hey,,i know this girl,,,it's my friend's friend~ :D can't believe that i'm seeing her pic here!
blackFAIRYe.l.f - 12 years ago
yupz....they're look alike but their smile is a bit different. even so, their face is same and i actually did think that the girls who resembles yoona is yoona when she's using the muslim wear at her head...but they are really,trully and exactly had the same face. others may also be same but there must be a different...
hey,,i know this girl,,,it's my friend's friend~ :D can't believe that i'm seeing her pic here!
yupz....they're look alike but their smile is a bit different. even so, their face is same and i actually did think that the girls who resembles yoona is yoona when she's using the muslim wear at her head...but they are really,trully and exactly had the same face. others may also be same but there must be a different...