Should there be a race relations class in every public school?


  • Pat - 11 years ago

    Don't know why anyone would oppose, what harm would it do? Let's face it our children spend more time in the school classroom on average, and lessons could be incorporated into History or English/Lit classes. Schools already teach about the holocaust and slavery but there is more than this we can learn about and from each other. At the end of the day we are all part of ONE RACE, the human race and we all bleed red!

  • Lance Lessler - 11 years ago

    First, Ed needs to be careful about his speech on the air. He actually said, "It bleeds paranoia and it breeds contentment for our fellow Americans ..." when referring to the Stand Your Ground Laws, when he probably meant, "It breeds paranoia and it breeds contempt for our fellow Americans." I think such laws are patently unconstitutional, because they adversely affect the civil rights of other Americans when they are invoked by people standing their ground.

    As far as classes to discuss race relations, that sounds like a good idea, but we have to be careful about who designs the curricula for such classes. Look what neocons have done to science classes where evolution is supposed to be discussed, where creationism is placed on an equal footing with evolution.

  • Nuschler - 11 years ago

    Rush wouldn't be interested in teaching in public schools. Rush makes 50 million dollars a year as a shock jock megaphone. Teachers make less than $50,000 a year.

    My comment? Why just public schools? Why not "recommend" a race relations course for private school and home schooling too?

    Let's create a template composed by moderates which could be tempered by each state. For example, a race relations class in Alabama would be vastly different from this class in Hawai'i. There is no majority race in Hawai'i. It is made up of minorities: Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Caucasian, Polynesian, (Hawai'ian, Samoan, Tongan, Fijian) Micronesian...and a few African-Americans stationed in the military..."Barry" Obama living with his Caucasian grandparents in the 1970s in Honolulu was quite an anomaly!

    I just don't see these classes being taught in the bible belt of the deep South. They don't even like the core courses suggested by the Federal Govt. Evolution is still considered the devil's own in areas of the South! As Representative Paul Broun (Medical Doctor Paul Broun) says: "Evolution? Embryology? Straight from the Pits of Hell!" And he is running for the senate seat being vacated by Saxby Chambliss. Chambliss feels he isn't conservative enough (?!) to survive the primaries which are controlled by the "fringers" (Far, far, right wing Tea Party.)

  • Tometrice Shep. - 11 years ago

    I truly believes if the republicans take a race class maybe America would be a better place, yes every public schools should take race relation class, also fox and rush Limbaugh, work place, congress, Hud Housing authority, veterans administration, I can't believe the republicans are in denial they just can't see themselves doing whats right with the African americans, its like they might have to treat African American the same as they did the Indians ,yes our parents and ancestor suffer tremendious,and they are in denial by the way they treated African americans it goes back five hundreds years. and still afraid that they would have to admitted one day, God would have to intervene before that happen. the president needs to have someone to check in these states to see for themselves how some of us are treated, in different program I've experience so many negative response in the program that's offer to those who qualify, but denied just because.

  • Lakeisha - 11 years ago

    NAFTA...NAFTA...NAFTA IS THE REASON DETROIT'S IN TROUBLE!!! Consequently, NAFTA is also the reason millions of Immigrants have been displaced!!! If we REPEAL NAFTA American paid Juntas can stop killing and running Immigrants off their own land...If we REPEAL NAFTA American Workers would have a more secure Economy!!!

  • Anup K. Sen - 11 years ago

    Yes, young Americans in schools should be educated about how we can live with people of other races. I had that vision many years ago, and I have composed one song name " Anthem of the World " that teaches how can we unite all people of the world , how can we accept others and change the world. My website show more about this.

  • Roy Toland - 11 years ago

    My comment is simple ,if you are going to want a class to Race relations we need to have it taught from both prospectives Whites should learn of and accept the cultures of the black community and the black students should learn how to not automatically assume Whites are racist,it takes two sides to get along if your going to teach only one side of the discusion it cannot work...

  • cheryl - 11 years ago

    Yes it should be talked about and discussed in schools.

  • Cira Torruella - 11 years ago

    I lived in Sanford, Florida in the late fifties and early sixties. Then I was one of the few Latinas living in the area. I never felt out of place then, but now I wonder. The Zimmerman attitude illustrates the insensitivity of Latinos which can be as great as the most insensitive WASP! Of course we need schools to help teach us all, specially about our unconscious biases which can be deadly.

  • Gary Turetsky - 11 years ago

    Thanks Ed. Great show and great polling question.
    I agree there should be an emphasis on race relations in the public schools. BUT
    As you have reported over the past years, will there be any "public schools" to teach race relations or anything else. Not if the corporate privatizers and teacher union bashers have their way.
    Just look at what is happening in Chicago, Philadelphia, etc.
    Thanks again Ed.

  • Cate - 11 years ago

    The study of race relations needs to be part of the school program at every level. (I believe women's equality should be, too...) Racism is, yes, a deep-rooted issue, with many layers of entrenched assumptions, and a very real imbalance of power that has caused the suffering of millions. It would be interesting to insert Sean Hannity into the curriculum at some point, just to witness his arrogance and ignorance for what it is.

  • Lakeisha - 11 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY...Public Schools should educate Children about Institutional Racism. Often times OUR SCHOOLS are the 1st place where the Children are faced with Institutional Racism and they should be able to question that interaction and learn from it in a Constructive way!!!

  • Laquanda Simmons - 11 years ago

    The problem of race relations in our country is REAL.... It's sad how African American Males are treated so differently based upon their appearance....Its time that African - Americans wake up and take a stand in their community and in the lives of their children. People act as if everything is okay with "race relations" in our country and it's not. Others may not want to address the problem that exist because they feel there is no problem simply because they are not affected by it. It is time for us to not only get our community together but our country as well. We may have obstacles that are in our way but if we stand together nothing is impossible. A nation that is so divided over issues such as race will continue to face problems of injustice. At the this current time, which will one day be history, we are not fighting against the injustices that have been done to our country by outsiders, we are fighting for injustices that occur within our country by the insiders. As Americans, it's time that we wake up and face Race Relations. UNITED WE STAND but DIVIDED WE WILL FALL

  • Quentin - 11 years ago

    Yes. Public schools should have p/r classes; however, the youngsters deserve good teachers to teach those classes. The school system needs more "humanities" classes.

    Thanks ed

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    I feel as long as adults like the hate mongers on fox ,people in congress who lie and make disgusting remarks and lie are not punished nothing will change.We reward evil.people in the media and in congress need to be held accountable.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    I say no. What we need in public schools is the time and resources for all teachers to have the training, energy and time to address "teachable moments" as they occur. Putting a required class on race into the mix will do the same thing that black history month seems to do to text books. We'll teach it for a month and then forget about it. The correct way to address an issue like race is to include valid, relevant learning in all facets of the school experience. In the hall, at lunch, on the sports field, on the bus and in class all staff should have some training and guidance and handle lessons as the opportunity presents itself. That's how lessons last a lifetime.

  • Vish - 11 years ago

    Racial prejudice is so deep-rooted in our society that we must needs educate kids on race-relations in the classrooms.

  • CHERYL - 11 years ago

    Respect and Love out to the family of Travon Martin. Our collective higher power wants us all to Love and Respect each other.

  • cheryl - 11 years ago

    We complicate life so much. JOHN LENNON had it right, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. IMAGINE if we all just lived with LOVE in our hearts. At the end of the day all parents should just want their families to be safe and happy and to be loved. LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED FROM ALL OF US ALL AROUND THIS WORLD THAT WE SHARE.

  • amylsouza - 11 years ago

    Yes, but imagine this topic being taught by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity. We already learn about our hx of slavery, segregation, et al. Maybe we should emphasize American ideals of freedom, democracy, justice and equality so future generations will understand that they need to fight for them. Who would have guessed that the SCOTUS would strike down part of the voting rights act?

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