Are Republican efforts to block infrastructure dangerous for Americans?


  • William Hall - 11 years ago

    Sooner or later the people will wake up! When they do we get positive results!
    Dem's 2016 & beyond thanks to the Repugs/Tea P/KKK nut case racist

  • ECooper - 11 years ago

    Obstructionism in Congress by the republicans has run rampage for five years. Equal pay for women, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Jobs bill, infrastructure, gun control, and the list goes on, a list that has the potential to pay homage to the American people for all the struggles the Republicans and George Bush, Jr. caused us seven years ago. 228 days of obstruction is a waste of tax payers money, yet they want to continue to keep in the forefront the investigation of the IRS on the Tea Party, I would recommend the IRS investigate each of them as well. And what--does McCain think he's still a soldier, a hero--with his Middle Eastern trip. No, you can’t fool me old man--just more tactics by the Republican Party. "Here McCain--I have a wooden rocking chair with your name on it". There are many names that I can call each of those old anti-American bigots, but I'll keep it to myself. Boehner, McCain, McConnell, Black, Cantor, Fitzpatrick, Duncan, Jordan Hurt, Long, Barton, Walden and all other Republican congressmen & women will take a tumble in the polls. I would advise many to announce their retirement and others to prepare their resume. The American people are not stupid, we see what you are doing to us, and we feel you holding us back from prospering for the benefit of your selfish agenda. If I sound angry, it’s only because I am feed up with those Republicans…I work in a school (gun control), I have two children and myself in college (educational funding), I am a woman (fair pay), I have a son with an existing condition (healthcare)…do I need to continue! We the voice of America see, and we the people will not forget! Stand aside and let President Obama do the job he was elected to do before you lose your job.

  • aint holding my breathe - 11 years ago

    We need to fund our own infrastructure programs, ie. bridges, schools taking care of our neighbors and ourselves. We have to put the money together ourselves one dollar at a time. The GOP cares about nothing. All across the country we have to give money to free clinics, food pantries and schools. Otherwise we will all suffer as a result of not stopping this man made disaster called Superstorm GOP. They will not stop until all schools and hospitals are closed, all are unemployed or making $7.25/hr, every shop is shuttered. Our future can be bright but we have to act now. Stop waiting for the GOP to do what is rational and good. All good and kind people must begin in their neighborhood today. We have to talk to each other and find people in each neighborhood who can do repairs on roads, houses etc and give time to each other. Exchange time through a time bank.

  • mark - 11 years ago

    the bridge was hit by a truck. the truck was given permission by the state to cross the bridge. this has nothing to do with funding for bridges. and the top ten percent pay 70 percent of the taxes. is that fair?

  • James J.Holstein,M.D. - 11 years ago

    Another meaningless poll with the predictable response. The question posed asks are Republicans blocking infrastructure dangerous? The question makes no sense in its' content and yet the breakdown in responses mimics every other poll conducted on this website.

    Any reasonable, thinking person can only conclude that the same few who follow this website and MSNBC share a predetermined mindset and are unwilling to engage in thoughtful evaluation and debate to find solutions to the problems , deceptions and incompetence that is present in the party presently leading this country.

  • Steve 33 - 11 years ago

    The republicans will only do something that is in their own interest. Protection of the rich is #1.

  • joel hirsch - 11 years ago

    Watching Ed on DVR.
    Ed, it is beyond comforting to have your strong, rational, passionate progressive voice back on the air.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    Why did Sherrod Brown vote to give $436M to build Abrams tanks in Ohio when the Defense Dept. does not want or need them? Why not vote to use this money for infrastructure spending? He sounds like he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

  • Lorraine Bandel - 11 years ago

    Hey Ed
    We had a suplus until the Republicans and Bush got in they had two wars and two take cuts to the wealthy
    and a medicare drug bill, each of these things were not paid for . Guess what?Bush got out of office
    he and Repblicans 'caused the biggest crash next the great Depresstion
    Guess what ? now we have no money to fix anything.
    We need to get the taxes back that he gave to the big shots Time they paid for the highways and bridges
    they use to make money.
    We need to make them start paying. Not the poor and people in poverty by the rich.
    Bush and Republicans caused the debt we are suffering. When is someone going to step ;up to the plate and hall these bastards to task

  • Gett - 11 years ago

    My goodness, how many Americans must die before we find our American Exceptionalism again? Must the bridges kill 11, 20 50, 100. Shall we shoot newborns in their the hospital before a reasonable gun control law is set in place. What?

  • Nancy Randleman - 11 years ago

    They wish to destory as much of the country as they can! Destory the current government and rebuild a Facist like one is a goal! To do that without declaring a actual insurrection they will disrupte and destory everything! They hate that much! The base in the party is Sciopaths and KKK like thugs! OR religious zealots denying the actual Gosepels of Jesus,dangerous & ill informed ! Any good men in the party are sitting it out!

  • Rick - 11 years ago

    Good show Ed !
    You can forecast the right wing talking heads and expose their lies on the Sunday shows .

  • Chris Edmonson - 11 years ago

    Yeah, what happened to the great idea for the infrastructure bank??? It mostly pays for itself with a kickstart and we have a way, over time, to keep everything moving. Business needs this. That was one of the best things to happen in the "early" Obama years. Thank goodness we have Sirius XM while we are on the road (since Nov. 1st, 2012)... only a few places have cable as we do the ABLT (American Bucket List Tour). Anyway, enough of stingy Republican logic without end. Rebuild the roads, rebuild the bridges. We have seen the lack of maintenance first hand and it is unacceptable. Go get 'em Ed.

  • Unni Bouchard - 11 years ago

    I am at a loss of words. I became a US citizen in 1975 and registered as a Republican. However, over the years I have become totally disenchanted with them and now I am disgusted. I changed my party affiliation some years ago, voted for Clinton twice, voted for President Obama twice, really have been impressed how good they both were/are. But the republicans, who have turned into a bunch of whining wing-nuts, America would be such a great place to be. I am so disappointed with my previous party and feel that the majority has lost their voice as our will is blocked by a minority on all sides .... my frustration grows every day .... feel helpless and sad.

  • margo westerlund - 11 years ago

    Ok Ed we need you back every day not just one day per week. I have not watched MSNBC since you left. Please come back we need someone to fight for us middle class.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    All of the bridges in this country could collapse and the republicans could not give a damn! They could care less if the roads, bridges and schools were all falling apart but YET THEY CAN GIVE THE BIG OIL COMPANIES TAX BREAKS!! That makes no sense! I say no more tax breaks for big corporations and give that money to spending on infrastructure. Better yet, put all those stupid Republicans on a bridge and let it collapse into the river, then we wouldn't have them anymore, we wouldn't have to put up with all their stupidity! Our country would be better off without the Republican party!

  • Kemal Ozturk - 11 years ago

    I can not believe this is happening in America!

  • dawnbay - 11 years ago

    VOTE " Dems 2014

  • Jacob Spragh - 11 years ago

    Teapublicans will vote over and over to give Bush money to fight his wars, but when we NEED TO SAVE AMERICAN lives under Obama they will have no part of. I never had imagined myself to be a straight party voter but because no Republicans will speak out against their own party, that has lost them my vote for life. Bring on the mid term elections, I'm ready for another electorate slaughter.

  • dawnbay - 11 years ago

    The Repubs only care about the WEALTHY

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    The Republican party has become dangerous for Americans, period.

  • Julie Kiel - 11 years ago

    They (Repubs) won't do anything until it affects their districts!

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