Should PA Legalize Same-sex Marriage?


  • Ed - 11 years ago

    To John....typical lib response-name calling....I would put my years of experience and intelligence up against yours ( questionable)..any day...There was no attempt to control HIV even when they knew it was being spread via gay sex in public beach bathhouses ( San Francisco). The gay community wanted a cure, not containment, yet they had it entirely in their own power to control the spread by controlling their own actions until there was a cure ?? Do not try to debate me on issues on which you are clearly indoctrinated and not educated. PS You don't even know how to spell President Reagan's name correctly. So I guess I can call you 'illiterate' now ??

  • David Warho - 11 years ago

    Just kidding... But seriously though, why should two people in love who happen to be the same gender be denied equal rights? Being that this nation was founded on separate of church and state, same-sex couples should not be disallowed right to marriage. Unfortunately, at this point, same-sex couples cannot even file tax returns together as traditional couples due to not being allowed to get married. Even if you live in a state where same-sex marriage is allowed, you still cannot file a federal tax return together. It's ridiculous! Call it what you'd like, but there is no reason that same-sex couples shouldn't have the same rights as traditional couples. God has set forth the position that one being shalt not judge another being. Leave the judging up to God himself!

  • David Warho - 11 years ago

    It was Adam and Steve originally, get it right. #BigGayMusical

  • Tamara - 11 years ago

    To not provide humans with the same civil rights that other humans enjoy is unjust. America is suppose to be the land of the free, where all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Where is the justice for all when a country denies their citizens rights? It was wrong when African Americans did not have freedom, it was wrong when women were denied their right to vote, it was wrong when interracial couples were denied their right to marry, and it is just as wrong to deny homosexuals their civil rights! People need to wake up, it is not about your religion or your personal opinions on the matter, it is plain and simply about what is just, right, and fair, nothing else. I say yes, stop denying others their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Though, I do not think it is fair to vote on another human beings civil rights.

  • Sky - 11 years ago

    Let’s have an opinion poll to determine if 1+1 should equal 2 or maybe a more modern standard of 3 or 5. I guess if enough people think we could vote to make it three than three it will be? In essence that is how valid this opinion poll is in regards to the truth about marriage. It is what it is and it cannot be changed with a vote or Supreme Court decision.

    How do we determine what is right or wrong moral behavior? If it is based on man’s opinion polls than what if twenty years from now the majority of people believe that adults and children that are in love should have the right to have consensual sex or be allowed to marry? What if the majority of people say that cannibalism is ok? What if the majority of people say that 2 +2 should = 5, does that make it so? Why is it wrong when a teacher has consensual sex with a minor in school and we all seem appalled? Why was Jerry Sandusky’s behavior wrong?

    It amazes me that on the same nightly news we laud the supreme court's decision striking down a states law to uphold the traditional (i.e. the once accepted view of marriage) while being appalled at another scandal concerning pedophilia. There was a day when every state in the country had laws against Sodomy, and it was as wrong as pedophilia because both were deviant sexual behavior. Were we right then and wrong now or wrong now and right then?

    Why is Sandusky in Jail? We say because of his deviant sexual behavior. What makes it wrong or deviant? Today it is wrong because the consensus says so… but since our standard is changing will it be wrong tomorrow? Where do we draw the line in the sand? That line seems to be shifting. There was a day when our nation's moral standards were based on the Biblical model as well as nature itself. I think that our nation better wake up! Either the moral standard is set up by man and men’s opinions are capricious from generation to generation, or the moral standard has been set by our Creator. Since we have abandoned the idea that we are responsible to our Creator, no wonder we are where we are on issues of morality. Our moral judgment is evolving - I should say .. Mutating.

    When a consensus was taken in Sodom and Gomorrah the majority agreed to rape strangers from time to time who entered their city. What they forgot is that there is a God in heaven who sets the standards and not men. Mark it down that since homosexual marriages are against nature, even if the homosexuals are given the right to marry, they will not stop there and will be clamoring for something else. What will that something else be? God forbid one of your children end up a visitor in a future city populated by sodomites. Why are Homosexuals not content? They have freedom to practice their lifestyle?

    People who are in the wrong are never content because they do not have the peace of God in their life. One deviant sexual behavior leads to another and then another and God lets us do what we want to do until we destroy ourselves. Some things should not even be up for opinion votes. This is where we have gone wrong read Romans 1:20-32.

  • Carrie Freeman - 11 years ago

    This is not about God, the bible, your church or religion. If your church doesn't want to marry same sex couples fine. In America we are allowed to practice or not practice religion, to believe in God (or whoever) or not to and still have the same rights. Should certain heterosexual couples not be entitled to rights because they are not following teachings or sinning according to the bible? No!, or I dare say none of us Christians would have any rights either. Furthermore, criminals, even pedophiles have the right to marriage. These people do not have a disease, they want the same things as you and me. God bless them.

  • Sonya Kiesinger - 11 years ago

    Same sex marriage should be legal every where. Love is love.. God created everyone how he saw perfect..all the "bible thumpers " out there that hate homosexuals in a way it's like your hating god because he made us all and made us who we are. Homosexuality is not a choice I'm a lesbian and If you think some one would choose to be gay you got another thing coming no one would choose to be harassed and bullied growing up and choose to deal with all the bigots. For those of you that say gay marriage would ruin the meaning of marriage last time I checked marriage is a union between two people. Also last time I checked divorce rates are high so I think the definition of marriage is already ruined . It amazes me how peopl can be such bigots any hypocrites. People may not agree with same sex marriage but my partner and I of almost four years have every right to get married just like everyone else. Whatever happen to loving thy neighbor? In my heart I know in gods eyes that I am perfect lesbian and all and that some day all the bigotry will end and that there will be marriage equality for all!

  • SammyJo - 11 years ago

    Evolution and Creation (which ever you want to believe) both come to the conclusion that evolution evolved man and a woman's body to be joined together and same with creation, man and a woman's body was created to be joined together. It is that simple. The same sex couples just want acceptance of their sexual sin. They feel guilty inside, as we all have a conscious, and this satisfies their conscious, by saying, they know deep down inside God would not approve, but hey a government (which is their God) does. It is that simple, a man and a woman's bodies were made to be joined together. Our bodies were not made to be joined with the same sex. It is to satisfy a sexual sin. It is not about love, it is about their sexual preference and to put away their guilt inside.

  • Cliff - 11 years ago

    The word marriage comes from the Bible. If you want to create a partnership you should be able to. People create partnerships all the time. If you don't want to have anything to do with the Bible don't use the word marriage.

  • Ken - 11 years ago

    First off.. The constitution NEVER prohibited the church from having influence over the laws of this nation. Let's get real. There are laws against killing and stealing. Prohibition against those things are from the Bible. The constitution SIMPLY prohibits this country from ESTABLISHING A STATE RELIGION. Period.

    And another thing. The Bible has NEVER been re-written. Anyone believing that has been misinformed. There have been updated TRANSLATIONS, and that is totally different from being re-written.

    The declaration of independence CLEARLY states that we are endowed by our CREATOR with CERTAIN rights.. Thus, if our CREATOR did not give us a right, neither can a government. God CLEARLY calls homosexuality an abomination. We can have our own opinions, but if our opinion differs with God, then God is right and we are wrong.

  • MonochromeChucks - 11 years ago

    "Not Perfect - 10 hours ago - "After reviewing the comments, it is quite obvious that those who do believe in God are being persecuted."

    How is the biggest, major religion in the United States being "persecuted.?" Christians make up 78.4% of United States..

    "After reviewing the comments, it is quite obvious that those who do believe in God are being persecuted."

    Again you're not being persecuted, you're being re-educated. Marriage by definition in the Bible : King Solomon had 700 wives.. And traditional marriage according to Deuteronomy means that a man who rapes a woman has to marry her..

  • maria maroun - 11 years ago

    we do not live in a theocracy thus any argument containing bible references is moot. Completely moot. hence y ever.time a gay marriage is i is overturned by a higher court. get over it. and if god get pissed let him take

  • John Kroposky - 11 years ago

    Boy that Ed guy is sure an ape ... evolution has not yet caught up yo his gene pool ... If you watched so carefully the AIDS epidemic than you should know that it was most likely created by our government to weed out "undesirables" and that the lack of leadership (the crappy president we had at the time) Ronald Regan is in my eyes more responsible for the outbreak and growing numbers of patients than anyone else. Then I guess you remember it was first called "GRID" by that homophobic scumbag, and he refused to acknowledge it or care for research until a poor little straight person finally died from it.. Don't forget out current economic situation that he is the beginning of as well ... Regan was the worst president in our history PERIOD !!!!!

  • Angie J - 11 years ago

    I think we should it is 2013 and lots has changed. But really not cool how a same sex couple can not marry but you can marry your cousin or allow underage girls/boys get married off with their parent's consent beats the hell out of me. Those things I listed should be a crime not same sex marriages. Who is anyone to tell you that you are not allowed to do so is this not America the Land of the Free.? This country has gone south they ought not to be worried about what anyone does behind closed doors and get this country's debt in order. I been a part of the LGBT community since 03' when I came out and I am proud to be gay. I am sick of bigots who discriminate against this. But some of our politicians are very closeted gays and they decide against it.? Really why not be proud of who you are. This whole thing is bullshit.

  • John Kroposky - 11 years ago

    Any ignorant moron that says anything about the Bible like Adam and Eve or mentions procreation, or "normal" really should get an education, realize the Bible was rewritten to meet and serve agendas, and is just stories, not fact, it is to teach morals and to each their own... Are you saying that men and women that can't reproduce can't marry too ? That sounds ridiculous. It is about equal rights and protections in the eyes of our country. Remember that people .. "Our country" it is ours as much as yours and why should a straight person get over 1,000 more "rights" than that a gay person or couple . That is a medieval was of thinking. Never in my life have I seen such a stupid state and group of people in my life outside of the "Bible belt" ... I live here, I own a home, I have a family and friends just like anyone else with a pulse. You act like we are murdering babies and performing abortions in our barnyards. If you don't like gay marriage than don't get one, if you are for gay marriage than celebrate your love for your fellow man and woman for you have finally evolved from an ape.

  • Matthew - 11 years ago

    I think the aspect of marriage that is lost in this debate is that Marriage, although rooted in the church, is a legal contract between two people that is offered through the state and federal government. One can never have stepped into a church their entire life and still get married in the eyes of the law. Conversely, one could go to church every day of their life, get married in a church, but if they never go to the state/government to register their marriage, they could be legally denied the rights, responsibilities and protections from the state and federal government.

    I understand and respect others religious beliefs and the churches have the right to choose whom they will marry, and that's fine. But the government is a separate entity that should not have the right to discriminate.

  • Ed - 11 years ago

    I have watched this 'special class' ask for right after right after right over the years. I have watched the MSM and the politically correct protect them and promote their agenda even when the AIDS epidemic was confirmed as being spread by the gay community. Yeah..I know it's everywhere now..exactly my point. Nothing was done to control it back in the 80's because of 'civil liberties'--same arguments being used to this day.
    Anyway, my opposition is not religious or biblical. It is moral common sense. Abnormal behavior seems to be rewarded in this society. Take your civil unions offer, shut the Hell up, and leave the traditional institution of marriage alone. PS ..I know the gay community is slamming this is skewed beyond belief.

  • Susan Carrigan - 11 years ago

    We are because God created us. He is the definer of marriage and who are we to redefine it. It isn't because of how we feel, He created the covenant of marriage like he created us. Take it up with God and ask Him what he would do. There are many verses in the Bible that state how He feels.

  • Lez Be On Her - 11 years ago

    Jordan C : Funny, I was skimming through the dictionary and the word You's was not there. Interesting.
    While I and my SAME SEX lover are " Rainbowing " it up in Cali, you and all your BIBLE humping people can "Burn" it up in Hell. How do those words taste in your mouth??? I hope fruity. I'm sure it's the only thing going in your mouth.

    t.Nad : You're just stupid and dumb.

    To anyone else who is opposed to equal rights and gay marriage: Go fuck yourselves since I'm sure no one else is.

  • LES-BE-ONNNN - 11 years ago

    T.NAD...Maybe you have appallingly inaccurate grammar and that's why no one understands what you said!!!! Spell check, use it. Although, that doesn't always correct idiocracy...but at the very least we will be able to better understand your asinine comments.

  • jsjm - 11 years ago

    DOM B what you just said is like saying "I don't like seeing straight couples out showing affection, it's disgusting and they're pushing their beliefs on me!!!" do you see how ridiculous that sounds? it's the same for gays. LOVE IS LOVE. and as for the person talking about next is beastiality, that's different because animals can't give consent like humans can. Gays all across the country and in every state are going to fight for their rights to marry and have the same benefits as a straight couple until they are given it, and that's a fact. Humans are all equal, blacks and whites are equal, gay and straight are equal.

  • Not Perfect - 11 years ago

    After reviewing the comments, it is quite obvious that those who do believe in God are being persecuted. We may be persecuted, but we will be praying . Praying for all - believers and non-believers. Those who seem so adamant in saying God does not exist - you are missing out on the greatest point of your very existence. Sleep in peace tonight - God still is in control.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    Gay marriage hurts no one so no one should feel threatened by it. Let's let all people love those who they wish without state or federal government interference in their private lives. Gays should not be denied the same rights given to all of us straight folks.

  • Fuck your faith - 11 years ago

    Your argument is invalid, "god" does not exist.

  • Chris V - 11 years ago

    Again Eric Wise...the book of myths does NOT say marriage is between one man and one woman. You people that keep quoting that book, it was written 3500 years ago by man, not by a god. Man is a fallible creature and so the bible is a fallible document. In your thinking, those that can't have children shouldn't get married either. Those that say homosexuality is not natural, you better take a closer look at nature again. Homosexuality is in EVERY species. If you want to blame someone for gay people, you would have to blame straight people. If it weren't for straight people having children, there wouldn't be gay people. Not everyone believes in your god. I am Wiccan and do not believe in heaven nor hell. I do not worship satan, the devil or any other manifestation of that being because it is a Christian concept to scare nonbelievers into converting to their religion.

  • cassie - 11 years ago

    T.NAD...again why are you bringing the bible into this? And last time I checked "in god we trust" has nothing to do with our inalienable rights...ever here of "the pursuit of happiness"? That seems to ring more true to me...God is the one who judges not anyone on this earthly plain.

  • Ed - 11 years ago

    I am amazed at all these stories! You can love someone without marrying. It wasn't meant to happen. Marriage is between one woman & one man and you're suppose to multiply, HOW! YOU were made by a man & woman coming together as it was meant to be. You are mocking God if you think otherwise. There is too much happening going against God. The same thing happened in Sodom & Gomorrah and you know the outcome. We are living in the LAST DAYS!! We don't have much time left-- Jesus is coming SOON!! The HAPPENINGS now are all predicted in the Bible if you would read it. The Storms, the Earthquakes, the Wars & Rumors of Wars, This very thing with the Gays and soo many people dieing and being killed. What more do you need??? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!

  • t.nad - 11 years ago

    For cassie, we understand the different, but you forgot the goverment of this country, the basic fundamental is "In God We Trust" and they taking oath over the bible, and if you read the bible you read about sodom and gommorah. Or maybe this people didn't read the bible because their parents couldn't pay attention to them when they still a little kids. Or maybe this people really wrong with their brain so couldn't understand what I just said. Make your own country, your own goverment. Don't be in this country, in this goverment, because this country is under god, not under same right.

  • Not Perfect - 11 years ago

    My belief is that I would not allow a child of understanding to put their hand to flame without warning. Should the child still tempt fate and burn their hand, they were warned.
    My point is as children of God we are responsible to help educate one another of God's laws. To educate - not judge. God's judgment is what each of us will face upon the end of our earthly journey.
    Sin is sin - no gray area. No one is perfect, but we can be forgiven if we repent. Repent means to not only admit to sin but to turn from the inappropriate behavior and change. Today, no one wants to change their own behavior; it's easier to have someone else change the standard.
    It amazes me when persons speak about leaving religion out of this social issue. Perhaps that is exactly why we have social issues - we have left God out of it all!!! Government should not try to mandate what God instituted and sanctified.

  • dave - 11 years ago

    " Jordan C" all I'm going to say is "don't gotta" and "college" you put that in the same sentence; I think I made my point.

  • dave - 11 years ago

    " Jordan C" all I'm going to say is "don't gotta" and "college" you put that in the same sentence; I think I made my point.

  • cassie - 11 years ago

    People seem to be and state were not ment to and still shouldn't be mixed. We are discussing fundamental principles..loved ones should be able to share in the rights of "properly" married couples. No one is asking you to accept them to be married in your church or shove it in your face...if it wasn't in the news one would not be any the wiser...again we are talking fundamental governmental rights that NO ONE should be's a new age get over it.

  • Jordan C - 11 years ago

    Didn't anyone ever here of a same sex marriage couples actually producing their own offspring. Ohh yeah thats right they can't. Hmm, I wonder why. Ohh maybe because thats not how it's supposed to be. Dont gotta go to college or be a rocket scientist to know that. How stupid are you people. All u fags and lesbians go to california and rainbow it up. Can't wait for that state to fall off this continent. America is headed down a very bad path. And anyone who knows anything about our founding fathers would know that they based everything on christain principles. I feel sorry for you's and pray to God that you's realize what sin you are walking in. Keep going the way your going America it's gonna keep getting worse. Don't blame tradgedies on God saying he wouldn't let this happen if he loved us. Well when you don't want him in our schools or courts or on our money, why should he help us.

  • Kristen S - 11 years ago

    Dear Steve K,
    Since you believe in "god" he would have created you. Therefore he did in fact create Steve. At this point I'm not sure why though. However, since you appear to be a "jesus lover", it would seem you of all people would be somewhat educated about the details of the book. Most interpretations of the passage I will assume you are referring to have not been interpreted, by intellectual people that is, to say gay marriage is wrong. Regardless of what your story book says though, the government have this thing called "separation of church and state" which is also found in our constitution. So I'm sorry but your homophobic ways are soon to be a thing of the past.

  • t.nad - 11 years ago

    I said no to the same sex marriage, if they think they have the same right in front of government, go ahead but dont asking the same right like traditional marriage that just for the sane people. Same sex marriages is for people there got wrong on their brain. I said no.

  • Alisa - 11 years ago

    YES YES YES!!! Same sex marriage absolutley be accepted if you care and share your life with someone your right is to make sure that they are taken care of. So it is only natural that that person no matter the sex should have the same bennifits as anyone else. Equal rights should mean exactly that. Uninformed and uneduacated leads to ignorance and this is a perfect example of ignorance. Accept and love no matter who you are.

  • Joe Post - 11 years ago

    There are 4 states rights Business Voting, Marriage, and Divorce The Federal government should not dictate
    to the state I hope Pennsylvania DOES NOT VOTE TO CHANGE THE EXISTING LAW

  • Mare - 11 years ago

    I have nothing against same sex couples.. I don't think its what is meant as a MARRIAGE in the eyes of GOD !!! A Civil Union maybe but NOT A MARRIAGE .. my vote is NO

  • Alaisha - 11 years ago

    We do not all believe in God therefore we may not all believe in Adam and Eve even happened, God loves his children right? Why would he have gave them the heart\mind to love the same sex?

  • Sharon M - 11 years ago

    I would like to know with all the people that do not want gay people to be married. What they would do if their child or children came home and told them they were gay would dis own their child (children).

  • Matthew Denico - 11 years ago

    I find this to be a very strange problem, we as Americans have allowed the erosion of the fabric of our society, we let the liberals twist and turn us to think that if we believe in the the traditional values of America that we are some how twisted, sick racist and biased individuals. We have been shamed into submission in order not to offend someone, if we stand for our country or the Judeo-christian beliefs this great nation was founded on we are hushed or fired from our jobs or shunned by our community. I believe that yes some of the changes have been good, there is no logical reason to call anyone a racial epitaph that also works in reverse, just because I am white you must respect me if you want the same respect. So this problem of same sex marriage is the next logical step in the ruination of America. You can't have eggs for breakfast if all you have is roosters, homosexuality is an unnatural act it goes against all of nature. Homosexuality is a choice and not a natural act. I read a comment from someone else that even God can understand love, that is very true, but he does not condone the act of sexual love between the same sex. Remember the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah, why was the cities destroyed? for these same acts of sin. So please do not tell me I am intolerant or uneducated or even biased because I am not one to hate you for what you do or what you are, but if you want me to respect you then I demand the same respect. I will leave this last thought..a sin is a sin, I will hate the sin, but not the sinner

  • Loveislove - 11 years ago

    I'm a 16 year old girl who grew up around a gay uncle. You dare say him and his loving boyfriend CORRUPTED me? He taught me patience, kindness, acceptance and love. His unconditional love for his boyfriend and his patient behavior has taught me to be a better person. He can sit there and take an insult from a bible smacking fool and simply smile and say "have a lovely day" then he'll continue to hold his boyfriends hand. I'd love to see them be able to see them kiss on their wedding day. Love is love, I don't care what your religion says. I, the youth of America, have learned to be a good person from a gay man. I'd rather watch a man and a man or a woman and a woman share a loving kiss in public than a fat ugly man and his seventh wife. You dare question the sanctuary of marriage when everyone constantly divorces. I want my uncle and his boyfriend to get married and they will never get divorced. I know it. Love is love and it is a beautiful thing!

  • Sharon - 11 years ago

    God loves his children if they are straight or gay. God never judge if person is straight or guy when a person passed on and come to be by his side up in heaven. Gay people have the right to happly married to their parter just straight people are happly married to spouse.

  • Erik Wise - 11 years ago

    As the bible says ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN. If the laws keep changing so people can feel good we are gonna have a lot of issues that won't be able to be fixed. Right now it's gay marriage, next it will be polygamy and finally beastality. Yes this will happen. People will think if the same sex can marry that they will be able to marry an animal. It's time for people to wake up and see the so called feel good desicions are screwing up our kids and the world we live in. I wasn't the smartest kid in school, but I know a man and man and a woman and woman can't have kids. God said to go forth and multiply. This can only happen with a MAN and WOMAN. Government needs to stay out of the lives of people, their bedrooms and our places of worship.

  • Kim Ann Barndt - 11 years ago

    I believe everyone of legal age should be able to get married and live there life.. why should only straight people have to be the only ones that live in

  • ChrisV - 11 years ago

    John McAndrew, traditional marriage as one man, 700 wives and concubines? Traditional marriage as in marry your brother's wife when he dies? Traditional marriage as in the woman who is raped must marry her rapist? Marriage was never a religious ceremony until the Catholic Church took it over in the 13th century. Marriage was originally for gaining wealth, land, animals, etc. Look at your history books. Traditional marriage as in let's get married one day for the fun of it and get divorced 56 hours later? Or get married, divorced, married, divorced, married, divorced over and over. According to the book, it is considered adultery as well.

  • Ada - 11 years ago

    Many of my friends throughout my life have not only been gay but also striving for or achieving long-term, loving, devoted, monogomous relationships. From a personal standpoint, my heart breaks for my friends who are not afforded the same legal rights my husband and I enjoy. Why are we two so special just because we happen to be a heterosexual couple? Certainly this personal experience greatly influences my opinion, but I'm not so sure that's a bad thing in and of itself.

    From an historical perspective, however, I also have a problem with failure to legally recognize same-sex marriages. The time to do so has arrived, for polls indicate a clear majority of Americans in a number of locales believe we should do so.

    Marriage has always been a highly civil (sorry, no, not religious only) institution in this country, even before we were a country in colonial times. It has also always been a highly locally recognized construction, too, with different places and times providing a variety of "legitimate" or "legal" versions of and opinions regarding exactly what marriage is (or is not). The more historically unaware should read Nancy Cott's book entitled Public Vows; doing so will adequately catch even the most historically clueless soul up to speed with this aspect of American history until the turn of the twenty-first century.

  • ar - 11 years ago

    Love is God would disagree with that.

  • Josh - 11 years ago

    Why do people really care about who gets married don't you have anything better to do???? In the old days you could only be married to certain natrionalities, then it was the african american / white marriage issues, now it is the same sex marriage issues, let it ride they deserve the same benefits as any other couple in the world.....

  • john - 11 years ago

    only reason for making same sex marriage legal as I can see it is to screw the SS system and get something for free...

  • Nick M - 11 years ago

    For those of you who who don't want gay marriage because of you religion that is fine, that's what you believe in, but those of you who say it shouldn't happen because we are a "Christian Nation, " get a clue!! We are not a Christian Nation, we are a nation that the founding father created so that religion had no influence in the laws of the land. Sp if you want to vote no because its your religion that fine ( and btw please don't shove your beliefs in other peoples faces, its annoying) but voting no because we are a "Christian Nation," please remember the founding father that you love so much made is law so that Your God, and anyone God has no right in our legal system.

  • MeMe - 11 years ago

    Our daughter came home and told us she was gay. As her father said..."Who you love does not change the fact that we love you." She is our daughter, and we are so proud of for the good choices she has made in her life, but being gay was not one of them. I truly feel sorry for any parent, that would turn their back on their child for any reason. I feel so sorry for the child to have been raised with such conditional love. Being that the State issues the license to marry, they can not and should not discriminate. A marriage can be conducted by a judge, or justice and you do not have to married in a church for it to be legal. This is not a religious issues, it is a legal one. Religion has no place in our government. It should be taught at home, and in church. Bigotry and hate are ugly, and so are the people who use it as a religious tool. May God forgive you....for he said...thou shall not is a sin. God is love.

  • joe - 11 years ago

    I think if I remember correctly....if we make this about religion...I beleive God did not intend for Adam and Eve to have sex....or was there some other meaning for the forbidden apple? Thank my lucky stars its not about religion considering I'm catholic. I thought the bible also stated no sex before marriage...whats monogomy today???I'm not suppose to swear hmmm that went out the window many years ago....If this was about religion, many of us are just wrong....I think its In God We Trust and love for all. This is about love and the same rights. Why should gay and lesbian not have the same rights. You may think its wrong but we are no different than you, just different may also want to take a good look at your friends/family and do you know their preferences. do you know them all that well?

  • Maggie May - 11 years ago

    Please remember this country was founded on the of seperation of church and state.

  • MaggieMay - 11 years ago

    How can everyone could be so blind. Everyone should have the equal rights to get divorced, lol. I have been married to my wife for 10 years and have 5 children. I love her more each day without that piece of paper that would give us the rights of everyone else. Our family cried together in happiness when the Supreme Court announced their decision. Our daughter started planning our wedding when for when we can get married here.

  • Dom B - 11 years ago

    Call me what you want, I don't care. That's the way I feel and that's the way it is! And as for jmjs, I don't care if you want to do things with whatever your in love with, behind close doors, that's fine. But don't go pushing it onto me or anybody else for that matter out in public who don't want to see that nonsense.

  • Jo - 11 years ago

    So many ignorant people I feel sorry for you. Just let people be happy it doesn't affect your lives in any way. I'm sure you people that think its sick have a lot of your own issues. Get over it. Not gay . But everyone deserves happiness

  • debbi - 11 years ago

    Dear Dom your example of disowning your own child, shows how little love is in the man-woman-child
    relationship we now call the marriage union.......sad, very, very , very sad....but you prove the point.

  • jmjs - 11 years ago

    I honestly believe same sex marriage will be legal everywhere in the US within the next ten years or so. Just because you believe that gays should not get married, doesn't mean they aren't going to fight for their rights. So don't let us get married, I'm still going to proudly hold my girlfriends hand in public, kiss her when I please. The LGBT community is growing strongly, who knows. Maybe your child will come out gay tomorrow. America is supposed to be a place where everyone is free, but yet a good part of the population is being told we can't show our love by getting married.

  • Eileen Brandt - 11 years ago

    Im not gay, but some of my best friends are. They are the nicest people i know. The two girls are truly in love with each other.They are meant to be, no doubt! Same sex should be legal everywhere! People believe in many different things, and thats legal. So why can't two people in love get married JUST bc their the same sex.. just wrong..

  • Dom B - 11 years ago

    If my son or daughter came home and told me they were homo, they would be disowned and out of my house and my family! Game over!

  • Donna - 11 years ago

    Marriage is listed in the Bible as one man and one woman..Husband and Wife... Not man and man or woman and woman. plain and simple.. Adam and Eve is where it all began and should continue!! In our country we are taking God out of everything. Pretty soon God will be out of our of our money and now out of marriages. We are to follow God's word in our lives. I believe God is allowing all of these storms and tragedies around the world because of the way people are choosing to live their lives by not following him. Continue to follow the way you are choosing and see if God does your life more harm than good!!!

  • Brian McAndrew - 11 years ago

    Personally, I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. BUT I don't have a problem putting the legal rights into civil union. If BOTH sides are brutally honest with each other this whole issue is about giving them the legal rights that are in traditional marriage.

  • D Russell - 11 years ago

    Men married to men, women married to women, there is no way that this is what God intended.
    If they wish to have a homosexual relationship, that is their business. Please do not force us to watch them kissing each other and behaving in ways married men and women do.
    The minority should NOT be allowed to dominate what most of us believe in. This is causing confusion in children's minds and some of their lives.
    Homosexuality is not new. They may be happy, that is their right. Please don't force us to say that marriage is correct between people of the same sex, it just is NOT. It is not fair for them (homosexuals) to continue to cost us all so much, high court costs, trying to push every button they can, to get same sex marriage approved.

  • Ro M - 11 years ago

    Bunch of uneducated people - you can't vote or poll rights. This is about equal protection under the law. Marriage equality is a constitutional right. However, you uneducated people have no ideal what the Constitution says .. unless it's amendment #2.

    This is the problem with the US. No one knows how to critically think.

  • CChupko - 11 years ago

    Why are we bringing religion into this? This is a social/legal issue. I am a white catholic heterosexual that believes 'we the people' meant more than 'we the white, straight, wealthy male people'.

  • carolyn cunningham - 11 years ago

    this goes to all that says Gay marriage is SICK and IMMORAL!, we deserve happiness also and not bothering you or anyone else, we are humans and have feelings also, we are not sick, disgusting or anything else we are people in love and deserve the same rights as straight couples, what would your reaction be if your son or daughter came and told you they were gay???? would that be a different ball game, we deserve equal rights as much as the next guy

  • JimK - 11 years ago

    Please do not put much stock in the survey results. It appears there might not be a limit to how many times a person can register their vote, I voted once, my wife voted once, and tried it a third time and it accepted my vote without an error message and incremented the online count.

  • Jake Bear - 11 years ago

    Most of the guys that are not for Gay marriage are the ones that go to the rest stop on the way home from work and fool around with a guy As there wife and kids are at home!!! Get over it its 2013 time for change!!!

  • Debbi - 11 years ago

    God did not want a man with a man and a woman with a woman. BUT read your bible God gave everyone love and love is one of his promises. Most of these couples are more loyal to each other
    than any man-woman relationship, and longer. WHO ARE YOU to take away the legal rights of these
    You have probably broken more commandments then they do. DO YOU SWEAR AND USE GODS NAME
    IN VAIN......BET YOU DO........SHOULD I JUDGE YOU.........

    God made ALL people equal and gave them ALL free will on this earth. You have no right to take away
    their legal rights..........You do not have to join them, just let them have rights. YOU SHOULD NOT JUDGE THEM THAT IS GOD'S JOB WHEN THEY HAVE TO ANSWER TO HIM.....NOT YOU...... AND NO I AM NOT GAY,

  • Dom B - 11 years ago

    Amen Bill Lawrence!! Me too!!

  • Liz Durlin - 11 years ago

    Everyone should have the right to love/marry who they want. This is as ridiculous as the racial segregation of the 50's. All men and women were created equal! Time for equal rights to all!

  • Dom B - 11 years ago

    Gay marriage is SICK and IMMORAL! I'm glad those people have no problem with our economy being in the toilet, unemployment still high, and gas prices and taxes the way they are. These people are just being disgusting and trying to put up a smoke screen and distract from the REAL problems of this state and this country! George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are rolling in their graves from how the clowns of today are running the country. We need to bring back THOSE days!!

  • Mandy - 11 years ago

    Too bad more traditional didn't last like they traditionally did. Too bad legalities aren't about tradition. Maybe you sick folks need to move away and live in a cave. Life s too short to be miserable like you all sound. Same sex marriage will be everywhere one day bc it's about freedom for all, don't worry you wont catch it. Focus on your happiness.

  • Cary Sinclair - 11 years ago

    It is not my right to tell another person who they should love or marry. I am not gay, however, I don't have the right to tell another person how to live their life or whom they should love.

  • bill lawrence - 11 years ago

    no the queers should go find theit own country somewhere and leave the rest of us alone.. he-he, she-she-does not work in my book i voted absolutely no

  • ANNHERB - 11 years ago

    God created Adam and Eve Marriage is between man and women legally YHIS IS REALITY

  • ANNHERB - 11 years ago

    God created Adam and Eve Marriage is between man and women legally YHIS IS REALITY

  • Cathy Lengle - 11 years ago

    They are entitled by the constitution to have all the same rights and protection as every other U. S . citizen has . We have no right to judge or ridicule!

  • Joanne DiRoma - 11 years ago

    When ANYONE lives by God's good Book, God will not turn his back, but will accept and give his love. Do some homework and learn about people in all situations in this life. No one has any right to judge another. Therefore....God Bless You.

  • sam shaffer - 11 years ago

    I think that same sex marriage is just like getting married to the opposite sex. If you are happy and willing to get married with the opposite sex go and get married.

  • Dom B - 11 years ago

    You're absolutely right Steve! I'm with you 1000%! If these gay couples don't like it that we have good true untainted traditional marriage here, then move to a state like NY or MD. We don't need them here! KEEP TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE ALIVE IN PA!!!

  • Brian Heiser - 11 years ago

    There should not be same sex marriage, It's discusting, it's inmoral, It should be made illegal and banned, they have no problem trying to ban our god given rights in this country, what this country was built on! IT"S PLAIN SICK AND DISCUSTING!!!

  • Bobc74 - 11 years ago

    Might as well. It seems like this is more important to most people than fixing our education system, rebuilding roads and bridges, or healthcare issues.

  • Mandy - 11 years ago

    Steve...Good thing you didn't marry Adam or else you would be really sick! If it doesn't affect you, then stay out of it dumb &$$, I feel sorry for you. I'll be sure not to read your book, just burn it.

  • Steve Kadelock - 11 years ago

    Same sex marriage is sick. God created Adam and Eve, not ADAM AND STEVE. They are very sick and should not be granted this right. IT IS VERY SICK IN MY BOOK.

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