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Final Poll: Ted Cruz vs Sarah Palin (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,472

  • Scott - 11 years ago

    Picking between those two is an embarrassment of riches. It's like asking a parent who their favorite child is. I think in their hearts Cruz and Palin are both very principled conservatives. However, I think Cruz has an advantage in being able to explain and articulate conservatism better than just about anyone. After all, I think he did win one national debate competition and came in second in another while he was a student at Princeton.

    Palin's big disadvantage is that the media set out to destroy her. By this point, everybody has an opinion about her. You either love her or hate her. Not so with Cruz. Like Obama before him, Cruz is still sort of a blank slate to people who don't follow politics closely. And because he has not yet been damaged by the MSM (it's coming), some people in the middle don't know much about him which means he has a chance of persuading them. I'd be thrilled with either of them, but I voted Cruz just because I think he has been less damaged by the media (so far) and may be better equipped to reach persuadable voters.

  • Avi - 11 years ago

    I agree with almost all the positions Cruz takes ..... Also Sarah. BUT according to the US Constitution, Cruz is NOT eligible to be POTUS.
    Senator Ted Cruz is a constitutional scholar so he knows. He definitely has an opinion. But he is avoiding the issue. In a recent interview. he said that this is a legal question for others to decide and he is not going to engage. Where is the courage in that?
    To me this is so sad. We need political leadership NOW and the only conclusion I can come to is that Senator Cruz's political ambitions are overcoming his courage to lead.

    He is a great conservative and has overwhelming support from most on our side. He can serve the constitutional cause effectively by holding any other office he wants. He can continue as senator. He can be a supreme court judge. He can be Governor of Taxes. He can even be secretary of state or attorney general. The only offices he is not eligible to hold is president or Vice President. By not taking a posision on this matter he along with many others including Sarah is complicit in the ineligibility of Obummer.

  • Dennis - 11 years ago

    The comments above are excellent, and they speak to the real situation that exists. My only addition to those that favor Cruz over Palin is that America hasn't been introduced to Cruz yet. When he and his family go through the media's spin machine on their personal lives, that the Palins have gone through, then we will see who is more polarizing, Cruz or Palin?

  • CarolCumbie - 11 years ago

    Is Cruz eligible to run for president. Sarah has a proven track record. Cruz would not have won without Sarah.
    Sarah HAS BEEN FIGHTING EVER SINCE SHE RAN FOR vice PRESIDENT. McCain's people did not want her to talk about Obama's record. Sarah would run with a servant's heart. The Bush's were willing to see them fail because they want Jeb to run for president. He is part of the beltway. Karl Rove would help anyone that karl Rove helps is a loser. all he has helped has lost. I really like Cruz I think we need him were he is and others like him.

  • Bill589 - 11 years ago

    Both are great patriots, and I would vote for either.
    Palin is Cruz with proven executive capability to get it done.
    So Palin is my choice.

  • Bob - 11 years ago

    We have not had a president of above average intelligence for quite a long time. Obama is an affirmative action dolt, GW Bush, very average. Clinton, smart but thought with his little head first. GHW Bush was no giant intellect. Regan had his moments of Greatness but had his failings as well.
    Palin is a populist who connects with heartland conservative Americans but that's the extent of her support. We are currently being led by a populist from the far left and his presidency is a total failure (and he has the full support of the MS Media). A Palin candidacy would end in disappointment, she could not even unite her own party. I don't know if Cruz could generate the kind of broad appeal needed to win but he is undeniably an impressive intellect with an unrivaled understanding of the constitution an founding principles.....lets for once in the last generation nominate someone worthy of the office rather than someone that knows how to push the right buttons to get themselves elected.

  • lynn - 11 years ago

    My admiration for Sarah Palin has grown with each year since she was chosen as VP. Having said that she is so polarizing Republicans in my family and circle of friends are forever prejudiced against her. They CANNOT get past the picture the media painted of her. On the other hand Ted Cruz is brilliant, conservative and adheres, no LOVES the Constitution. He is a fighter and is charismatic on the speaking trail. Mike Lee can fill his spot in the Senate (until his turn! another Constitution lover!) Sarah Palin can be on the campaign trail and in the cabinet. Cruz has exactly what I am missing in Rand Paul. I am thrilled that he has appeared on the scene to take the place of several who have disappointed.

  • Koma Kehuli - 11 years ago

    Cruz is more in tune as a Policy maker. Sarah is an administrator w/experience to be POTUS.

  • Chris - 11 years ago

    Sarah Palin has the executive experience to be POTUS and has the policy ideas that will turn the US around so that it will grow like in the days of Ronald Reagan. Ted Cruz can be the great ally as Senate Majority Leader to pass a Conservative agenda in the Senate.

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