Who are the real parasites in Detroit, conservatives or the unions?


  • Bald Eagle - 11 years ago

    People seem to forget that when workers negotiate for higher wages they usually give up some portion of a raise, with the guarantee that money will go into their pension fund. It is still a part of their wage. The problem started when President Regan allowed employers to defer payment into the pension funds for 18 months. Once employers started doing that and having to pay large sums when the payment was due, did all the screaming start about pension expenses being to high. If the employer would pay into the pension fund every payday they wouldn't have these unusually high burdens and it would be the normal cost of having an employee doing the work for you. I am so tired of the worker being demonized for the benefit of the rich. If it wasn't for the worker producing their product, service, or sales these CEO's and managers wouldn't be making any money

  • Jeffrey Suhre - 11 years ago

    So if the far right conservatives are looking to assist corporate America strong desires to drive Middle class America to oblivion. MSNBC needs to look at the ongoing Federal Antitrust lawsuit since 2006. Look at the case at www.detroitnursewages.com.

  • james holstein - 11 years ago

    Despite the absolute lack of credibility of another of Ed's predetermined polls, history would suggest that this city and unfortunately other major cities, have been sold down the tubes by a combination of one party politics and union influence. To buy votes, unions commit untold sums of money to political candidates, usually Democrats who then reward the union membership with unrealistic economic policies. Unfortunately, the only people harmed by this unholy alliance are the workers who are continually manipulated by union bosses. The obvious solution is right to work legislation and decertification of public worker unions.

  • Susan Williams - 11 years ago

    I'll tell you what, when union dues are paid each month, what they due is to help each and every union member and their family's . The unions helped build our country . They gave you the week- ends off. They gave you sick pay. you could go to your local union for loans... They put forth safety laws.. They have apprentice program's so their people are educated in the field of their choice. They give people legal representation.. They fought and some died in their fight to have better working conditions for all Americans who work in this country, whether your union or not.... Stand up to these right to work states, or we will all be working for $5.00 per hour... And union's do so much more.. Join Them.......

  • sj - 11 years ago

    Down with GOP in 2014. Off with their heads!

  • Nuna Dianne - 11 years ago

    Unions Protect The Jobs Of The People Keep them Working At A Living Wage Because Of Unions The Working Middle Class Can Afford Health Insurance For Their Family's ThoseWho Don't Have Union Jobs Are Susceptible To Losing Their At Any Given Time Due To Bosses & Supervisors Personal Opinions & Beliefs Usually Has Nothing To Do With Their Work Ethic Wake Up People Destroying The Unions Destroys The Middle Classs & Thats What The Gop(CONSERVATIVES) Want Most Of All!!!Called Class Warfare!!!!

  • Jill - 11 years ago

    Lol, guess we now know who still actually watches MSNBC. Koolaide drinkers. Detroit has been run by Democrats uninterrupted for the past 62 years, yet somehow its all the Republicans fault, bwahahahahaha. The unions ate that town alive because democrats don't care about fiscal responsibility just party line vitriol and their cronyism, look at Chicago and California, that is all the democrats fault, all recent cities granted bankruptcy were democrat...seeing a pattern yet?

  • Richard Jones - 11 years ago

    Those who do not remember History are doomed to repeat it. A "Conservative" label for Tea Party Republicans is outdated. These people are far more accurately described as "Fascists"! This is not even over heated rhetoric, it's factual. Guess which nation destroyed it's Unions first. Pre World War II Nazi Germany, before Hitler came to power. "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" describes this in chilling detail. The Nazis held the largest Pro Union Rally in history on one day and on the following one, they arrested and jailed all Union leaders and overnight outlawed Unions. Fascism is Corporate Controlled Government. That's exactly what's going on in Michigan, which is now a Defacto Dictatorship, Wisconsin where Scott Walker has ripped the pages out of the Nazi Playbook, as well as Pennsylvania, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and anywhere that Republicans control government. The Fascist Supreme Court has laid the Groundwork with it's despicable "Citizens United" ruling and the unprecedented gutting of the 1964 Voting Rights Act. Our "Greatest Generation" sacrificed their lives to battle Fascism sixty years ago. In fact, Detroit City was the heart of the "Arsenal of Freedom" which supplied Allied Armed Forces. It's an ironic insult that this Patriotic City is now on the verge of being sacrificed on the altar of Corporate Greed and it's historic, valuable resources sold off by an uncaring, soulless group who care nothing about the wreck and ruin of thousands of lives. No doubt, if these Bastards are successful in Demonizing and eviscerating the hard earned Pensions of Detroit's Union Workers and they can accomplish their nefarious agenda there, it will be a "model" as to how they will do this to other unfortunate municipalities that are left to their tender mercies.

  • bluedog - 11 years ago

    The Consertive, (GOP) gang is responsible for the debacual that Detroit finds itself in, the state has been under the leader of a gop govenor for the past decades.The govenor has stolen money from the city of Detroit for those years as they are doing now.And when the GOP, has no place else to turn, blame the manoirty, people of color.As usual they don't have the courage, backbone, integerity, rsolve to take the blame for their action.They are heartless,shameful, hopeless, lying parasites. But there will be another election, and people are wakeing up to the lies of Limbaugh, Hannity, Bill O. Savage, Laura, Willis and cunningham their lies of provocating have run out and is overwhelming them into oblivion. GOOD BY

  • jak - 11 years ago

    Detroit would not be in trouble if our great leaders and corporate owners had not signed NAFTA , stupid trade policies that do not favor americans and shipped jobs to China, Korea, Mexico and other low wage countries. The Democrats are almost as bad as the Republicans, Clinton did not do the working class any favor, he was a closet Republican. If you don't have manufacturing then you don't have workers, if you don't have workers, you don't pay taxes. It's the trickle down policy in reverse.

  • Grace - 11 years ago

    The governor of Michigan has all kinds of money in a "rainy day" fund. The unions help the middle class have a decent pay check and good benefits. Detroit should not have a money problem with all the big business there. Maybe somebody ought to go into Detroit and check on big banks and the auto industry. Maybe the governor should, for once, help the middle class. Maybe the people of Michigan should get rid of their politicians including the governor. I loved Michigan and it was a wonderful place for vacation, but I am ashamed of the Republican Party and what they are doing to our states and out country.

  • Ray L. Swager - 11 years ago

    Conservatives have ruined Detroit the same as they have all inner cities across America. Look at Congress, its in a shambles with the GOP Conservatives (Tea Party) in control. Unions brought wages up so that people at a living wage - now the Congress won't even consider a "minimum wage" increase that would allow for people to afford basic necessities (food, rent, health care) and have a little left over for buying clothes, a car, or saving to send their kids to college. It is my hope that people will VOTE in 2014 to overturn these current policies. Ed how about considering a 2-hour show each Saturday and Sunday so that your show can cover topics with even greater depth and angles? I sincerely hope you will?

  • Moderate View - 11 years ago

    Neither - the former leaders of Detroit whose fiduciary irresponsibility has led to the current mess is the main cause. They agreed to the union deals without the long-term resources. They agreed to the conditions set for the bonds. They spent money they did not have to keep up their own positions.

    Let's start looking at the culpable instead of blaming the collateral results.

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