Arrow - What was your favorite scene from Unfinished Business?
Hood questions the Count. He's crazy and can't answer.
Flashback - Slade and Shado fight and talk about Oliver whining
Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity learn of the Count's escape and Oliver flips a table
Diggle buys Vertigo with tracked bills and Diggle and Felicity talk pot brownies and Deadshot
Quentin interrupts Tommy and Laurel's dinner to accuse Tommy of being a drug dealer
The Hood interrupts a drug deal but the main guy gets away
Tommy tells Detective Lance to get a search warrant before he inspects the club
Detective Lance gets a warrant to search the place and Oliver opens to door to the Arrow Cave only to find inventory
Oliver brings up Tommy's past and Tommy calls him a hypocrite
Oliver yells at Diggle for ignoring his SOS to pursue a personal vendetta and Diggle calls him a hypocrite
The Hood goes to kill the Count but gets caught by the doctor and orderly instead
Doctor admits that he was behind the new Vertigo and tries to kill Oliver but Diggle saves the day
Tommy quits managing the club
Flash back - Oliver's water slapping allows him to draw the bow
Oliver talks about people changing and going after Deadshot
Tommy asks his dad for a job
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