Is Tyler Perry Gay?


  • Obi Juan Kenobi - 3 years ago

    Perry LOVES a dick up his ass or down his throat.
    He's done great things for the Atlanta film industry, but he really should come out.

  • Crystal - 5 years ago

    Who cares if you are straight or Gay.If you are good for you whatever makes you happy .i have seen every play every movie and i see you growing to become a better person .i have worked at the tyler perry studios and think u have came a long way and im proud for you .you are who you are and no one can change that .keep uo the awesome work you do .but pkease dint stop doing madea.

  • Vickie Clinton - 6 years ago

    Too busy living my life,while enjoying everyone of Tyler Perry movies to be concerned if he's gay or not.

  • Vickie Clinton - 6 years ago

    Too busy living my life,while enjoying everyone of Tyler Perry movies to be concerned if he's gay or not.

  • Pt the blogger - 7 years ago

    Not for sure if Tyler's gay my instincts is that he is and as far as him still in the idea from a drag queen that drag queen lives in Houston he goes by the name of Miss Sophia and his name on Facebook is Joe Taylor and yes the idea was stole from Miss Sophia

  • Nany - 7 years ago

    I personally cant judge anyone for their sexuality. That isTylers personal business. Judge ye not ... Let him without sin cast the first stone. ..Yall know the rest. However, your comment about being, or formerly being a JW..irrelevant is neither here nor there because JWs do not condone homosexuality either.
    Having said that. What Tyler does with his fame, foetune, and his business. Instead of being so " butt hurt" about it... Get out there and get your own hustle.. Using your own talents... And then you can support whomever you choose to when or if you make it Big. The problem with alot of ppl today is if theyd focus half of the time and energy they spend on worrying about what someone else is doing into their own endevours..they'd probably have their "own" already.

  • Vangie - 8 years ago

    Listen, Tyler looks and has feminine mannerisms to me. If he IS gay, he will answer to God. Not us. But personally I've NEVER thought his Madea movies and plays were funny. Too buffoonish for me. I watched one yeeeears ago, and that was it for me. No more. He seems like and acts too secretive for me. Always kind of guarded. Just weird acting. Always tries to act so MANLY. To me, in his face, I see other stuff going on with this guy. Painted on beard and hair sometimes. He's just weird to me. But, what he does in his life is none of my business. I don't care or support anything he does because it's BORING to me. Insult to the black community IMO. Oh and his acting AND directing stinks. Horrible.

  • Freshk - 10 years ago

    if tyler is gay who the fuck is we to judge him? nobody aint perfect! im still a fan and ill remain a fan i dont care cuz its not my business who he fucking

  • PoeticJustyce - 11 years ago

    I think if people spent as much time focusing on getting their life together and making sure they're right with God rather than whose sleeping with who, the world could be that much better! What Mr. Perry does is his business, and at the end of it all, he's the one who has to answer for his actions, not you or I... Judge not, lest ye be judged... and let those who live in glass houses be the first to cast stones... #RealTalk

  • Jahn - 11 years ago

    Good, he should have beat the $hxt!!! out of him. What does it say about him. They need to leave Tyler alone,

  • mona - 11 years ago

    I enjoy his work. I don't care who he's fuckin...wish is was me....maybe I could fuck my way to some pretty jewels or a nice house

  • eugenia m brown - 11 years ago

    09/12/2013-If people would stop judging, maybe their blessings will flow in

  • tworeal4fake - 11 years ago


  • Tonya Smith - 11 years ago

    How can you say that this man is GAY? Do you believe in everything you hear? Just because he dresses up as a woman to put on shows means that he's gay? Or maybe he had an idea, made some money and now anything in your mind will make you think that he's gay? I will pray for this guy who claims he "outed" him out. First and foremost, if you really wanted to out him out you would've said something long time ago. It shouldn't have been your friend to MAKE you out him out. This guy keeps saying that he lost this and he lost that but do you think that Tyler is wasting his day on dwelling on that? I don't think so. Let this man LIVE and stop making videos about dumb mess just so someone can feel sorry for you.

  • Brown27 - 11 years ago

    Gay or not I'm a fan!! And if mr perry is gay, it's none of my business!!

  • Charise - 11 years ago

    Ok I'm not going to say he is gay and I'm not going to say he's not gay because, I don't know how he's living his life. I do know that I can see that gay demon floating around him. So he might be just thinking about it, but a thought can get in your heart and when it does you pretty want to act on it.

  • Lisa Williams - 11 years ago

    Mr Perry is a beautiful man that has done great things in his life. God has truly blessed him. We are too quick to condemn others. God's Mercy sees us through the eyes of His Son! So we should keep it movin and let this gentleman live his life.

  • Tyler is gay - 11 years ago

    Tyler Perry is as gay as humanly possible, and all the black fanboys and fangirls just don't want it to be true because black people go to retard churches where everything is evil. Where was god while your ancestors were picking cotton? All of a sudden you should love a religion white people shoved down your throats and persecute people.

    Southern Baptists = retarded fucking niggers.

  • jojo bousier - 11 years ago

    What does Tyler owe You???
    Sounds like you jealous cause you wish you had his money.
    Oh and your comment about giving back to the community - you wouldn't do nothing.
    Easy to say you would when you aint got shit!
    Stop hating on these stars - get famous or get rich yourself, but stop using others to try
    and gain fame. You got a bad rep. Shut the hell up!

  • sarah jones - 11 years ago

    And what is the purpose of this "outing" video???
    This guy is broke and/or wants money. Otherwise...why???
    Tyler has a right to do whatever he wants to do. He owes you NOTHING!
    Your video serves no purpose. It appears you are looking for your own 15 minutes of fame.
    So sad - get a life dude!

  • d berry - 11 years ago

    My comment is Tyler can be whatever he wants he has paid his dues. Did anyone listen to any of his interviews when he talked about constantly being molested by both men and women, if you never walker in his shoes don't judge him that's god's job and he told us so. Tyler has to reconcile with god on this matter and what god says goes. We don't know where the fifth that was done to him took his mind to. A lot of gay people are better god worshipers and praisers than straight people, they are upstanding citizens, good home keepers and genuine good people just let it be let Tyler do his thing and worry about your own demons. Life.

  • Celeste Chizer - 11 years ago

    Mr. Perry have brought a lot of issues to the screen that otherwise would not have been developed. Why is it so difficult for our society to focus on his accomplishments and stay out of his personal business. Regardless of whether he's gay or not does not take away from the fact that he is one of the most brilliant people of this century. I hate what happen to this young man, especially if it's because he spoke his mind. In all honesty, it's nobody's business but Mr. Perry and GOD. Before we begin to look in other people's bedroom, why don't we just concentrate on making ourselves better human beings. If we can't say something GOOD about someone then don't say nothing at all. Mr. Perry has tackled issues of the our society in a way that we, as a race of people should be proud of. I admire this young man greatly from the time he told of his child abuse, the way he took care of his mother and how he have helped me through the years. I agree with Mr. Perry's statement that we must go forward, I further agree that we must learn from our past, especially the mistakes made in the past. LASTLY, ONLY GOD WILL JUDGE US! Mr. Perry, may GOD continue to bless, and allow you to continue to impact our society.

  • jewel - 11 years ago

    Tyler don't owe nobody a motherfucking thing...You are jealous, broke and an ass hole wanna be. Whatever he did he did if that's what happened. If a man wants to change and go straight they can. God is real and in charge. You are the motherfucker and sick in the mind cause ya is ass broke. People can't change because you love sucking dick, now maybe Tyler likes pussy now, who give a damn. Judge he not says the Lord. Vengence is mine. You going straight to hell

  • Vernetta Skinner - 11 years ago

    Mr. Perry worked hard to become a success, what difference does it make what his sexual preferences are, it is not who we love, but that we love.

  • Bobo Hopkins - 11 years ago

    Walter wasn't thinking or did nothing about it when he was Tyler's friend. Walter sound GAY his self. Is it because Tyler turned his life around. WALTER THERE IS A GOD. So what if he might still be gay, he made it and still making it. It smell like you are JEALOUS or he stop being friends with you cause wanted to just mooch off him. Stop worrying about Tyler and clean your own closet out. Gay or not, Tyler is still the MAN.

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