Are you willing to pay more Internet sales taxes if it means more growth and jobs?


  • Dsailer - 11 years ago

    N. lamb is correct. I wonder how much they had to pay an economist to make this claim? Or maybe they just asked Paul krugman. Amazing how easy it is to brainwash the sheeples, who apparently like paying more for products.

  • Nicholas Lamb - 11 years ago

    I see 73% of CPBJ respondents didn't pay attention in class.

    It's basic Economics. Taxes do not, never have, and never will create real jobs. Only the private sector can create jobs by developing and producing products or providing services that customers want and are willing to trade their hard earned money for (money they, in turn, have earned providing products and services that people were willing to trade their hard earned money for, repeat).

    Taxes destroy wealth, they don't increase it (except for individual politicians and their cronies who always manage to get wealthy, at the expense of the rest of us).

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