Are Republicans being hypocritical for criticizing the president over the NSA?


  • Barbara - 11 years ago

    The Republican's are nothing like they use to be, the so called tea party Republicans the ones in power today want to take away our freedom, especially the freedom of woman's rights. In my opinion they want to run this Country like a dictatorship and we the American people can not let this happen. Congress has to go, like they say out with the old and in with the new, if that doesn't work keep doing it till it works, they will get the message, they are suppose to work with the President for the better of America not blame and disrespect the President of the USA. I pray God will put a stop to these people.
    God Bless America.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Dear Ed lemmings: pretend that its another party that tapped our journalists, put the IRS on organizations opposed to the administration, data mined phone records of Americans after approval in SECRET meetings, abandoned the gay lobby, raided marijuana dispensaries en masse, all after promising to change DC and promising to be the transparency Administration. Unfortunately, the garbage that Ed spews night after night pitting Us vs Them sells because it attracts. Ed is dangerous. Stop watching this fool. Us vs Them always ends badly.

  • Anita Robertso - 11 years ago

    Great Job Joy. You truly need your own show. I certainly hope that this will eventually happen for you. Keep up the GREAT work.

  • LTanya Spearman - 11 years ago

    GREAT JOB!!! It feel good to see that political host, who don't shy away from who they are, who stand-up and tell it let it is with FACTS up in their FACE (show them the tapes and quotas)... I'll watch you anytime, MSNBC GIVE HER A SHOW ! YOU NEED IT, CHECK YOUR RATINGS...

    Start hiring more people like her... She's your model....

  • Joyce - 11 years ago

    Good job, Joy

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    all these rethuglicans know how to do is 'pile on' BEFORE they check what they said on tape. then when it's time to get the egg (er, the blueberry pie) off their faces, they pretend not to recognize the tell-tale evidence. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!! Or as they always say, the anus will clog itself just to render the rest of the body useless...

  • NC Linda - 11 years ago

    It never fails to amaze me that current and prior members of Congress (both parties) are more likely to be checked out on what they are doing and who they are talking to than the average citizen. (If I were Cheney I'd be worried.) Yet they climb on board every time the government wants to take away some liberty of what they suppose is the 99% when, in actuality, it includes the 100% . Delusions of invincibility run amok in Congress.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    The Republicans are the BIGGEST hypocrites on the face of the earth! No one should be listening to what they are saying! Let's see this spying thing started long before President Obama was here, yet they blame him for all that is happening. The Republicans should be run out of town! They don't support this president on anything he does, the Republicans are mindless!!

  • Gary - 11 years ago

    Conservatives are caught once again trying to have it both ways. They cry crocodile tears that we're losing our liberty and freedom, but these are the very people taking away our freedoms and liberty by way of their state legislators. They want this country sprinkled with little Dictators in each state. Hence state's rights agenda.

  • Gary G - 11 years ago

    The Republicans are just nuts in clown suits. The Republicans just want to take this great country in the wrong direction. They have no knowledge on how to run the United States. Maybe we need to take all the Republicans to Texas, build a big fence so they can't leave.

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    This shamless of a party (Republicans) shows that they will either "cry wolf" or throw sh*t against the wall and see what happens. This situations goes back with Junior Bush, Nixon, especially J. Edgar Hoover. It's amazing how much a brain this party can go. I'm not worry about anyone who listen to my conversation, text, twitter, facebook, instagram, myspace, google, yahoo or other services. When the president says that no one is effect from it, he meant it. But you won't have not ONE REPUBLICAN to come out and say "Mr. President, I want to debate on the NSA use of phone calls." It won't happen and the Republicans still "cry wolf."

  • Tr - 11 years ago

    How could anyone vote no on this? i cant believe it.

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