Should the U.S. take military action against Syria?


  • Don - 11 years ago

    This is not our problem. Do not attack Syria. They have done no harm to the United States. I believe in much of what Obama has done. But if he does that, we all will turn on him.

  • john turman - 11 years ago

    U.S. Officials are saying that after taking military action, there would be no counter response. That is just crazy thinking.

  • Yosuf - 11 years ago

    The British showed their cards and reneged. We have no international coalition. Most American people don't want any piece or part of a war; no matter how small. It's not that we don't want to help. We can't afford to react every time something goes wrong. America has bad credit. War will only increase our debt.
    Mr. President I understand that the world has an obligation to each other. Please don't forget that we have one to ourselves as well. We aren't the only ones responsible for the world. You and your party have accomplished so much. Maintain the balance sir. Change the way people think. How? You have to find a way. War isn't the way.
    U.S. Vet

  • Athanasius Ohaeri - 11 years ago

    Assad must must be told that he can't gas his own people and gets away with it.He is a beast.

  • James Wald - 11 years ago

    We the people of the U.S. are sick & tired of fighting other people's wars. We are not the policemen of the world, besides no one appreciates any of our efforts, just our money. We don't see any of the world coming to our aid when we are in need. So we should learn from our pass mistakes STAY OUT OF SYRIA. We are still paying for one war and still involve in another, why can't we take the time to help ourselves. So Mr. president, Senate, & congress stay home and let do something for the good U.S. A. James

  • Gwenola Grier - 11 years ago

    We have killed and maimed enough of our young people. Let get about the work of rebuilding education, jobs, rebuilding bridges, helping the homeless, feeding widows and orphans, righting voting rights, no more stop and frisk, no more wrongful police beatings, and all of this can be accomplished with the year.

    Lets go to work

  • Simone - 11 years ago

    Why can't we take care of home first. Some people here, are going out of their way to take america backwards!!! How can you save another country before your own? If solutions can't be found here (stopping the subsidies, closing the loop holes & more on that end) for us, how can you find solutions there. Why can't the right thing be done for all people JUST BECAUSE! We're fighting each other (the poor, working poor) to be first. to be screwed by the one's who want war. We (people under 100,000) will feel the pain & pay for it, they get a rebuilt country and someone will profit. People come together regardless of color. Stand your ground fairness for Americans.

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Steve Wright; 5 hrs ago, hay friend, you better go back to school and learn about History during WWll. The so called French did not help anyone in the war, the turned coat toward Germany because they make love and not war. We and the allies, (Not France), won the war without their help. Boy do you got it wrong fellow. After the war, France turned Communist, kick us out of the country, wanted us to remove all of our war dead from their soil. That is the French Gov't. Who do you think help rebuild France after the war, Russia; the USA, England and other Allies helped REBUILD FRANCE!!!
    France can kiss my asp.

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Ed; we had two wars last 10 yrs plus, one is still going strong, 6-7 thousands dead, 50,000 injured, some seriously, enough is enough, let the Arabs fight it out till they are all dead. Religion is what controls the crazies over there. You can't tell the difference between the good guys and the terrorists.
    Israel is the country we should be worried about, the terrorist, will do anything to kill everyone in the country just over religion. The Tea Party Republican war machine, (Dick Cheney) is screaming the loudest for us to go to war.

  • joe common - 11 years ago

    ps to ed... it is not a civil war. It started out as a maddog dictator shooting protesters. Then it went to a maddog dictator wantonly slaughtering citizens. Then it went to citizens having to defend their lives. That is NOT A CIVIL WAR. It is an act of self defense just as americans did in 1776.

    Attacking Syria is NOT an act of war or an act of military intervention or participation by the war powers act because the INTERNATION TREATY SUPERCEDES such considerations when the planet is threatened by leaders gone mad. IT IS THE PRESCRIBED "DUTY" TO PUNISH LEADERS WHO VIOLATE THE WORLD STANDARD. ***DUTY***

    Our failures in the past should NOT be of any valid comparison to the situation and cause today that presents itself before us. Whatever failures of past republican presidents is a failure they committed and those failures stand upon themselves.

    IT WILL GET WORSE. Yes it will. I assure you that wether we strike syria or not, the situation will get much worse. CHOOSE YOUR PAIN...
    we may NEVER know for sure if he did, or didnt, but they were used.
    * bashar al-assad did NOT use chem weapons and we strike him as if he did.
    * bashar al-assad DID use chem weapons and we do nothing.

    ANSWER - the repubes in congress want to hold america as a hostage on the debt ceiling to take what they want of america and from americans. AND NOW YOU WANT TO LET RUSSIA HOLD AMERICA HOSTAGE TOO?
    *** I THINK NOT ***

    "some people get gassed"....
    some people? you mean some people as in innocent persons including women and children?
    gassed? fart gas? oh, you mean tear gas for protesting? or do you mean deadly nerve agents similar to what adolf hitler used to gas and kill jewish persons en masse?

    A strike upon syria for 3 days is limited in scope to time and for cause. VERY SIMPLE AND VERY MEASUREABLE. Besides - the russians may very well welcome such a strike so the can sell them replacement parts.

    AND LETS NOT FORGET - Striking syria also sends a message to PUTIN that he should not be tempted to use gas on LGBT community or jewish persons or protesters.


  • joe common - 11 years ago


    SYRIA violated an international norm and did something seen only twice since nazis gassed people of jewish faith.

    Twice when republicans went AMORAL and gave their blessing for chemweps by sadam hussein when the amoral repubes see such amoral behavior as a win.


    The reluctance of good people to not immediately punish heads of countries for transgressions is .... unforgiveable.

  • Lois Hall - 11 years ago

    Americans for World Peace among Obstructionists.

    "A House Divided will not Stand!" America Historical Principals for We the People-Undermined! Mindsets of Political Discourses reveal Defaults around the World, as (Police-Intervention in Civil Wars)
    The Facts are America First Balanced Budget in History. (Bill Clinton's Administration)! (Democrats and Republicans-Compromised and Focus on America's Best Interest under the Constitution.
    People Voted for best Interest for All Americans. Americans are being Manipulated and Deceived!

    Progress for America's Future is Restored! No Syria Intervention is Good for Political Civil Wars. America's downfall is being manipulated by America's Extreme Obstructionist/Suppressor's. Lost Respect for Political-Dominance are observe Globally. The Black, Past-Historical African-Leader Kofi Anna of (United Nations) was Disrespected by some White cultural Wars in America. America's First African-American President's (Oppressors/Enemies Denial in America's Divided Congress). World Opposition's Party Adopts: Congress Party Verbal Threats and Discourse Leadership Behavior for Free World. Political-Party Culture Dominance in America provides (undermine) Racial Credibility. Issues among Leaders of Democratic Nations! (Please consider Hostile Verbal attacks on Democracy around the World) Human Beings around the Globe view Televisions before 2013. Spreading Jealous & Hate around America VIA News is Conformation Reveals Culture Hatred around Nations. John Boehner and Southern Representatives are Unethical Leaders For World Peace. Demonstrated by Political Congress Unbudgeted, Unaccountable War Mongrels and Corporations. (Incompetent! Obstructionist House Leaders). No Syria! No Support for We the People!

  • La'Dene Bean - 11 years ago

    Until this country (Republican led congress of terrorist bent on destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights) is no longer holding it's citizens hostage because we elected a man of color twice; stop needless gun violence, restore voter's rights, undo all the shameful waste of the Republican Party, stop the WAR on Women, disabled and impoverished, we have no business meddling in any other regions affairs.

    Every day in this country just as many children are slaughtered by the Police hired to protect. We (peoples of color) are under siege and I for one have no compassion left for others, I have my own set (Republican held Congress) of burdens to bare.

  • Dusty - 11 years ago

    WOW! Hard to believe that we now feel just sit here and let thousands of innocent men and women die per the hand of this barbaric leader Assad. From all of what the experts are saying this poisoning was more of a reason to go in to remove this terrible leader then when we went to Iraq. Comment someone said let the Middle East implode on itself, but eventually it will come to haunt us too. Britain backed down today and they are the closest to these idiots and I hope they can feel secure after a bombing a few years ago in London and if poison is used like on so many innocents recently in Syria, who will be next. Guess it is time for us to become isolationist after seeing this vote against our doing anything with Syria. The people have spoken. So very sad.

  • Colorbar - 11 years ago

    Ed said it exactly right on his show this evening. Here we have all these republican hawks talking about our "moral obligation" with regard to Syria. But where are those SAME republicans when it comes to fixing the poverty and suffering for our OWN people right here at home? The nerve these buffoons have. Yes, YOU too, McCain. You should be ASHAMED of yourself. Time to stop fighting that Vietnam war in your big head.
    By the way, all the money we have spent so far on those useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost this country FOUR TRILLION dollars and counting.
    That money would have paid for health insurance for the entire US population for many years. It would have paid for upgrading our crumbling infrastructure 5 times over. We could have organized about 100 manned missions to Mars for that money. And the cost of ONE month of the Afghan war would have paid to fix ALL the problems at the US postal service. Don't know about you, but I am damned sure where I want my government to spent our tax dollars. And it ain't no wars!
    And now our president want to start another war in the Middle East for which NO positive outcome is possible? What is this - some kind of Bush disease? Come on, Mr. Obama! That is NOT why I voted for you - TWICE!

  • rich hutchison - 11 years ago

    No way should we get involved.Getting involved just makes the tax payer having to foot the bill and cause
    more deaths. I just wish we could care for our people. See we can't even afford to pay our people a fair living wage but we want to protect and pay to support the people of Syria. This is what you call backwards thinking.

  • Winded Coors - 11 years ago


    Ed Schultz - his day of infamy as the world's loudest COWARD.

    Beating his chest - I be scared of mighty Bashar Assad.

    How can anyone ever take him seriously ever again.

    Except of course the conspiracy loving government hating RAWSTORY FUCKING ASSHOLES!

  • Ron Konkoma - 11 years ago

    A viewership of COWARDS and INHUMAN RATFILTH that will just let the War Criminal Bashar Assad slide on KILLING SLEEPING BABIES. Over 500 dead children in a hour or two.

    If you support NO punishment for Syria - you deserve to trade places with the Syrians right this minute desperately fleeing to a tent city in Jordan, certain they are next to be gassed like rats.

  • Tica - 11 years ago

    Base on past history of chemical use Ed Just showed us we need to stop being the world policemen. United States use more chemical agent against its people in literally everything we consume then any other nations on earth. The result is the pandemic of cancer that is killing from babies to the elderlies of all races. Among the thousands of these chemicals are Sodium nitrates, soy that is the cause of our men high level of estrogen female hormones, soy also destroy our endocrine glands, feed our newborn soy, fructose, lactose, genetically modified food, aspartame in chewing gums candy all the sugar alternatives, monosodium glutamate, fat destroying chemicals in pork, turkey, beef, arsenic in chicken, aluminum in our drinking water, plus added fluoride to our bottled water. So much so that many European nations do not accept any product from the us that contains thousand of life destroying chemical. Are you kidding me. who's going to bombard us for it. Fundamentally we are not any better then The others we want to chastise, Remove the plank in our eyes before we act like we want to help others. wake up America!!!

  • Michael Gary - 11 years ago

    Where the F**k is the United Nations in this debate ? Hello ? ? ? ? ? Aren't they the ones that are supposed to deal with crap like this ? ? ?
    The US is getting sucked into YET ANOTHER civil war in a foreign nation.....and the US taxpayers get screwed even further.....but wait, we need another vote by Republicans to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act because it will "cost too much money for small and medium sized businesses"......blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
    I love my country, but the US Government sucks ! ! ! ! ! !

  • Tica - 11 years ago

    Base on past history of chemical use Ed Just showed us we need to stop being the world policemen. United States use more chemical agent against its people in literally everything we consume then any other nations on earth. The result is the pandemic of cancer that is killing from babies to the elderlies of all races. Among the thousands of these chemicals are Sodium nitrates, soy that is the cause of our men high level of estrogen female hormones, soy also destroy our endocrine glands, feed our newborn soy, fructose, lactose, genetically modified food, aspartame in chewing gums candy all the sugar alternatives, monosodium glutamate, fat destroying chemicals in pork, turkey, beef, arsenic in chicken, aluminum in our drinking water, plus added fluoride to our bottled water. So much so that many European nations do not accept any product from the us that contains thousand of life destroying chemical. Are you kidding me. who's going to bombard us for it. Fundamentally we are not any better then The others we want to chastise, Remove the plank in our eyes before we act like we want to help others. wake up America!!!

  • Michael Gary - 11 years ago

    The US Government should not be considering ANY action against Syria. That is what the United Nations is supposed to be for. I, along with millions of other Americans, are sick of these endless wars and false justifications for military action. When Obama says that Assad could use chemical weapons on the US, I just say to myself "Bush II".....There were no WMD's in Iraq, and if Syria tries to attack the US in any way, THEN, and ONLY THEN should the US act with military action.

    When Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on the Kurds, did the US act? now the US is going to be bankrupted by the arrogance and hubris of an egotistical leader, and a complicit Congress....

  • Blue Dog - 11 years ago

    No!,NO! pl;ease NO, we have no more men and women to send off to combat to killed, maimed and
    disfigured in another conflict.We are not the policeman of the world,The people should of these countries should take hold of their own destiny kick the corrupt leader out of office. There's someone close to the leader oust him from office, a man like ASSAD should be kicked out.

  • Chris America - 11 years ago

    Are you kidding me, world war to help Syria, get real and get a life.

  • susan Elizabeth - 11 years ago

    Thank you Ed for saying No to the bombing of Syria. President Obama is in a big pickle... We are with him but maybe we can convince him to wait... We are not afraid of Syria, but the loonie tunes over there don't care what they do . It's their war... let them clean it up..... Our hearts bleed for the people, but they have to take responsibility . The middle east is so complicated , so many religions, tribes etc. We are trying to bring our own people home from a war that is still going on...Keep on it Ed , Thanks

  • Steve Wright - 11 years ago

    Civil War in Syria? If it wasn't for France naval forces the US would have lost the war with England.

  • bill monroe - 11 years ago

    does it really make a difference whether it was assad that used it or the opposition either one would not hesitate to use it against the other. so how do you justify any action?

  • errico gregory - 11 years ago

    In your comments on the use of illegal chemical weapons why have you not included the use of agent orange, used extensively during the Vietnam war on innocent civilians. One never hears anything about this from government officials who are so anxious to rewrite history.

  • F H - 11 years ago

    Why are we supporting Al Qaeeda in Syria to fight Asaad ?

  • Adam Crook - 11 years ago

    Isolationism is not the way to go. Peace is the way, but at the same time, we're going have to start cleaning up the mess. It is apparent that China and Russia want nothing to with a democratic society where its people are subjective to tyranny. Surely Iraq was a pointless war and the President at the time selfishly got us in there. But we lose as well when we stick our noses in the air and cannot find a way to build a world coalition. Russia and China are nothing than mere bullies. But we are damned if we do, or damned if we don't know when we can actually make a difference. By just simply being 'nice' doesn't cut it anymore. The rest of the world demands some kind of structure and civility, even when we get annoyed at being the world police unfortunately. I think that we sort of need to be mindful that even we are still having economic issues and poverty and what other diseases that still roam the Earth, we still need to have some order. As a liberal, we still need to maintain some civil order despite the problems and I will forever be a liberal. I still trust Obama on this one.

  • Ella Mickle - 11 years ago

    No to war! We should act on this, with the U.N.
    Congress? Really??

  • Daryl - 11 years ago

    If we don't we will look weak

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not!! We should not got into Syria and as Ed has said who is going to pay for this. We cannot police the world. I do feel sorry for the citizens of Syria, but we just cannot keep going into countries because they have horrible leaders. It seems as though there were some bad leaders in Africa and we didn't go into those countries. Maybe it's time the UN takes over this problem. I am not willing to pay for another war, these Republicans want to go to war but they don't want to pay for it except taking away from our programs. We just cannot go into Syria. Find a better way to settle the problem!!!

  • Ned Daniels - 11 years ago

    If we go to war in Syria, the Israeli/Palastinian peace effort dies, and who really looses: THE STATE OF PALESTINE!

  • jesse - 11 years ago

    NO War! I agree with ED 100% ! Have Congress Vote on this!

  • Linda Y - 11 years ago

    I vote NO.. take care of the people in the USA First!!!!

  • Shane Draper - 11 years ago

    NO, we should not get into the Syria War they are having a Civil War let there neighbors help them. This is one we DO NOT NEED TO GET INTO!

  • John - 11 years ago

    The us needs to honor the 4 treaties we sign and Senate confirmed and The War powers Act allows us to act to enforce any one of these treaties.The treaties are Versailles Treaty,1919; Washington Treaty,1922; Geneva Protocol and the Chemical Weapons convention Treaty of 1997. So Maybe Congress should stop forgetting what they do from prior years. If we don't honor these treaties then North Korea will know they can take over the peninsula and the US will do nothing. You can't run and hide from our obligations.

  • Pamela Gray - 11 years ago

    Why can't we develop a way to bombard Syria with capsules full of medical supplies and aide of all kinds? Why?!!! If punishment is what we are after > This would shame all those who harm each other by cruelty no matter which villains poisoned their fellow citizens.

    War is a shameful thing. We must find another way to impact. Surely we are sophisticated enough with our technology to indeed deliver thousands of aide capsules for the innocent caught up in the horrors of wars. We could satisfy those who wish to ‘BOMB’ and maintain good stewardship in the Earth’s community of nations.

  • Cynthia Varga - 11 years ago

    We shouldn't try to be the policemen for the world. We have enough problems here at home and it seems whenever we stick our noses in somewhere, things get worse instead of better.

  • craig - 11 years ago

    We should not get sucked in Syria's civil war. Yes the use of gas is bad but it not as bad as what could happen if we get involved. Instead we should put pressure on Russia and China to stop the slaughter in Syria. We can also offer more military aid to Israel. Their is plenty of time to react if things get to the point where our involvement is necessary. Remember both sides in Syria are our enemies.

  • Lerone Lee - 11 years ago

    The problem I have is the Repealicans give Bush card blanch
    on whatever he and Cheney wanted to do and that got a lot of
    people killed........
    It sickens me now to see this President does not have the same powers..........
    Hypocrisy at it's best..........

  • J.R. - 11 years ago

    The US. should mind their own business. Why in the hell don' the us. sends a team of SEALS and let them get rid of that camel jockey?
    I guess there is quite a bit of mony to be made in WAR.


  • Eleanor Brodnansky - 11 years ago

    No good will come of getting involved over there. I feel sorry for the citizens, but the lunacy will continue, no matter what. Look at Iraq. When there's no common sense or cooperation, it's useless to get involved.

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