Does the government need to pay more attention to the militia movement?


  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    other than Ed being upset with Obama about the blatant lack of respect for the Bill of Rights in dropping a drone on American citizens sans Due Process, I've been watching for months and not so much as 1 thing a republican can do right and not so much as 1 thing a democrat can do wrong.

    Check your coat at the door, cult member.

  • Sebastian G - 11 years ago

    @ Marie -> You are the reason Code Pink has such a bad name in certain circles. You are just a tool of the Grand Obstructionist Party if you believe even half of the vitriol you just spilled. If you believe even part of that, why in the bloody blue blazes are you here following Ed? You don't believe in the Truth, so why are you here? I didn't think Koch paid enough for your kind to come here. But, I guess if you have enough money to level the nation's debt, you can hire someone to write for you. Still, you don't sound like his kind of troll. Rove on the other hand, what you wrote sounds like it was copied directly from his playbook. Take the worst thing you see in yourself and paste it on your opponent. The "I'm rubber, yer glue" defense.

    So, exactly how long have you been in Karl Rove's pay?

  • Sebastian G - 11 years ago

    Isn't this one of the reasons WHY we have a Homeland Security department???

  • Fran - 11 years ago

    Someone I love dearly is so far over the hill with hatred and fear that he is unapproachable. If he came to my door I would call the police and not let him in. There is no discussion of any sanity so I can't even learn where he is coming from or where he got these ideas.Those ultra-angry people are the very last people who should be carrying guns!!!!

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    What I see in most of these posts, is that there is a Lack of Education on most of the people responding. Spelling is a big part, the use of the english language. The republicans are at fault because the first thing they cut when in power is the funding for Education. Keeping the people uneducated works in their flavor. To stop the right wing nuts, stop listening to them, stop funding them, have your local radio and TV network take them off the airwaves. Come on people, COMMON SENSE. Use It. President Obama is doing an upstanding job for what he has against him from the start. HE INHERITED THIS MESS FROM THE REPUBLICANS AND BUSH/CHENEY. He did not cause the collapse of Wall Street, Housing Crisis, started two wars, HE INHERITED IT FROM THE REPUBLICANS. HE IS TRYING TO FIX THE WRONG!!!*** 3-6-2013. 47%ers.

  • Fred - 11 years ago

    Greg in Denver, so sad for you that you do not understand what is really going on in America. But you are not alone in your deranged thoughts. You have many that think like you that will be surprised when it all comes down. I won;t. I will be ready.

  • Bill Brown - 11 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my life. The only thing to blame for hate toward the government is the government. And Obama's policies aren't unpopular because he's black. Did you ever stop to think that, the morons that missed 9/11 were to busy looking at so called right-wing anti-government groups. Where where you when Bill Ayers was bombing the capital? And if our law enforcement has not been trained well enough since 9/11, then they will never be trained well enough. I would be a hell of a lot more worried about an attack from an Islamic Terrorist, the some random guy that Ed Schultz, the king of liberalism, who has drank every drop of the kool aid the the Obama Administration has to offer!

  • John Kells - 11 years ago

    Israel is Our biggest problem! The US is withering on the vine, yet we give millions to israel and egypt. Why???? We fix our country first, then we can help other nations. Otherwise, the US is futile. Get it?

  • Greg in Denver - 11 years ago

    I talked to patriot crazy militia advocate at town hall meeting this past weekend - I am convinced these right-wing folk know of no rational behavior, and murder truly seems to serve their end game - sadly !

  • John Kells - 11 years ago

    Yes, the government needs to really be worried about the American people! We pay them, we are the voice, NOT the government! The Zionists will be defeated. You'll see.

  • Travis Jackson - 11 years ago

    This report by the SPLC is truly disturbing. The administration needs to take steps necessary to prevent more acts of domestic terrorism like the bombing in Oklahoma City 18 years ago.

  • Sylvester Stanislas - 11 years ago

    Yes they should ed, those groups represent the hatred of all minorities, gay and lesbiens and womens rights.

  • Reggie Goodwin - 11 years ago

    “We make our own monsters; then fear them for what they show us about ourselves.”
    ― Mike Carey & Peter Gross, The Unwritten, Vol. 1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity

    “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
    ― Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Cate - 11 years ago

    Such extremist groups feel so threatened, so alienated, is there any reassurance to be offered that would be heard? When a person feels so cornered that their only recourse is violence, the likelihood of tragedy looms large. Think of the children of Waco, Murrah, Newtown, the innocent victims of such fear and rage. This goes so far beyond our time.....The first-born sons of Israel killed by Herod, the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem witch trial executions, the rash of lynchings during Jim Crow, the Disappeared of Argentina. To name these few then does an injustice to the millions who have suffered and died because of hatred and the felt need to do violence in its name. We will never transcend such loss and misery unless we can accept that we are all from the same human family and need to have something to trust in each other.

  • maire - 11 years ago

    The ED Show is hateful,spreading of fear,anger and bigotry.The Obama administration and currently elected Democratic Party members of the federal government with media collusion single out and label fellow US citizens to be "potentially" dangerous. I'm sick of the demonization and dehumanizing of groups of people that are my countrymen and women. The DNC,Democratic Party and Obama administration have fomented division by maligning the so called rich,Wall Street,the GOP,returning military veterans,those doomsday preppers I see on TV,the Tea Party,people that enjoy NASCAR,posses legally registered fire arms,live anywhere but on the East or West Coast...when any one group is singled out as less than human and deemed some kind of vague threat then any one of us is placed at risk to be added to some media and government created threat list. Time to STAND WITH RAND or hide my Codepink membership.

  • Lori - 11 years ago

    You bet your ass we should, these red neck hillbilly's are very dangerous nut jobs. There kind are so stupid they don't have enough brain power to think with there small minds, all they have to think through is there ass holes, people like that are not bright enough to own guns let along have the vote..

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    The hate that run through the vain of these rightwingers will not go away until hate radio, hate tv pondents stop spreading lies. They "the hate mongers'" will have to own up to their deviding of this country.This hate that they carry around is like a metastizing cancer.These people are planning on destroying the minorities among them,But they don't realize they are eating their own.God hate liars, and he is on the side of the righteous. just like God delivered Israel from Egypt, GOD is going to redeem the minorities from the right-wing majority. Remember David and Goliath.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    2014 will come and the country will regain our leadership to the world as we were in the last decade of the 20th century!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    An ass is always an ass. No one can change an ass into a good dog!
    It is the same way with Karl Rowe, Bill O'reilley and all the extreme right wingers, It does not matter what they do or think or trying to pretend that they are not what they are!
    We all know where they came from and they are hypocrites, racists, ...

  • Dennis - 11 years ago

    Even though these hate groups eventually self destruct, the damage they do is awful.

  • Preston Bonney - 11 years ago

    It's bad enough we have members in congress and the senate spouting out against the majority in this country; aparently the right is preparing more leathal means than the fillabuster to remain in control.
    Yes we need the federal government watching these groups. Perhaps the rest of us need to live our lives quietly, in the manner portrayed in the good books, with good acts and with love toward our neighbors...

  • Betty - 11 years ago

    These rightwing republican terrorist are very frightning. I fear for my president's life I fear for my children's lives. and my grandchildren and my great grandchildren,,,....... and I fear for what they might do to my country. God please deliver us from the evil evil people.

  • Anita McGuinn - 11 years ago

    Thanks to the GOP & Tea Party's refusal to respect or cooperate with the duly elected president, and the messages of barely concealed hatred they have spewed out on a daily basis for over four years now, of course the hate groups are getting bolder and becoming more of a threat to the security of our country. Hearing the hatred and bigotry coming from our elected officials, seeing that even the right to vote is in's like giving the hate groups, the neo-nazis etal permission to try something. They have just been waiting for an excuse to start trouble, and I guess they think the gun control issue is perfect.
    If the government or law enforcement knows who and where they are, perhaps it is time to stop them before they go much further. I dont want to wake up some morning to discover a bunch of skin-head nazis are in charge.

  • lucia garcia - 11 years ago

    We need to be very careful who we trust. Often time bad people hide behind the poor and innocent looking to commit crimes. There is so much hatred in this world. It is very sad. Lucia

  • Alice Stockton - 11 years ago

    Yes, the republican party has helped to create this hate and they have further caused this division in our country!

  • trudy tizya - 11 years ago

    i really don't know where you americaaaaaans come from. so why are you so full of shit and try to dump on the whole earth. guess what. those assholes who wear those lousy stinkking white mask and cheap gowns should all get the hell back where they came from. if every human being went back where they were born there would not be one "one" white man in north anmerica. those assholes (nra) were never needed and never will be. lapeire or whatever his name is can get the hell back where he came from and he probably dosen't even know. it sure wouldn't be the good fighters like Ireland. he can take bush, chaney and all the repuligs with him. take the tramp steamers you cc. suc

  • Kathryn O McHenry - 11 years ago

    I have seen the Right's hateful, anonymous Emails circulating in the Mid West and have been VERY worried about this for some time. I can vouch for the fact that people like my sister in Iowa REALLY believe this stuff and I cannot thank you enough for publicizing this danger. Once again, you are picking up on a dangerous trend in our society like you did when you were the FIRST to make us aware of the plight of the Middle Class. Please stick with this as I am very worried about our president. I am nominating you again for Time Magazines Man of the Year!

  • Merd1960 - 11 years ago

    Maybe we should look deeply into the people who are funding these groups (Koch Bros?). All you need is someone with enough money to make the ugly rumors spread!

  • Journeyone - 11 years ago

    Let these militia weak-minded-programmed-people remind you the importance of investing in education in America and what happens when a child does not get a educated.

  • Ernest A. Canning - 11 years ago

    There is no valid comparison between Ed Schultz's factually based, pro-labor analysis and the fact-free extremism of the hard right.

    It is interesting that someone chose "Winston Smith" as the pseudonym for making that comparison. Winston Smith was the protagonist in George Orwell's 1984. The effort to suggest that there is no difference between Ed Schultz and these radical extremists is indeed Orwellian.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    I've seen Moonies with more critical thinking than Edward Darrah, Richard King, and Joan.

    What a pathetic bunch of Fla-Vor-Aid drinkers you are!

    buncha Proles....

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    The militia groups in question are beyond wing nut status. They are dangerous. The far right wing media drives them using whatever propaganda works because it's all about the money. I won't name names but you know the talk show hosts who blast propaganda over the airwaves. They're raking it in and when called out they deny culpability by saying, "I'm just an entertainer." They know their audiences lack the aptitude of critical thinking.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Quick, what does Ed Schultz and these so-called right-wing extremist groups have in common?

    Answer: They are never wrong in their ideologies.


  • Joan - 11 years ago

    We need only to pay attention to the open gun laws passed by Governors. Right wing seem to urge these radicals to revolt.

  • Richard King - 11 years ago

    I blame Republicans for this dangerous situation, the Republican party has transformed itself into the engine of hate and division in America.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    Native born terrorist are extremely dangerous. They look just like us and not like anyone from the Middle East.

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