Will the Middle East take President Obama’s message of compromise to heart?


  • Sebastian G - 11 years ago

    Anything and everything is possible, simply improbable. If you have no Hope, then what is there to have Faith in?

  • Robert Shachtay - 11 years ago

    great speech the two sides are to entrenched to have any meaningful negotiations.

  • judy - 11 years ago

    they've been fighting for 4,000 years of recorded history - probably longer - there doesn't seem to be an end

  • Lean6 - 11 years ago

    DonnaJoy, a lot of people are tired of seeing the President of the United States having to assume this level of ownership of an endless religious war. I was reading news on CNN earlier today as all of these hot button quotes from President Obama's speech was "breaking news" every 2 minutes. We're going to keep dancing around like an idiot, signing checks, supplying weapons, and then eventually go to war when the pot boils over.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    Professor Mann was totally wrong. Instead of criticism, the President talked in terms of common ground which puts him in a different direction and provides a better opportunity for a discussion about a two state solution. Having worked under Bush and Clinton the professor seems to compare her involvement to what the President is doing now. How does she think that the Palestinians can create a state without peace? Being so negative does no good to this challenging situation? Talking with the college students was the right thing to do because the future belongs to them and they can do more than what the Israeli government can. What most people do not know is that there are many dialogues going on between Israelis and Palestinians without the involvement from the governments. The Professor talks from a failed approach that did not work when she was involve in the two past administrations.

  • Lean6 - 11 years ago

    Sorry. Great speech, but a total waste of time and energy. We are dealing with opposing primal forces of irrationality. Intellectualism and geopolitical logic exist purely in a rhetorical realm. Religion rules the Middle East.

  • Mark L - 11 years ago

    I have faith the young people and the elders who have not become rigid will.

  • EDWARD DARRAH - 11 years ago

    The Middle East is so entrenched in their religion that nothing much is going to change.

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