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The Boulder County Fair parade is set to leave downtown Longmont and be routed on streets around the fairgrounds. What do you think about this? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 651

  • christine beech - 11 years ago

    How are they going to share the parade with the farmers market. This is not a smart idea. Plus I agree with a previous poster, it will hurt struggling downtown businesses.
    (plus think of the dust on a dry summer day)

  • Lady Liberty - 11 years ago

    Longmont stages parades in the downtown area and a look at the history of the fair parade shows where the fair was previously held - now Roosevelt Park. The participants of the parade form up around that park- and IMHO that has always been one of the top features of the parade. Parade goers and participants get to know each other, often help each other - before they roll out on of 8th on to Main. It's a nice long haul from 8th to 3rd and then back to where you stated around the park. All organizations and individuals are welcome to participate, and many do. It is a LONGMONT event.
    In recent years, the BoCC has torn up the fair, making it less of an event for 4H and farmers, and more about vomit comets and rock bands. The Daily Camera calls it the BOULDER fair, never mentioning Longmont. It is in fact a Longmont event - having been hosted here for over 100 years. The parade is an invitation to attend the fair. If you're already at the fair, then you don't need the invitation.
    This will be a CLUSTER and the traffic will be as bad as the 4th of July fireworks. Where will parade goers park? Try making a U turn on S. Sunset with a flat bed behind a pickup. We can do that on Bross or any of the other wide residential streets near Roosevelt. Poor planning from the Boulder-centric BoCC.

  • Dolly 4H Leader - 11 years ago

    They are talking about moving JUST the BOULDER COUNTY FAIR PARADE, not all the parades that are held in downtown. The Boulder County Fair Parade SHOULD be first and foremost about the fair and the traditions surrounding it, afterall, that is what it's a kickoff for.
    It's not like the 4th of July Parade or the Parade of Lights which should stay in the heart of downtown Longmont, it's the FAIR Parade. For the past handful of years not that many of the 4H clubs and kids have been able to be a part of the parade because it is so far from the fairgounds, and it's about kicking off THEIR fair! It would make alot more sense to draw the community to the fairgrounds area where these kids who work hard all year have their projects and animals to share with the public for that week and also the buisnesses surrounding it rather than all the buisnesses on Main Street. The parade always happens after the kids have everything set up and ready to go all week and they need to be at the fiargrounds, so choosing between going to the other side of town and staying at the firgounds with their projects and animals makes them have to choose to not be a part of the parade that is FOR them. The fair has SO much to offer that some of the public does not even know about and this would help draw the community to it.
    Would we celebrate the Summer Music Festival Kickoff somewhere else other than downtown where the Festival occurs all summer? No. So lets kick off the Boulder County Fair with the parade near/ at the fairgrounds!

  • Linda Weber - 11 years ago

    I think moving the parade away from downtown would hurt the businesses that are along the parade route. Would that mean you would also move the pancake breakfast and the other entertainment as well? The parade is a time to draw more people to our flagging downtown area and give those businesses a time to shine or be highlighted. How many times have we had a downtown do over to draw more people there and "Shop Longmont" and now you are taking away something that is not only tradition but a a huge draw. Maybe you might want to put that into consideration.

  • Tom Boaman - 11 years ago

    And what streets around the fairgrounds would that be?

    All of these are pretty major thoroughfares a parade on any of them would be majorly disruptive.
    Or are you considering the driveways that lead to the parking lot.
    Parades, almost by definition, are held on Main St.
    To move it to the streets around the fairgrounds is merely a step towards cancelling it entirely.

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