Do you have a breastfeeding policy at your facility?


  • jean Heasley - 8 years ago

    It is against the law to prohibit breastfeeding in most states. Some even prohibit you from asking them to cover up, Be aware of asking them to move to restroom etc...

  • Nicole - 10 years ago

    Our policy is that it's not done in the pool. We ask the mother to come out of the pool and encourage her to sit in a lounge chair under an umbrella. We explain that there is no drinking or eating in the pool. The health risk of feeding your child in the blazing sun. How it's recomended that the mother wipe off her breast before feeding so the child doesn't ingest pool water, contributing factor of why we ask them to not feed in the pool. If you give understandable reasons and explain the health risks MOST mothers won't feed in the pool.

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