Will conservatives ever have the character to truly condemn racism in America?


  • Carlos Danger - 11 years ago

    Ed Schultz - once again playing the race card in a pathetic attempt to bolster his sagging ratings.
    Ed, you are bloviating blowhard who excretes mental flatulence everytime you open your mouth.
    You are a lying sack of shit and a smelly bag of stale piss.

  • aurora sancoy - 11 years ago

    they cannot retain the title of "Ruling Class" if they give any credence to anyone having right at all, while they diligently plan and strategize how to not count even more millions of people, by depriving them of the right to vote.

  • James j. Holstein, M.D. - 11 years ago

    As so often happens in the polls presented to the single minded audience of Ed, conservative is a synonym for Republican. I would suggest that you review your American history to appreciate that the Democratic party has been the party of racism and segregation- eg. Sen. Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond etc.

    Sorry that the facts do not correspond to your political bias.

  • George Shaw - 11 years ago

    If the GOP ever goes through the chrysalis stage, and stops being a caterpillar, it might.

  • Allen Hoffer - 11 years ago

    Just look at the hate and venomous remarks being spewed by so many people in this blog. Is it really that difficult to try to meet in the middle anymore, rather than it always having to be now-a-days by BOTH politically biased party zealots ..... my way, or the highway? There is no moral or ethical difference between the radical liberals and the radical conservatives. Schultz's rantings are the same as Limbaugh's.
    Both are intellectually challenged, over-paid, politically biased media pundits whose sole purpose is keeping us out here in America segregated from each other. If we ever joined ourselves together - left, center, and right .. black, white, yellow and red ..... young and old .... Christian and Muslim and Aethiest .... left handed and right handed .... disabled ... poor and rich .... - into the national force we could be (and should be!) we boot everyone of these media goofballs off the air and all of the thieving scoundrels in Washington out of office. We can only take our nation back if we are ... ONE .. TOGETHER.

  • Freda H - 11 years ago

    No they never will. They are being called by the wrong name they are NOT conservatives , they are regressives. They wish to take the whole country backwards and are truly terrified that eventually they will have to get by just like the rest of us. They are afraid that by others having the same rights and privileges that they have always had that they will lose something. They are afraid that they will be dealt with in the same way that they deal with those who have less than they do now. Notice how when items in the sequester affected them that they got rid of it . Notice how when it affects little 3 and 4 year old children and families who need food assistance, nothing can be done.
    Many of them do claim to be Christians but nothing that they are espousing is in the least Christ like.

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    This comment is to Brent and Allen; I'm so pleased you are watching the Ed Show! You obviously need a large dose of reality. Things are NOT good out there in the good ole USA and it is so important for all of those who understand this to step up and be heard! Regrettably, it IS the repubs who are behind the polarization in this country and Ed calls it as he and Many of us see it!!! ~:/

  • Joyce Cato - 11 years ago

    When a Black teenager is killed and the murder is freed, then freedom and equality is not apparent in America for Black Americans. Blacks have been in the U.S. before it became a nation and are still at the bottom of the economic ladder. Blacks have worked hard in this country and do so on a daily basic but only own one-half percent of one percent of the wealth in the U.S. which Blacks owned in 1860 in the freed Black population of 250,000 and that percentage is the same amount today in 2013 with Black Americans being 12% of the population in the U.S. This fact speaks volumes as to how Black Americans, NOT AFRICAN-American, are deliberately denied opportunities to earn a part of the economic wealth in the U.S. Every foreign person that comes to this country, legally and illegally, is treated better than Black Americans whom this nation riches were obtained on the backs of Black slaves. As an educated individual, I have lived the experience of inequality, racism, and discrimination and is one of the highly educated Black Americans that are seeking employment and continually receiving denial letters. The GOP is not concerned about the citizens of America, only about working toward blocking the President even at the collapse of America. That, in my opinion, is pure hatred and racism. GOP is a mean spirited, hate filled party.

  • Marge - 11 years ago

    Fair minded conservatives yes. But not the ones who can make money off of whipping up hate - they are haters and they love to spread hate and take advantage of people even the haters like themselves who doesn't realize that they are being taken advantage of in the process.

  • Paul Coleman - 11 years ago

    The US needs to pull an Arab on Syria. Remove any id from cruise missiles, send them in at night and deny any knowledge of it the next day.

  • Alan Coleman - 11 years ago

    How many seconds will FOX news devote to covering tomorrow's 50 th anniversary of the March. Please note that I asked for SECONDS.

  • Jay - 11 years ago

    They are racists, when they call the President a monkey, and tell him he needs to go back to Africa. There hateful and angry people. Some republicans have pandered to ultra extreme right wing groups that are rightfully afraid there angry and will turn against them. I hoping things will remain civil. Some of these groups are armed and dangerous.

  • elaine stenzel - 11 years ago

    Ed keep it up,keep getting the truth about the righties the extremists and their lies and bullying.They are trying to attack you because people are listening to you,and realizing that they have been lied to all these years and do not accept racism.

  • Brent - 11 years ago

    Ed likes to fuel the fire; stating that all Republicans are racist is bigotry in itself. There are extreme elements on both sides; having known Democrats that are racist, so don't suggest that all Republicans are racist. If you can't serve witness to the progress made since MLK's march then you are blind. Regretfully, there will always be exceptions but they are clearly in the minority and without doubt the country is in a better place today then 50 years ago.

  • Allen Hoffer - 11 years ago

    Ed, please ratchet your hostility and politically biased non-sense down about three levels. You're going to have a heart attack. Your incessant attacks against anything, and anyone, who is not a liberal Progressive is purely anti-American. Our nation is supposed to be a 'melting pot'. Liberals are supposed to be the party of 'inclusion'. I don't know what America you live in, but the America you rant about is not the same America that I live in, no matter how selective, or interpretive, you are with the biased information you present on your show.

  • Allen Hoffer - 11 years ago

    Ed, please ratchet your hostility and politically biased non-sense done about three levels. You're going to have a heart attack. Your incessant attacks against anything, and anyone, who is not a liberal Progressive is purely anti-American. Our nation is supposed to be a 'melting pot'. Liberals are supposed to be the party of 'inclusion'. I don't know what America you live in, but the America you rant about is not the same America that I live in, no matter how selective, or interpretive, you are with the biased information you present on your show.

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    Sadly, the conservatives in the US have lost their moral compass. They see no need to reach out to others, to provide a boost of any kind to those that are suffering and in fact, work hard to prolong their suffering. Ironically, many, if not most, of them consider themselves to be "Christian". There is NOTHING Christian about these people! Basically it has sadly come down to this; if you are a conservative in the US, you are absolutely not Christian!!! ~:/

  • Vic Till - 11 years ago

    Red States and Republicans live for racism.

  • sandra - 11 years ago

    Republicans (conservatives) are the biggest bunch of corrupt, lying, racist SOB's in the country and should all be thrown out of office. They hate women, gays, latinos, blacks, planned parenthood, children the poor and they hate the first black President most of all. The only thing they don't hate is their own"STUPID" ideas and of course "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY".

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    They won't and can't condemn racism because they hate black people, it's as simple as that. They don't care one bit about black people or any other minority in our country. If it's not about them and their rich friends, they don't care about anyone else. That's why they HAVE to be voted out when the opportunity arises. They are bad for our country!!!

  • Mary Ellen Casey - 11 years ago

    For those who remember the movie South Pacific, there is one song that stands out. It talks about how when young the adults fill the child's ear about how not to except those of different color. I say that song should be played over every single radio station and the movie shown on every single TV station, cable station and other outlets.

  • Lerone Lee - 11 years ago

    This is Lee Atwater's Southern Strategy at work...............

  • Kim Doyle Wille - 11 years ago

    One would *hope* the GOP would have the character to condemn racism but the reality is showing that they lost their moral compass somewhere in their Bibles.

  • Bob in Kansas City - 11 years ago

    Because the lunatic fringe has infested the Republican Party and they continue to tolerate it because they bring money they will remain the most racist, bigoted divisive party our nation has ever known!

  • Thackery - 11 years ago

    Eventually, the U.S. white population will be in the minority. It's time for acceptance of all races, creeds, and color.

  • Michael Box - 11 years ago

    True conservatives, like Eisenhower and William F. Buckley, did not tolerate the racism. They kicked the bad apples out of the GOP. Those true conservatives are gone and the reactionaries have taken over the GOP.

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