UConn B-Ball Player Stefanie Dolson Is Being Criticized For Giving The President "Bunny Ears" In A Photo. Was She Wrong?


  • Richard - 11 years ago

    How short (or selective) our memories are... Remember all those MSM pictures of GWB with mules ears...(they referred to him...a sitting president, as Dumbya) when HE was president.

  • Leigh - 11 years ago

    Good gosh, its not like someone threw a shoe at him or anything (as that happened to George W. Bush during a press conference in Iraq in the mid-2000s). Like Obama himself, I think many of these critics are a bit thin-skinned, but that is what happens when we allow the wussification of America to continue in our hyper-PC climate.

  • Louie - 11 years ago

    You are 100% right Frank & John. Obozo is by far the biggest joke EVER!

  • John - 11 years ago

    We can revisit old discussions by clicking rayman 1080 in the upper right and access a list of his polls while we await something new. Perhaps they'll enjoin the cultivated outrage at pro athletes taking performance enhancing drugs because we certainly need to be holding the likes of A-Rod to higher standards than we do the enigma that is Barack Hussein Obama.

    Now, back to my bread and circuses....

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @John & Frank; I think national news stories are written by CBS staffers and posted to individual station sites by station staffers. Local stories are written locally. Just my guess as to how CBS does things. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is old, so it's time for a new poll. Ray-man is on vacation, probably on a cruise ship that is destined to lose power far out at sea, or run aground on the northern NJ shore. (I'm not sure which is the worst outcome.) Can we expect a new poll from his substitute host, or will this poll run until next week ?

  • John - 11 years ago

    Yeah no kidding. Should I take it upon myself to become aggressively offended by the use of the term "lighten up"? Surely that could be construed as being racial. If we insist on linguistic tyranny on the premise of political correctness I say we do a thorough job.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Hey, WTIC and Poll Daddy, still waiting on the answer as to why only one player was named! Politcal correctness got your tongue?

  • John - 11 years ago

    Excellent point and good call Frank. Don't expect any response to your question though... my guess is that you hit the nail on the head anyway.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    Last week, I posted a comment on this question before I had seen the picture. Now I'm left wondering why only one of the U-Conn players was mentioned? There were clearly 2 girls giving the "Bunny Ears" to Obama. Could it be that the other player was not mentioned by name because she is black? Just wondering. How about it WTIC. Whats the reason?

  • John - 11 years ago

    PatriotinCT- I appreciate your point and might be swayed had there been a complete absence of plain English communication to us who will be footing the bill for the criminal legislation as to its costs- both in terms of taxes as well as lost employment as businesses seek to duck beneath burdensome mandates. Ones voting record doesn't necessarily reflect stance when time and again elected drones throw dissenting votes in only when they know that a piece of legislation is going to pass without their support- and the practitioners of poli-tricks can then sanctimoniously point to their voting records when appealing to voters for another term. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    There's plenty of bulk rate bucks to send registered voters all manner of campaign garbage but nothing to furnish useful information in the midst of legislative sessions nor to encourage outcry when Pelosi famously declared that they had to pass the act so that we could find out what's in it. those dissenting votes essentially played along with the game- refusing to vet the process in similar manner that the MSM has refused to vet the sitting President. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    A big part of the problem is the fact that as a whole, we're all disengaged from the process and we exacerbate that willful ignorance by inferring credibility to news sources that have demonstrated their criminal bias for any critical thinking mind. You are spot on that my post was disrespectful but it wasn't a fraction of the contempt that our government shows us in the manner it chooses to "disclose" its doings and the insultingly transparent reasons used to justify the continuing erosion of what few rights and freedoms we have left. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I have to be careful with the point I must concede though- that being as a whole we haven't exactly earned much respect from those we elect when we do not question what simply doesn't make any sense. There seems to be little if any attempt on the part of true conservatives to reach out and communicate with the folks who for their part seem unwilling to hear anything useful. As much as I see the fate of my own rights being linked to closed minds that are useful tools of the demagogues I have to remain mindful that each view involves a person whose political fate is tied to my own. These are people who think that conservatives are the enemy- but in supporting the President's agenda which is enabled by Congress, they are ultimately attacking themselves. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    He deserves far worse than bunny ears... FAR worse... even than my one finger salute. So do the congressional enablers regardless of how they voted on the ACA.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    @John; your comment is disrespectful! - not ALL members of Congress deserve the gesture you mentioned. ;) Some of them voted against The Unaffordable Care Act and other laws intended to undermine the US Constitution.

  • PatriotInCT - 11 years ago

    Consider the fact that Hollyweird made a movie called "Death of a President" about George W. Bush. Oh, sorry, I lost my train of thought. What was the poll question, again?

  • Paul Bartomioli - 11 years ago

    While I agree with the sentiments of "frank" and "john," if it is considered disrespectful, the problem is with the obamas. They project a front of being "normal, everyday" people, even though their lifestyle puts the lie to that. obama with no shirt on. obama at the beach. michele shaking her moneymaker for the cameras. They have crossed the line of propriety; the public image they want to project encourages this behavior. I would call it inappropriate, and chalk it up to the fact that it is acceptable today to do, say, photograph anything for all the world. Ms. Dolson was doing what comes naturally; all having a good time, and obama, rather than being someone to show deference to, was just another member of the group. I believe Ms. Dolson "photobombed" obama. I could be wrong.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Treason-President Obama should be happy that's all he's gotten from the bourgeois. I have a gesture for not only Obama but for each member of Congress and it employs only one finger.

  • frank - 11 years ago

    They weren't bunny ears, they were jack-ass ears!

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