Should any real person of faith want to take health care away from the poor?


  • Terry - 10 years ago

    This is a loaded question. No others options are given, either you are or you are not.

  • Warren Allgyer - 11 years ago

    Christian charity is not administered through the government using other people's money. Christian charity is given personally and by the church.

    Those who wish to judge the charity of others need to do so on the basis of what they do personally, not what they attempt to formulate into government policy.

    There is no such thing as government charity. That is called welfare.

  • JAMES J.HOLSTEIN,M.D. - 11 years ago

    Once again the inherent bias in your poll is evident to any thinking person.

    Fact ignored by many of your MSNBC disciples. A significant amount of free medical care is provided by Catholic hospitals. The prejudicial requirements of the ACA concerning contraception and abortion will ultimately require the closure of these institutions. How does one justify these immoral and unethical requirements and their ultimate consequences to the poor?

    How ironic that our President had the arrogance to speak and Notre Dame and champion a law study from Georgetown , Almost as insulting as Ms. Pelosi and Vice President Biden reminding us of their nominal participation in Catholicism.

  • Frank Morris - 11 years ago

    This question is nonsensical for me. People know what they are supposed to do even those who profess no faith. Let's be clear those in opposition don't need help Yet! The opposition for the most part professed a faith of convenience. Most amplified by the now vilified term they banter about "Patriot", these are the people who send others children off to war while they wave flags and at the same time deny health care and other benefits to those who have given life and limb and service to our country. I say convenience because they do not discriminate as Disabled Veteran Bob Dole he now knows every patriot ain't a patriot. All of this is getting closer to the winnowing fan. Oh yeah it's coming back!

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    What does Ed and his poll have in common with Rick Santorum's issue with Iran? Answer: they both will box you in to their argument. When Rick Santorum sought to convince us to fear Iran, he started at 1979 when the Iranians took the hostages. Given this constraint, we should be concerned about Iran. However, when people like Ron Paul explained how the Iranian hostage situation goes back to at least the 1950's, Rick Santorum looks incredibly stupid. Likewise, Ed and his polls that feign some sort of choice make me nauseated.

    Government does not have to be the delivery method. In fact, government is the definition of apathy, always growing, distended but not due to starvation.

    Think for yourselves, Ed lemmings!

  • rylog - 11 years ago

    wiiu looks like it sucks. When Sony started off the super Nintendo. As xbox started off ps2.As motion control has been copied from Nintendo. Where is their money from sony and microsoft stealing their ideas???? They treat the video industry as a monopoly game.

  • Rylog - 11 years ago

    estimated miles from the United States to China is about 8000 miles being used to sending jobs over seas. But the nerd question is???? How much gas milage is being wasted here????? Just so ones can make that extra $$$$$$$. But the question is, are they saving money???? But if it wasn't for the good Republicans trying to create fare ways. The bad, would always win. Blame the poor by not creating jobs which create the middle class. [ Matthew 18 : 6 ] [ Galatians 6 : 1 - 18 ] [ 1 Timothy 6 : 17 - 19 ] [ Deuteronomy 14 : 23 ] And the bad Republicans claim to be believers. Who they claim to be picking up the cross. [ Matthew 16 : 24 - 25 ] [ 2 Corinthians 8 : 9 ] They might as well say from that b .... s ..... abortion should be illegal. Even though they claim to be fighting it. Because bad Republicans invest in weapons. This is the bad rich mans term analogy of the easy way of killing off the poor. [ Matthew 26 : 11 ] [ Matthew 19 : 21 - 23 ]

    Because of being made homeless by bad Republicans. I was force to leave my source of health care to solve my head injury. I was put in a comna. And the saying goes, there is always someone who has it worse than you. My dream of being a movie director died the day I got jumped. I had to spend all my time relearning on how to be a person. Than the things I dreamed to being. And Romney who claims to be a Mormon, insults 47 % of the people. And I was baptized as a Mormon. Didn't know many allow confusion to guide them. [ 1 Corinthians 14 : 33 ] [ Matthew 24 : 24 - 26 ] I don't understand how anyone could of voted for Romney, as paul Ryan who claims to be Catholic. Who claims to be doing Jesus Christ work. $50,000 for a plate of food. That is more than many poor peoples income together. One of Romney's son wanted to punch Obama???? What would Jesus Christ do? [ Matthew 26 : 52 ] Romney insults people because he has to much. [ Proverbs 23 : 4 ] [ Matthew 12 : 36 ] [ Matthew 7 : 21 - 23 ]

    The key one should make the time to think about. We all are under spiritual battle. [ Ephesians 6 : 10 - 18 ] The devil doesn't ever want any of us to see eye to eye ever. [ Isaiah 14 : 1 - 32 ] And that is why we all were born as enemies. [ Genesis 3 : 15 ] But of the simple taste of sweet and sour. [ 2 Nephi 2 : 1 - 30 --- THE BOOK OF MORMON ] But when we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. [ John 3 : 3 ] [ John 10 : 16 ] We realize that we were born from the same bloodline. [ Genesis 1 : 27 ] So why is our ancestors holding on to this thing call pride / greed????? [ 1 John 2 : 16 ] [ Isaiah 2 : 1 - 4 ]

    Instead of people being racist towards Obama. And trying to shut down the government over Obama care. Why not impeach all the bad Republicans for being a joke of being in office! Lets cut times for voting!????? Lets rig voting machines so the bad Republicans can win to get in office???? That alone shows which party is real! Because of these things???? How can one vote to be Republican???? If they keep getting in office Armageddon is around the corner. [ Matthew 24 : 14 ]

    Another sad thing, the bible has been edited before any of us could freely read. [ Matthew 7 : 7 ] Quran, Scientology, Buddhism, ect were written in the bible. But through being edited. How can one know this??? [ Ecclesiastes 12 : 12 ] [ Romans 14 : 1 - 8 ]

    On to creating jobs!!!!!! Why don't we filter the sky from population? Why don't we filter the waters from population before other filters, filter the water to drink???? Who wants to drink piss and shit. Thats jobs. Why not take all cars off the street to change to solar? That jobs. People want to race their cars??? Why don't you get a racing game? Think of your follow neighbors!!! [ Exodus 20 : 1 - 17 ] America has lost its originality. This is why the economy is the way it is. Everything is done on line. But new ideas create stores!!!???? I wanted to also work at Nintendo. Making a movie company through them. Not Sony who is buying 3rd party companies so that the

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    As for the Detroit matter, who was the one to take away the tax revenues and give it to the rich Corp. taking their businesses oversea and closing down their plants here in Detroit. Laying off thousands of workers, without jobs, people can't pay their mortgages, car loans, put food on the table, pay for their kids education, afford HealthCare, and CAN'T PAY THEIR TAXES TO THE CITY OF DETROIT. The so called Governor of Michigan, what's his name, (asshole), has run the state and cities into the ground but paying off the rich and Big Corps. The Governor of Michigan is nothing but a Dictator in charge, just like Hitler. How in God's earth can this guy get away with what he is doing???***

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Harold 5 hours ago, where is your money, you seem to shoot off your mouth when you are the one not giving your fair share, you are the one saying the other guy must give. The point of the madder is, IF everyone would give their fair share, or what they can give, than the needy will get more help than what they are getting now for help. A rich gives only for a tax deduction, a common man gives because it is the right thing to do. The republicans want to take away from all americans, Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Health Care, Funds for Education, Not pay our Military or give the needed Healthcare for fighting for their Country when they come back serious wounded. The republicans have not come up with a PLAN to replace anything I mentioned. Also where are the JOBS Plan Boehner keep talking about everytime he is in front of the News media. Tea Party Republicans are a freaking JOKE, CLOWNs the whole group. Facts, nothing but the Facts, BRO.

  • Dennis sites - 11 years ago

    When the people we elect to run our government cannot do the job we elected them to do it seems to me it is time to elect someone that can see what needs to be done and do it without shutting down the government when they can't get their way. I wish I could have had a job where I could work 132 days out of the year and make the money these idiots are making and get my health care paid for. When we can send millions of dollars overseas every year and can't help our people after a storm something is wrong.

  • MIchael BArber - 11 years ago

    What has faith got to do with public policy? Faith should have nothing to do with public policy. However, empathy for your fellow human beings should.

  • Giulia thompson - 11 years ago

    Jesus said" When you help the least one among you is just like you done it to me"

  • - 11 years ago

    Jesus said "It easier for a camel to through the eye of a niddle than for a rich man to go to heaven"

  • Harold - 11 years ago

    How much money does Ed give to the poor? Or Joe Biden ? It's easy to claim OTHER people should give money, but how many of you give away most of your income to help the poor? My guess: None of you.

  • Linda Norton - 11 years ago

    Personally, it makes me sick to think that so many of my so-called brothers and sisters in the faith are opposed to the ACA. I sometimes wonder if Cantor and Ryan are the anti-Christ.....they look the part perfectly and so many people of faith are dooped by them.....

  • Janis - 11 years ago

    Money, Power, Greed and their objectives are several. 600+ Corporations will rule the globe. JPChase, Koch's, Exxon...and the Bilderberg Group with their world leaders...all in the New World Order. Thru the TransPacific Partnership (has little to do with trade); they will command domain over land, resources, populations, drugs, net, everything that affects our lives. Their laws will supercede Any countries laws & laws will change to comply. It's no secret anymore...lots of verified research/data are out there to read. They have a schedule and they are ahead in some; behind in others....They've gone as fast as possible to implement ALEC written laws and turn our schools over to ALEC corporate members...prisons, bailbondsmen, and USPS asap. Deeply entrenched after 40 yrs, thank the Koch brothers! Raised in a family where his father was an original member of John Birch Society & running the Paul Weyrich groups...Heritage Fdn; Free Congress Fdn; ALEC; Moral Majority....with their $$....They already run this land through 26 RED states. Need we say, that their objective overall 20 yrs ago, thru the G-7, was and is to lower the US std of living so as to raise 3rd world countries so...they can buy!!! Greater share of the world market means Trillons to them! We gave up textile/mfg jobs to them and we were to become a service industrial country. They just can't use an intelligent middle class nor the "drain" on their pocketbooks....called, the disabled, children, women, LGBT, anyone other than "white", vets, working men, poor,

  • mjk - 11 years ago

    Hey Ed, we watch you every weekend and this is the most votes we have seen you get since you went to weekends. Congratulations and keep up the good work. We progressives need to see and hear you more.

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    In 2011 when the tea-potty swept into office, one of the new house members was heard going crazy asking WHEN EXACTLY was he and his family was going to get THEIR HEALTHCARE, even though his mission was to repeal healthcare for the masses. How many times do you have to fail at something before trying something else - like doing the peoples' work? mitch mcconnel HAS FAILED to unseat Prez Obama. mcconnel has failed to represent his constituents, and that is why he's now between a rock and a hard place in Guntucky. paul ryan staged "a dish-washing session" at a meal kitchen for the poor, but he could care less about the poor. Consider that when paul ryan's father died, he was supported by medicare and social security so he could get through school. He was able to get his teeth cleaned and his boo-boos healed under medicaid/medicare, now he thinks it's too good for the rest of us. That snaked-faced house member from VA - kantar. You'd think the NUNS ON THE BUS would have the slightest effect on him. marco rubio says his parents got rescued from Cuba through the "wet feet" program, where if you land in miami and make it to shore before the coast guard caught you (mostly for cubans, and not for haitians) - marco wants to build the wall sky high; yet he thinks he is ideally suited to represent ALL of the people of these United states...NOT A CHANCE - he cares nothing about immigrants, but he would like support from latin speaking people.HEHEHEHE All these rethuglicans are serving up vinegar in major doses, minus the honey!!! Notice that the finger wagging governor of Arizona has told her legislator she will not sign ANY of their bills until they approve OBAMACARE FOR ARIZONA. What an about face. The hospitals have spoken. The chamber of commerce has spoken, and so she has no choice but to do what she would do with healthcare for all if the rethuglicans had put the plan into place. The plan the HERITAGE FOUNDATION pitched to them, the plan that a rethuglican governor in Massachussetts put into place (a plan that is working like a charm bringing down healthcare costs, bringing down insurance costs, and having insurance companies hounding them for their business) - oh the available choices!!! Should I get on my soapbox???

  • Sam - 11 years ago

    These people don't care about the poor, or any other Christian value, or moral value for that matter, they sold their souls a long time ago for earthly power! What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul? For those who would agree to these tactics and measures they would say it profits him everything! They know where they are going after they die and for them the certainty is worth it! How wrong they are...

  • Dar - 11 years ago

    Everyone should have Heath care. When I hear these republican town halls and the fools that listen to these lying republicans to stop health care for millions of people is so dishearten to want innocent people to just die.

  • Larry - 11 years ago

    In the last republican Presidential primary debate the panel was asked about free healthcare and would they be alright to treat someone with life theatening illness without healthcare and they all said let them die. Maybe they think that being christian its ok to hurry up people getting to heaven. Otherwise, I would call this killing.

  • Audrey Murphy - 11 years ago

    Finally, finally, someone has brought the real narrative out in the open. We have a government that separates religion from government. The Republican Paarty ,as now constituted, is trying to impose their so-called Christian commitment on the country through the government. Thank you, Ed, for bringing this conversation out in the public forum so we can all really see what the style of Chritianity these people are truly professing. I hope that the "on the ground" voting Republicans will seek guidance from God through prayer as to what they are truly voting about . Then, perhaps, they can vote their Christian conscience when it comes to caring for the people who can not earn enough money to buy food, pay rent, buy clothes, and pay other bills that are required to live. Please read the Bible with an open mind.

  • Bevenat - 11 years ago

    My brain does not compute why people of the Tea Party, who consider themselves devout Christians, could possibly open their mouths and spew such vile comments. The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land and these GOP people probably do not sleep at night over it. This is because President Obama created it.
    They are so furious that the American people voted him as president for a second term. I pray the Lord
    blesses and keeps him safe.

  • Leona Hinds - 11 years ago

    i am not a pastor or evangelist and am not here to judge..but i dont believe this TParty is about real christianity or faith...they are just professing to b something they are not and is using christianity n faith to fool people...but thank God for those who knows what true fait is...the tea party is a commoflauge and when they think that they can fool man and get away with they can't fool God....the truth is not in them...just for the mere fact that they can be so cruel and thoughtless not having a heart of compassion...christian faith...let me tell u my friend in our village we call those kind of people CHRISTIAN...TRUE CHRIANTS help poor and needy...not to take from them what they dont have..christian are christlike...they pattern the life of Christ... always trying to do good. not bcuz they all were born in riches or inheritance from their family...some people werent that previllage so yes we r poor and need help...Tparty can defund obamacare bcuz they know they will not feel the effect of it bcuz their famlies are safe and is set for the future...i think they are slfish wicked and mean...i pray to God that they will really find God the trie and living God that will change their heart and mind...that is cruelty what they are doing or want to do to ppl who will benefot from obama care.Ed may God continet bless you and give u a divine revelation and direction and vision ask u continue to speak out for those of us who cant.. ED GOD BLESS U AND KEEP U CAUSE HIS FACE TO SHINE UPON MAY GOD LIFT UP HIS COUNTANCE UPON YOU AND GIVE U PEACE...AAAMEEN!!! Go Ed!!!

  • Joseph King - 11 years ago

    Most born again Christians have the most evil hearts and don't care about people at all. I have heard them say, well we cannot afford healthcare. I never once any of them say we cannot afford wars..

  • Ken - 11 years ago

    These "Christians" who would do harm to the needy and the poor are CINOs - Christians In Name Only

  • David Grimes - 11 years ago

    Why is it that those who are loudest about their Christianity are usually the same ones whose actions are least Christian?

  • Don - 11 years ago

    I don't mind helping the so called poor people but they should really try to help themeselves first. I don't believe that the government should run the health care for everyone. My insurance has double because of obamacare and that is wrong. I'm not rich and it is by my choice and I don't think the rich people should give me their money either. Please think about what you are saying, Christains don't want to take away anything from the poor; however, we do want them to at least try to help themeslves, just like we do ourselves.

  • jak - 11 years ago

    To Kim Ives, it is my understanding that if you cannot afford insurance you will not be fined. I suggest you check up on the Affordable Health Care on the internet. There are suposed to be exchanges to help people who cannot afford health insurance. Hopefully, you live in a state that has already set up exchanges, if not, call the federal information line and they can guide you to the correct agency of the government offices you should contact. Don't say they won't help, anytime I have had to contact a govt. agency, they have always been helpful and courteous.

  • audrey james - 11 years ago

    Am I the only one who remembers the rally cry to Newt and his minions?
    "The moral majority is neither."
    I think it is time to revise the rally too many have forgotten.

  • June Newbery - 11 years ago

    People taking this poll should be asked: Do you attend or are you affiliated with a Church? answer: Yes. Q. Do your fellow congregants support Obamacare? A. No. Q. Are they opposed to it? A. Yes. (Most of the churches in this area are right wing Tea Party or Republican oriented and are openly opposed to everything President Obama does including Obamacare. I believe they have no idea why they oppose it and are just parroting other's opinions.)

  • Anselmo Jarvis - 11 years ago

    Ed, can you tell us (The American People), if Congress gets paid when they shutdown the Government? If yes, why?

  • Mike - 11 years ago

    To close the argument about denying healthcare to 30 million people, those who have healthcare are already paying for those without insurance who seek medical care. Obamacare addresses this issue by expanding the pool of insured who have to pay something for their care. And if they cannot afford it, there is help available to help them pay. Obamacare will help to reduce healthcare cost. Why wouldconservatives be against the idea of everyone paying their fair share?????

  • Raleigh Williams - 11 years ago

    My family and I are recent victims to the health care in place. I am a republican but I am out raged, I recently purchased a business and have to get my own health care and my wife has been turned down by two insurance companies with not to bad of health mainly things that go wrong with age. She is 54 and I am 51 they are going to insure myself and children. This is devastating to our family what do we do now?????????
    This is why I didn't want to do my own business for a long time

  • Chris - 11 years ago

    Jesus said, "That which you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me...." I don't understand any Christian Muslim, Hindu, Jew, or any other human being who intentionally turns his/her back on the needs of others. These people will have their day of accountability.

  • Donna Turiano - 11 years ago

    Ed, I want to sincerely thank you for all your passion on behalf of the "regular" guy! I just emailed one of my Senators (Marco Rubio) to let him know how disgusted I am with him. I have been without insurance for more than 4 years, and if I live long enough, I won't be eligible for Medicare for 3 more years. It is beyond disgusting that these people (whose health care I am helping to pay for) just really don't give a damn, and that they are willing to shut down the entire government, which will hurt EVERYONE!!

  • Kim Ives - 11 years ago

    A true Christian couldn't deny health care. I have a problem with being fined because a person doesn't have health care. I don't belive that is right. If a person can't afford health care even Obama care then why are people getting fined. This doesn't make sense. If A person could afford insurance even through Obama care then They would get it, but because Some peole can't afford it then They are going to be fined?! Does this make sense? Thus is the way I understand it. If I am wrong please don't hesitate to correct me. Thank you for helping me out

    Kim Ives

  • Jones - 11 years ago

    I am constantly amazed at the ignorance of The Tea Party. Going against their own best interest. These people can't all be wealthy. They have no sense of their own needs. Can their extended family members live without health care and social security? I think not . These elected officials ought to be ashamed of themselves.

  • Sharon Dietrich - 11 years ago

    Ultraconservatives like to talk a good talk about their compassion for the poor, and others such as the disabled, wounded veterans, children, etc. But when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is, it just doesn't translate. If they have to do THAT--actually put some money towards their supposed goal, and thus decrease the breaks they love to give big corporations--they vote against any bill that may help the poor, or tie up the government while poor people get poorer. And the folks who vote for these ultraconservatives need to get serious about praying for some guidance, because you are NOT doing what Jesus would do.

  • Marie - 11 years ago

    Ed, it is not about faith. It is a moral issue now. Our forefathers made the moral decision in years past that multiple groups of individuals - the elderly, children, prisoners, Veteran's are ENTITLED to healthcare. The folks that are being left out of this group of entitled is the working public. Who by the way, fund the programs via their taxes, but we are not allowed affordable health care.

  • scott - 11 years ago

    Not if they are 100% by the word of Jesus followers v. "cherry picker" of passage followers.

  • Senator Hansen - 11 years ago

    What would Jesus do/ "Liberty and justice for all" must be our mantra!

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    It is disgusting how the conservatives have such a strong desire to take away health coverage from people heavily in need to get back at the President and take more for themselves.

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