Will Congress vote against the will of the American people on Syria?


  • Bob Stevenson - 11 years ago

    I am sad to see how MSNBC, who had originally supported our President and working Americans, have decided to join with Faux News, and all at once find fault with this Presidents decisions and policies!
    I can't decide if Ed can get more mileage for his show by pretending he knows more about Syria than the President and our military, or like Rachel Maddow, is he just pissed , not to be invited in to the President's war room and discussion. What is most troubling is, like Faux, we have the same script being furnished to Ed, Rachel, Chris, and others on MSNBC, against going after Syria's chemical warfare and use of Drones against our enemies is somehow worse than boots on the ground, where our young military should give their lives instead.
    As far as agreeing with the American 'peaceniks' I assume these were the same people who wanted no part in going after Hitler for gassing the Jews, or Korsonov's attack on civilians, or even a response to Pearl Harbor. I think the worst thing to do is confuse Bush's personal war on Iraq and his losing sight of who we were after in Afganistan, with our President's effort to stand with the world's goal against chemical warfare!
    If and when our country is attacked with chemical or nuclear arms against our civilians, including our children, do we stand around, wringing our hands, and just say "leave the enemy alone, we don't want to make them or Putin, mad at us! Pray not!

  • Doug - 11 years ago

    Doesn't anyone remember Vietnam and Afghanistan... If we attack Syria with missiles, it will be considered an act of war, and we will end up with another war with boots on the ground and it won't just be with Syria... Can't anybody see that???

  • melanie - 11 years ago

    I am & always have been a STRONG Obama supporter/follower (since the early '08 election primaries!) - and I agree with him/support him probably 97% of the time... but I don't want us to start anymore (unnecessary) wars.

    I agree with the fact that we can't/or shouldn't just allow chemical weapons to be used on ANY countries own people - and I think SOMETHING needs to be done. I admit that I don't know what that thing/or things should be - but a war isn't the answer here.

    We DO need to help the innocent victims in the country/region in ANY WAY that we can. While we debate possible war/strikes/etc. as a country - we should also be debating how we can help innocents/victims in the region AND ways in which we can punish/condemn/deter the use of chemical weapons in Syria or anywhere else - without military strikes/etc.

    President Obama is a very intelligent, level headed man. I like to think that if he makes his case to congress and to the country - and they/we still disagree - that he will NOT still act. I think that would be political suicide, for one thing. But I also just can't see him doing this without backing from either congress OR from the American people.

    He obviously feels very strongly that SOMETHING needs to be done - and as I said above, I agree... (just not war!). He has been great with getting us out of & keeping us out of war for his entire time in office - and knowing how he normally responds to things - i must candidly admit that I am actually quite surprised that he is pushing SO HARD for this -
    But it is REALLY HARD to know that something so disgusting has taken place - something that most of that world has strongly condemned for decades - and then just do NOTHING - and i think that's where Pres. Obama is at right now (not sure? but that's what i think).

    I must also say: I feel bad for him. He is in an EXTREMELY TOUGH position right now...
    Being a good man, he doesn't want us to just turn our backs & do nothing - what message does that send to ANY OTHER person/country contemplating the use of chemical weapons now or in the future?! - but at the same time, i also don't really believe that he WANTS us in another war. But what DO we do?!?

    This is a very tough situation - my default position on war/military action is & always has been: NO! ...not unless it is absolutely necessary/unavoidable. And even I find myself teetering back & forth between being for this and against it! I don't want us getting involved in another war situation, but I do not feel good about doing NOTHING either!

    I still don't think we should get into another war/potential war - but I don't think we can do NOTHING either.
    So what DO we do?!?!


  • alma - 11 years ago

    wat do u guys expect the president to do nothing kids are getting killed 4 no reason wat would u do if u were in his shoes if bush was in there he would send troops over there in a heart beat n u guys no this so it damn if he does ndamn if he don't right right 100.oooppl have been killed how many more have to die ok now wat

  • Judy Harvey - 11 years ago

    There are peace-promoting men and peace-promoting women. In the world. Since the beginning of his first four years in office, President Obama has been learning about and being led into considering how our military operates, what it is established to accomplish... and for a peace-promoting President, I think his decisions have been carefully calculated and positive for our nation. His current advocacy of intervention in Syria -- "surgical" strike of some kind, has our nation in turmoil over the ramifications of such action, and logically and reasonably so. I propose that Michelle Obama, and Assad's wife (in hiding in Britain with Assad's children in tow?) and other prominent women leaders of the world from all nations -- Germany, Argentina, Africa, Thailand, Sweden, etc., plus the wives of prominent men leaders from nations around the world, hold a conference and resolve the issue in Syria, remove the power-mad Assad and his crew to asylum somewhere. Military action can't resolve anything; wars that happen everywhere on this planet keep springing up... because of misperception, hate and greed, and those are not the mental forces that motivate women.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    Not all of us are against attacking Syria. Assad and his father have killed thousand and thousand of people and it is getting worse and will not stop unless he is stopped. I disagree with your rationale. I think you are being shortsided and not seeing the big picture. President Obama is not George W. Bush. This is NOT Iraq. You are trying to make people think as you do and many of us disagree. What makes you an expert on this subject? Where were you during the Bush Administration. You are using fear tactics just like you say you hate when the Republicans use the same tactic.

  • Geneva Lockett - 11 years ago

    I am hoping that congress will vote no considering that this can lead into a terrible war.

  • taj169 - 11 years ago

    Just think of those 400+ kids lined up gassed dead on the ground. Should Assad win on this gamble that we are now shell shocked so as not to care? Again focus on the innocent kids dead.
    I'm FOR retaliation.

  • Mike Foley - 11 years ago

    Republicans in Congress will be making this a political game. So congress will vote no to save their seats and hope to use this to win back the White House, Congress, and the Senate...Ed I watch your show everyday. But i have to disagree with you on this one. So i ask. Has america gotten that soft in mind with their remote controls, their cell phones, and their computers. It seem America has forgotten what Adolf Hitler did to the Jews during worlds war two.. What Bashar al-Assad has done by using chemical weapons is no different then what Adolf Hitler did when he lead millions of Jews to their death in those gas chambers..That's why we have the Geneva Protocol ban of use of chemical weapons on any soil or against and foreign nation more less on its own people..So we need to let these or any country know that using such weapons will result in action against anyone who's will is to use such Weapons.

  • Ginny Diehm - 11 years ago

    I voted yes but I surely hope they don't vote against the will of the people. There needs to be a true coalition, not the US and all those small countries as in the Iraq war. I believe we will regret it if we do this on our own. I'm sick of us going in to help people and have our young people die only to have them turn around and hate us afterward.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    Correction: *I vote no, not "know" haha.

    There's another point to be made about how Congress votes. There are issues on which we hope Congress persons in gerrymandered tea party districts will or would have voted against their constituents.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I voted know but I really don't know. We also don't know if the polls will flip flop by the time a vote comes. There's still time for Americans to change their minds so for me answering this poll is like shooting a moving target while standing on a moving platform.

  • Susan McGraw Keber - 11 years ago

    I voted the way I am hopeful for...but I believe I am wrong. I believe we will attack Syria and all hell will break loose. It will be our own fault.

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