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The 'Buffy' couple who should compete in the tournament is ... (Poll Closed)


  • Guest - 10 years ago

    I believe that Buffy loved both of them, Angel was the first one but not the most important. If she loved Angelmore i dont understant why was Spike who she wanted in the final battle, she needed him and she loved him
    Spike was better for her because with Angel she was sad the whole time, they didnt even laugh toguether any moment.

  • laetitia - 10 years ago

    Who did Buffy love more ? Angel. Who loved Buffy more? Spike. I can't stand the whole if you love them let them go thing . You should NEVER let someone you love go and be with someone else. That makes no sense to me. Maybe if I saw that Angel really tried to break the curse my opinion would be different .

  • Erika - 10 years ago

    Why the bangels are always saying "Buffy didnt really love Spike"? The director was asked about this years ago and he answered that Buffy really loved him and whe she told him in the hellmouth she really meant it.
    I never liked Angel as a couple, they were too cheesy and depressing for me, but it doesnt mean that they were not a real couple. Angel was the first love, but not the only one or the most important. That relationship ended when he decided to abandone and move on in the third season. You dont usually meet your true love at 17 because at that age you dont even know who you really are.
    I love Spike and i loved them toguether, how much he cared about her, the way he changed and fighted, and became her constant support in her worsts moments.
    After all these years i still cry when they clasp their hands together in their last scene.

  • Arya21 - 10 years ago

    There is not use to discuss about this because we will never have the answer, the show is over and the comics books have nothing to do with it (I cant believe that Joss Whedon allowed that piece of crap)
    But as it is said the sixth season wanted to tell us that Spike was not the right guy for her and their relationship was destructive but the changed their minds at the ending (maybe because the fans preferred that couple) that`s why Spike got his soul back, because he was in the way to redeem himself and became the right guy for her.
    But then the show ended, i`m sure that if they would make one more season Buffy and Spike would have ended up toguether.
    Damn you Sarah!! why didnt you wait one more year before quit?! LOL
    I miss that couple! they were my best characters ever

  • Sweety - 10 years ago

    After watching some episodes like Once more with feeling or the video clip of James Marsters`s song "Good night sweet girl" I have to choose Spike!. I loved that couple, there was so much chemistry between them and he became a better man just for her
    Maybe my favourite couple ever!!

    Angel was not bad but in the end i didnt like them because they were all the time sad and serious....Angel was better with Cordelia

  • Dante - 10 years ago

    Real couples:
    Buffy and Spike- They had each other untill the end. Angel was only a high school love
    Angel and Darla (or maybe Cordelia)- he fought to be with Darla again, he really tried. He never tried to break the spell and be with Buffy again, he chose to give up.

  • Edward - 10 years ago

    Please, Angel was a dull and he gave up, he didnt try to break the spell and keep his soul or something like that. He just ran away and had other girlfriends, Darla, Cordelia, Ana....and without soul he just hated Buffy and her friens

    Spike changed, got a soul and became better to be with her, he really stayed with her and fight for her, and in the last season they were great toguether.

    I will never understand why some people believe Angel was better

  • Dana - 10 years ago

    Without a doubt Spike is the best one, and those who use the bathroom scene against him are annoying...that was when Spike had no soul, at least even that Spike felt love and loyalty about Buffy, Angel without soul only wanted to torture and killed her (without any will to change that).
    Angel was who abandoned her and had other girlfriends like Cordelia, on the other hand, Spike stayed with her until the end, even after she was death he stayed protecting her sister and her friends.
    We also must remember that Angel got a soul because a curse, Spike got his own because he wanted to reedem himself and became a better man for Buffy
    In the last episode Angel try to stay and help but Buffy didnt want it, but when Spike offers himself to leave Buffy didnt let him because as she said, she wasnt ready to be without him. So at the end Spike became the person she needed by her side.
    I think nobody should doubt about who`s the best couple here, at least after Spike got his soul. Besides he always be the best character! LOL

  • ghj - 10 years ago

    BUFFY AND ANGEL FOREVER they had true love, probably the most romantic couple ever!

  • Angel - 11 years ago

    i liked Angel with Buffy, but i like him a lot better with Cordelia. Those two are cute together.

  • Dragonlover 1 - 11 years ago

    oh, and riley was too nice. weird, the way i think sometimes. and parker was a total jerk.

  • Dragonlover 1 - 11 years ago

    with angel, buffy was always, as willow put it, the only thing he thinks about. and when he is evil, he always goes after the people he cares about the most more than anyone else.

    what spike tried to do to buffy was unacceptable.

    just my opinion.

  • lulu - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Angel, best couple. I do love Spike but he did try to rape Buffy and thats not okay!!!

  • Nicole - 11 years ago

    Spike had no soul and chose to be good, and then chose to get a soul. When Angel had no soul, he was just DAMN EVIL. Besides, I found Angel and Cordelia to be a better couple... And sure, Spike tried to rape Buffy blahblahblah, HE WAS A SOULLESS vampire. And after he did that, he went and got himself a soul to make up for it... what about all the crap Angel pulled when he had no soul?? And at the end, Buffy TOTALLY loved Spike.

    All in all, Im just glad she didnt end up with Riley ;)

  • elizabeth - 11 years ago

    this is a hard one on on one hand spike is super sexy bad boy that saves her but doesn't stay away from her and angel stay away from her to save her in the end angel sacrific more then spike does. spike is one those charter that you love and hate sometimes lets just face it Buffy and Spike my Favorited but Angel and Buffy are two so i refuse to chose which are the best because if it was my poll they'd both be on there.

  • Abbeh - 11 years ago

    Spike tried to rape Buffy. How can any of you see that as okay?

  • Jenny Mae - 11 years ago

    Um, if Angelus had the government put a chip in him, unlike Spike (who was with a woman he loves for a hundred years even though she was never faithful), Angelus would have found a way to hurt the scoobs. Setting houses on fire, hiring other demons to kill them. Finding a way to get the chip out.
    Angel and Buffy had puppy love. He fell for Cordelia of all people. Spuffy, not Bangel.

  • dave - 11 years ago

    BUFFY= I love you

    SPIKE= no you don't but thanks for saying it.


  • The Wise One - 11 years ago


  • XenaAvenger - 11 years ago

    Spike Dies for Buffy, yes. People seem to forget, Angel died for Buffy too. In I Will Remember You, he learns if he stays human, Buffy will die. Either by him losing his ability to fight or by her sacrificing herself like she did when she cured him in Graduation Day. He gave his humanity back, his living self, for her. Angel neglecting Buffy sits mostly with the two shows being on separate networks, so the writers couldn't just have Angel showing up. Although he does when her mom died, a short cameo to show he really does care and support her. Buffy admits herself more than once in conversation with her friends “I killed Angel. Do you even remember that? I would have given up everything I had to be with him… I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life, and I put a sword through his heart because I had to.”

    As for the 'Spike can be good without a soul and Angel can't.' The reason Angelus was so bad when Angel lost his soul in Season 2 of Buffy, was the demon was suppressed for 100 years! When the 'dam' broke, he went nuts. Watch episodes with Angelus from the past, he wasn't as psycho, no where near. Not that he was a good guy, but Spike got shock treatments over time to make him 'better'. Angelus didn;t have that, he gets fully out, or fully suppressed...stick a chip in Angelus and you might get a similar result.

    Buffy & Angel!

  • Allie Emmerson - 11 years ago

    I just want to know ho many peole have voted! With 900 comments, it must be a lot!
    (Also, Spike/Buffy

  • julianne - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Angel are the better couple. Spike stayed with the Scoobies so he could eat. He couldn't feed on his own, he betrayed them to Adam. Being a demon he likes to maim and kill which he couldn't do to humans anymore so with the gang he can be violent. The reason Spike is portrayed as the kinder gentler vamp is because his demon is not as evil or as powerful as Angelus. Spike is also not as intelligent as Angelus so he isn't as dangerous to Buffy and the gang. So they could keep him as their pet and abused vampire. Spike didnt' care if Buffy beat him up, because vampires enjoy pain. Angel had to leave because he couldn''t risk going Angelus again no matter how much he loved Buffy. Plus the fact that Buffy had sent him to hell, and chained him up when she found him at the mansion. He also decided that Buffy would die for him and he didn't want to be the cause of her death. Look at how she almost died when he had to feed from her to survive the poison. He figured as long as he was around she would be too self-sacrificing for her own good. The reason Angel didn't come back to take care of Dawn was that by that time the two shows were on different networks and could only have cameo crossovers. This limited Angel to his own show as well as Buffy to hers. One more argument is that when Angel returned from hell and was barely sentient again he is the one who saved Buffy from that Jekyll/Hyde teenage boy from instinct alone even after she had chained him up. I'm afraid that Buffy was only using Spike for sex and she picked him because she couldn't have Angel (she likes to sleep with vampires remember the immortal). Spike may have had some feelings for Buffy but it was definitely a hate/love relationship and he was following Angel's lead again. He is always in competition with his grandsire.

  • Christina - 11 years ago

    I know that spike loved buffy evil, not evil and unconditionlly all the way through. I know that angel was cursed, and the only time we see love between angel and buffy, is when he has his soul. But what we have to look at are a few things in particular. First, Angel loves buffy enough to break her heart and stay away. Spike could not, and it ruined the relationship, and though in buffy's special way she moved past it, spike and buffy were no more, nor could they ever be. Angel knew to love her enough to leave. On top of that, though spike gets points for fighting for his soul, Angel gets points for the opposite. When angelus was first created, he hurt those that meant the most to him. His family was important to him and they were the first to go. Because angel loved buffy so much, angelus needed her to hurt. in a dimented way it shows how deep the feelings angel as well as angelus had for buffy were. The finale thing and of course the most important, is Buffy. Spike was better for her after he got his soul, and he became part of her life even after her death. Angel loved her. I think on some deep unknown level, angelus loved her. Buffy could not love spike for anything more than that he loved her and cared for dawn. He was an escape from reality, from pain. She loved angel enough to let of her future. She chose him. Hell she even chose Angelus, becuse she couldn't kill him. It does not matter who was better for her, it matters that she chose angel, and will always choose angel.

  • Spuffy_girl - 11 years ago

    @carly: "PSSSHHHHH .....I will remember you....enough said.."

    "Was it good for you too?" Enough said.

    If you are going to compare Angel and Spike behaviours, please compare soulless Spike with soulless Angel, ensouled Spike and ensouled Angel. See who wins there :)

  • Dl - 11 years ago

    Yes, true love, blahblahblah. The episode where Spike and Buffy "consummated" their love...that was just hot. The house crumbling? The sound of the zipper? OMG.

  • Gshen - 11 years ago

    A lot of stuff happened in season six, but I think that in season seven, the true nature of their relationship becomes more apparent. I think Spike's love for her is more selfless than Angel's - I mean the speech he gives her near the season seven finale and when everyone has turned their backs on her is absolutely beautiful:
    "You listen to me. I've been a live a bit longer then you and dead a lot longer then that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine and done things I'd prefer you didn't. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I follow my blood which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain, so I make a lot of mistakes. A lof of wrong bloody calls. A hundrend plus years and theres only one thing I've even been sure of.. You. Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anyhing. When I say I love you it's not because I love you or because I can't have you. I love what you are, what you do. How you try. I've seen you kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you and I understand with perfect clarity exactly who you are. Your a hell of a woman. Your the one, Buffy." - Spike to Buffy, 'Touched' season 7

  • sfg - 11 years ago

    Spike gave up everything that had ever meant anything for Buffy. The only thing Angel ever gave up for her was, well, her.

  • Daisy - 11 years ago

    Spike is the better man... Angel's a whiny pathetic loser. Does not having a soul turn Spike into an all out psycho? No. Spike has the ability to be a nice guy, with or without a soul. He also doesn't blame his DECISIONS on "not having a soul". HE loves Buffy, even though she mistreats, uses, and abuses him. And I think she only does that cause... well frankly the girl's got issues. She is fighting against the truth. That Spike doesn't need a soul to love her (which Dru tells her is possible) and that she does feel the same about him. Because even" without" a "soul" Spikes a good guy. While Angel/ Liam wasn't. Think about it Liam (i.e . Angel before he was turned) was a womanizing drunken ass there was no way that guy was getting into heaven, even before he was turned. While William (i.e. Spike) was a self sacificing poetic mama's boy. Or in short Liam/ Angel = bad William/ Spike = good.

  • Stephanie - 11 years ago

    Let me just say that I love Spike. He's fabulous, interesting, layered, etc, etc, and he was the best, and arguably only, friend Buffy had in season 7.

    That being said, her relationship with him was very clearly written as unhealthy and self destructive in season 6. Anyone who says otherwise needs to take a good long look at that season. James Marsters has even said it unequivocally in interviews. He was her outlet for self destruction because she was so much happier dead, but it was an incredibly unhealthy situation. Their relationship in season 7, while fantastic, was purely platonic.

    Buffy's connection runs deeper and exists on a level that Spike just can't touch. I love Spike, he was good to Buffy (at times and especially near the end) but I have to go with Buffy and Angel.

  • Clarissa - 11 years ago

    Like they even need to ask. Spike and Buffy are so awesome together! I think she loved Spike, but was so angry at the points where it happened that she mirrored her anger onto him and therefore could not let her love for him shine through the hatred and self-loathing she felt from being pulled from Heaven. Why else would he be the only one to ignite some feeling in her if not?

  • Sylvie - 11 years ago

    While the Buffy/Angel story is beautiful, passionate and sad, it is very much tainted by the fact that Angel is ensouled by a curse. The second he loses his soul he reverts to maniacal evil, turning first on Buffy ! For all his evil ways, Spike remains, even as a vampire, an anomaly. His love for Drusilla is the vivid example of this. And while Angel is doing good only to redeem himself and because he is cursed with his soul, Spike chooses out of love to act alongside the Scoobies. He chooses to be as good as he can as soon as he realises his feelings for Buffy. That is true love in my opinion. As for Buffy, even if she is driven towards him by her pain and need for someone able to understand the darkness she moves through, you only have to see her interact with Spike in season 7 to see the very real love she has for Spike. The way she fights to free him from the First, her trust in him, the strength she acknowledges as coming from him when she is cast out. That last look on the eve of battle, when she chooses him as her champion...
    They may not be the romantic couple that Buffy and Angel were, but Buffy and Spike are something much more interesting... Angel took everything she gave him and gave very little back, Spike gave her everything, even his life, and did not ask for anything... And released her... That is love...

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Spike are the hottest couple and their love is the deepest. The way they each helped the other grow is beautiful! The devotion, loyalty and strength between them is incredible and their chemistry is electric! There is NO DOUBT that Spuffy is the best!

  • Carly - 11 years ago

    PSSSHHHHH .....I will remember you....enough said..

  • Kendra - 11 years ago

    The Angel and Cordelia relationship beats out the Angel and Buffy relationship BY FAR!!!!!!

    However I voted for Angel instead of Spike, because Angel and Buffy both seemed madly in love with each other, even if it was just a "first love" kind of romance. With the Spike and Buffy situation, Spike always was more obsessed with Buffy than she was with him.

  • Kenzee Townsend - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Riley!! They had the most real, down to earth, healthy relationship. Riley loved Buffy unconditionally, and she loved him too. She just realized it too late. Buffy had the passion and drama with both Spike and Angel, but Riley is what was best for her. They had love and passion too, he was the only one she could have a normal relationship with. With Buffy's life being all but normal, she needed the stability and normalcy that Riley brought to her life. I love Angel and I love Spike, but Riley and Buffy were best suited for each other.

  • Jenny - 11 years ago

    Buffy was in love with Angel when she was 16. Then they had sex and like the cliche, he turned evil and tried to kill her and her friends and loved ones. They did love each other, there is no denying that at all. But it was puppy love. Yes, Spike tried to kill her, but even in a sick and twisted way, Spike loved her without having a soul. Could Angelus do that? No. Spike stayed with Druscilla, the insane and adulterous lover he coveted for over a hundred years. He was genuinely scared when Buffy was going to stake Dru.
    Angelus wouldn't have cared.
    Spike stayed, no matter how many times she put him down, beat him up or just tortured him. He stayed. He was soulless and he still stayed after she was dead to protect her little sister and he had no idea that her friends were trying to bring her back. He stayed to protect a 15 year old girl for the woman he loved even though she was dead.
    What was Angel doing? Did he come to Sunnydale to help with Dawn? No.
    Season 6 was really dark in regard to Spike and Buffy, but season 7 is where you see them develop trust and understanding, mutual respect. They had something going there and stupid Joss killed him off and never finished the Spuffy story.
    Spike was her true love. Soulless Spike withstood torture from a hellgod to protect Buffy's secret. Because if anything happened to Dawn it would destroy her.

  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    As soon as Angel lost his soul he went into torture and kill Buffy mode. Spike didn't have his soul when he started developing feelings for Buffy way back in season 4. (Even if he was confused by them) Spike fought for his soul and almost succumbed to insanity but Buffy brought him back. He died for her!!! The puupy love was cute But I'm team Spike all the way!

  • JenW - 11 years ago

    Okay like many have pointed out so far Angel was Buffy's first love. A love she will always have a special place for. And Buffy was really Angels first love too in many ways. He had been cursed with his soul and she was the first person he connected with if you can really call it that because he still always kept her at a distance. So yes they had something special. Was it great? No not particularly. It was convienant. Would Angel have loved her if he wasn't cursed with a soul but was otherwise trapped in Sunnydale? No that was proven. So we move on to Spike and Buffy. A tumultuous couple to be sure but none the less a real couple. Did he try to rape her at one point? Yes. No one denies this fact but he also didn't have a soul and felt shame. Something that technically he shouldn't feel. Which only proves how much he cares for her. He fought for his soul, won his soul just so he could be a better man for Buffy. Did Buffy love him? Yes in her way. I can hear you Angel fans screaming but let me explain. Buffy allowed Spike to take care of Dawn even after knowing that his chip was malfunctioning. She trusted him with her most prized her most beloved thing her sister. Did Spike reject her declaration of love at the end? Yes because he knew she wasn't ready for commitment of that kind. For a serious true relationship yet. And he didn't want her saying it just to say it. Cause if there is one thing we know about Spike it's that he has a poet's heart and he wants pure romance. He died for Buffy. And in the end that's what matters. Angel may have been her first big love, but Spike was her most romantic love if you really look at it. He never faltered once he chose her. Never gave up on her. And she never gave up on him.

  • Ashley Reynolds - 11 years ago

    i liked spike but Buffy & Angel will always be my all time favorite couple

  • ilovespike - 11 years ago

    Everyone keeps talking about Season 6 Spike & Buffy first off Buffy was depressed and Spike was confused by all the mixed signals she was giving him Spike was pretty much driven to the rape. Yes she was inlove with Angel. But it was more of a teenage romance. I believe she will always love Angel she's just not 'inlove' with him. Season 7 Buffy wasn't that (depressed girl) anymore, and you can tell throughout Season 7 she was falling inlove with him. And she even told Spike she loves him in 'Chosen' but when Spike said "No you don't, but thanks for saying it" he probably knew she meant it but he wanted her to get out of The Hellmouth and live her life. And I'm in no way against Bangel I'm just stating the facts. SPUFFY ALL THE WAY

  • J - 11 years ago

    I feel like a lot of people commenting here must not have watched season 7. I wouldn't love Spike and Buffy together so much if they hadn't developed a beautiful mutual respect and trust in each other when Spike won back his soul. The sex was hot and the whole relationship was interesting, but the development in season 7 is what makes them special.

  • Hanna - 11 years ago

    Oh my...many says Buffy didn't really love Spike and only slept with him. Well, yes, that was season 6. I think that she really loved Spike in the end of season 7. And about Angel, I respect him, but I always thought that they didn't belong. Yeah, Angel loved Buffy, but he left her and didn't even give Buffy a change to say something about the matter. True love isn't that you leave when things get too complicated.

  • Tracy - 11 years ago

    Angel and Cordelia.

  • Kristie - 11 years ago

    Given the choice of who Buffy is better with, I'd say Angel. She "tolerated" Spike and never really loved him. She used him and was always ashamed of herself for being with him. She thought of him as below her. That's a pathetic excuse of a relationship. At least with Angel you can tell she adored him and really loved him. They complimented each other well even if sometimes they let things be more serious and extreme than they needed to be. Honestly, I'd choose her relationship with Riley over her relationship with Spike.

  • angel - 11 years ago

    How can you not see the love that Buff and Angel shared. What Buffy had with Spike was sex or friends with benefits. If Angel was too have come back Buffy would have dropped Spike like a hot potato, no chemistry there. But Angel and Buffy a love story for the ages, these puppy dog eye when he looked at her and the desire to just strip each other bare and just go for broke. He would have died for her and he did and she would have died for him and almost did when she allowed him to drink her blood to say him from the poison that was in the dart when Faith it him. I love seeing Buffy with Angel and I watch it still every rerun, all the ones on Amazon and Netflix. Buffy the slayer and the run off Angel. I wish they would have allowed them to be together for a longer period of time and be able to have sex more often. I would have worked let the Spike thing good not real just a fill in because Angel was gone. sorry. Angel and Buffy all the way.

  • cgirl - 11 years ago

    I agree that Spike was the lover who changed himself for Buffy, and stuck with her, knowing that she would never have him. Hell yes. But he also almost raped her....

  • Jennifer - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Spike is always been the favorite couple, winning everytime. No wonder, so much stuff and fun going on hehe. Angel is boring.

  • Angel fan for life - 11 years ago

    Not even a competition, Angel was her LOVE and Spike was just for fun.....We've all had that one guy that we couldn't explain, Spike was Buffy's.

  • Sara - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Angel were very "first" love. It was all consuming and tore Buffy apart when it broke apart. Why did it break apart? Because Angel couldn't stand staying around and not sleeping with her.
    Buffy and Spike had their share of problems, but Spike changed himself to be with Buffy. Yes, Seeing Red happened, but this was Spike before his soul. Angel killed and raped many while Angelus. Spike knew what he did was wrong, even without the soul, and chose to change himself to be a better man and be what she deserved. AND Buffy recognized that he did. Their story was cut short before it could even really begin. In my opinion Buffy and Spike have an "adult" love that Angel and Buffy did not. In the Angel series he fell in love with Cordelia. He left Buffy and fell in love with someone else.

  • ceilynne - 11 years ago

    Angel was the first love Buffy outgrew. I like him better paired off with Faith to be honest. (He and faith have a darker side that ties them together nicely and makes them better capable of understanding each other, imho.) Buffy and Spike as adults are more suited to each other. They are both still growing, (Spike when he was still human was an innocent and even after going vamp and becoming evil and doing lots of evil, he never possessed the darkness and wickedness Angelus did. He was just along for the ride, and when he was forced to stop to think about it, he ended up changing for the better, even though he did backslide majorly in "seeing red" that ended up motivating him to move forward even more.) Spike has come along way trying to become what Buffy needs, while Angel just broods...Buffy is better with a man she can grow with.

  • Melody - 11 years ago

    Well said Angelique. I feel Spike was more like an addiction. She needed something to take away the pain and she used spike for that. I think she will forever cherish spike because he did, in a destructive way, helped her through a difficult time. This to is one of my favorite things about Spike. Angel and Buffy was true love. It was beautiful and meaningful.

  • David Jay - 11 years ago

    Why not independent Buffy?

  • Nicole - 11 years ago

    Angel tried to kill Buffy when he lost his soul. Spike fell in love with her before he ever had one.

  • Pamela McLuskie - 11 years ago

    It's got to be Buffy/Angel because Spike was with Buffy as Spike was jealous of Angel.....

  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    Buffy is smiling in that picture because her and Spike are under a spell and think they are in love and are "engaged" in this episode.

  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    I loved Spike but Buffy and Angel were meant to be together.

  • rosemary - 11 years ago

    look at the pictures buffy is smiley with spike he is a friend and a lover and he is there when she needs her and he can be happy with her with out trying to kill her, buffy was young when she was with angel he is her first love but buffy and spike was a real realtionship not silly teanage girl stuff :D just my thoughts

  • kimberly - 11 years ago

    buffy and angel was written as a love story.. buffy and spike, while entertaining to watch, was PURE LUST!! (and how can people still ship them as a couple after "seeing red" is beyond me...)

  • Patty - 11 years ago

    Angel was very one dimensional on Buffy. He left after a season or two for his own show where he became a more fleshed out character. Spike is funny, sexy, smart and charming. Buffy may not love him, but they share more dynamic chemistry. All Angel knew how to do was be depressing and brooding.

  • lillian miller - 11 years ago

    i like to watch buffy and angel playing together

  • Angelique - 11 years ago

    Buffy and Angel, while tragic, were at least true love. I respect Spike's feelings for Buffy but they were not reciprocated, or at least not as they should have been. Buffy and Angel love one another, Spike loves Buffy, Buffy occationally sleeps with Spike. Both stories are tragic, but only one I feel is true love. My opinion- what's yours?

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