Do Republicans care about the personal struggles of undocumented immigrants?


  • James J. Holstein,M.D. - 11 years ago

    What Republicans do care about is the security, health, welfare of all Americans and the preservation of the ideals which have made this country great. It would appear that Democrats care about the latest poll with no sense of ethics,accountability or self responsibility.

    Democratic policies reflect a greater dependence of government, a cynical attempt to ensure voter dependence with resultant reelection.

  • bluedog - 11 years ago

    The Gop doesn't care about the undocumented, the sick, the elderly, not even their wives or husbands.
    just those that they think will destroy the the normal way of life for the poor and middle class. They are lying when they say that the government is to big. They don't want to destroy their gravey train, their personal bank account, The GOP is a racist gang of liars, thugs, muderers, theives,haters. The GOP wants
    only Billionairs , multi-millionairs that own coorperations, big business and the Chamber of Commerce that they can lick-up to. They must know that 2014 is coming,and there will be a change.

  • mjk - 11 years ago

    Why should Republicans care about undocumented workers, they don't care about American workers, teachers, public employees, children or the elderly. They don't care about working conditions, our infrastructure, our environment or our citizens healthcare. They only care about about their future jobs as lobbists after they are done destroying the middle class of the US.

  • Lauren Spector - 11 years ago

    The Republicans only care about themselves and the wealthy. The Republicans do not care about the Middle Class, The Poor nor anyone else. It is a very sad thing.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    The Republicans do not care about Latinos, black people, women, poor people, retired people, Native Americans and anyone who is not a white person! Please people remember this in 2014, they all need to be voted OUT of office and we need to get this country back on the right track. They think this country can be only white people and rich people, to heck with anyone else. We need jobs , not abortion bills. Women are smart, they can figure out their own medical needs without the Republicans getting into their lives. They don't want anyone to have medical coverage, they don't want people to have good paying jobs, they don't want anyone to have enough food on their tables, or enough money to pay bills. They want everything for themselves, in other words they are greedy sob's!!

  • Robert Modica - 11 years ago

    Why do none of the News reporters give the real reason the Republicans do not support Obama's programs.

    The reason is that they do not want to support a Black individual in the White House. This has been true from the start of his first term. Its a sad affect for the country, and will eventually make this country a Third World Country.

  • Estelle McKinley - 11 years ago

    No! They dont even care about seniors (Mom & Dad). Why would they care about Latinos ?

  • Heidi Hatchell - 11 years ago

    The Republicans don't even care about other Republicans if they don't have money, how could they care about the undocumented? They're worried about registered guns. Now registering the undocumented is what's going to be really dangerous. For the undocumented, of course.....

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    Rethuglicans are working in the interest of BIG BUSINESS, especially BIG AGRIBUSINESS. The longer rethuglicans can delay bringing the "undocumenteds" out of the shaddows, the more BIG MONEY agribusiness makes on farm workers, namely, cheap and brutal labor provided by mostly Mexicans. Agribusiness is not asking any e-verify questions , because it is in big agri's interest NOT TO ASK, and then to proceed to terrorize these defenseless people in the fields, in raggedy farm-housing. If agribusiness could export "field work" to china, they would, so they're doing what they would, if they employed chinese laborers in the fields, in the slaughter houses, etc. Quite frankly rethuglicans have, through the fault of NO ONE ELSE, painted themselves into a very tight corner. Mama would say, "rethuglicans do not have the sense they were born with". Their selfishness and greed have blinded them beyond comprehension!

  • cathy - 11 years ago

    The Republicans don't care whether the middle class or poor make it or not...... As long as they fair well that is all their interested in.......THEIRSELVES

  • Mary Smith - 11 years ago

    They don't care about the middle class, the working poor, or anyone who has different views than they do... they need to go! And bachmann, omg, she needs to be in the psychiatric federal prison in Rochester - she steals our federal tax money and puts in the pocket of her husband and family (farm subsidy - iowa farm) she is just a hypocrite; and she gladly takes her federal wages and does NOTHING to earn them... she is a thief.

  • Bud - 11 years ago

    The neocon republicans of the Tea Party will never ever agree to have more immigrants coming and voting for Democrats. There is no immigration Bill period, as long as the republicans exist in this country

  • Janice - 11 years ago

    When Michele Bachman talks about going back to consitutional ways, she apparently forgot her history lesson. The United States was formed from immigrants. Hello! The Native Americans were the only residents of the United States when it began!! The repbublicans are selfish!!

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    No they don't care and Bachmann is once again lying through her teeth.

  • Jerry - 11 years ago

    They only care if they don't show up to...take care of the kids, mow the lawn, fix the meals, cleanup the mess.

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