Who would you like to see get the Republican nomination?


  • Mary - 11 years ago

    I see the majority of these votes have it right ...Walker is a complete LOOSER !!! As our county exec. he totally messed up relations with people in Wisconsin . Wrecked unions , was his plan all along ! As a governor he totally has the great majority of Democrats hating him. He was big in making it so people running for office don't have to report where they get their $ to run... sounds pretty crooked to alot of people. He does nothing to help the middle or lower class to help them get themselves on their feet. OH YEA ...Where are the 150,000 or was that 250,000 JOBS he was going to get for our state ? Why did he refuse the government BAILOUTS while the others took them to help their state , instead he CUTS every program to HELP the people who need it , for example gives tax breaks to those using private schools , while closing numerous others in the inner city ...ANYTHING ELSE ? I could go on forever !!! SHAME, SHAME

  • Diane - 11 years ago

    Walker . . . but only if the Donald Trump/Ted Nugent ticket is not available.

  • Suzanne Longo - 11 years ago

    I would vote for Jon Huntsman. But if Hilary Clinton runs, I'm vo0ting for her.

  • Mary K Mennenga - 11 years ago

    Walker because, don't even think he would carry his state! If any Republican wants to stop going after women and people of color, never mind the history of what they think about both is so very long, Nope ain't going to buy anything the GOP tries to sell bunch of Bullcrap it is what it's always been!

  • kmay - 11 years ago

    Ed, I'm so glad you're back and keep up the good work. I like your take on Detroit........they are selling cars, right? So why are the republicans trying so hard to do this takeover? If if is another ALEC phoney takeover, they want the land, pure and simple. Why don't you set up a democratic relief fund for certain areas in jeopardy (like Detroit) and ask the viewers to donation $5 or $10 each to fight the problem. It would pull the 98% together, stop the lousey gop phoney takeover, and help the people who really need the help. Millions could be raised by the people who are willing to fund fairness in the cities.....I know you know what I am talking about. Keep Up The Good Work! ps. I voted for Walker because he is hated alot more for his nastiness! Hope this helps!

  • Tony - 11 years ago

    Walker because Hillary will eat him alive, chew him up, and spit him out like the garbage he is. He is a Fascist. He's gone after public employees and their unions, now he is going after singers in the state capitol. What group will be next? Could it be you?

  • Aletia Morgan - 11 years ago

    They are both horrible. But I've seen Christie up close & personal, and I think he's a better politician, and would be harder to beat. So I'd rather see Walker get the nomination. And that might be easier, because he might be an easier sell to the extreme right, and he has better manners than Christie.

  • Laura - 11 years ago

    I voted for Walker, only because I think Christie would have a better chance of winning. Not only that, but because of Sandy(which I admit he did a good job) I'm afraid a lot Dems would vote for him too.

    I think Hillary would eat Walker up, and that's exactly what we want, so I say Walker(as much as I can't stand the man, but not a lot of us from WI do)

  • Karen visoky - 11 years ago

    Christie would be awful. But if voter suppression by Republicans coupled with Koch-like money, steals the 2016 presidential election & Walker somehow wins, that would be a HORROR SHOW!

  • Maurice Webb - 11 years ago

    I voted for Scott Walker, because democrats could run anybody and still win.

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    unadulterated garbage both. christie's pretending to be FOR everybody and getting pummelled by his camp for pretending to care, christie will have a hard time getting the nomination from the rethugs, so that's why walker would be the choice, but no way walker could win. these guys, yuck!!!

  • Janis Smith - 11 years ago

    I voted for Walker ONLY because Christie has a better chance of running and winning the republican voters. We don't WANT ANY republicon to win anything!!

  • Benjamin F. Dudley, II - 11 years ago

    Neither one of those two. Need a wider choice. You guys ask a stupid question in my opinion.

  • Julie Heinrich - 11 years ago

    Scott Walker, only because he will be easier for Hilary (or any other democrat for that matter) to squash like a bug!!! Christie has an annoying tendency to sound reasonable too often, where Walker is just a flaming nut job!

  • TODD REZEK - 11 years ago


  • stone - 11 years ago

    Chris Christie is much more of a rational presidential candidate, but he does share some beliefs that Walker holds dear such as union busting, etc. Neither one will win in 2016 because their brand is too far outside of the mainstream-Go Hillary

  • Sherri Molnar - 11 years ago

    First Walker has to try and get through college before he can run for President. That is unless the Koch boys purchase him a degree. He is a big loser and he has taken Wisconsin back 100 years. Wisconsin will get rid of him in 2014.

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    unadulterated garbage both. christie's pretending to be FOR everybody and getting pummelled by his camp for pretending to care, christie will have a hard time getting the nomination from the rethugs, so that's why walker would be the choice, but no way walker could win. these guys, yuck!!!

  • Jayne - 11 years ago

    I would prefer him than Christie, I think Walker would be easier to beat in an election

  • Jesse Lewis Jr - 11 years ago

    Walker will guarantee that Hillary will take all 50 states once she gets finished with him.

  • Emma - 11 years ago

    I don't want either of them. They are both horrible.

  • JoAnn Perazzo - 11 years ago

    Two horrible choices.....help us!

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