Do politicians really respect public educators?


  • Liz - 11 years ago

    To answer Dr. H Flynn's question's, "I thought Rahm Emanuel was a democrat and an Obama crony. Why is he closing schools"? Raham is looking out for Rahm and I would not be surprised if he was not paid to close schools.

    Now for the Republican Party which most of them are paid and controlled by the Koch brothers aka Tea Party. Which is the same people that NJ governor Chris Christie is listening to and carrying out their orders. He has been out of the State of NJ more times that the POTUS has, Christie has been going to other states to show the governors how he has destroyed NJ so they can do the same for their states which is the way the Koch brothers ordered things to be done. Everyone needs to read anything about Chris Christie and the Koch brothers for those that do not know everything to know about these creatures.
    Christie has been against the teachers, unions, and government employees ever since he has been in office but now that he is running for re-election he is putting on the act that he loves teachers, unions, etc., but we know better and he still loves to use unbecoming language where our children can hear and read. Great person for governor or worst yet president?

  • Vicki Paronto - 11 years ago

    Horace Mann (1796-1859)
    Spearheaded the Common School Movement, ensuring that every child could receive a basic education funded by local taxes, starting in 1837.
    Mann believed that public schooling was central to good citizenship, democratic participation and societal well-being. He observed, "A republican form of government, without intelligence in the people, must be, on a vast scale, what a mad-house, without superintendent or keepers, would be on a small one."

    These are well-known statements from this visionary. A man who knew that an education was vital to every single person in our country, and that not everyone was of the right persuation to enter the private schools. The Republicans (Neocons) have alienated most, if not all sensible people.

  • Jeanne Buedel - 11 years ago

    republicans don't respect anyone who has to work for a living. They only care about themselves , their wealthy donors and the 1percent. I am also mad that you are not on weekdays. I don't even watch it anymore. Chris Hayes is nice, but he is no Ed Schultz.!!! I can't stand the way he talks, it's so jerky. He doesn't have a nice flow of words. I can't watch him. I also always miss your show because Sat. And Sun. Are so hectic. I don't even turn on MSNBC anymore until you are back during the week.

  • Dr H Flynn - 11 years ago

    I thought Rahm Emanuel was a democrat and an Obama crony. Why is he closing schools?

  • Rosemary - 11 years ago

    This NEW GOP/TEA Party of Hate and MIS-INFORMATION do not want the Average person in this Country to be able to get an Education anymore in this Country. This is their way of STOPPING the Country from producing anymore Barack Obama's. PLUS, Teachers Vote Democrat, a REAL DOWNER for the GOP/TEA.

    If you think this is over the top. See the Attack on Teachers, Killing School Districts, no real education reform, Voter Suppression Tactics, Networks like Fox on Fear mongering, and all of Conservative Talk Radio, warehousing Minorities in the Criminal Justice System, a real job killer for them, and POOR SCHOOLS.

    The Results of our Education measured against others Western Countries and Third World is very low.

    Where does our Future educated young people come from. You have Several Red States, trying to change the education system, CHANGE THE HISTORY BOOKS, NO SCIENCE vs. Creationism, lay off Teachers.

  • O.Garino - 11 years ago

    I'm a retired teacher. Forty one years ago, we were very poorly paid, but felt respected and appreciated for the most part. Now, teachers are still very poorly paid, and not respected or appreciated at all!!! It is all so sad!!! The children deserve better...

  • Otheletta Hogue - 11 years ago

    Politicians will say, "this survey had nobody but teachers and unions commenting". Sad sacks.

  • portia - 11 years ago

    Republicans have been bashing teachers and their unions for at least the past 40 years and is it a coincidence that our student achievement in this country is falling behind the rest of the world. When this started in the 70's there was an influx of Hmong refugees in my community and I noticed that even though a lot of Republican politicians were bashing teachers for not being able to teach American students, the Hmong were having no problem getting on the honors lists even though their parents rarely spoke English. What their parents did do however, was teach their children to respect their teachers and to study. How can we expect our children to respect teachers and learning when all they hear is disrespect from adults.

  • ruth mcgauley - 11 years ago

    a wonderful much-needed show. I am a retired teacher who is now a substitute teacher who sees how much work and caring is done by the teachersAll the time. Nobody but teachers knows how many hats teachers wear EVERY day!!

  • Otheletta Hogue - 11 years ago

    Ed, the first day that I began my teaching career, a teacher from the local union approached me and said, "here is your application to join the union because you just walked into politics". That was 1971. I am now retired and have a lifetime membership and will continue to speak up for the education community, no matter where.

  • JPP123 - 11 years ago

    These online schools are not held to the same standards and there is 101 ways to cheat using the electronic online systems. Ask me I will show you.

  • BE - 11 years ago

    Politicians don't seek advice or information from educators. They believe the media myth that American schools are somehow behind other schools in the world. Some politicians receive money from so called reformers which are marketers of charter schools. These schools make money for investors, like the Wal Mart Corporation, which is now asking for tax money to support their schools.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    The conservatives want to make more profit by privatizing education. They also want to keep poor minority and special education children down. They care NOTHING about making education better for all children. As a former special education teacher in the inner city of Chicago, I know that ALL children can learn and deserve a QUALITY education. Wealthy conservatives feel that they should dictate how schools are run and many do not have any experience in teaching. Let's not forget that Bill Gates never graduated from college.

  • Lanita Mansfield - 11 years ago

    Get ED back on all week !!!!!!!!!!

  • Sharon Ellis - 11 years ago

    No, they don't. But that's because they see education in the same way they see prisons; they are cash cows. It's a way to take advantage of the poor and middle class.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    What these politicians are doing to our schools, teachers and the Nation's children is criminal. That 9 year old kid is more erudite than the whole lot of them. Listening to him speak was astounding and to think his school would have been closed had he not spoken out stands as the perfect reason why we can't count any kid out.

  • Mella Gregg - 11 years ago

    The Congress no longer respects anyone, who don't agree with them. They have broken down, into cliques, like the "Jocks," "Nerds," "Geeks."

    They need teachers to supervise them.

  • Horsedoc - 11 years ago

    Is Rahm Emmanuel a Republican??? Unfortunately the schools are losing students and the money has run out. Look at Flint Michigan. The problem is not political

    And Ed, with you having that kid from Chicago on tv, you are encouraging him to be racist. Shame on you

  • Agski48 - 11 years ago

    Teachers have been maligned but the REAL goal is to bust ALL unions #@EdShow

  • Agski48 - 11 years ago

    Teachers have been maligned, but the REAL goal is to bust all unions.

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