Will the Republican scandal machine backfire?


  • clyde hammer - 11 years ago

    The American attention span is about 6 weeks. the IRS problem is no real problem., will go away on it's own. The reporter problem although legit. Will also leave by being forgotten. Welcome back Ed you were missed.

  • Mac - 11 years ago

    I find it interesting that as more and more information is being unearthed, the officials that were doing these deeds and their supporters keep shouting that this is a "GOP" scandal machine. I am sure there are many who read these comments and watch MSNBC who were not alive when Nixon was being pursued by the democratic (scandal machine). They pursued him and should have done so with all due diligence. Likewise the GOP and any other concerned citizens should pursue the IRS and any other federal agency that may be guilty of crimes. I know, how dare I say crimes right? However like Nixon, who used the government for his own nefarious purposes, these officials also may have committed crimes and if so they should be fired from their positions of authority and not given a higher position by the sitting president, even if he benefited from their evil doing. This comes from an independent and not a Republican or Democrat. I left your political parties long ago, you all claim to be the voice of America but in fact are the voices of everything that is un-American.

  • Dasha Shawneey - 11 years ago

    It's so sad that the hatred for the GOP is blinding everyone to the real issues. I was one of the people who voted for this administration. But now, they are infringing upon the rights of people in this country, lying about events that killed 4 Americans & trying to suppress people and organizations that do not think the way they do. I thought Obama would bring positive change. I regret casting my vote for Obama. Would it be different if we substituted "black" for "tea party"? Think about it. Please stop the bickering. If they can do it to them, they can do it to us!!!

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago


    Thank you for displaying my point.

    Why is it that because one critcizes the left, Obama, etc., that the de facto response is "where were you when (those evil bad Rs did X, Y, and Z)"? That is the ILLUSION OF CHOICE. I am NO FAN of Dub-ya.

    Start thinking for yourself, Simpleton. Cults work in us/good, them/bad totalistic paradigm. When is the last time Ed was wrong or criticized O? He flirted with it once - just once on our erosion of civil rights, but then Senator Paul filibustered this very same issue Ed supported, Ed did a 180 and found 30 seconds out of 13 hours to nitpick; mainly because "Rand Paul is evil/bad/against us/the enemy". You people are so predictable!

  • s. Martin - 11 years ago

    Nothing will change about Republican obstructionism until they all die out. Thanks for staying positive and vigilant. I am beyond skeptical--good will is gone, logic is gone, we know what rough beast slouches toward Bethlehem.

  • June - 11 years ago

    Welcome back Ed, I have missed your show very much. Best wishes to your wife.

    For the poster who called your show a cult, Where were you when George Bush's incompetence resulted in 4,000 lives lost on Sept 11, 2001, an Anthrax attack that till this day, has not been investigated properly, the wall street, financial, & real estate scandal that was ignored. The Iraq war for oil instead of going after the people responsible for "911". If there is a cult that needs to be investigated, it is the tea party GOP.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    FFS this host, show, and forum board remind me more and more of a cult every day....

  • James J.Holstein,M.D. - 11 years ago

    Since when does the search for truth and accountability constitute a

    Since when is the search for truth and accountability constitute a scandal machine. We have two recent instances of apparent gross misuse of power ,ie the AP and IRS incidents and one instance of incompetence at the highest level -Benghazi. Four people are dead and perhaps countless violations of privacy. Yet no one responds to questions in a straightforward and honest way. This from an administration which promised transparency and accountability.

    Yes, Madame Secretary to many of us it does make a difference. At best our leadership is not up to the task, at worst we have reached a new level of dishonesty and arrogance.

    To continue on our present course is less far less than we deserve. As a nation we are entitled to more.
    Remember the outlandish remark made bu our Vice President at the signing of the Affordable Care Act, these three instances do fulfill the remark.

  • Jeff King - 11 years ago

    Everything the GOP attempts to harm Obama blows up in their faces !!! Love your work Ed best to your Wife. Need link to your show back in MSNBC tool bar next to Maddow's :-)

  • Jim Anderson - 11 years ago

    I smell republican toast.

  • Mad Dog Dem - 11 years ago

    I seem to remember in the 90's the Clinton/ Lewensky "Scandal cost the Repubs seats in both Houses of Congress. We hope the same holds true in 2014!

  • James W. Powell - 11 years ago

    I miss you at night but You and three others on MSNBC plus Mike Pap keep my weekends from being dead news.

  • Karen - 11 years ago

    Ed, so glad you're back on MSNBC. Weekends just got exponentially better! Hope your wife is doing well. As far as the Republican scandal machine, they can try all they want by lying, misrepresenting, etc., but their lies don't have a chance of sticking when they're up against whip-smart truth-tellers like you, Rachael Maddow, Alex Wagner, Chris Hayes, Rev. Sharpton, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Matthews, and our Democratic friends on The Cycle, to name just a few.. You all are so motivating to Democrats out here in your TV viewing audience! With the help of you all, plus President Obama and his people, and the huge number of Democratic voters, we'll keep the Senate and make gains in the House in 2014, or maybe even take back the House in 2014, if enough voters come to their senses in time. And in 2016 I'm confident we will retain the Senate, have the House, and will elect Hillary Clinton as President!

  • BETTY - 11 years ago

    Give 'em righties hell Ed. We love you

  • Serina Neglia - 11 years ago

    Keep up with the great work you do Ed. We miss your show and hope you will be back on TV more often, real soon.

  • Serina Neglia - 11 years ago

    Keep up with the great work you do Ed. We miss your show and hope you will be back on TV more often, real soon.

  • Benita - 11 years ago

    Will someone please give some respect to President Obama. The stock market is doing great and the
    deficit is going down. And by the way, Osama Bin Laden is dead!

  • Nancy Kimidy - 11 years ago

    Hi Ed WELCOME BACK. WE MISSED YOU DAILY. My Son, Daughter -in-law, and Grandson all work for the Federal Government. Eleven days pay is a lot of money to lose. How about Congress taking such a loss? More time is wasted on special committee's instead of taking care of U. S. important business like jobs. We are retired and will be happy to see our Dear President's Health Care go into complete force in 2014. So glad you are back. We love your show. Take care... The Kimidy's of Virginia

  • Shari Hinkel - 11 years ago

    The American people are sick and tired of this nonsense. Even some hardcore "righties" I know are fed up with it.

  • L. Cameron - 11 years ago

    Why did none of the big bankers loose their job and go to jail from the banking scandal. I heard no righties asking those questions during the banking scandal and more Americans were hurt by the banking scandal than we're hurt by the IRS scandal. Just something to think about. Ed keep fighting for the American public we need you.

  • Gary - 11 years ago

    Ed knowledge is power! Your process of review and attendance to training sessions conducted by the insurance company's will allow all of us to learn more about OBAMA care and how it will benefit all of america. stay rock steady Ed. God bless you and your family

  • Dr. Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    The majority of us Americans who reelected President Barack Obama did so knowing full well that the Republicans in the Congress and in some States have been shamelessly doing anything and everything to destroy his presidency. Since we are an enlightened majority, the Republican scandal machine is bound to backfire.

  • Mac - 11 years ago

    Yes, and hope so. Everything repbs are doing is against the interest of middle class and poor people. I want to add a comment about that hateful Hannity and wayne (NRA), Good people) mistakenly shopt an honor student at Hofstra University. Yes, he killed the hostage taker also, but how about that young beautiful honoe student ? It shows that even a trained , experienced police officer made a mistake and shot smart young lady! Can you imagine untrained person with a gun?
    Another point, I am 74 years old and on SSI. I have been greatly benefited by so called "Obamacare" health care! Repubs. who are in poclets of doctors, and hospitals (They give them lot of $$$$$$)).I love my healthcare (Obamacare).ED thanks for coming back , but we need you everyday talking about those repubs. Thanks.

  • Ms.J - 11 years ago

    I am glad to have you back Ed......you are on fire.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    GOPs live by the "virtue of selfishness." They feel that only they deserve to have their healthcare coverage subsidize by the government but those that cannot afford coverage should not have the same. They are a bunch of conservatives with NO conscience. Paul Ryan is a total loser. His Budget Plan just took a great hit since the announcement that the deficit has been dropping faster than expected. He is the arrogant one since he went to college with the Social Security Survival Benefits but does not feel that seniors should not have their Social Security benefits.

  • M. J. Kuenzig - 11 years ago

    Welcome Back Ed. Please get your time changed. This time is when most people have their dinners either at home or out at a restaurant. At least have MSNBC repeat your show later the way they used to do when you were on weekdays.. Go get the republicans.

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