Did this Dad go to far?


  • halle simon - 11 years ago

    Yes he went far. A father shouldn't hit his daughter. A father strenght is to massive... And then recording
    it n putting on the internet is ver childish of him

  • Francis - 11 years ago

    They do deserve to get a whopping but not with an electric extension coard but they do need a butt whooping because they know better

  • klynncool - 11 years ago

    After reading all of the posts about the dad whipping his kids.....I must say that I am surprised greatly and also happy to see the shift in our society regarding child punishment from parents. The survey's results said an overwhelming 76% of people thought the father did not go too far and only 24% of people thought the father did go too far. WOW!! What a difference from about a few years ago when everyone was all uptight about being legally able to slap or spank your own child. I mean, if you spanked your child in public a few years ago, then you'd have all sorts of witnesses calling the police on you A.S.A.P. and then calling Child Protective Services. People would be taking pics w/their cell phones and even strangers were always sticking their nose in someone else's business or way of disciplining their OWN CHILDREN by stepping in and telling the parent "You shouldn't be doing that" or "Stop doing that to your child" or "I can't believe a parent would hurt their child that way, I'm calling the police" plus many many other stupid things that strangers say to parents who are spanking their kids in public. The strangers don't even know what the kid did, or if the kid was a problematic repeat offender rule breaker or if he deserved it, Anyway, I thought that today's society was still totally against ANY kind of physical punishment towards their kids. I gathered that from the news and just my own experiences at the store or mall where I saw parents spank their kids just one time and I then witnessed several strangers call the police and a lot of people step into the situation and lecture the parent on how to punish their child. I am glad to see that the majority of people, now, see that spanking or punishing your child is not cruel as long as you don't beat them for hours and hours and use torture types of items to punish their kids. I'm so glad to see the majority of people saying and REALIZING FINALLY that sometimes to raise a respectful, obedient, decent, law-abiding and courteous child...you might need to intervene before they get too old by spanking. Finally, parents have their PARENTAL RIGHTS given back to them by society and people are easin' up on the judgement of parents who spank. Society is seeing that a bit of spanking or whatever actually does produce positive results in their children.
    They are more apt to follow the house rules, follow school rules, obey the law, respect themselves and their parents and others, and maybe they won't mess up next time they are tempted by the same thing that got them spanked before. Maybe a spanking will let them know that their parents aren't playing and that there will be consequences for their disobedience. I was also glad to see an overwhelming percentage of people admitting that today's youth are out of control and do what they please. Also, society is seeing the link between our youth participating in "adult activities", promiscuous behavior, sex, doing "dirty sexual" dancing, dressing like not only adults...but slutty adults, using bad language and disrespecting their teachers or elders and the link to kids doing these bad behaviors and growing up to have several illegitimate children, criminals, in jail, dead, a prostitute, doing drugs or hanging out with bad influences. There is a link...a huge link....between our youths of today doing adult behaviors and breaking house rules and our youths turning to too young sex, high school dropouts, crime and drugs. Kids actually crave structure and rules. They need these things and they respond positively when their parents do provide them with rules and structure. This way, the message is clear to them on what is allowable and what is forbidden to do or say.

  • Bianca Cortez - 11 years ago

    Who ever thinks that is ok yall need serious help that is child abuse I hope his a@# goes to jail its ok to spank and punished that man is psycho poor girls so defensles I bet hes a woman beater to ugggh it sickens me ..

  • Klynncool - 11 years ago

    I do think that the father went too far due to the low degree of severity of the girls "crime". Someone wrote, "Do the crime. Do the time." I just don't think that the crime deserved this degree of "spanking". Man, with everyone in the public being a "watch dog" for children's rights to the extent that you cannot be in a grocery store and spank your child on the rear without at least ten people using their cell phones to take pics of the spanking and for them all to call the police and Child Protective Services. I actually agree with others that today's kids get away with all sorts of rule-breaking and disobedience because even they know that you can't legally touch them and they know their rights so much that today's youth even pick up the phone and call the police on their parent for a simple slap. I've seen my friends' teenagers call the police on their moms so many times for tiny little slaps or just yelling. When I was growing up, I got the worst beatings ever......enough to eventually end up in a foster home, so, yes, I am against child abuse, but I am for the parents having the right to punish their children in a way them deem fit and not cruel. Today's youth....tomorrows senators and lawyers and doctors and priests......are so spoiled and defiant and expect instant gratification and expect designer clothes and their own computers, tv's, etc....they seem to have an air of expectations that they are due and owed whatever they want. Parents, I think, acting out of guilt over a divorce, a poor paying job, not home enough, etc, etc...try and buy their kids love by giving them everything they want instead of teaching them how to earn their own money, or waiting for their birthday or Christmas, etc...They expect their parents to shell out major cash so they can wear designer clothes and shoes. So, in this videos clip, I do think the Dad went too far because the crime didn't fit the punishment but in general, I do believe that kids need boundaries drawn and consequences for bad judgement or breaking rules. This is when I think slapping or spanking is OK.

  • Shona - 11 years ago

    I agree with the dad beat that @$^^&. And when you think about beat that @&&**/$# again

  • Julo Ayala - 11 years ago

    I think the dad went did the right thing. Now a days.... kids think they can get away with every little thing without consequences to their actions. I myself am of Mexican decent and gotten some good smacks..never with a electrical cord, but.. belts, tree twing, shoes, hands, rope... wheww.... It all bares down for t he child to learn right from wrong and as the old saying goes... "do the crime.. do the time"... or well consequences.... NOW.. all that is pending .. is the dad... waiting around for CPS or some other crazy foo to press charges against him for this.....who is right? Parenting skills or State law..........

  • Kiya Turner - 11 years ago

    I beleive this father was definitely justified in his actions. When these girls made the conscience decision to post themselves twerking, they were doing it for the attention. Therefore, the father had a duty to show them the actions they took were not smart. And that was by whooping that ass and posting his own twerk video. Twerking their asses. My daddy would have done the same thing. Matter of fact, he has. I appreciate him for that now. He was trying to show me you need to act like a lady and not some trash off the streets or you will be treated as such.

  • sammy - 11 years ago

    For those people who are lk omg he beat them with a cord. Ugh... Hello u need to understand she put her ass on the internet. Talking aint gonna stop her from doing it again. She need a genuine beaten. And i can honstely say that will teach her a lesson that shell never forget. If u dont beat ur kids ok watch her be a whore bc my kid aint gonna be no hoe.

  • Elizabeth - 11 years ago

    I feel that it was extremly unnecessary and inapproprite beating. I understand know parent wants to see their childern do anthing like this but im sure if we speak to our kids like adults then you get higher chances of them listening to you but thats just my opinion

  • Nicole - 11 years ago

    No, I do not think the father was wrong.....If these girl's can video tap themselves popping theirs ass then it can be video taped their father doing what a father is suppose to do "WHOOPING ASS"... He wanted them to feel how mad he was..That's why a cord was used instead of a belt...

  • Knia - 11 years ago

    This wasn't no where near as bad as it sounds. The kids are screaming only because they don't want a whoopin' but he did not go over board, and they had on all their clothes. This was not too far...

  • Tiffany Phillips - 11 years ago

    That was all they got? If u ask me he restrained his self. They were out of line. I hope they learned their lesson

  • Lena - 11 years ago

    Spare the rod spoil the child... that was probably long over due...

  • misheyy - 11 years ago

    Tear that ass up!!! Tear it up!!! Great job dad.. Show them you care!!

  • Yaz - 11 years ago

    I was listening at a response a lady gave this morning on her veiw. She said that this father obviously didn't teach her the do's and dont's and the after effects if she does and I feel that is incorrect...you can't say that....some parents teach talk to their children and teach them right from wrong and the children still wanna buck the system...they still wanna see how far they can push the limit...I feel like some children literally have to learn the hard way...sometimes they need one good ass woopin........maybe two....to get they're mind right.....so saying that this child did the act because she was never taught otherwise....I feel is just not a correct statement to say.....unless u know this man....live with this man....and just have firsthand insight on how he teaches his children....that ass woopin ain't gone kill them lil wanna be grown ass girls.....but it'll make them think twice before posting something like that again...

  • Trina - 11 years ago

    It's important for everyone to remember these are two young girls, if they are tweaking now and no one steps in - then what will they be doing when they are legal. A message has to be sent!

  • mandy - 11 years ago

    That will teach her fast ass to be on track and not trickelatin' !!! Im all for this father!!

  • mandy - 11 years ago

    That will teach her ass not to be on track and not trickelatin' !!! Im all for this father!!

  • Dee - 11 years ago

    No. He did not go to far. If he keeps her in line now.......she will not have a pimp trying to keep her in line later. point blank and the period.

  • Angelica Rodela - 11 years ago

    People who say this is wrong are the ones who never had disciplinary action taken upon them as a child for commiting the wrong actions.

  • Raymond - 11 years ago

    A spankin, maybe. If you are a grown up, you know what the force of that cord would be like coming all the way from around his back, repeatedly hitting the small child who's bones are not fully developed. He most likely caused a good number of hairline fractures. I would be curious to see the wounds. Rage is no excuse.

  • Amena - 11 years ago

    He went to far , I mean I understand he was upset , but he shouldn't have used a electrical cord he out of line

  • Ns - 11 years ago

    That is child abuse! If your kids are making a "twerk" you need to start questioning your parenting skills next time your ghetto self is shaking it at the club. Try explaining this video to CPS, hope they find him and prosecute him.

  • Melissa - 11 years ago

    The dad did not go too far in my opinion. I'm sure they won't be posting anything up online anymore. I would have wooped them harder for screaming like that too!It's up to us parents to discipline our kids and a good whooping beats just being grounded. I used to have be for an hour kneeled down in rice and that hurt more than the belt!

  • Delante Clarke - 11 years ago

    This is crazy and whats even worst is the comments that some of these people are writing. Its easy to say whats right and wrong when it comes to someone else children, however if any of these people posting saying its cool to beat their daughters like this, they dont live in Texas... There is no way in hell you can justify the way this guy BEAT them girls. To add insult to injury, with a cable cord!!! They are girls. Their bodies cant take the impact that a males can. Look at the way he was swinging!!! If this video ever made to the police, you can best believe that he is going to jail. Girls are going to be girls. If a boy was 15 and came home and told you that he got a girl pregnant you wouldnt beat him. The video they made was wrong, but thats what happens when you feed into the sickness that rap music spreads nowadays. You sit around and let them watch love and hiphop with you and music videos and then get mad when they start doing what they see other people doing.. The girls doing the video was wrong, morally, however legally, that guy was dead wrong!!!

  • Cherise - 11 years ago

    We always commenting on how rude and disrespectful the youth are. That's because the are not getting enough beatings. If this was my daughter I would be beating that ass too.

  • nicki - 11 years ago

    i dont think this father went to far at all, hes just trying to raise his kids right and teach them that not everything we see, listen, or hear should be repeated especilly at that age.My question is where is the mom? who recorded that?and im reading some of these comments smh.... people there is a differance between beating and whoopn(what he did) and for these ignorant people that leave comments blaming the world we live in i got one thing for you the world shouldnt be rasing your child you should!! if miley cyrus jumps off the bridge would you let your daughter do the same and then comment well miley did it??? i dont think so :)

  • meli - 11 years ago

    I am one of eight children.. When we did something wrong, what ever was in sight. And if u moved and screamed u got more. I myself have four children and they know I will beat them too.

  • antonio - 11 years ago

    I don't think he whent far at all man now days little kids think its kool to talk back or to dis obey their parents.... its like this if your parent don't teach you or punish you like this parent did the streets will... I was raise the same way nd thank my parents for that... now I got my own company nd I don't got mental problems or nothing like that... them girls are gana be thanking him later

  • Shay - 11 years ago

    I only had to get one whooping from my daddy and believe me that's all it took. At least he gave them space to run. They went in the corner. As for as my mama she didn't play. get out of line and the closer thing in arms reach is coming your way lol.. Heck I remember getting whooped with the tracks off a hot wheels set, dish towels, telephone cord. I betcha I didn't disrespect her or any adults. Didn't have a baby in high school. Made good grades graduated high school and college. My parents went by the bible spare the rod spoil the child. That's what's wrong with these kids now. They too darn spoil with no discipline. I'm 4'11 and my boys 5'7 175lbs and 5'10 225lbs know if they get out off track mama knows how to get them right. Ain't no grown kids living in my house.

  • daniel - 11 years ago

    The dad was right...I'm also an 80's kid, when things where less sensative.....when i was a kid, i got caught stealing candy...my dad gave me a beat down.....never stole ever again.

  • Jade Cleveland - 11 years ago

    1. The screams were a little exaggerated spoken from a person who knows what it feels like to get beat and scream loud enough hoping the lashes would stop. (Childhood whippens)
    2. The father may have had that convo with them about what to and what not to do, but not all children listen.
    3. I wish my parents were harder on me when I was younger, hence, I wouldn't go through a bunch of bulshit for not listening. Plus, being fast can lead to a fast life of drugs, early pregnancy, pristitution, etc. They better thank God they have a daddy that cares.

  • Keisha Brooks - 11 years ago

    I agree with Hatta, I was waitng on the rest .I'm a 70's baby as well and my mama just didn't whip us with cords she made us put our knees in rice for hours . I would have taken the extenstion cord beating over putting my knes down in rice .

  • Latrice - 11 years ago

    HAHA.. wrong where...now that's what I call a good ole fashion ass whooping. I have a 12 yr old daughter and I fell NO sympathy. for the girls. SPARE THE ROD SPOLI THE CHILD!!!!!! You gone learn today!!!!!

  • Ari - 11 years ago

    I think that he was wrong for whipping them with a extention card but at the sametime they look old enough to know whats right from wrong me as a 80's baby I experienced A good old fashion ass whipping with a christmas tree branch by my dad and every since then i learned my lesson and im pretty sure they learned there too!!!!!

  • stephaine - 11 years ago

    If you think that's OK.. you need help!! How is beating a kid with a cord fixing the problem.The girls where wrong but they ruins their image. Kids every day deal with parents that physically hurt them and witch can lead to physicological issues. What if he goes went to far and killed one. Would y'all have agreed.its sad that the morning show is not even thinking about the victims and more worried about saying how they got their ass whooped! I would think y'all wood be by the girls and not try to make this so called father as father of the year..so sad.I can't wait to finish school in December and become the c.p.s worker to go after parents like these!!!

  • lisa - 11 years ago

    And also we Gerald at our children but what do we do to set examples if we watch stuff n listen to certain music than they feel like its OK cause we do it....

  • Tarnesha Davis - 11 years ago

    Look these little girls are taking these dances to far. Soon as somebody say their fast or a bunch of whores its gonna be a whole new problem. I'm 36 and I have a nice figured daughter and she knows what come with the territory. Sit that ass down and act like young ladies and a ass whipping wouldn't happen. Damn kids today.

  • Daphanie - 11 years ago

    No i don't think he was wrong this lil girls theses days what they need is a father in they life to stop what they doing minds would have got more than that an I'm the mother I have 3 girls so I have to do what I have to do as a single parent to keep minds in line

  • Pat - 11 years ago

    It was excessive. Hitting a child in anger is never a good choice. A punishment was necessary, but possibly at a later time out of love and not anger. Just my two cents.

  • Mara - 11 years ago

    LOL Kudos to the dad for putting up the video, hopefully it will trump all their twerk film gallery.
    Young girls aint nothing wrong with dancing, not everything is made for online.

  • A. Jones - 11 years ago

    If he didn't whip them and the video got out or they got pregnant or kidnapped then the people saying yes he went to far would be saying what kind of parent was he that they got pregnant at a young age. He should've whipped they ass a lil longer. I bet they won't make another video.

  • lisa - 11 years ago

    That went way to far I don't believe in beating ur child with objects n come on now they always talking about twirling and post ur video n mylie Cyrus has video posted of her twerking n she was a Disney star so I think it went way to far

  • kim - 11 years ago

    REALLY? That wasn't a whippn, that was straight up beatn the shit out them kids....i don't care what they did they didn't deserve to be beat on..wtf

  • Mon - 11 years ago

    I Don't Think He Was Hard On Them At All. I'm A 80S Baby And I've Seen Much Worst. If They Felt Like They Could Get Away With It Then I'm Sure They See The Light Now

  • Sean - 11 years ago

    The people who think he's wrong are the parents of girls we ran through in college. Spare the rod spoil the child.

  • Paula - 11 years ago

    He said I told you.....so obvious they have been down that road before .......he did what he was suppose to. It's long becuz he beat 2 of them nd it's loud becuz of the empty room. Go dad because when they do that it only gets worse!

  • Mz Dee - 11 years ago

    Better him than the police or a no good pimp. That is what's wrong with the kids of today. If they go to school and the teacher see's one thing on a child they are going to call CPS. Then CPS is in your life but when they get older and do something to send there ass to jail and wanna call mama the first thing that they will say "what you wanna call mama now for your ass is grown", but when i was beating that ass the way if should have been he would not have to ask you to call me. It's call preventive meassures.

  • Tamechia Pete - 11 years ago

    I don't think he was wrong at all. From the looks of it the man probably has had to whoop there asses before. Some kids need that act right in their lives, & his get it. . Need more parents like him. Maybe these 90/2000 KIDS would stop ACTING like adults. I'm all for the ass whippings.

  • Eustace Holliday - 11 years ago

    Ask my kids.

  • Willis - 11 years ago

    Idk what everybody trippin on das a regular ass whopping. They talking like he beat them. Just like my LiL girl singing that Kelly Roland song kisses down low naw we not gon do that 1. I love me some Kelly. But that ain't fa my baby

  • crybaby - 11 years ago

    all that was was an old fashioned ass whooping beef OCPs game in a picture I had my behind with the schedule card several times and I'm a good I'm a good person today

  • Tamika Simpson - 11 years ago

    Old fashion ass whooping is what they needed..... stop them now. They are tooooooo young to be making a twerking video on facebook. This is the bs that have our young girls in the mess they're in today and parents wonder why they are being targeted by molesters, rapers, and all sorts of mess..

  • FasT Freddie INC. - 11 years ago

    He could have beat that ass a little longer I'm sure they got the point but my ass woopings lasted much longer and their was no clothes getting in the way, and yes I beat my kids and all 4 of them finish College and or out our house. Now I go over and eat their food and listen them talk about the baet downs they got .
    Yes GOD is GOOD.

  • Rona Scott - 11 years ago

    Im from old school discipline parents. My parts beat my ass just like the video and today i am thankful . I have never been to jail nor in trrouble with the law. i discipline my kids the same way, they are 21 years old and 17 years old. never had any trouble from them nor have they been in any trouble with the laws. They know I do not play when it comes to the nternet and facebook. Its call respect yourself and others will respect you.

  • Dana - 11 years ago

    If only they handed these out to the parents posting their children twerking on fb. I wouldn't have used an existention cord, but a belt tree switch paddle ruler would've been fine.

  • TAMIKA STEPHERSON - 11 years ago


  • Maurice Colvin 3rd - 11 years ago

    Mayne thats nothin but, tough love.smhlol To be honest he could of went harder than that and held them by the arm and tore they ass up. They got to learn early about the type attention your askin for. Guess he told them...You Gone Learn Today!(Kevin Hart voice)lmao

  • taylor smitn - 11 years ago

    why an extension cord???

  • Sharanda Taylor - 11 years ago

    Laugh now cry later they will know next time !!!! It's the ones that's against it that's crying about pedefiles in the neighborhood guess what they on the Internet too stop it now and don't worry later

  • Angel - 11 years ago

    (George Lopez voice)
    That way u learn
    Do it again go head twerking again

    I'm all for the dad he did the right thing

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