Would you support a supervised injection site that Toronto’s public health department is recommending for drug users?


  • David - 11 years ago

    I agree with this while I don't condone drug use. By letting people use it in a safe environment you prevent the spread of diseases such as HIV and AIDS as the needles and equipment they would use is sterile. Also you can have Councillors and Social Workers there to help guide the people to better spots in their lives away from drugs. This has even been tested in other European countries and had a lot of success in helping people. Raids just put people who sell drugs and distribute them behind bars, but those who are addicted are victims as well they are addicts which is a mental disability. I think it is great that we are now looking at treating them as having a disease and as a patient and not as a criminal.

  • Carly - 11 years ago

    I thought the point of having drug raids was to rid of people harming themselves with harmful stuff. Why on earth would we as tax payers support someones habits? Seriously? Society is so messed up. I'd rather keep my bloody money then support someone who is hooked on a downward spiral to hell. Not impressed.

  • D - 11 years ago

    I f*kin totally agree with jay. why the hell is there going to be a place for drug users to be allowed to get high, mess up their brains and body even more than it already is.these types of drugs your going to be letting them use there are the same type of drugs that make people crazy and do unpredictable and crqzy things to other people why condone that? my mom and dad are drug users and always in and out of jail however i dont use drugs but thats FK*ED that the government is actually thinking about this thats FK*ED

  • Jay - 11 years ago

    Okay.... Really why don't we provide the drugs as-well.

    Why don't we have a day where all laws can be broken for 12 hours. (just like the movie)

    This is stupid using ooo wait wasting are tax payers money on this.

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