Will Republicans ever stop trying to repeal Obamacare?


  • William Rose - 11 years ago


    I think if the House Republicans and Democrats that join forces to shut down our government over Obama Care, the Justice Department ought to arrest the same. Offense: for attempted extortion of the President and Federal Government. Also, prevent those Congressmen from participating further, in office, until an investigation is concluded. If any other U.S. person(s) made these kinds of threats to our President or the Federal government, they would be jailed.

  • Kathy Bernier - 11 years ago

    The Republicans have nothing better to do. They can't do the job that they were elected to do--serve the people and the country. Think of all that could be done, if only they'd give up this crusade to damn Obama. Getting a paycheck and benefits for doing squat!! Should pay them like the rest of us get paid--for work done. We're actually paying for them to play golf, not work.
    I do have a question---are they affected by this sequester, like the rest of us? If not, why not? It seems to me that it's not the Republican party anymore--not since they let the Tea Party folks rule the roost. It's really sad!

  • JOANN VANDENBERG - 11 years ago

    The republicans are still trying to keep Pres. Obama from becoming President. That is how smart they are.

  • Mike - 11 years ago

    If house republicans stopped trying to repeal Obamacare, they might be tempted to do something useful. I don't think anyone wants that.

  • rey - 11 years ago

    Missed you Ed, The Repulsives will never say yes to anything that is good for the people. The hate is so strong in them. I know people who don't have insurance or are paying too much and yet talk about President Obama with such hate, stupid lemmings.

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    Governor Romney of Mass. invented Romneycare, it is the same as Obamacare that the republicans are trying to do away with. If Obama liked the idea, than the republicans were dead set against it, Filibuster used to stop everything Obama try to bring to the floor of the house and have it voted down by the republicans, every time. 113th Congress just took the 41st vote to repeal Obamacare but it failed again. Nothing else is getting done, the party of NO is starting over where they left off. The crazies are out there, Crews, Paul, and the rest of the bunch are making life Hell for the American people. Enough, it is time to enact the people's business and put this Nation back to work. Boehner, Cantor need to do their jobs or resign their seats now.

  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    Hell no, they just can't stop making fools of themselves & the republican party. Kick them all out.

  • Lorraine Easterling - 11 years ago

    The party of stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Sherry Hanbury - 11 years ago

    Lived in BC, Canada. BC Medical-govt funded-just one of many choices-enabled all to have HealthCare-premium according to income. Socialist? No! Forced? No! Excellent care. Sure liked to pay $6,00 @ Hospital for having my daughter...

  • Putorium - 11 years ago

    Oh Ed, Mantra goes on and on and on listen to Rush, Hannity, Cain, Fox TV been daily attacking Obama care and what it is doing to this country taking us down ruining our budget. You will lose your doctor amazing in 10 years I have yet to see a doctor at my clinic it is a NP. Please talk to Obama and the WH to get on the move and get out the right info to the public who is being sold a lie to benefit the money making health industry from Insurance that has made premiums go up and up to drugs that many have had to go to Canada to afford. WHY? We need health care we need a one payer but Republicans are getting out the troops to attack this Obama Care and what do you hear they will give people to replace it ZERO? Retired RN I saw nothing but greed for years time to care for our country and stop all this negativity horrible the things that are said to defend the money makers. Go get them ED and start with Morning Joe who has to give up his party line for his good ole buddies enough Joe get into the real world of the working middle class not your rich lawyer and doctor buddies. Ed talk to the AFL-CIO what are they doing do they not understand need their support. Some where they are confused. So glad you are back.

  • BLUEDOG - 11 years ago

    No the gop will never give up on repealing Obama Care until the 2014 election is done.They must
    prove to their supporters that they have as much hate for President Obama, as they, their supporters do.If they win their seat again they may decide to govern as their job dictates, work for the government instead of trying to destroy it. But I'm fearful that Boehner, Cantor,McCartny,and the women in lead that the gop gave a token seat to, will not be in office for much longer.their on secur seats will be lost, the public have seen them the (gop) do nothing but hate President Obama, and dehumanize him. They would not pass the job bill,let sequestration come into effect, causing many jobs to be lost.cutting meals on wheels.early child care.these acts are affecting more than people of color.This unfairness wil be dealt with by the vote.

  • Steve Kudelko - 11 years ago

    I voted NO because in the short-term, Republicans/"Conservatives"/Tea Partiers will keep opposing and attempting to repeal the ACA either out of total stupidity, as a paid tribute to the right-wing base that elects them, or to obey the orders of their puppet masters (Koch Brothers, insurance companies, cheap business executives) and keep campaign contributions rolling in. I think that in the long-term, though, they will attempt to pretend their opposition to the ACA never happened, because the majority of the American population will benefit from and appreciate the law. Their extremist ideological hardcore right-wing base will come to see the change of heart as a betrayal, and they will realize they were played/used/lied to. At that point, Fox News propaganda and Conservative media won't be able to brainwash them or shift focus away from the outrage, and there will be a revolt/purge which hopefully will complete the GOP civil war and after the bloodshed a legitimate opposition party that acknowledges reality will emerge.

  • Annie - 11 years ago

    Ed, I am so happy you are on every day. Please repeat the Cruz and Jesse Helms information if you can do it. Americans should hear that demagogue as he really is. I checked the Internet a few minutes ago and I saw nothing about what Cruz said about Helms. Cruz would lose the rest of the Latino support he still has if his words are out there for all of us to hear.
    Thanks for speaking up, Ed.

  • Linda - 11 years ago

    This Congress is an affront to America. They spent the last several days pretending they opposed the President on Syria because of their constituents. Yet, they vote against the will of their constituents on health care and gun safety over and over again.

  • Anita Haney - 11 years ago

    They are appealing to their base who always goes along with the GOP even if it is against their own best interest which the base doesn't seem to have knowledge of.

  • Sean McKinney - 11 years ago

    It's ironic that the Republicans want us to believe big government is our enemy, yet they use government to slap down everything that could help the people of America.

  • donald baker - 11 years ago

    If the Republicans were smart they would try to make Obamacare highly successful so there would not be a push for Universal Healthcare in the future.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    Republicans are still trying to repeal Social Security, Medicare, education, programs that help Americans get back on their feet.

  • Carolyn Devine - 11 years ago

    Everytime they have a vote to repeal Obamacare it cost the tax payers money for the same results.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    Boehner and the gang have nothing else to rally around if they stop trying to repeal Obamacare. Nothing wastes more tax payer dollars these days than the vote to repeal.

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