How should Ohio change its gas tax to better fund road and bridge projects in the state?


  • Larry Conn - 11 years ago

    All of the above options have merit except "change nothing". Changing the tax from 28 to 35 cents per gallon will help, but inflation will eventually catch up with the increase. Raising license plate fees is the best option for local government because more projects can be built with local money rather than depending of the federal government to doll out the funds and return them to the states. A "vehicle miles traveled" tax (if also based on the number of tires on a vehicle is worked into the equation) is perhaps the fairest tax, but may be difficult to track. Toll roads are very successful with keeping up with the need for repair and replacement construction; however, it is somewhat inconvenient to the traveling public.
    It is obvious that current tax revenues are not keeping pace with the increasing cost of road/bridge construction materials. No matter what option is chosen, there needs to be inflationary measures built into the tax that will keep pace with ever increasing cost of materials. Also, any change to the current gas tax revenue needs to be dedicated exclusively for roads and bridges as is currently outlined in the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Constitution.

  • My response to the above options are as follows:

    a) Take the tax from 28 cents per gallon to 35, in between Pennsylvania’s and Michigan’s rates: I think that this would be my second option mainly because it is an accepted means at this time. Creating another means would delay funding that is really needed now. I know that the way funds are distributed that this is most beneficial to more rural counties.

    b) Raise license plate registration fees or other driving-related charges: Raising the license plate registration fees would be my first choice because it is an accepted means at this time and we need the funds now. These fees are capped in our county and have not been raised for almost 35 years. The way these funds are distributed also benefits more urban counties more.

    c) Repeal the tax and adopt a “vehicle miles traveled” tax : I would not do this. We need the funds now.

    d) Make more highways into toll roads: No, this would be too cumbersome and would not work for low volume roads.

    e) Nothing: No.

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