plain common sense. Why doesn't Rachel & Ed understand that?

  • Chuck Swaim - 11 years ago

    'm very liberal and I watch Rachel and Ed. If any American pulls a Benedict Arnold to kill Americans from overseas hideouts, then they deserve to die by a drone for the protection of our country. It's war and just plain common sense. Why doesn't Rachel & Ed understand that?

  • Ann Stacy - 11 years ago

    Why doesn't anyone submit a bill to have all elections be decided by the popular vote? Not only would the naysayers be quieted but more citizens would be willing to participate if they had an actual voice in governing but it would
    bring our country closer to the original intent of our founders. Let the negative nellies be hushed regarding the eloctoral college, informed citizens of today are capable of casting their vote. The electoral college was appointed in a time when many citizens were not able to keep up with the many candidates, issues, and fixed voting times but today anyone can be knowlegdable about the candidates stand, the platform of the candidates party, and voting times and dates are flexible in most States. The purposes for the electoral college have faded into oblivion. Let us promote a country of the people that is

  • Elizabeth L. French - 11 years ago

    I voted "No" because the question does not address the possibility for due process.

    However, where an individual has publicly committed himself or herself to acts of treason, having willingly self-removed from all protections of law and country, for the purposes of mahem, sedition, causing or threatening to cause death, destruction, or otherwise threaten the wellbeing and security of his or her country and/or its peoples, by any means whatsoever, that individual has self-identified as a traitor at the highest level, beyond all doubt.

    In such a case, I believe that such acts require the death penalty. I see no reason not to mete it out in swift Justice, via "drone", or any other means most timely and appropriate to end the threat.

  • joe k - 11 years ago

    Not only do I disagree with the use of drones to kill American citizens in sovereign countries that we have not offically declared war on, but I also disagree with any death that results from these attacks.
    These attacks do nothing to protect the safety of Americans either at home or overseas. The only logical result of these attacks and the associated deaths of innocent people in these sovereign countries is a more intense hatred of the United States.
    I feel that this Drone Program will make America less safe from domestic terrorism in the long run.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Nice push poll Ed, he was not an American but a traitor who renounced his citizenship.

  • pw - 11 years ago

    I am a proud Democrat. This Drone thing with the President is making me sick.The President is engaging an Enemy of the state in a new kind of War and you people have a problem with it.These people who have change sides and continue to threat the people of this country is no longer Americans and you people are more worried about so kind of Rights.Where are the Rights of the 3000 American people who was killed on 911, or what about the sailors on the USS Cole in Yemen.These people was not from a pacific country. They are from all over,Yemen,Pakistan,Iran,Egypt,Saudi Arabia,and Libya.The President did not start this but we must let him do his JOB! Progressives you are walking a fine line with me and now you got some Republicans starting to compare President Obama to George W Bush. Let me remind you of something George W Bush order the war in Iraq that caused the deaths for over 4000 American soldiers and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF IRAQIS. If this thing goes bad and we are attacked again because the President did not have the tools to do his job i am going to blame you,THE PROGRESSIVES! STAND WITH THE PRESIDENT!

  • Jerome Roth - 11 years ago

    The corporate media - includes MSNBC - are using this discussion to distract the country from what these drone attacks are actually doing. There was one American we killed. We're not targeting traitors. We say we're targeting terrorists, but the resulting deaths are of innocent people. Using the emotional "American traitors" is a way of getting us to accept and approve of the drones.

  • Ann Stacy - 11 years ago

    When any American citizen leaves our country to join a terrorist organization and plots to kill Americans, they are no longer an American citizen as far as I am concerned. They are no different than Osama bin Ladin. A terrorist should not be afforded protection from anniliation because they were an American citizen originally. Think of the victims that they have murdered or plan to murderer. The cost in lives, intelligence gathering, and manhours spent to capture these terrorists would be astronomical. Then the cost of providing legal counsel and housing these treasonist criminals would add insult to injury. I understand the pain their loved ones will experience but protecting our homeland from terrorism involves making decisions that might cause canst for some. I cannot believe that anyone who plots harm to our fellow citizens are going to be able to escape their just desserts because they are at one time an American citizen. What we are becoming is a country that is afraid to do the right thing for the greater good because it might insofar or pain a group of naysayers. I am ashamed that this topic is taking center stage when there are so many other really pertinent and grave issues that are being pushed to the side. Republicans are winning the war against the real issues.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - How long an US citizen could live abroad (2 years?) without return to the US? and if an individual not only living abroad more than 2 years, but that individual also plotting to harm the US citizen, could that person still claim his/her US citizen rights?

  • Executiveordersstink - 11 years ago

    Another executive order, another sad day in America if this passes. Read between the lines. Very dangerous to people who speak their minds. This will shut up good people as well as those who wish to harm our country. Those who disagree with anything will be labeled terrorists and eliminated. Hail Obama.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    The policy needs to be either drastically scaled back of scrapped. We should never engage in a program that kills innocent people, American or otherwise. Saying that the policy is legal only means that we can get away with it. That does not make it moral or ethical. The rightness or wrongness of a policy should not be based on how it makes the US look to the American voter or to the rest of the world. We should judge a policy on whether it is morally right or wrong. Otherwise, we are no better than the people we are supposed to be fighting.

  • Jake P. NYC - 11 years ago

    Anwar al-Aulaqi committed treason. By law US government can enforce this as punishable by death. What's the confusion here? Obama is using the drones lawfully against special cases where spies and boots on the ground would be too dangerous. Al Quaeda is mobile and underground, and the drones are one of our best weapons against them. Now, there should be clear legislation against done usage in the US territory, but by no means should Obama stop taking out Al Quaeda leadership. Collateral Damage and all.

  • GloriaD - 11 years ago

    Induiduals who plot to kill Americans or teach terriots to kill us are no longer American citizens. KILL THEM bcause they are not Americans. Case close.

  • SyracuseBullDog1213 - 11 years ago

    In the past scumbags like these were called Public Enemies. Remember John Dillinger?
    Garbage like these newbees have given up their citizenship. What rights??

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Was al qaeda classified as an enemy of the U.S.?
    If one belongs to an organization which attacking the US, one's membership with such organization proved that one was classified as traitor? If the US Government declared war with such organization, any member of that organization is the US enemy? That organization is intended to destroy our republic by any means!
    - No one in this world can have a "perfect" device which the inventor "invented", i.e. each device will serve a limited purpose! either the device is an automobile, an airplane, a machine gun, or a drone! No normal individual wants to hurt innocent people, however, in some cases, due to the human imperfection, we do got the wrong target! Therefore, we voted to elect a leader and we hope that our trust leader acts humanly and honestly! In some cases we donot know for sure the "facts" we saw after our action were our faults 100%! Using of drone should not be abandoning completely, but it must be more cautiously besides the economic factors to avoid killing the innocents!

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    I normally have a problem with Totalism Ed, but today we agree on the issue of due process relative to drone attacks on government-defined "terrorists", including U.S. citizens.

    The complete lack of critical thought in the twitter feed and the anecdotes scrolling under Ed are beyond scary.

    First and foremost, have we forgotten Patty Hearst? Thought reform exists.

    Have we forgotten Larry Flynt? That the offensive form of the 1st Amendment protects us all?

    Under no circumstances should we forfeit our rights as contained in the 5th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution! Has no one read Animal Farm? In an ancillary manner, the 4th and 8th Amendments are also violated by this offensive policy in which the Executive Branch becomes Judge (Judicial Branch), Jury, and Executioner.

  • Jerome Roth - 11 years ago

    Focusing on killing Americans misses the broader point and war crimes. We are killing mostly innocent people. Based on witnesses, we target groups of people (assuming that they are up to no good) and these often are weddings, kids out gathering wood, the people trying to rescue victims of drones, and the funerals of all these victims. And, why is the CIA now functioning as a new branch of the military? Let's join Code Pink, World Can't Wait, Veterans Against the War, and many others who have been talking about this. Obama has become a bigger war and human rights criminal than Bush; so why give him a free pass?

  • Jacqueline - 11 years ago

    Absolutely! But there needs to be specific rules before Pres. Obama leaves office because God forbid that there may ever be another Republican in the Oval office; we already know that you can NEVER trust a Republican to do a moral and ethical job.

  • Mike Logan - 11 years ago

    Any American citizens that take part in any terrorist organization in my opinion gave up their rights as a American and deserves whatever punishment that is due to them. PERIOD CASE CLOSED !

  • portia - 11 years ago

    If an American citizen joins a group or a country that has a policy of killing Americans they have forfeited their Contitutional rights. In other words they have committed treason and are fair game. People are killed all the time by authorities in this country when they go on killing sprees and do not surrender. There's a manhunt going on right now in California for a former cop who turned into a serial killer, and what about that man in Alabama who killed the bus driver and took that 5 year old hostage.

  • b - 11 years ago

    I am an expat who very strongly believes that one gives up one's right to protection from the US if one joins a terrorist organisation.

  • J Delaney - 11 years ago

    There is a difference between those who were tortured and the drone strikes. Those tortured were already in custody--the drone strikers are on the loose. Sen. Wyden must understand that the "Americans" targeted are not Aunt Rosa from the North Side. They have chosen to join a terrorist group who would drop nuclear weapons on our largest cities tonight, without worrying about it, if they could. I do not worry about any rights they may have as Americans--they have chosen to forfeit them (and, if they wish to surrender, can do so right now).

  • Helen Peters - 11 years ago

    I believe treason against the U.S. is death. Any American citizen that joins a terrorists organization with the aim of killing other America and our allies are fair game. They should be reminded of the penalty.

  • David R. Blair, Ed.D. - 11 years ago

    I do agree with killing Americans if they join organizations as sworn enemies of our country. Keeping our country safe is the first responsibility of government, and the drone program is working.

  • jimr - 11 years ago

    Monkeyb. You conspire, you are a conspirator, in or outside our borders.

  • T. Wilson - 11 years ago

    Your question is stated somewhat unfairly. The memo obtained by Isikoff deals with the potential killing of senior al-Qaida officials who are actively engaged in plotting attacks on the US or Americans and who cannot be feasibly apprehended. The decision to use lethal force is to be reviewed by high level American officials and can be carried out only in conformity with the laws of war. We are at war with a transnational group of non-state actors who are implacably committed to the killing of Americans. If this were a conventional war, would there be any concern with the killing of Americans who had joined an enemy army? I think not, nor would there have been any concern that a non-state actor, say Tokyo Rose, collaborating with an enemy army was killed. The answer should not be different in dealing with members of a secretive organization who are trying to place bombs on planes destined for a US airport.

  • Barbara Davis - 11 years ago

    When they go outside of our country and join a terrorist group that attacks our country they are no longer american citizens. They are terrorists and traitors. They should suffer the consequences.

  • Joan - 11 years ago

    Ed, It's better to send in a drone than to send in our sons and daughters when hunting terrorists.

  • cARTHAN - 11 years ago

    Loaded question but I said yes because once that person wears the uniform of the, defined or not, they are no longer an American. I do not appreciate children and innocents being killed

  • sandra - 11 years ago

    How many "ACTUAL" Americans are we talking about that have been killed this way????? and don't you think that when they turn "TRAITOR" they have an expectation of maybe being killed since they're hanging out with "TERRORISTS" DUH !!!!!!

  • Vicki Wray - 11 years ago

    No matter where you call home if you are plotting harm to this country you are a terrorist. This is a war on terror and you're it!

  • Bill - 11 years ago

    So why don't we also allow law enforcement to kill murders? Why do we bother to arrest, try and incarcerate them for the rest of their lives? Look at all the money spent to save the life of the Fort Hood murderer just so we can put him on trial and keep him in jail.

    How are the drone killings different from the "assassination squads" that we made illegal years ago?

    We are suppose to be a country of laws, not a country of the lawless.

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    I voted yes but I don't mean any American indiscriminately. We have a case of a man who renounced his U.S. citizenship, joined Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization that declared war on the U.S. and our allies, was behind the Christmas bomber and the Times Square bomber, both which fortunately failed. He continued his planning against the U.S. We had no way to take him into custody to place him on trial. Left alone one of his plots would have eventually been effective in killing U.S. citizens.

    Had the opportunity arisen would Revolutionary soldiers have killed Benedict Arnold? I'm thinking they would have and nobody then or today would have blamed them.

  • Joan - 11 years ago

    If Americans are law abiding citizens, we have nothing to fear. Any person threatening the welfare of people in our country and join the terrorists are our enemies.

  • diane broughman - 11 years ago

    This killing is nothing compared to Bush, he killed thousands.

  • geraldine carnett - 11 years ago

    What is wrong here,if they join the enemy and try to destroy us what is the problem,its them or us,what is wrong with people would they rather we sit back and say "oh no they are Americans we cannot do this",and the ones complaining will be the ones crying that our Government is doing nothing to protect us!!!!!!

  • LynnK - 11 years ago

    The moment you join a group like Al Qaeda you give up your citizenship.

  • Joe Lendvai - 11 years ago

    The government can't be both the judge and the jury!

  • MonkeyB - 11 years ago

    I wonder if the people who voted yes know that they can be killed right now by the drones with this suppose executive order? They don"t need any proof. They just have to say they suspect you.

  • Carl - 11 years ago

    Yes, unfortunately some people go off the tracks and "derail".....
    Well, -they- don't exactly, and the CIA has to give 'em a push.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    American citizens, regardless if they are in this country or not, are responsible for their own actions. Criminals in this country get killed, why not kill them outside the country.

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