What do you think about the Obama administration’s warnings of what could happen post-sequester?


  • genobill - 11 years ago

    It is HIPE, but they will make sure it makes some middle class people hurt and they will
    interview them as if it were like the school in ct and blame the Republicans. Isn't there some
    way that congress can control this outlaw administration? Too bad news isn't news any more.
    Feels like a third world country.

  • vhdaya - 11 years ago

    There may be something up besides what Obama is hollering, I have not a clue as to what. It's as if attention is being directed away from something else.

  • Fran Amato - 11 years ago

    I now know that it is just the way our President tries to control us, with scare tactics so I just
    act like Charlie Brown.....blah, blah, blah, blah.
    I trust in God and NOT in the government.

  • M Brumberg - 11 years ago

    Obama talks like he has nothing to do with this problem and that it's all Congress' fault. He has not submitted a budget the entire time he has been president ( who cares?) that has been approved by Congress, not even when both houses of Congress were controlled by his party in 2006-2008 and 2008-2010. The Democrats were instructed not to approve a budget (who cares) because that would put the onus on Republicans for not having supported the presidents budget even if they were powerless to vote against it in both houses. What difference does it make? In a quote that will live in infamy and haunt America for years "What difference does it make" were the words of Hillary Clinton when she was asked why the Benghazi incident happened has relevance for everything else this administration has done. The president himself in 2011 brought up sequestration and said he would veto any bill that tries to circumvent it and prevent it from happening. His supporters don't care even if he did say those words. That was 2011. This is 2013 . Their view is "What difference does it make?". He is not, has not and will never be blamed for anything that happens with regard to sequestration and in point of fact anything else that happens while he remains in office. Already certain measures have been taken probably with the president's knowledge (who cares?) in advance of the deadline. He alone is responsible for making the cuts, not Congress. But again "what difference does it make?". It makes no difference to his supporters whether he said it or not or whether he makes the spending cuts or not. The Republicans will be blamed for it all every time. Not the president. He is Teflon as far as any meaningful kind of criticism is concerned. Who cares?

  • M Brumberg - 11 years ago

    Obama talks like he has nothing to do with this problem and that it's all Congress' fault. He has not submitted a budget the entire time he has been president ( who cares?) that has been approved by Congress, not even when both houses of Congress were controlled by his party in 2006-2008 and 2008-2010. The Democrats were instructed not to approve a budget (who cares) because that would put the onus on Republicans for not having supported the presidents budget even if they were powerless to vote against it in both houses. What difference does it make? In a quote that will live in infamy and haunt America for years "What difference does it make" were the words of Hillary Clinton when she was asked why the Benghazi incident happened has relevance for everything else this administration has done. The president himself in 2011 brought up sequestration and said he would veto any bill that tries to circumvent it and prevent it from happening. His supporters don't care even if he did say those words. That was 2011. This is 2013 . Their view is "What difference does it make?". He is not, has not and will never be blamed for anything that happens with regard to sequestration and in point of fact anything else that happens while he remains in office. Already certain measures have been taken probably with the president's knowledge (who cares?) in advance of the deadline. He alone is responsible for making the cuts, not Congress. But again "what difference does it make?". It makes no difference to his supporters whether he said it or not or whether he makes the spending cuts or not. The Republicans will be blamed for it all every time. Not the president. He is Teflon as far as any meaningful kind of criticism is concerned. Who cares?

  • Roxiebell - 11 years ago

    Its not so much hype as it is downright LYING to the American people.

  • Don H - 11 years ago

    Greta - please remind the folks about the fact Harry Reid has refused to pass a budget in over FOUR YEARS, so we have come to this point of Sequestration due to lack of leadership in the Senate along with the President. Due to the lack of budget, the automatic increases in spending from our base-line budgeting (cannot spend less than the previous year) - we are rapidly going bankrupt like many countries in Europe.
    This President is willing to steal from our children's future to buy votes and keep feeding his ego.

    We are at this point under the direction of the President and his sidekick Harry - so let the cuts begin!!

  • Jerry Stebbins - 11 years ago

    look at the carefully crafted list (Lew and Obama et al) of what is "excepted" from the sequesture bill. All on the Cornell website www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/2/905. We were all set up for a fall!!! Unions,retirements, Obamas salary ----all in there. They want it to happen so they can rant on everybody else, and send the rioters to the streets.
    God help us

  • Steve Beck - 11 years ago

    I am concerned that so many people are not worried and believe this is just hype. I am a Department of Defense civilian employee and we have been told to expect to be furloughed one day a week for 22 weeks from 22 April until 30 Sep 13. This is more than a 20% cut in my take home pay because my mortgage, loans, health and life insurance expenses are still obligations I have to make! Many of my coworkers live paycheck to paycheck and are more than worried enough for all of the people who believe this only hype.

  • TEF - 11 years ago

    It is pathetic. I live in Los Angeles and Tucson and I am disgusted at the scare tactics and the release of the illegal immigrants I now realize this country is doomed.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    We are a country of laws and Obama is in charge. Why then, does he not obey our laws and why does he not enforce our country's laws? Can we trust Obama to tell us the truth? It becomes more and more clear that he is more interested in his vision of an Amercia ruled by government rather than by the people. Why don't we "hire" people who actually work for us than people who just become king's of our wealth.

  • Karen - 11 years ago

    Why is Obama allowed to continue the lies, uncontrolled spending, unchecked actions such as the recent release of criminal illegals, Benghazi Murders, Fast & Furious, actions that are obviously against the American people? Why ????

  • RICHARD CRANIUM - 11 years ago

    i welcome the cuts, it is the only way obama will ever cut anything, is to make him go thru with his own sequester. his chickens are coming home to roost, GO SEQUESTER

  • Randal Hayes - 11 years ago

    This is just another scare tactic employed by Obama and his administration. The sequester was created by his team and supported by him, but he determined that the public would not remember that he was the originator when the time came to initiate it. I believe that if the sequester reductions over the next ten years are well managed, most of the strategic hardships can be minimized. The potential nightmare is that Obama will use and manipulate the sequester reductions in the worst possible ways to promote his "evil" agenda. Yes, I used the word evil, because that is what he is - possibly the worst deceiver ever.

  • Pam - 11 years ago

    The cuts are worthless in the larger scheme of things. The part that is upsetting to me is that my husband has been given notice that even though his government department cut their budget so that they could allocate funds to salaries and prevent their folks from being furloughed they will be furloughed anyway. We are looking at a 20% pay reduction from April through September. For us this means no eating out, travel, movies or things like new clothes. See the trickle down effect here? Local businesses will be effected, suppliers will be effected, and therefore the local and state government by way of lost tax revenue. The folks on the Hill need to learn to play nice in the sandbox!

  • Al maynard - 11 years ago

    He's a lier Greta.

  • Shirley - 11 years ago

    I agree with those who say the worry is about the vindictive response by Obama. The Sequester amt is a tiny fraction of the increase in the spending based on every increasing amounts automatically raised each year. Better to go back to a base line of say even 2009 spending and actually cut from that, not from the increase in spending. Obama is behaving more and more like a Dictator. He is in perpetual campaign mode.

  • Sarah and Ken - 11 years ago

    Obama is a tool. Michelle is a tool.

  • Dr. Paul - 11 years ago

    Rep. Joe Wilsons outburst, "YOU LIE!" will go down as the understatement of the century.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    This will do no harm to anyone. This is such a minuscule amount that whatever US GOvt. waste agency is affected and absorb the "loss" in minutes. The majority are greedy, worthless, public servants who do not serve, who do not care, but simply rip us off. If most of them had an honest job, they would probably NOT EVEN HAVE A JOB, because they would have been fired long ago!

  • Dr. Paul - 11 years ago

    Rep. Joe Wilsons outburst, "YOU LIE!" will go down as the understatement of the century.

  • Delilia Shepard - 11 years ago

    What is frightening about the sequester, is what Obama will arrange to happen simply for spite because the Republicans would not let him have his way. It is obvious he does not care about what is best for America, and only wants to spend, spend, spend. I feel he is a very angry, spiteful man whom will do anything to get what he wants.

  • Anthony Broomell - 11 years ago

    It,s just hype

  • Lynda K - 11 years ago

    The " cuts" are nothing. My new tax rate forces me to make " cuts" to my personal budget and it is more than 1.2% . The POTUS however is a loose cannon. He is out to maximize as much pain as possible to conservatives and republicans. What's next? Clear out the federal prisons in the morning? He is petty, vindictive and just not very smart.

  • dj - 11 years ago

    I do not believe these cuts are bad, however, I am very "concerned" about the "response" this president will have and u-s-e against us (like a "scolded child throwing his "f-i-t-s"!) He is so "out of control"!!!

  • mjs - 11 years ago

    The only real concern I have is that the Obama Administration will do whatever they possibly can to stir the pot and MAKE CERTAIN that we feel the pain. They are not in the least interested in doing what is best for the citizenry. It's all about their power!

  • Guard - 11 years ago

    I am getting real old now- but I have seen these lies so many times (they will stop your SS) (They will have to release all the murders from the Jail- city, county - state now federal) ( It will hurt you little children) I kind of like the number of diets that will save you on the covers of the papers and Magazines at the Check out stand. Then the hero come riding in on his white horse - because he is god like and will save the day! and of course the other side is evil. Give me a break.

  • Sarrissa - 11 years ago

    It's a threat. I resent threats. Seems to come out of Rules for Radicals. Rule number 9:The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

  • M. Roberts - 11 years ago

    I believe it to be hype, but strongly also believe that in order to "prove" his warnings will pick and choose cuts designed to create fear, anger and chaos. The "crisis" will then cause people to beg for Obamas' intervention while calling and raging against the republicans to settle at any cost. This is a setup for the automatic cave-in later in March

  • CE Wilson - 11 years ago




  • Gary - 11 years ago

    Obama is trying to scare the weak, un-informed, confused and misguided. No money is being cut, only this years increase is being cut by a percentage but there will still be a spending increase. We need to cut much more and soon. True Americans need to get involved and stop this President for our young peoples sake. The Liberal news papers and media are just a mouth piece for this white house.

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