PETA is protesting the Ringling Brothers' latest circus in downtown L.A. What's your view on circuses?


  • Gary Payne - 11 years ago

    Most circus animals are loved and well cared for. I know this from decades of direct observation and study in and around the circus. I spend a lot of time in the seats but far more time backstage. If there was any abuse of these animals, I'd have seen it. What I observe is quite the opposite. The animals, including elephants, lions, and tigers, are well treated as if family members. They eat before the humans! Their health care beats that of American citizens. The animal rights idea that all animals belong in the "wild" is a utopian point of view. Pie in the sky. The circus does more to educate people as to the need and means of conservation (especially of the Asian elephant) than anyone I can think of. Leave the circus alone to save the elephant from extinction...or better yet...cooperate...attend the the effort. Sign me: Americ'as #1 circus fan! Proud of it.

  • Pamela Meier - 11 years ago

    Ringling's elephants are treated with kindness, love, and respect. Ringling is known for their incredible Elephant Conservation programs and animal care! When one takes the time to really observe these elephants before, during and after the Circus performances, one would notice that they actually have a playful attitude with their handlers. In 2013, protected, well-cared-for elephants are thriving in Circuses everywhere, and especially at Ringling.

  • Charles Hornung - 11 years ago

    Peta only knows two type of animals :

    Group A which they give away.

    Group B which they kill.

    Peta is only taking care of the money of stupid people.

  • Annette - 11 years ago

    I Went to see the Ringling brothers show today and the show was awesome! There weren't a lot of animal acts and the ones we saw were very easy going and it was easy on the animals itself. To me that's what a circus is all about "the animals!" PETA and their shit can go to hell! Thx!

  • Fern C - 11 years ago

    Perhaps, if circus want to keep healthy animals under its tent, they should feed PITA members/followers to the lions!!!

  • Roberta Pliner - 11 years ago

    Animals who are abused or neglected will not perform well. Quite aside from humane considerations that characterize the care of most circus animals, it is in the economic interests of the circus owners to take excellent care of their animals. PETA kills 97 percent of all the animals brought to its shelter year in and year out. It tosses those animals alive into its gas chamber. There is no profit for PETA in doing the right thing for its intake, and Ms. Newkirk has said repeatedly for the last 30-something years that her ambition is to rid the entire earth of all animals, because we humans do not deserve to live with animals. By contrast, the circuses help keep endangered species alive and increase their numbers in good health.

    So....all you PETArds, who is the animal abuser here? RIngling or other circuses or PETA?

  • Cindy - 11 years ago

  • Jason Caudill - 11 years ago

    These animals are loved and treated with dignity and respect. Don't make your judgment from the words of a CRAZY group like PETA, who by the way is on the FBIs Terrerist groups list.
    They are trained with positive reinforcement, and exotic and wild animals are very smart, the circus is fantastic stimulation for animals that have ALL had their wild and natural habitats taken. There is no wild!!! You think that we don't see what what you see? You think we don't see a beautiful innocent creature that deserves love and care? Well we do, and to think or accuse me of anything other than that is simply retarded!

  • ewa narkiewicz - 11 years ago

    Rbbb have done more for elephant conservation than any ar group. The circus is important because it inspires people to learn and love animals. Peta only inspires hate.

  • Jolyon - 11 years ago

    these animal rights cults use circus as a soft target. the animals are well loved and cared for. Anyone visiting will see that. Circuses only put down animals when absolutely neccessary. PETA put down over 90% of animals that come into their 'care'.

  • Pat - 11 years ago

    There are so many other small circuses that travel with animals also. I have been in the backyard and watched first hand how much love and attention is given to "the stars of the show". Food, treats, grooming, excerise, play, it is amazing the time and dedication given to be sure these animals are healthy both mentally and physically and living well. This is not just the elephants, but tigers, horses, llamas, camels, goats, dogs

  • Cindy - 11 years ago

    Circus animals are loved and well cared for. Base your comments on personal experience. Go see for yourself. Better yet, join the circus and see how they live, and train, and interact with their fellow performers. Then come back and report your findings.

  • al - 11 years ago

    I love the circus! The greatest show on earth. Why does the media keep giving these extremist groups coverage. Thousands will attend the circus paying hard earned money. for tickets, parking food,and taxes to the city. Yet you give media attention to a small group of extremist. I consider every ticket sold a vote for the circus.

  • Lauren - 11 years ago

    Animal lovers love and support circuses. PeTA and other animal rights corporations, like HSUS and ASPCA, and their supporters do not like civilization nor its foundation of domestic animals. This is why they hate animals so much.

    Animal rights and animal control are mutually exclusive. Either animals have "rights" or people can control them. Animal control includes animal ownership, animal use, and animal welfare. It is impossible to provide welfare to an animal with rights, since people would need to control animals to give them welfare as animals lack the capacity to opt-in to the opt-in construct of welfare for those with rights.

    We provide welfare to children because they do not have rights and we provide welfare to animals because we own and control them. When animals can only live in the wild, their numbers dwindle because we cannot protect them and people stop caring about them because we are not involved with them.

    Animal lovers support circuses, zoos, breeding, pets, and livestock because it brings us closer to animals. To support PeTA is to support hatred of animals.

    Always remember, PeTA kills thousands of puppies, kittens, and other animals every year because they PETA HATES ANIMALS.

  • Sam Franklin - 11 years ago

    Once again the AR's are wrong. Looks like just once they would like to get on the winning side. I recommend that they would do their homework on Ringling and find out just what a great job they do with their elephants and animals in general. It use to be so much fun to attend the circus until the AR's got in the act....I look at them in a total negative way that do nothing for the good of animals.......I will support Ringling anyway that I can.........Keep up the good work Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

  • alexis kaiser - 11 years ago

    Correction - Alec Baldwin starred in a movie with a trained bear. Kim Bassinger starred in a movie with a circus trained elephant. Talk about being in it for the money. He's a hypocrite and is not sure of what he is really talking about. She, well, she just fell off the face of the earth. Yes, great source of reference when commenting on circus.

  • alexis kaiser - 11 years ago

    I'm going to RBBB this Tuesday and can hardly wait. These PETA people are nothing but a bunch of misinformed, brainwashed cultists. None hold degrees in animal husbandry, nor are any veternarians, nor have they spent any real time on the circus. They have an agenda larger than just banning animals from the circus. Oh and Liz..referencing Alec Baldwin in your comment , ha, that's good, Mr Anger Management himself. While he was married to Kim Bassinger she starred in a movie with a bear that was trained at the circus, so do you want to talk about what people will do for money!!!!
    Comments made byPETA supporters on this thread are quite erroneous and really, downright lies. Thank God that the media is now giving equal time to circus, as well, as shedding light on all these animal cults. The tides will turn and we will have circus with animals for all generations for children of all ages to enjoy.

  • MJN - 11 years ago

    FACT: PETA has had MORE federal animal cruelty charges in their 33 years as an organization than Ringling Bros has had in 130 years.

    FACT: Ringling Bros Barnum & Bailey Circus has done MORE FOR THE ASIAN ELEPHANT POPULATION than all of the ZOOS and HABITATS in North America COMBINED. This is in large part due to the gestation period for an elephant with a 22 month pregnancy and 1 born per pregnancy. The zoos collect one or two of each animal which for a herding animal is unfair (in my opinion)

    FACT: The oldest living elephant recorded was 52 and he was a North American Circus Elephant.

    FACT: Peta kills on average 14,000 dogs and cats PER YEAR. Ringling kills on average ZERO animals per year.

    If I were reincarnated as an animal, I would be a Ringling Elephant.

  • Cindi Cavallini - 11 years ago

    I see one comment asks why Ringling has not returned any elephants to the wild. Are you serious, Do you know what it's like in the wild? Why don't you ask the national wildlife fund. They returned elephants to the wild and why don't you read about what happened to those elephants! It's not an option at this time, But until it is an option we need to keep the species alive. Ringling is one of the most important parts of the elephant breeding programs in the world right now. And what better way to raise awareness then to see these animals live and in person To get to touch and smell what they are like is life-changing. PETA adopts out less than 3% of the animals that are put into their care. I would not be following and taking quotes from PETA that's for sure! And your beloved HSUS, They give less than 1% of their earnings towards the animals. Good luck Ringling, I will be seeing the show next week:-)

  • Ursula Beringer - 11 years ago

    PETA KILLS ANIMALS! Want to see animals loved and well cared for? Go to the circus! We are sick and tired of hearing one side. The animal rights cults are LIARS and they are lying to the public. This is a free country. Peta has no right to dictate to people what to eat, what to wear and what shows to see. Go ahead AMERICA, eat meat if you want to, drink milk and go to the circus. I guarantee you will see beautiful, healthy, happy animals. Not DEAD ones like the dogs and cats PETA throws in the dumpster after they kill them!

  • Terry Bunton - 11 years ago

    All the anti circus comments from over emotional self loathing animal abuse porn addict cults like Peta are clearly in the comments lies lies and more lies. They don't go to circuses so how would they know the truth. Thy want circuses and zoos gone so they can start chipping away at farms and your right to have pets. Peta and other animal rights extremists are fundamentalist fanatics ,dangerous to themselves, the preservation of animals and hideous human beings. LOng live good animal caring traditional circuses like Ringlings.

  • appyrdr - 11 years ago

    Knowing first hand the lies that PeTA spreads about the carriage industry and their horses, the fact that they are a major player in euthanizing adoptable animals, and their own statement that the human/animal relationship should never have begun and should be abolished as quickly as possible, you honestly can't believe a word that comes out of the organization regarding anything. There is nothing about the organization that I support. They will say or do anything to banish the animals in our lives for any reason. Circus animal performers are free from hunger, thirst, and predators. They have health and dental care, which is more than I have. Long live the circus and the people that make the welfare of their performers their lifelong goal.

  • D Downs-Vollbracht - 11 years ago

    Yawn. Another PETArded effort by a terrorist animal rights fringe group to distract the weak minded humans from the fact PETA has been condemned for killing more animals than the worst shelters in history. The Virginia Veterinary Medical Assoc., the Commonwealth of Virginia and the rest of the independent, free-thinking world is waking up to the lies PETA uses to get support. Elephants amd animals in the circus are treated better than in zoos or what is left of the "wild". They have the best nutrition, social interaction time and lifespan, and they enjoy interacting with humans and performing. Long live the circus!

  • ooffa - 11 years ago

    Loved the show. This was the best show Ringling has put on in years. Thank You Ringling for bringing these magnificent animal for us to see. Don't let the protestors bother you. They are just a whacko fringe group,. We love you in LA

  • Jeremiah Cook - 11 years ago

    You might as well ask every family in America to give up their dogs cats and goldfish to nature too. These animals are healthy and active, much more so than your average preserve or zoo.

    These animals have a home away from poachers and with constant access to water food and medical care. And these traveling shows have people who have dedicated their lives to their stock. You couldn't possibly get an animal to perform through violence. Until you all have worked this yourself and are willing to experience the back door life of these wonderful circus creatures you ought to do some research on our side too.

    Don't blindly follow multi million dollar foundations that make more money for their shareholders than the businesses they are trying to put a close too.

    This means you PETA

  • Kimberly - 11 years ago

    The statement that you are working toward conservation of a species, all the while never returning a single animal to the wild is a clear indication of a bold faced lie. Humans have no right to enslave animals in any way, it is utterly devoid of love and compassion and the needs and rights of other sentient beings. Many other countries have already banned the use of animals in circuses, it's time we get on the right side of history and ban this horror. Not to mention it is also a public safety issue, people have been killed by circus animals and animals in other forms of captivity.

  • JAN FREDERICKS - 11 years ago


  • Save All Elephants - 11 years ago

    The right question was not asked. The question is should circuses have captive animals? (NO!) But circuses should not be banned all together. The human talent is amazing and has a right to work.

    Big cats never get out of a mattress size cage, except to perform. The joints of elephants are destroyed day after day from handstands and standing in fetid railcars for months on end. Not to mention that Ringlings herd is TB infected, a fact. The whole idea of animals abusively trained for our entertainment is antiquated, and needs to go the way of human slavery because it IS slavery.

  • Victoria Mora - 11 years ago

    I'm with Kassy and Patrick, Thank God for People who truly appreciate and respect Gods Gifts and willing to take a stand on behalf of all the Animals, Domesticated, Wild, Captured & Otherwise

  • Liz - 11 years ago

    the definition of sadistic is to take pleasure in anothers pain. circus goers are sadistic not only do they enjoy watching the animals suffer, they pay good money to do so. please Don't support the barbaric cruelty of circuses

  • debra Rand - 11 years ago

    Animal abuse in circuses is high, the animals live a miserable existence in tiny cages and live a life of fear of bull hooks whips and chains on their feet. 2013 and we are still making animals perform stupid unnatural tricks for greed. Surely people can see the misery in the animals eyes. The cruelty that goes on towards these poor animals for the name of entertainment, it's the animals who are Living a nightmare from which only in death can they escape from their hell

  • Kassy Ortega - 11 years ago

    I second Patrick. Circus animals are trucked around in all kinds of weather conditions just for our amusement. Elephants, tigers, bears, etc do not perform these tricks in the wild, so trainers have to beat them with bull-hooks or electrocute them in order to "teach" the animals. The animals do not perform for reward - they perform out of fear. There are animal-free circuses (like Cirque Du Soleil) that do not use animals, and exhibit the REAL talents in human beings! Families can have fun without hurting anyone else.

    Video here:

  • Patrick Sabatini - 11 years ago

    Animals are not for our entertainment or any other subjugation. They are sentient beings that should be in the wild where they belong. Ringling's argument that keeping a large heard of elephants in the manner they do... in chains and subjected to abuse, cruelty and humiliation for audience amusement... is somehow for the benefit of the species or done in the name of conservation is nonsense.

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