Are conservatives ignoring racism in America?


  • Karen Trebilcock - 11 years ago

    Greetings . . . . The conservatives are saying that race is not an issue for them, and they are publicly promoting that notion. However, in reality, race is a very big issue for them, and they are trying any ploy, trick, etc. they can think of to reduce the impact of race on future elections -- just look at the number of regulations, laws, etc that state legislatures and governors as well as Republicans in Congress are doing to restrict access to voting polls/booths. For this reason, I voted no to the question that conservatives are ignoring race. What's that saying, If one says something often enough even though it may not be true, then one will tend to believe it.

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    The conservatives, are a mean spirited group, that is fearful of their past.
    they have been and are a hate filled racist group that lie, steal, kill to get
    what they want. They are now fearful that their ugly deeds are ciming back to hunt them,
    so they are still lying, stealing and killing to try and stay in power they stole from the poor
    then blame them for being poor,they kill and hang their children and husbands' and then
    blame them the women, for not careing.They (the haters) took away their emotion and again blame
    the hurting for their plight. The Haters' are now pretending that they are afraid of minorities when
    they meet or pass them on the street. They are fearful, it's their guilty of lying, stealing and killing
    that's holding them in their own bondage of terrorism.GOD HAS AWAY OF EVENING THINGS OUT

  • J. Kuenzig - 11 years ago

    The republicans are promoting, expressing and actively encouraging racism for their own benefit. They know they don't stand a chance if they act responsibly.

  • bunni - 11 years ago

    Ever since the Supreme Court voted to restrict our voting rights last week, I keep asking myself if they actually live in this country. Did they not see the hours long lines in numerous states just to get to the voting booth? The restrictions on voting times, etc. An if so, how can they possibly say that we, the people, don't need these most important protection rules any longer? As an immigrant (became a citizen in 1975), I am growing more and more disenchanted with the US and the powers that be :-(

  • Jan Portugal - 11 years ago

    If we can securely renew our drivers license, auto registration, pay for auto and health insurance, mortgages, safely conduct all our banking online, pay Credit Cards and utility bills... WHY CAN"T WE VOTE ONLINE?

    I would even be willing to pay from $1 to $4 for the privilege. What a great way to generate revenue, then anyone who is a signed registered voter would be color neutral. It would eliminate the need for gerrymandering by re redistricting.

  • John Denim - 11 years ago

    The problem is when you leave every Tom with a Harry, Dick vote ,you get a government that we have now.

  • Cheryl - 11 years ago

    We are re-living 1854 all over again. The North v The South. Then it was slavery, now, it's the right to vote w/o obstruction.

  • Cindy - 11 years ago

    Are conservatives ignoring racism in America?

    Not Really.

    They're working hard to institutionalize it and keep it that way.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    The conservatives only want people just like themselves to be able to vote. Paul Weyrich said that he felt only certain people should be able to vote and ALEC, which he helped to found, is drafting laws for GOP run states to pass bills to make his dream come true. In history, Chief Justice Roberts is going to be considered the most corporate Chief Justice and he oversaw an extremely racist controlled Supreme Court. It makes for a really sad time in our country when democracy is being threatened. Many of us thought this had been resolved but we have to fight this fight all over again and we must win.

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    they could ignore minorities all they want, we're multiplying like rabbits. No abortions for us, only if we need one, 'cause rethuglicans have never seen a child outside the womb that they give a rat's a$$ about. As far as rethuglicans are conserned, as soon as the child takes its first gasp of air, that child is on its own, until that child is old enough to become cannon fodder fighting for oil and other riches for the war-hawk cowards who DO NOT GO TO WAR, WHO BEG OFF MULTIPLE TIMES FROM SERVING THE COUNTRY they claim to love!!!

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