Will Republicans ever listen to their constituents when it really matters?


  • Stephen Holland - 11 years ago

    If they was interfering with the duties of an officer they would be arrested & fired from their positions but yet interfering with the duties of the president of the united states is not punishable & sometimes even rewarded for some of the most disrespectful & worst behaviors of all . This is what it has come to. Our entire system needs a complete make over from the ground up & all points inbetween & we better get it fast .

  • James Wald - 11 years ago

    This GOP will only vote for anything that will advance the bulge in their wallets. Most have no interest in their country, we the people should have the right to kick them out of office, and the country when they go against the wish of the voters. James

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    Mr Harrison, being 17 years old does not make you wise! The republicans must have brain wash you in high school republican club where only white people are allowed. Look in the mirror next time, you have a head on your shoulders, how about using it, the facts are not at Fox No News, they would know facts from fiction. They been telling lies this President Obama been in office. The republicans had done nothing for this country in 5 1/2 years. The Filibuster rule is No#1. The republicans have use it 147 times in that time period. No Jobs Plan, No rebuilding of our infrastructure, no jobs for our veterans, No Plan to break up the big banks and firms on wall st since the collapse. They want to defund Obamacare, it is based after plan from Romney when he was Governor. Why are they so dead set against Women Health. Wasn't your Mother, Sister, Aunt, Niece or girlfriend a Women, don't they deserve Healthcare just like the men in this country. How about the voting rights taking away from minorities by the USSC, (republican Justices), How about the funding for candidates to run for office, monies from Corps., (they are people too), Romney. USSC decision, Citizen United.

  • Bob B - 11 years ago

    Bohener and his teabaggers don't care about their party. Its lost its way and won't find it again until they learn bipartisianship. Our political history has been made by deals. They will get beat in the next election soundly and they know it. That's why they are doing everything they can do to destroy our country as we know it while its under Black leadership in the Presidency. The bigots don't care as long as we never elect another black man or woman to the office what they do to the country.

  • JoAnn Dixon - 11 years ago

    God Bless the USA! ED Statistics Don't lie just some Republicans.

  • Harrison - 11 years ago

    It seems like the majority on the left base their opinions off feelings and not facts. Ed, your show isn't real news and only revolves around you and your hate speech towards republicans or anyone who disagrees with liberals. You complain how the republicans won't cooperate with the democrats, but I don't see the left cooperating with the right! There is no compromise! It's the left way or the highway! MSNBC is a joke!

    Harrison (17 year old)

  • Concerned4sure - 11 years ago

    So tired of Repubs crying over their loss. I'm sick of all the propaganda spewing every time they don't get their way. Finger pointing in every direction. Reminds me of children in the school yard when I was a kid. Grow up and start caring about what matters the most! The people! Our Country! Our Security!

  • Dorrene - 11 years ago

    What a group of losers these men are! In this picture they all look like they passed gas and they just took the taxpayer for another million by insider trading. The Day of Accountability will be here soon enough. These folks think they're passing thru the pearly gates. WRONG! Try reading the Book of James chapter 5. It describes exactly what these dudes are facing in the very near future. I sure hope they enjoy spending eternity with their god of filthy lucre; I even understand from Dante's Inferno that they get hosed on a regular basis, you know like what they have been doing to all of us. Soooo, they are smiling now; but, won't be in the near future. What is that about pay back?

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    No, on recent important issues such as jobs, immigration, gun control. sequrestation.minimum wage. meals on wheels for the elderly and disabled. The GOP,Tea Party, koch brothers have been total hostle too the poor.They want rhem to go away, but as the scripture says the poor you will have with you alway.And GOD is in control of all multi-millionairs, multi--billionairs. Their money is God's money, and He will make them use it the way He choses'God is the reason President Obama is in office, and he will use him for His
    prophetic plan.

  • Susan Elizabeth - 11 years ago

    Thanks Ed, You know exactly what to say and just how to say it...... Congress has got to move onto something else beside Obamacare. They just don't get the fact that we are watching them. And by the way, thanks for calling Ted Cruze ( NUTS ) because he really is....

  • Foluso A. Allison - 11 years ago

    Thank you Ed for your excellent exposure of the Republican destructive antics and policies. You brilliantly pointed out how they have voted against their constituents' voices in gun control, jobs, gays rights, jobs for veterans etc. The Republicans are hateful and ugly, and God does not like the ugly.

  • angel chiriboga - 11 years ago

    They will never do as their constituents want as long as they are constantly being bought by big business.

  • inga peters - 11 years ago

    1st time I've every heard a rethug talk about "listening to the voters" was re Syria.(all of Aug) Oh big time they listen-but have you every heard them say they are listening regarding JOBS IMMIGRATION EDUCATION-THE SEQUESTER-THE POOR...No way would they do anything we really want. they are lazy pre-kindergarten dolts. TURN into C-span when they are showing the HOUSE at work. useless-stupid-ego driven crazy asses

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    "when it really matters" is the operative phrase. Republican legislators listen to racist part of their base. THAT is when they shouldn't.

  • Joan Coleman - 11 years ago

    I don't think anyone in the Congress knows who their constituents are.

  • Chuck - 11 years ago

    No. They only listen to the Koch Brothers, the Tea Party, and the NRA.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    I don't think that the Democrats and progressive media always follow the wishes of the American people either. Too many of them are ego driven and focused on their personal agendas. We have a sharp, focused President who has the best interests of the people and some on the left are not capable or refuse to see the big picture and instead focus on parts of the issues to separate themselves from the President.

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