Nokia is the best phone ever , but try and increase the RAM according to models to improve applications combatibility ,i.e
Lumia 610&620 RAM of 600-650MB
Lumia710&720 RAM of 700-760MB
Lumia810&820 RAM of 800-850MB ....& i wish u give me one of the lumuas because i like photography & art/drawing , if you give one , i'l not be borrowing digital cameras everywhere ....
michael daman - 12 years ago
Nokia is the best phone ever , but try and increase the RAM according to models to improve applications combatibility ,i.e
Lumia 610&620 RAM of 600-650MB
Lumia710&720 RAM of 700-760MB
Lumia810&820 RAM of 800-850MB ....
Asad Raza - 12 years ago
I would love to buy a cyan one but as thats not available, my second choice is white.
Nokia is the best phone ever , but try and increase the RAM according to models to improve applications combatibility ,i.e
Lumia 610&620 RAM of 600-650MB
Lumia710&720 RAM of 700-760MB
Lumia810&820 RAM of 800-850MB ....& i wish u give me one of the lumuas because i like photography & art/drawing , if you give one , i'l not be borrowing digital cameras everywhere ....
Nokia is the best phone ever , but try and increase the RAM according to models to improve applications combatibility ,i.e
Lumia 610&620 RAM of 600-650MB
Lumia710&720 RAM of 700-760MB
Lumia810&820 RAM of 800-850MB ....
I would love to buy a cyan one but as thats not available, my second choice is white.