Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules, does discrimination still exist when it comes to voting rights?


  • CarolJ - 11 years ago

    What a shame .....this country still has these people with so much hate, greed and love of money that they can't respect their fellow Americans, color, nationality or faith should never enter into it! They say they are Christians but somewhere along the way they lost sight of Christ and his teachings. NO ONE has the right to judge anyone else.........only God has the privilege.

  • Gil De Vincenzi - 11 years ago

    As long as there are people like Paul Ryan, Rush Limpdick, Mitch The Bigot McConnell, Michelle Bachman, The BrainDead Texas Gov, and the rest of the Repub Mental Pygmies, there will be is a way of life for these folks bc they cannot think of themselves as being superior without looking down on someone else......hopefully they will all soon overdose on hatred and go away......Hilary 2016!!! carry on the good work President Obama will do.

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    States with Republican Governors and republican Legislators has been using gerrymandering to stacking the deck in their party flavor by changing the rules for voting in districts they control. As long as they are in control the republicans will do every thing they can to win an illegal election. Voter Suppression is the name of the game. The republicans have been using this tactic since 2008 election. Reince Priebus the GOP chairman is preaching this tactic to win in future elections. 2-27-2013. 47%ers. Protect your right to VOTE!!!***

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    It seems like Scalia is voting with the republican party, against the american voter, stacking the decks for future elections, if you can;t beat them legally, cheat, voter suppression is legal in the eyes of the Supreme Court. He called it, Racial Entitlement? This Justice needs to be impeached. This proves he is not fit to serve on the US Supreme Court. Also Justice Samuel A Alito should be relieved from his duty, for his decision on allowing campaign funds from Businesses same as a person. As Romney said during his running for President, Yes My friend, Corporations are people too. We need a law to protect us from these out of control Justices. Normal retirement at age 65, no exceptions. 2-27-2013. 47%ers.

  • Pam - 11 years ago

    If the Pope is intelligent to know that it is time to move on, then so should the supreme court judges.
    They should DEFINITELY have term limits and I hope petitions arise from the people who live here
    in the United States to make this happen.

  • Sylvester Stanislas - 11 years ago

    The demographic is changing and the republicans are willing to do anything to see the minority voice reduced back to the 1950's. Justice Scalia comments today was a sad sign that racism is still alive and we need the voters rights act

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    It seems like Scalia is voting with the republican party, against the american voter, stacking the decks for future elections, if you can;t beat them legally, cheat, voter suppression is legal in the eyes of the Supreme Court. He called it, Racial Entitlement? This Justice needs to be impeached. This proves he is not fit to serve on the US Supreme Court. Also Justice Samuel A Alito should be relieved from his duty, for his decision on allowing campaign funds from Businesses same as a person. As Romney said during his running for President, Yes My friend, Corporations are people too. We need a law to protect us from these out of control Justices. Normal retirement at age 65, no exceptions. 2-27-2013. 47%ers.

  • Bill - 11 years ago

    The Federal Government needs to make the voting laws for the country, not the States. This is the United States not the Divided States of America!

  • miranda - 11 years ago

    can Scalia be impeached ? He's Not on Good Behavior under Article 3 Section 1 .???

  • aliattitude - 11 years ago

    Overturning the Voting Rights Act is so VERY, Very wrong! The primary role of government and the U.S. Constitution is to protect our citizens! Republicans should stop thee cheap-shot tactics to win elections. Where are the sensible, reasonable Republicans? I know you're out there. Speak up!

  • Gary - 11 years ago

    How sad and disturbing when your right to own a gun is more important than your right to vote.

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    I blog politics heavily. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone insinuated or said outright ignorant people should not be allowed to vote, ignorant people being in their minds anyone of color. Racism is a poison in the mind. Presented with a candidate of another skin color a racist doesn't vote on issues. A racist doesn't vote on substance. A racist won't vote on common sense solutions, what's good for the country nor even what's good for him or herself. A racist votes on color. If anyone should not be allowed to vote it's the racist.

  • James Scarabin - 11 years ago

    The so-called justices that vote the teabangers/repubies BS should be called "just-asses". These guys are NOT for Democracy. I would like to say some real nasty things about them, but as some repubie once say on national tv, I am a gentleman!

  • margo westerlund - 11 years ago

    Of course it does. What is so funny (if you can call it that ) It is the republicans that are the ones fueling the fire on this not the smart democrats. It is the same with bigotry.

  • Monty Montgomery - 11 years ago

    We, the USA, need a Federal Voting Rights Act ASAP!

  • Kate - 11 years ago

    It sure is and any Justice who thinks it is not is wrong. It is amazing that so many think that the Justices
    are infallible. They are not.

    For information purposes and In case you did not know this, Article III, Section 1 of the United States Constitution reads: The Judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and Inferior Courts shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

    This Article in the Constitution is very interesting to say the least.

  • Emanuel williams - 11 years ago

    Dont U just get tired of the Repubs,always trying dirty tricks instead of just governing honestly for the country that they were elected to do so.ALWAYS ABOUT THEM N THEIR RICH DONORS !!!! TRY BEING ABOUT THE COUNTRY FOR ONCE !

  • Saul Acosta - 11 years ago

    The sad truth my friends is that this country is very hypocritical. Here we are trying to set examples around the world about FREEDOM, JUSTICE and HUMAN Rights and values but yet we do precisely the opposite.Racism is a sad reality in this country, it has always been and will continue for a long time. What we need to do as Americans is make this our own PERSONAL WAR. We need to all get really organized and mobilize our families,friends,co-workers and everyone to join forces with us and vote every single Republican out of office. My friends I am a former registered Republican and I can tell you with great sadness that all of my friends,family members and colleagues who are Republicans are all RACISTS. Our conversations and arguments always somewhere,some way,somehow ended by everyone agreeing that Black people are all to blamed. It's sad very sad but to me all of those politicians I see on television whom which we many times worship and put them on a pedestal are all Racists. Don't you all wish you could all be a fly on a wall inside Senator McCains house or office or Speaker Bohner or Paul Ryan and hear them talk? I assure you that you will hear the " N" word a minimum of a dozen times per day. That's the sad truth. I know I am going to be categorized as a nut for stating this, but maybe what this country needs is a Serial Killer sniper on a death wish and on a personal vendetta against Republicans. I would love to see that scumbag from the NRA one day get his headquarters stormed by a mentally disturbed individual with an AK 47. See what he would say after that

  • Lori - 11 years ago

    Scalia should be ashamed of himself. Voting is a right, and he has no business telling anyone that they cannot decide who will be their representative in Congress, and the Senate. He has no business telling us we can't decide who will be the next President of the United States.

  • sharon barber - 11 years ago

    I live in Texas. In San Antonio, at arguably the best grocery store in an exclusive neighborhood, I voted, turned in my ballot, and watched incredulously as a number was penciled-in at the top of my paper ballot. And, yeah, I'm white, the blue-eyed version. BUT, I vote Democratic. Now that information--right down to who, exactly, I voted for, is known (pencil in a number and compare it to data gathered when I came in to vote). I voted in a diffferent neighborhood the next time only to watch the voting "attendant" show a woman exactly where to mark her ballot for a straight ticket. Her husband held her steady as her speech, stance, and general behavior indicated severe dementia--she had no clue where she was or what she was doing. This year my electronic ballot review indicated I had voted for a candidate I would not under any circumstance vote for. When I sought help from the voting staff, my vote was changed as I indicated. BUT, I was then unable to again review my ballot. THERE ARE LOTS OF WAYS TO DISTORT ELECTIONS.

  • Simi - 11 years ago

    Scalia is a disgrace. He should not be called a Justice. He forget that he get pay from african american as well as the caucasian taxes.

  • William cinnamon - 11 years ago

    Voting is a right, guaranted to us in the constitution. If Scalia is an "originalist" as he claims, then, he would understand that the Voting Rights Act is only making that right clearer. It should be expanded to all the states --for all federal elections.

  • Stuart Lambert - 11 years ago

    RWJN's and rightwing justices like Scalia are hell bent on overthrowing democracy & establishing a plutocratic financial mafiosi.

  • Rob Mac - 11 years ago

    If, as the attorneys arguing the case contend, the problem no longer exists, then why are they trying to get rid of the federal oversight? Why would it matter?

  • Deanna - 11 years ago

    Racism is still rearing its ugly head--Scalia proved that today!

  • Simi - 11 years ago

    Scalia is a disgrace. He should not be called a Justice. He forget that he get pay from african american as well as the caucasian taxes.

  • dennis lenzendorf - 11 years ago

    Changing the Voting Rights Act would be just about as bad a decision as Citizens United

  • Mary S. Saenz - 11 years ago

    Sadly, many on the right have an agenda all of their own and that's using every tool they can possibly use against blacks, hispanics, asians.... to limit them of their constitutional rights.

  • John nuzzolilo - 11 years ago

    Unless you are a blind fan of Ed's than u didn't see the lines at the polls in southern states you heard of long lines and heard about the countless hours it took to cast a vote in the southern states. If you are a fan of Ed's and you saw the video's of the folk's in those long lines. And you don't think racism still exist then maybe you should get an eye exam because you are blind

  • Krounded - 11 years ago

    Voting Rights Act should be expanded and election laws harmonized under Federal statute.

  • Mark H. - 11 years ago

    Racism is alive and well in the world today as long as there are hateful people in this world there will be racism. All that racist people do is keep turning this hateful cycle just look at how they treat our president. I have never in my life seen a president so disrespected in all of my life than this man. And it has nothing to do with his policies or his message but the color of his skin.

  • Afton Skyliner - 11 years ago

    What's with Scalia's creepy grin and odd questions. Racial entitlements? What's that supposed to mean?

  • BeeJay - 11 years ago

    Can Supreme Court Justices be impeached for blatant discrimination?

  • O. Kenlaw - 11 years ago

    Racism is still showing its ugly face. It is more open today than 1970's. People need to wake up and realize we are all God's children.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Mr. Scalia, please explain the difference between RIGHT and ENTITLEMENT?

  • Ruth Masio - 11 years ago

    Use your voting rights and lets get all these old judges off the bench. Who says they have a career until they die.

  • Mac Mehta - 11 years ago

    Scalia is totally bias and prejudice as a supreme court justice! Of course the discrimination still exists. He calls voting rights as ENTITLEMENTS? He did not wear his white robe and that funny hat with two eyeball holes in it! I think he is on ENTITLEMENT as a paid justice mooching on out tax Dollars!

  • Portia - 11 years ago

    The argument that more black voters are registered in states that come under Art. V of the VRA than under states not covered, just proves that the VFA is working. Take away that oversite and watch how fast they'll revert back. If anything more states should come under it after the voter suppression the Republicans tried in the last election.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Mr. Scalia's comment is intolerable!

  • Ernest A. Canning - 11 years ago

    Over the past two years we have experienced the largest assault on voting rights since the post-Reconstruction era. In formerly Jim Crow Mississippi, 83% of whites voted in favor of an initiative that would make polling place Photo ID restrictions a part of that state's constitution. 75% of non-whites, who are three times more likely to be disenfranchised by that law, voted against it.

    Discrimination is alive and thriving in the jurisdictions covered by Section 5, no matter what the right wing members of the Supreme Court claim. The U.S. Senate voted 98-0 to extend Section 5.

    This is right wing judicial activism at its utmost worst!

  • Miss Konow - 11 years ago

    Scalia, likes to screw the country. But what else is new, he is a far right RepubliCON.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Where did Mr. Scalia got his facts? from Bachman, Rand Paul, Sara Palin, Ted Cruise, ...?

  • Scott E - 11 years ago

    At present, voting 'no' - 6 people, 12 eyes, all blind to the truth.

  • ayoungvoter - 11 years ago

    Racism still exists in America, and I really believe there are some people that will let it affect who votes or not.

  • Carl - 11 years ago

    If it doesn't, we can always change the law! ;-)

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Unfortunately Justice Scalia is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! VOTING RIGHT IS NOT ENTITLEMENT!

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    Gerrymandering and long lines at voting booths prove republicans are still trying to suppress the vote for minorities.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Scalia is far far far far right!

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